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Rayden's Sketchup Display

Started by Rayden, July 17, 2013, 10:08:06 AM

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Thx Carlos, about textures I'm working on it ;) On the Portuguese housing theme, maybe. Right now I'm more into the villas theme, specially the type of them found here in the Algarve, and this little hotel building, it's ficticious but could also be applied to many found here as well.


Algarve/south Portugal is fine for me, as I've made many Portuguese stuff but they are a bit more north themed, so your stuff is most welcome (it would be anyway, as good as it is)

If you need something or some help about textures, "dá um toque", I'll gladly help out :)


Love what you are doing here.

Being thing about it for, could set my fingers on it.

You edges looks very sharp, too sharp. Maybe a chamfer of the corners world help.

In Max right click on a object: Convert -> Convert to editable poly

Then click on edge
Mark out the edges you want to rework
Then under edit edges you find chamfer.


Sorry for the lack of news here, but I have been banging my head trying to apply textures in Max, reading tutos, and other tips. I have learned a lot and I feel confortable with most of it, but only when it doesn't need to map textures around. I tried to apply a UV Map and managed to apply a couple of textures, but suddenly they get messed up. I almost pulled my hair already. Can someone give me a little help on how to do it? A fail-proof step by step would be a great help. I have the model, converted to edited mesh, from there what shell I do? Apply the UV Map modifier? And the what? Does that map applies to the whole model (one texture per channel), or need a map for each texture? What type of UV Map applies to my model, Planar, Box, Face?
If I could get those answers I would be very grateful, and would avoid me using Sketchup for other than modelling. ;)


Quote from: Rayden on August 05, 2013, 08:36:18 AM
I tried to apply a UV Map and managed to apply a couple of textures, but suddenly they get messed up.

Could you post a picture or two of the mess up ?

Maybe also some of the data of the objects.

Have a few test textures that I use, when I can't figur out how the textures is placed on an obejct:


Thx Arne, the problem isn't the textures, I can work them alright, the problem is I don't quite figure how to use the "UV Map" and what kind of shall I use, or if I shall use one map for each texture I want to fine tuning. Being that, I decide to just don't use that technique and use just the textures basic options. Here is the result:

Fisrt previews with Bat4Max

Some random render views

And a view from the pool deck into the pool

That's it for now, I going to get some lights on it and see how it looks at night.


Quote from: Rayden on August 10, 2013, 01:20:48 PM
the problem isn't the textures,

Well the test textures you use to figure out what is going on, with the UV-mapping.


Your models are gorgeous. I'm stunned. Simply beautiful.

Don't get discouraged by the difficulties in learning texturing. I found the below link to be very useful in trying to wrap my head around making textures. If you haven't already read it, it'll change your life.

Good luck, and keep up the great work!

Gascooker's Dodge and Burn texture tutorial: http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=5230.0


I always kind of think of UV maps as being sort of the "skin" of whatever you are texturing, and so you want to pick a type of map that fits the object's shape.

For example, if you're modeling things by making the walls and floors and roof, etc. as separate objects, and placing them together to make the building as a collection of these objects, then you would want to use "box" to texture each object independently. At least that's worked pretty well for me.  :P

On the other hand, if you're modeling things by creating big blocks of forms, and then sculpting the building out of these big blocks, then your model is really only one big object, and the first method won't work. Instead you would texture each surface of the object independently, and use the "face" setting on the faces. This should also work if you modeled by the first method, but want to apply different textures to different faces of your wall, for example.

I haven't had any luck with "planar" maps, and have yet to have reason to make cylinders, spheres, etc. for some of the other settings out there, or at least not big enough ones that my texture settings make a visible difference.

Texturing is probably one of the more confusing aspects of BATting, and reading up on it only seemed to make me more confused, but eventually I think it started making sense, or at least enough sense that I could texture my BATs and be reasonably happy with the result.   :)

One other thing, beware of tiling. That sandy roof texture in particular has visible tiling, which is probably not what you're going for. Otherwise, you model looks great. I particularly love the pool area, but the entire thing is incredibly well made.


Thx guys for the tips and encouragement, I have took care of the roof tiling problem but I don't know what else I could do to improve the model. I guess I will have to keep trying to learn bit by bit, but it will happen on another model. This is how it looks now

And in the mean time on between renders, I have another small villa nearly lighted up  :thumbsup:


Something else in the oven being cooked  :P


looking good so far. I wonder what that last model will turn into :P


Quote from: gn_leugim on August 13, 2013, 11:18:18 AM
looking good so far. I wonder what that last model will turn into :P
Thx, I can only say by now it will look good over a cliff and will have two supports against the cliff itself ;)


Awesome work on nightlights of both the house and the hotel, Silvio!

Concerning the textures on the house. I find the brick work on the outside wall a little repetitive. We can see the same pattern on each section. For walls like that I usually take a screen shot from face, and then create and adequate textures with no or few repetition of pattern. Also that way you can add easily some dirt etc without going through an alpha channel texture.
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


The small hotel looks really nice. &apls

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