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Tarkusian Cities (Update 107-08/23/2020-West Chemeketa Reconfig, Part 1)

Started by Tarkus, June 17, 2007, 08:31:07 PM

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Welcome to page 35! &apls

Nice teaser there and nice work with the RHW!
Looking forward to "The Storm"...


nice highway  alex :thumbsup: .. and congratulations on your well-deserved award  &apls


Wonderful interchange there, Alex!

I'm with bat--I can't wait for the storm either, if this is the calm!


Ryan B.

Hunker down, folks - if I know Alex (and I do), then this is gonna be some storm.  ;)


OK, I'm peeking out of the storm shelter - bring it on! :thumbsup:



Always something new to see around here, and amazing maps too. The award is well deserved, and it's always good to see how you continue to raise the bar with your works. Hope finals and all go well. Best of luck with them.


Alex, Nice teaser you have and I will hunker down for the storm. Bring it on Alex. JKB
beam me up.... please!
I am the lurker that hides in all the corners and you can't get me out. You may try, but you can't.Please call me Jon or Jonathan.


Expect high winds, in excess of 80 mph, with dangerous lightning and possible road construction, along with excessive teasing.  ;D  I can't wait!  Of course, I suppose I will...  :)
Find my power line BAT thread here.
Check out the Noro Cooperative.  What are you waiting for?  It even has electricity.
Want more? Try here.  For even more electrical goodies, look here.
Here are some rural power lines.



Very nice picture there! And uh-hum... I guess I need to find a hiding spot for your next update  :o!

Have fun and I hope that you get enough relaxation between all the work you have on your shoulders...
Karin ()borg()

Visit my MD Rainbow Falls or check Rainbow Falls Out of the Box or maybe check on my bats&lots visiting Lilojame´s Corner or if you wish go to Lilojame´s Candidacies.

"Be thou the rainbow in the storms of life. The evening beam that smiles the clouds away, and tints tomorrow with prophetic ray."  (Byron, 1788-1824)


Hi everyone-

My sincere apologies for the lack of updates lately.  I finished up my the term at the university only last Friday, and my main SC4 focus has been getting the RHW ready for release.  But, as promised, the storm is finally arriving.  ;)  Thanks for all the great comments, and for all the congratulations on the MD Award--it's really appreciated!   :thumbsup:

Last time, in my ".25" update, I showed a teaser of the new freeway encircling central Argentum, which TDOT is now calling Highway 340--"340" because it is a tertiary highway in Emerson County (the TDOT County Code for Emerson Co. is "34") and it runs primarily east-west. 

Well, this time, I'm going to delve a little deeper into Highway 340--at least the portion that runs through downtown Argentum.

This first pic here is a historical curiosity in the history of Argentum, from about 18 months ago, back when Highway 4 actually ran through the current Highway 340 corridor--as a Maxis Highway--in my defense, built before I had ever gotten involved in RHW development. :D  This is looking east at the old Argentum Blvd/Stone Ave interchange.

And now for a few miscellaneous construction pics:

This image here is after the old Maxis Highway was completely torn out, just east of Isthmus Avenue (looking west).  That road on the right hand side is Peninsula Avenue.

In order to make room for the new freeway, Isthmus Avenue was realigned.  The old alignment is shown below, along with the start of the overpass for the new alignment (looking north).

Parts of the old alignment of Isthmus being torn out.  The first is facing east, the second is facing north.

This is part of the old western segment of the Isthmus Avenue alignment from back before the Peninsula-Parallel Corridor Project from Update 34.  (Facing north)  As you can see, it partially lies in the right-of-way for Highway 340, so it'll be going bye-bye.

More reconstruction work on the north side of the Argentum Inlet.  You can see a further part of the old Isthmus alignment in the upper left corner.

Here is the new Isthmus Avenue alignment and overpass completed, before the freeway has actually gone in.

This is on the opposite end of the freeway, facing west.  Highway 340 does not actually have an interchange with Highway 61 . . . yet . . .
So right now, it just crosses over 61 and ends at an at-grade intersection with Tarentum Lane.  To the east of Tarentum, 340 runs through Argentum's eastern suburbs as an expressway-type road, the Tropod Parkway, named after NAM Team founder and modding great Tropod

Motorists trying to reach 61 from 340 generally need to use Tarentum to access it.  TDOT is currently working on engineering a new interchange to allow for direct access between the two highways, but it is likely to be an expensive and lengthy project.

Going back to the other end of the freeway, now--here's an overview of the new Isthmus Avenue interchange, looking north. 

And here's a mosaic of Highway 340 right as it goes through downtown, facing east.  The three overpasses, going from top to bottom, are Grevano Drive, Argentum Boulevard and Stone Avenue.

Finally, here's a map of this whole section of Highway 340, showing all the ramps and the Collector-Distributor (C/D) lanes.

Much more construction to come soon. The storm is not about to let up. ;)

-Alex (Tarkus)


hey Alex love your maps. I just got done with my term at the Uni as well last Friday. During the break I'm interning at a company but I'm still keeping up to date with your MD and other NAM affiliated things. Love your maps. What you could of done with your maps is make the overpasses more visible. Like putting dark lines where the overpass ouccurs. Like this
    |      This will help those who are hard of seeing (cough couch...me)  ::) to view your maps with friendlier eyes.  ;) Anyway keep up the good work.




Somehow I knew you were going to display the RHW-6C in this update.  Nice work!

That sunken "cross-section" is quite impressive, and I like how you used a mosaic to capture the sheer awesomeness of it. 

And, as always, I love your road maps!  A truly impressive update to say the very least!



Great update Alex!

Nice construction shots, and that RHW-6C looks fantastic!  :o :o :o Oh my you have no idea how much I want that.  :D

Love the mosiac, and the map's great as usual.  :thumbsup:
NAM Team Member | 3RR Collaborater | Virgin Shores


You truly are a highway genius, Tarkus - you're about the only one I know of who makes a point to show pictures of highways under construction.
My days here are numbered. It's been great and I've had a lot of fun, but I've moved on to bigger and better things.
Glory be unto the modder and unto the fun and unto the city game!


Great to see a new update, Alex! Your step-by-step explanations are always fascinating to see. In fact, it seems there are several developing trends in the MD section with show-and-tell one of the most welcome and interesting.

Glad to hear you finished your uni term in good form. I've watched my daughter and son-in-law struggle with work and school for several years now, so I have an idea of how much effort it takes.

Anyway, hope maybe you'll find time to tear up another road or two during the holiday break! :D


Hey Alex so far so good no accidents yet lol!!! Love the revamp wow sweeeeeeeeet!!!!

NEW edit:  You know what today I just noticed something totaly new that has freaked me out is them poor construction crews by the lake shore seem to be fighting a up hill errr cliff battle!!! Danng your mean Alex lol!!!!

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


nice history of hwy 340 and great highway map. nice to have you back  ;)


Hi Alex   :)
This new update is so wonderful, as well  &apls
Also the RHW is superb  :thumbsup:. I'm looking forward to the next update

Take care my friend, David
My new city is now here
The région of Kaikoura

Teaser of Lopsas[+ How did I do it?]:Lopsas