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Rainbow Falls - OSITM part 26-27

Started by Lilojame, October 31, 2008, 11:34:26 PM

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NEWS FROM RAINBOW FALLS :OSITM Update part 26-27 featuring Beevillage has been posted!

[tabular type=5]
[head colspan=2]
1 November 2008[/data]
[data]THE INTRO: Newhaven & Info about Rainbow Falls[/data]
2 November 2008[/data]
[data]Teaser 01
3 November 2008[/data]
[data]UPDATE 01 : Trinity Falls
5 November 2008[/data]
[data]Teaser 02 - The Rainbowfalls Times
7 November 2008[/data]
[data]UPDATE 02 : Nestwek
8 November 2008[/data]
[data]Teaser 03 - Rebuilding of Newhaven started
9 November 2008[/data]
[data]UPDATE 03: Newhaven Rebuilded
10 November 2008[/data]
[data]SPECIAL UPDATE 01: The Return to Innocence
12 November 2008[/data]
[data]Teaser 04: The last part of rebuilding has started
12 November 2008[/data]
[data]UPDATE 04: Trinity Falls Rebuilded
13 November 2008[/data]
16 November 2008[/data]
[data]UPDATE 05: Lakeshore City part 1 & Trivia winner
17 November 2008[/data]
[data]TUTORIAL 01: Changing perspective in PS
19 November 2008[/data]
[data]EXTRA UPDATE PART 1: Taking RF Out of the Box
20 November 2008[/data]
[data]EXTRA UPDATE PART 2: Rainbow Falls Slideshow 01
21 November 2008[/data]
[data]Teaser 5, 1st Gallery voting, Gazette Announcement
23 November 2008[/data]
[data]UPDATE 06 - Lakeshore City part 2 (slideshow)
24 November 2008[/data]
[data]Teaser 06
24 November 2008[/data]
[data]SPECIAL UPDATE 02 : The Return To Innocence
25 November 2008[/data]
[data]"Candy Picture" at the end of Replays
27 November 2008[/data]
[data]UPDATE 7 featuring 2 small towns
28 November 2008[/data]
[data]SPECIAL UPDATE 03 - The Return To Innocence featuring Indian Settlement
29 November 2008[/data]
[data]Teaser 07
1 December 2008[/data]
[data]SPECIAL-SPECIAL UPDATE in commemoration of winning "Best Newcomer" award
2 December 2008[/data]
[data]OSITM Update - Part 1 Or There is something rotten in Rainbow Falls
2 December 2008[/data]
[data]OSITM Update - Part 2 Or There is something rotten in Rainbow Falls
3 December 2008[/data]
[data]OSITM Update - Part 3 (Update 8) - Paroch Town
4 December 2008[/data]
[data]OSITM Update - Part 4 OR There Is Something Rotten In Rainbow Falls
5 December 2008[/data]
[data]OSITM Update - Part 5 (Update 9) - Laketown
6 December 2008[/data]
[data]Image Manipulation TUTORIAL 2 - Water Reflections
6 December 2008[/data]
[data]OSITM Update - Part 6 OR There Is Something Rotten In Rainbow Falls & WARFARE
7 December 2008[/data]
[data]OSITM Update - Part 7
8/9 December 2008[/data]
[data]OSITM Update - Part 8
9 December 2008[/data]
[data]OSITM Update - Part 9
11 December 2008[/data]
[data]OSITM Update - Part 10 & 11 : Laljublja City
12 December 2008[/data]
[data]OSITM Update - Part 12
13 December 2008[/data]
[data]OSITM Update - Part 13 : Postcards
14 December 2008[/data]
[data]OSITM Update - Part 14 : Evelyn Hope Part 1
16 December 2008[/data]
[data]OSITM Update - Part 15-16 : Evelyn Hope Part 2
17 December 2008[/data]
[data]OSITM Update - Part 17 - Random Pictures
18 December 2008[/data]
[data]OSITM Teaser
18 December 2008[/data]
[data]OSITM Update - Part 18 : The Town of the Bat
21 December 2008[/data]
[data]OSITM Update - Part 19-21 : The Town of the Bat 2
23 December 2008[/data]
[data]OSITM Update - Part 21-23 : The Town of the Bat 3
25 December 2008[/data]
[data]OSITM Update - Part 25 : CHRISTMAS Update & Gift
27 December 2008[/data]
[data]OSITM Update - Part 26-27 : Beevillage

***   ***  ***  ***  ***  ***  ***  ***  ***  ***  ***  ***  ***  ***  ***  ***

Wellcome to my very first MD - Rainbow Falls. Rainbow Falls is "hand terraformed" region wich will develope as I go, meaning, that you shall be able to see the region/cities as they are right now. With updates I shall sometimes or often return to cities already presented to give them a chance to develope furthermore.

The mods that I am using are: CAM (for the very first time), NAM with its plugins, Italian Terrain Mod and in the cases of serious crysis a BSC Funding mod (usualy in the very first city in the region or when trying to figure out how to lay the transportation) and some others that change the lightning and edges and such things.

Before I realy start this MD I have to say thanks to all the creators who made all the wonderful things for SC4. You guys are great! Thank you!

And now, without further ado, I give you:

Rainbow Falls is land lost in space and time, some even say that it only exist in the dreams (may it be nightmare or those of sweeter nature).
And old legend says that long, long, long time ago strange beings  landed on the planet called Gaia. There they seen crude, uncivilized ape-people. After not much of discusion they decided to catch few of the creatures and take them back on their home planet Nah-rueh-ion. Soon after arrival the epidemy of Fluxenflexhickups totaly erased the entire population... but ape-people were imune and survived, left to wander and evolve in this new world.
There is no sigh left, that the natives of Nah-rueh-ion actualy realy existed BUT the some more open-minded scientist believe that their cities were woven with their immensive psyhical powers out of thin air. What is true and what is not we shall probably never learn... but who knows...

Rainbow Falls in most aspects resembles to what became of Gaia and the new race of Nahruehions that evolved from the simple ape-people strangly resembles to Erthlings. It is strange but true.

Before I show you the very first city of Rainbow Falls, I need to say that this regions political order is monarchy.

This is the Rainbow Falls crest:

I belive it is time to travel to:

Newhaven is the very first city that evolved in Rainbow Falls. Its founder is Merzibeth Ironfist, the queen herself.

There is not much to say about the city. It is at early stages of developetment with some dirty industry at the brink of the border wich is drasticaly polluting the enviroment. But the queen said that it shall not stay as such forever. Eventualy the dirty industry shall be driven out and replaced with agroculture with addition of some medium and high tech industry when the subjects stop being stupid as in stone age.

The most significant thing to see in this city is queens castle, but that shall be shown at the end. Lets first have a glimps on the city itself:

Here are some close-ups on Elementary school, Fire Department and Police station (in that order):

And now we can finaly move to the "candy" of this city, a castle:

I hope you enjoyed your firts and hopefuly not the last visit in Rainbow Falls.

Visit my MD Rainbow Falls or check Rainbow Falls Out of the Box or maybe check on my bats&lots visiting Lilojame´s Corner or if you wish go to Lilojame´s Candidacies.

"Be thou the rainbow in the storms of life. The evening beam that smiles the clouds away, and tints tomorrow with prophetic ray."  (Byron, 1788-1824)


Ohh, this is absolutely not my last visit to Rainbow Falls, I like it very much. Newhaven Castle looks awesome and the overview shot is astonishing.
Follow my SimCity 4 Let's play on YouTube


Very nice start. The town and surrounding areas look nice. I like how you focused on the various civil services and the castle is exceptional. The level of detail you put into it really makes it look good. I'll look forward to seeing what else you will come up with.


Hello, Lilojame! Welcome to the MD section!

You are definitely off to a marvelous start here in Rainbow Falls! There are some spectacular shots here! Just spectacular!

I will be on the lookout for more!



Wow, this is a wonderful beginning! Great work on the terraforming, and I like the way you varied your pics for presentation. I would enjoy a walk around the castle grounds!

'Luminous beings are we..'  - Yoda

'Hints of Gold'
by Jasmine Becket-Griffith


Nice start on your MD, very beautiful and scenic! I look forward to see more, keep it up! 

south park

greatstart on your MD Lilojame , your pic is just splendid , when is your future update ? ;D
cairo and tropicalia (my cities) on tsc:


great start here  &apls fantastic pictures  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
looking forward to more !
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


You've presented some unique and interesting elements here, Lilojame. Very impressive overview, and the neighborhoods look great. I've never been a big fan of industry, but it's a necessity and you've done a good job of presenting it. The map is beautiful, and it will be a pleasure to watch as it develops. Love the region name, too! :)




caspervg : Hi! Thank you! Well, I certanly hope that you will return.

threestooges : Hello! Thanks! I am realy glad that you like what I posted so far and I hope to see you here again.

thundercrack83 : Hi! Thank you a lot! I will deliver more soon. ;) I hope that you visit Rainbow Falls again.

owlsinger : Hello there! I am glad that you like what I showed soo far! Thank you. Hope to see you here again.

Geronimo : Hi! Thank you! I hope that you will stop in-here again.

south park : Hi! Thanks a lot! The next update shall come soon (in next day or two), so be on your guard. ;) Hope to see you here again.

art128 : Hello! Thank you! Hope that you take a sneak-a-peek in-here again.

Jmouse : Hi! Thank you very much! =) I am not such a fan of industry also but well... it has to be what it has to be. I have some ideas for industrial parts for future tho that might be interesting to see. Hope to see you here again!

About the castle: The castle that is in Newhaven is a set of around 15 different pieces (with walls included) and is something that I am slowly working on.


Before I go I have for you a :

Stay tuned... update comming soon!

Thanks for visiting!

Visit my MD Rainbow Falls or check Rainbow Falls Out of the Box or maybe check on my bats&lots visiting Lilojame´s Corner or if you wish go to Lilojame´s Candidacies.

"Be thou the rainbow in the storms of life. The evening beam that smiles the clouds away, and tints tomorrow with prophetic ray."  (Byron, 1788-1824)


Great start! My only suggestion is to use some more custom industry...  but why are there cypresses growing in an indutrial lot!!  ???
Your castle looks really great too!  :thumbsup:


 &apls &apls Excellent start . It`s nice to discover new MD with new bat too. Great work on those. :thumbsup: Looking forward


I love the teasers, Lilojame! I'll be waiting for the new update!



Great teaser, I`ll be back for your next update!  ;)


Nice city, previous update looks good, but industrial area would be better if you'll make lots, "basiclly" zoning (I hope I wrote this understoodly :P) Teaser looks good. But what makes here the grid, huh?  :P
Thank you for visiting Kolbrów, and for being for last ten years!



It is time for first update. Today we shall travel to the Trinity Falls, wich is located just east from Newhaven. But before the Rainbow Falls Airlines carry us there a word or two from our sponsors:

1st Personal Replays shall be done within the next teaser-time.
2nd Industry: yes and yes but keep in mind that the first city is in-fact THE first city build. It definetly lacks in diversity but well, it is my very first time that I am playing with CAM instaled.

And now, it is time to travel!

Trinity Falls is not realy a city, it is more like a village. It is the second "city" that developed is Rainbow Falls wich now consist of two "cities" only for the time being.

People in Trinity Falls like the quiet life.

A night panorama:

A day panorama:

The Mine:

The Riding School is very popular family-gathering place on Sundays:

After a long yet blissful day spend watching and riding horses, familys like to go in Karins Restaurant:

There is not much crime in Trinity Falls but when a conflict arises the local police departement is imediatly deployed:

People in Trinity Falls are very proud on their Trinity Waterfall wich will probably become one of special turists-points in future:

There is only around 13 000 people living in Rainbow Falls at this time but the scientists say that they are on the brink of important discovery: The Cloning! Queen is doubtful about the process tho.

And now, dear visitor, it is time to leave Trinity Falls and see how the region of Rainbow Falls looks now:

Trinity Falls is not yet at its final developtement so we shall return to it in one of future updates.

Thank you very much for visiting! I hope you enjoyed your stay and that you shall travel to Rainbow Falls yet again!

Visit my MD Rainbow Falls or check Rainbow Falls Out of the Box or maybe check on my bats&lots visiting Lilojame´s Corner or if you wish go to Lilojame´s Candidacies.

"Be thou the rainbow in the storms of life. The evening beam that smiles the clouds away, and tints tomorrow with prophetic ray."  (Byron, 1788-1824)


Wow, nice efect with perspective... And nice area  ;)
Thank you for visiting Kolbrów, and for being for last ten years!


Really fantastic start there of your new MD here at sc4d!
And wonderful first update, too! The region looks beautiful!
Also great work on the teasers...

Looking forward to more...


Lovely pictures! I really like your closeups, and the waterfalls really define the atmosphere of your region!  :thumbsup:
'Luminous beings are we..'  - Yoda

'Hints of Gold'
by Jasmine Becket-Griffith


Wow! Trinity Falls looks fantastic, Lilojame!

The village looks great, I love the riding school and how you've set everything up, and of course, the falls themselves are just stunning!

Keep up the great work here!