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High Speed Rail Project (HSRP)

Started by Jonathan, August 19, 2007, 02:07:34 AM

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This is quite a bump but I thought I'd better show an picture of a GHSR to EHSR ramp made by Prince Of Sims to show this project isn't dead.
The ramp is obviously not finished yet and this was just a teaser from Prince Of Sims

Still no paths hopefully Tarkus will have enough time to look at them but he has got other stuff which takes priority which is quite understandable, and most updates will probably be at ST.


Wow, that transition looks wonderful, Warrior! I can't wait to see more development on this project!


Hopefully there'll be an on-slope transition as well. I personally consider that transition to be far too steep for HSR, or even conventional trains. But then again, I'm a bit of masochist when it comes to rail realism.


SimCity 4 is a game and any longer transitions would not be ( I can't think of the word) right...good(?) There will be a onslope piece but it all depends on whether the blue side are removed.

I made a poll at ST but I don't know how to here



Quote from: prince_of_simsTexturing is finished on the ramp. Only thing is that since the BAT brightens textures, the current in-game model is very bright. I'm hoping that doesn't happen when the model is rendered as per the interchange rendering instructions.

Anyways, here's a rendered preview:

And here's an in-game preview:


looks awesome PoS!!!

good luck Warrior, you are making great process!
Friend of the Certified Drama Queen :)


Just a quick update here the GHSR will turn into a textured network but will still use the monorail network to draw, this will mean the blue/grey sides will be removed, but this also means greater cutomizability and it will be easier. There will be more customizability because it means the sides can be added using T21s or fences added using T21s or for that matter anything can be added using T21s.

I can do T21s that appear on every time that tile is drawn, btw.


Just thought I'd post this here as well.

Quote from: prince_of_simsI am completely finished with the model. Expect the final pieces by the end of this week.

Here are some previews:

HSR Transition Piece

In-game rendering

The last piece on the in-game rendered model is an empty tile with an overlay texture applied to it. Just so you can see how the model will look with the new texture-based GHSR pieces. Oh, and the artifact at the very end of the ramp should be gone when it's turned into a puzzle piece. It arises as a result of the lighting in the BAT. The shadows should also be fixed upon conversion into a puzzle piece.



From ST: Just a quick update that tommorrow is my last day of holidays so I'm going to have to spend a lot of it doing homework and such I have put off,  and then I will obviously be occupied with school,
Anyway, GHSR: I have remodelled the GHSR models so they are flat and fences can be added, the 1st piece of transition from orthoganal to diagonal is complete. Thanks for all the comments  :)


UPDATE: Typically on the last day of the holidays the paths are fixed, the problem was the GHSR dat was in a subfolder of the NAM plugins, I have no idea why that effects it but it does. So heres a picture with DrawPaths on, you can also see the 1st part of the curve, which I haven't added paths to yet. And the new models the fences etc. will be added in using T21s and btw I'm still on the look out for any models that could be suited to the job, the models will be rendered noramlly without any splitting up or anything as they will just be normal props.

Any way the picture: (please ignore the pylons)


Excellent progress, Warrior! Keep up the fine work!


I agree with everyone here Warrior. Your doing an anwesome job with the progress reports and work all together. Keep Up the great work. I'm looking forward for more updates.

Your Friend;
Mayor Of Steven's Point & Maxiston
(Proud To Be Cities Of Sim Nation!)
Your Friend;
Mayor Of Steven's Point & Maxiston
(Proud To Be Cities Of Sim Nation!)


Thanks for the comments Starmanw402007 and thundercrack83.
Unfortnatley updates will be less of (?) because of school.
But the Paths are now added to the 1st part of the curve and I'm going to be working on the end pieces. And of course the rest of the curves.


this is good news for sure Warrior and very great progress here!!! i hope you are able to sneek updates in between school and what nots - pat

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been following this at ST i'm stoked that its here too!



Kind of an update: The paths, it seems, don't work when the GHSR dat is in ANY subfolder this needs to be sorted because if it is to be part of the NAM, which it will have to be, it is most probably going to be in a subfolder, I have no idea why this is, could someone who is in the NAM Team and/or knows about this problem, please help.

Other than that I have no news, luckily I have hardly any homework so I should be able to get things done this weekend.