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Started by Nique, February 03, 2009, 11:33:52 AM

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That is exactly what happened with urbs urbis.

I feel the best point to bring other community members onboard when we have a playable prototype. Code framework will be in place, we have a basic understanding on what features we want and what direction to go in. Then the invites can open up.  That doesn't mean we say no to people who do wish to join, but I wouldn't start active recruitment.

The inverse is also food for thought. If another project further along than us are willing to reconcile ideas for an open source project, would we be willing to join them?

My current status: Last week of class so I am in crunch time for projects and the like. Next week I'm on vacation but might be able to code a little bit on the trip down. Then I only have one job and one class so I can work on python code again!

Current issues: The network component of the client is threaded, and when it starts up for some reason it blocks the main loop in the client. If that can be fixed I will have screenshots for people :)

Joe - I agree he wont be getting anywhere unless he joins an existing project. BASIC?


OK croxis, for now, you and me are working on the code.

I made some progress with my prototype. I'm rewriting the code completely and for now I'm very pleased with organization. I have modularized it properly. I've isolated drawing into one class so when I transfer to Panda3D I'll just hide it behind interface I've already developed for FLTK. UI elements will also have to be ported to Panda3D, but since I have come up with simple but adaptable UI it shouldn't take too much effort. I hope there won't be any need to touch the rest of the code.

When I'm done with basic 3D version it should be foundation on which we'll add code to render isometric eye candy representation of the city. It will also allow us to define communications protocol in detail, ie. what parameters of each newly created lot we need to communicate between UI client and server etc.

We should need to coordinate our work since you're working on the Python version. I could probably expose construction layer API through Python so you could use it.
#define TRUE FALSE /*Happy debugging suckers*/


I've been reading the previous posts and heres my basic input:

1. I wholeheartedly agree with and endorse the notion of all teams working on community built open source or closed source city simulation game projects combining their efforts into a united cause

2. My programming skills are lamer than Milhouse Van Houten's social status, and as such I shall continue working on Virtucity (http://markwaybill.110mb.com/virtucity.htm) whilst also doing everything I CAN do for CityMania.

I am dedicated to the ideal and reaching the goal of CityMania and the 'united causes' method of bringing together all the projects. I would try to put aside Virtucity entirely but because 1. I easily get bored and 2. my programming skills in any non Game Maker language are weak and i require the Game Maker UI due to my memory and bad math skills... i'm afraid that can't be done.

I am not advertising my project. I am the only member of it (although I tried recruiting a while back with little success), but I will use it as an example. The present version of Virtucity, 8.012, is a perfectly playable game. It is a Simcity Classic of sorts, and minus a few random bugs here and there and limited gameplay, it works as a game at the moment.

Will I continue it? yes. Because of the reasons stated above. But I really DO want the whole communities joining together thing to happen, i just don't see how my skills can be used much for a project like this. I know basic GML and drag and drop and using Game Maker, and i doubt GML and C will be able to be integrated in a project for a long time (i read somewhere it would be a breach of law to make a GML- C translator program... a pity if you ask me)

So, call me a defeatist and a traitor but i will continue working on Virtucity. However the chaps behind OpenCity, LinCity, Cityscape etc are probably a lot better with code than me and that excuse i used would not apply to them. So i wholeheartedly agree with the ideal of the various projects uniting.


erm i was involved in urbs urbis and i have a couple of backed up bits of documentation and scattered ideas... if you want them i would be glad to post here or forward you guys the files..
NAM + CAM + RAM + SAM, that's how I roll....


Sure. You could start a new thread where we could collect all previous works and discuss them.
#define TRUE FALSE /*Happy debugging suckers*/


So how much of the project has been completed? I saw some screen shots before which looked good...


Right now there are a couple of prototypes. There is the road construction tool. I am currently working on (a) terrain engine. We're still debating which engine to use for the game, Panda3D or Irrlicht.


Quote from: poshbakerloo on December 10, 2009, 10:32:33 AM
So how much of the project has been completed? I saw some screen shots before which looked good...

Zilch. We're still figuring how to do some stuff.
#define TRUE FALSE /*Happy debugging suckers*/


Happy New Year!

May this new year be one of great achievements for this project and any project that exists. Let this be the year of success, the year of fulfilled promises, the year when open source gains weight.

May all that participate in this project, all developers and supporters find new strengths to complete their goals.

Good luck in the new year and hope to see you here!

funny how I link the banner to the only place I ever post :)
The Greatest place to get a game name


I hope this new year brings me better luck with shaders than before.
All I want to do is overlay a grid in the region view! But noooooo. It is deciding not to show up at all........


the most amazing thing ive ever seen

when you are done with this if it isn't compatible with my computer i will cry and then run out and buy a new computer just to play this.



well, I hope to have monthly prototype updates for people to try, so you can always know if it is compatible or not ;)


haha thnx man def will be testin it just let me know when i can :D

im litterly home all day so if u ever need feedback on anythin just message me and ill try and help out i wanna c this thing succeed


You can right now, check out the prototype 2 thread.


yeah i got it to get to multiplayer yesterday and then it crashed today im gettin the web page isnt available- tried on google chrome and firefox


First of all, this is like a dream come true if you really get to take this thing past a certain level, I predict it's really going to take off!

Now, I have to say this, my dream is for this to be really 3d. Think of the possibilities. A plugin to allow you to walk around your own city (FPS style). A plugin that allows you to drive cars around. Be a rail-conductor. Be a pilot. It's GTA in your own city.

But, and heres the point, you don't have to provide these plugins, so you shouldn't be concerned. But, by making this thing truely 3d and giving plugins and thus custom code control over the camera/environment, you enable these possibilities.

Oh how I would love to see my creations from a citizens perspective!

Keep up the good work!


You will be happy to know the game is in full 3d so we can position the camera anywhere.


Wohoo! :-)

I think I got confused with all the posts I read yesterday, I was under the impression a billboard approuch similar to SC4 was deemed nesessary for performance reason.

I'm very glad I was wrong :-)

Looking forward to any status updates coming!


That was the plan. Until calculations were made that for a large city people would require about 500 gigs of ram.


QuoteThat was the plan. Until calculations were made that for a large city people would require about 500 gigs of ram.

damn... I only have 499GB ;)

I thought the billboard approach meant there was less than 3D models, which is why it was considered in the first place?