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How to create T21 exemplars (Swamper77's way)

Started by jeronij, December 10, 2006, 04:10:13 AM

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That's right. Essentially, you cannot combine two T21s so that both of them appear in the same tile. If you want to have the props of two different T21s appear on the same tile, you have to create a new T21 with all the props of both. If they all appear on the same tile, one of them is picked randomly.


OK cool, that makes sense now.  I was confused by the answers that Andreas and Memo gave.



So it seems possible that a somewhat random occurrence of three props [say a fire hydrant, fire hydrant with dog, and a trash can] can be created by having three T21 exemplars for a tile. One for each prop but identical otherwise, say every fourth square occurrence. The probability in this example being 33% that a trash can shows up every 4th square. But if we wanted both the trash can and the hydrants to be seen together in the mix we would need two more T21s one for a prop of a hydrant with dog and trash can together and another T21 for a prop of hydrant and trash can together. This would now give the trash can only a 20% chance of occurring all by itself on every 4th square.

yes, no, maybe?

This might be useful, if it works the way I perceive it to, for mixing up a series of parking zones in a commercial area. Some with normal meters, signs for delivery zones, handicap reserved meters, taxi stands, etc.



Yup that is how I understand it, but obviously you would create a few different tiles and let the game do all the work.


This is the way the Street Side Mod works, and it works  ;D ¡¡¡
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Andreas requested some more examples of NetworkPlacementPatterns with their appropriate Properties. Here you are, my friend! ;)

In these following cases, the PatternSize is always 0x04. This pattern is always repeated every 4 tiles.
White stands for tiles where the props shall not appear, black stands for tiles where they shall appear. Next to the particular picture are the appropriate values for the NetworkPlacementPattern-Property.

0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 No props will appear, so this doesn't make sense, obviously. ;)


0x05,0x00,0x05,0x00 This one can be used for diagonals, where the props shall only appear on every 2nd (or 4th??) tile.

0x05,0x0a,0x05,0x0a This one is for orthogonals, where the props shall appear on every 2nd tile, but shifted in each row.

0x0a,0x05,0x0a,0x05 This one is for every other 2nd tile, e.g. if you want to have street lights on every 2nd tile and tree-props on the remaining pieces.



0x0f,0x0f,0x0f,0x0f Mostly, you need to use this one because it makes the props appear on every tile.

Now some examples on rotation-dependent layouts.

0x0F,0x00,0x0F,0x00 This one makes the props appear on every 2nd tile and parallel side by side. However, this should only be used for North-South directions in orthogonal. So the Property RotationsAllowed must be 0x05.

0x05,0x05,0x05,0x05 Then you'll also need this one for East-West directions. The Property RotationsAllowed must be 0x0A.

0x0A,0x0A,0x0A,0x0A Or perhaps this one for every other 2nd tile in the direction East-West. The Property RotationsAllowed is 0x0A.

Now some notes on mirroring.
In most cases, when mirrored pieces and their prop layout look the same, just mirrored, the Property FlipsAllowed is 0x00.
If the mirrored prop layout of the tile differentiates from the non-mirrored one, the flipped T21-Exemplar must have the Property FlipsAllowed 0x01; the non-flipped one has 0x00.
For instance this is the case, if the non-flipped tile must have traffic lights, but the flipped one not.

Something else that is important, in order that the props appear on flipped tiles, is that the Exemplar files of the props refer to non-flipped models as well as to flipped models. Usually, the latter is not the case though. So you have to modify the exemplar file that links to the models of the props. It could look like this one, for example:

You have to copy the Property "ResourceKeyType1" and paste it into the same Exemplar file. Then open the pasted property via double-click and change the "name" by clicking on the arrow next to it. Change it to "ResourceKeyType1xm". Hit Apply and Reindex LotConfig. The exemplar may look like this one then:

Possibly, additional changes to the prop layout are needed. I'm sorry, I don't know, since I didn't test this. However, a T21-Exemplar that can be flipped doesn't necessarily have to have the Property FlipsAllowed set to 0x01 and another T21 set to 0x02. Since 0x00 as FlipsAllowed-Property can refer to both, it may be sufficient.

Anyway, I hope all this was somehow helpful to anyone. ;)


Thanks memo, I think this will be very helpful indeed - I mainly got confused because of those Network Placement Patterns and how to translate them into the actual prop layout. I'll give it another go tomorrow or so. :)


wow...thanx this will help alot. i new how to manipulate but i had no idea what the results would be.

a big thanx :thumbsup:


I can only find a couple of RWH textures, not all of them. Just one with a road:

Im just looking for that straight piece ..
Proudly developer of


Quote from: ne0que on March 19, 2008, 06:18:49 AM
I can only find a couple of RWH textures, not all of them. Just one with a road:

Im just looking for that straight piece ..

There are quite literally a few hundred textures for RHW in the RHW Plugin.  You must look through the DAT that is installed when you download RHW.
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One question about T21-exemplars: Where does every number stand for in the LotConfigPropertyLotObjectData?
I got it this far:

- No. 1: Prop or Flora
- No. 3: Rotation
- No. 13 or higher: The IID's of the objects that are placed on the network.

Thanks in advance,
Lurk mode: ACTIVE



Lurk mode: ACTIVE


Tage, thanks for the link--I had been wondering about manually messing around with those values, so this will be very useful! :thumbsup:

-Alex (Tarkus)


Is there some way to rotate the whole T21, so if I have a box in the bottom left corner and rotate it 180 degrees (rotation 2?) it will be facing the other way in the top right corner?


What type of Roads are those in the photo? I know they are RHWs but what kind?
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Mayor Of Steven's Point & Maxiston
(Proud To Be Cities Of Sim Nation!)


( i have made it more readable for myself, but here it is, thanks anyway )


  • Save a copy of one of the simple park lots the game has (either the grass lot or the cement lot)

  • Now exit and load the lot in the Reader.

  • Locate the network lot that you wish to edit. This is easily done by loading the SimCity_1.dat file from the section labeled "SimCity DAT" in the left pane and opening the Exemplar Analyzer (magnifying glass with "EX" on it). Under "Filter", have only "21 Network Lots" selected. Close the Filter Dialog Window and click "Search". After a brief moment, you should have a list of items. Now, click the "Lot" button and then click one of the items in the list. The Lot Window will show you what the textures for that network tile are, so you can see what texture the props are being placed on.

  • Once you find the network lot you want, select all the "LotConfigPropertyObject" Lines. These are the props/flora that appear on that tile. Copy them to your lot you saved in earlier in the Lot Editor and then select "Re-Index LotConfig". This last command will make sure the lot displays properly when you go back to the Lot Editor to edit it. Save your lot and quit the Reader.

  • Load your lot in the Lot Editor and arrange the props as you prefer. NOTE: The images you saw in the Lot Viewer in the Reader are actually 180 degrees to the actual network tile. Keep this in mind as you place the props on the lot. I build a mock-up of the network tile with the default overlays to represent the roadway of the particular tile I'm working with.

  • After you have arranged your props to your liking, save and quit LE and open the lot in the Reader. Also relocate the network tile from the SimCity_1.dat file as before. Write down the number of the exemplar (the Instance ID or the FilePosition number). Now locate the number in the SimCity_1.dat file. If you wrote down the Instance ID, use the GoTo command (CRTL+G) and enter the Instance ID number into the dialog. Otherwise, you will have find the file manually as the GoTo command doesn't locate files by their number.

  • Once you have located the file, copy it to a blank DAT file. Save this new DAT file with a name that you will be able to recognize, incase you need to delete it later.

  • Now, delete the "LotConfigPropertyObject" lines from the network lot and copy the properties from your lot to this network lot. Lines starting with "0x00000001" or "0x00000004" are the only ones that can be on network lots. The others won't work. 0x00000001 lines are props and 0x00000004 lines are flora.

  • Re-Index the LotConfig and then save and exit the Reader.

  • Run the game and test out your customized network lot.

A few things to note:

  • Network Lots can be setup to appear in certain zones at certain wealth levels. (Charts below).

  • If you don't want to replace an existing network tile, assign a unique Instance ID to the following: the Exemplar's Instance ID and the property "Exemplar ID". The property "kPropertyID_LotConfigNetworkTileID" determines which network texture/model this exemplar will appear on.

  • The tiles seem to be chosen at random when multiple network tiles are assigned to the same texture/model. Keep clicking with the network tool and yours should show up eventually.

Zone Mappings:
0x01=Low Density R
0x02=Medium Density R
0x03=High Density R
0x04=Low Density C
0x05=Medium Density C
0x06=High Density C
0x08=Medium Density I
0x09=High Density I

Wealth Mappings:
Proudly developer of


I made this for xylo but thought it could help others also...Here's what each rep does from 00 to 0F for the kPropertyID_NetworkPlacementPattern.



Quote from: buddybud on February 17, 2009, 04:38:44 PM
I made this for xylo but thought it could help others also...Here's what each rep does from 00 to 0F for the kPropertyID_NetworkPlacementPattern.

And heres what i used it for

Its more extensive than the original tutorial posted here, and has everything i know about T21ing in it.