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NAM 40 Now Available

Started by Tarkus, April 01, 2021, 12:06:40 AM

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The NAM Team is pleased to announce the official public release of the 40th edition of the Network Addon Mod, NAM 40.

Download Link

SC4D LEX (Cross-Platform)


Before you run off in excitement to install the new NAM version, please make sure to read this (short) document first, to ensure the best Network Addon Mod experience.

Note that without the 4GB Patch being properly applied to the game by Windows (and Linux/WINE) users (or the use of the "Low RAM/No RHW" Controller option for users on lower-spec systems/32-bit operating systems), the game will crash to desktop. The installation for the NAM on Windows has changed, as there is now a batch file (NetworkAddonMod_Setup_Version40.bat) that users should run to begin installation, which will automate the 4GB Patch process. macOS users should continue to use the .jar file, and since the macOS version is a 64-bit application, the 4GB Patch is not required on macOS.


  • Java Runtime Environment (available from AdoptOpenJDK--a 64-bit Windows copy of JRE 11 is enclosed in the download)
  • [For Windows Users running the 4GB Full NAM Controller and RealHighway (RHW) System]: NTCore 4GB Patch (included in download (4gb_patch.exe) with new automated installation (NetworkAddonMod_Setup_Version40.bat), or available from NTCore)
  • A copy of SimCity 4 Deluxe/Rush Hour updated to at least Version 1.1.638. (GOG and Steam digital copies are already at Version 1.1.641 and ready to use with the NAM.)

To install the mod, if you are on Windows, open NetworkAddonMod_Setup_Version40.bat to begin the installation process. This will begin with the process to install the 4GB Patch on the game, and then move onto the actual NAM installation process.

On macOS, open NetworkAddonMod_Setup_Version40.jar to begin installation.

Note that the NAM is packaged in an installer, and simply dumping the contents of the download into the Plugins folder will not install the mod. Doing so will only slow the game down, and none of the NAM's menu additions will appear.

Note that the NTCore 4GB Patch is REQUIRED if you are running the Full NAM Controller ("4GB Full" options in the installer), which is required to use the RealHighway (RHW) system. If the installation procedure is begun via NetworkAddonMod_Setup_Version40.bat, as is the new recommended procedure, the 4GB Patch should be automatically applied to the game. Otherwise, the patch can be found inside the download, or downloaded directly from NTCore here, where further instructions on use of the patch can be found. Also due to this installer change, the NAM Controller Compiler is no longer run as part of the installation process.

Users will have an option to install one of two pre-built NAM Controller options, the Full "4GB" option, which has a substantial size and requires the 4GB Patch and a 64-bit operating system, or a "Low RAM/No RHW" version that does not require the 4GB Patch, and does not include the code for the RealHighway (RHW) system, the most expansive feature in the mod. The "Low RAM/No RHW" version should be used by those with 32-bit operating systems (i.e. Windows XP), less than 4GB RAM, and/or by those not using the RHW. Users wishing for further customization of NAM Controller size can still run the Controller Compiler manually, as it is available in the download.

Users wishing to simply use the NAM's Traffic Simulator improvements should skip the main NAM Installation and instead load up the Traffic Simulator Configuration Tool (TSCT), which is in the folder of the same name. The tool itself is "TSCT.jar", though may be easier to open using the batch file ("TSCT.bat"). Note that the TSCT also requires the Java Runtime Environment.


The Network Addon Mod, in its current form with the full slate of installation options, is designed to run on systems with a 64-bit operating system and more than 4GB RAM. Most modern PCs should be able to comfortably run the mod. It is possible to run the NAM on 32-bit operating systems, and/or systems with 4GB or less RAM, by selecting a smaller feature set (minus the RHW) and the "Low RAM/No RHW" NAM Controller option, or manually compiling a smaller NAM Controller using the Controller Compiler.

At least 1.2GB of hard drive space is required, in order to fully unpack the installer, but actual installation size may run from as little as 1.7MB to as much as 850MB, depending on the options chosen and if one selects to manually run the Controller Compiler after installation.

The Network Addon Mod is compatible with the following versions of the game:

  • A) Retail Windows disc copies of SimCity 4 Deluxe OR SimCity 4 with the Rush Hour Expansion Pack, updated to at least Version 1.1.638.
  • B) Retail Windows digital copies of SimCity 4 Deluxe OR SimCity 4 with the Rush Hour Expansion Pack (Version 1.1.641), from all digital retailers except Origin (i.e. GOG.com, Steam, Amazon).
  • C) Digital Windows copies of SimCity 4 Deluxe obtained redeeming an existing CD key (not purchasing) through Origin Customer Support.
  • D) Retail Mac digital copies of SimCity 4 Deluxe, purchased through Steam or the App Store. (NOTE: Platform-specific technical support for the NAM on macOS is extremely limited).
  • E) Retail Mac disc copies of SimCity 4 Deluxe, running on macOS/OS X Version 10.6 (Snow Leopard) or earlier. (NOTE: Platform-specific technical support for the NAM on macOS is extremely limited.)

The Network Addon Mod is NOT compatible with the following versions of the game:

  • F) Retail disc copies of SimCity 4 Deluxe OR SimCity 4 with the Rush Hour Expansion Pack that have not been patched (Version 1.1.610 or 1.1.613).
  • G) Retail Windows digital copies of SimCity 4 Deluxe purchased from Origin.
  • H) Retail disc copies of non-Deluxe SimCity 4 (sometimes marketed later as "SimCity 4 Classic"), without the Rush Hour Expansion Pack (Version 1.0.272 or earlier)
  • I) Pirated or cracked copies of SimCity 4 Deluxe OR SimCity 4 with the Rush Hour Expansion Pack.

What should I do if the NAM installer rejects my copy of the game?

The new NAM installer (introduced with the NAM 37 Release Candidate) no longer runs a version check. However, it is strongly recommended that users check the version they are running, as unpatched copies can be unstable. In Case F, the solution is simply to install the EP1 Update 1 patch (SKU 1-5), which can be downloaded from Simtropolis here or SimCity 4 Devotion here.

For Case G, see the section about Origin here.

For Cases H, I, and J, it is recommended that you purchase a digital copy of SimCity 4 Deluxe (NOT from Origin).

New Features for NAM 40

  • The installation package has been refined to minimize the potential for Windows users failing to properly install the 4GB Patch and having the game crash to desktop (CTD) as a result--the #1 tech support issue with recent NAM releases. A new batch file has been introduced to automate the process of applying the 4GB Patch to the game's executable (special thanks to CorinaMarie), and installation options for "Low RAM/No RHW" versions of the NAM Controller have been added for users who on Windows XP and other 32-bit operating systems, and/or have less than 4GB RAM. (The Mac version, being 64-bit, does not require the 4GB Patch.) Windows users are now recommended to begin the installation process by opening NetworkAddonMod_Setup_Version40.bat.
  • Draggable Slip Lanes are now possible at Orthogonal x Diagonal (OxD) intersections involving base Streets, Roads, One-Way Roads, and Avenues. Simply drag the One-Way Road tool between the intersecting networks at the appropriate corner to make the connection.
  • About 40 new ramp interfaces have been added to the RealHighway (RHW) system, including Diagonal Type A1 and B1 ramps for all ground networks, Diagonal Type D1 and E1 for the L0 RHW-2, RHW-3, RHW-4, RHW-6S, RHW-8S, RHW-8C, and RHW-10S, along with Orthogonal Type D1 and E1 ramps for the L0 RHW-3. Additionally, the D1 and E1 ramps have been rebased from RHW-4 to RHW-3, improving override stability in the process.
  • The new Subway-based FLUPs system has been expanded to include entrance/exit portals for the RHW-3 and RHW-4 networks, along with underground ramp interfaces for all present networks. Additionally, some path jumping issues with certain NWM overrides of the FLEX Overcrossing Pieces (FLEX-OCPs) have been corrected.
  • Small 90° Curve (2x2) support has been expanded. The Road Small 90° can now accept overrides from the Road-based Network Widening Mod (NWM) networks (TLA-3, AVE-2, ARD-3, and NRD-4), and One-Way Road Small 90° Curves are now supported as well, which allow overrides from the NWM's OWR-1 and OWR-3.
  • It is now possible to build Diverters for Road, Street, and (same type) SAM +-intersections, allowing one to divert thru traffic and convert the intersections into pairs of Small 90° Wide Radius Curves, while still allowing Pedestrian usage. For instructions on the build process, please consult the Base Features Guide in the main documentation package.
  • All of the override networks included in the Network Widening Mod (NWM) can now form Orthogonal x Orthogonal (OxO) + and T-intersections with Street Addon Mod (SAM) Sets 2 through 11.
  • The Auto-Destruct Hole Diggers and Raisers have been expanded to include smaller increments--0.1 meters, 0.5 meters, 1 meter, 2 meters, and 5 meters.
  • The Orthogonal RHW FLEX On-Slope Transitions (FLEX-OSTs) have undergone further refinement.
  • The Diagonal RHW FLEX Height Transitions (FLEX-HTs) now support overrides for higher elevations of the RHW-4 and MIS Ramp networks (L1-L2, L2-L3, and L3-L4).
  • The Network Widening Mod (NWM) is once again referred to by its original name in the installer, rather than as "Additional Widths and Turn Lanes".
  • The newer overrideable versions of the Multi-Radius Curves (MRCs) for Road now have proper Euro textures.
  • The stability of the OWR-1 override of the RIRO/LILO (Right/Left In, Right/Left Out) Slip Lanes has been improved.
  • Stability improvements have been made to the Type 220 x Type 220 T-Intersection in the FLEX Turn Lane/QuickTurn system.
  • Issues with the Single-Tile Roundabouts allowing the network to drag out the incorrect side (and not out the correct side) in Left-Hand Driving (LHD) mode have been addressed.
  • + and T-intersections involving One-Way Road-based "Boulevards" (a configuration in which two One-Way Roads are separated by a one-tile median) no longer inadvertently convert into One-Way Road Roundabouts.
  • Minor file architecture improvements have been made to prevent installation errors involving the Legacy Auto Avenue Turn Lanes and Legacy Semi-Auto Road Turning Lanes, which would lead to blank intersections and approaches at Avenue x Avenue and Road x Road intersections--the #2 tech support issue in recent NAM releases.
  • A long-standing missing texture glitch with the L1-L4 RHW-4 Type E1 ramps has been corrected.
  • An adjacency glitch involving the RHW-2 connection to the One-Way Road Roundabouts when next to a Diagonal Road connection has been addressed.
  • Various other minor stability improvements have been made to the RHW, NWM, and HRW (Hybrid Railway) RUL2 override code.


For more information about NAM installation and this release, please see the "Read First" document, enclosed in the download (0-read-first.html) and available online.

The remainder of the documentation can also be consulted online at: sc4devotion.com/namdoc

Please note that NAM 39 and earlier have been discontinued, and are no longer eligible for any form of technical support.

Thank you all for your continued support--hope you enjoy!

-The NAM Team


Just a note for all- this is not, I repeat NOT, an April Fools joke like the Arthur Berkhardt Expressway Project.

NAM 40 is legit and launched today.



Funny I just got the old one working yesterday.  After figuring out how to get the game to run on windows 10.


I loves Sim City forever!


Hey, I am struggling here.  No changes to my computer which has had the previous 2 versions of NAM, but I can't seem to get the installer to run.  The patch says to have been applied, but then nothing after.  Any idea's as to what I am missing?

edit 1030pm -- Completely out of ideas.  The black box which says to press any key is all the farther I can get this to go.  I have read and tried everything I could find.  Fresh downloads, individual download.... I will definitely need support to make this useable.  NAM 37,38,39 worked with no issues on this computer. 


grossmanbr, are you opening NetworkAddonMod_Setup_Version40.bat or SimCity4_4GB_Patch_Script_V3.bat?  If it's the former, it's supposed to call Java and load up the installer, but if it's the latter, the intended behavior is indeed to close out afterward.  I'll note, it's specifically calling the Java Runtime Environment files out of the SysWOW64 subfolder of the Windows directory, which on 64-bit Windows, is where those files should be, unless there's something unusual with your Java installation.

In any case, the main reason we have people open NetworkAddonMod_Setup_Version40.bat instead of NetworkAddonMod_Setup_Version40.jar now is to eliminate the common complaints of people thinking they installed the 4GB Patch but didn't.  The .jar file is still the method for Mac users, and if you know for a fact that you're set up with the 4GB Patch (or if know to use a custom-compiled Controller or the new "Low RAM/No RHW" one if you're on a low-spec system and/or 32-bit Windows), then you can skip the .bat file and install NAM 40 just as you did NAM 39 and the other earlier ones with this installer package.

If it's still not working with opening the .jar, then there's something strange up with your Java Runtime Environment installation, and I'd recommend reinstalling it.



Looking forward to this and downloading now  :bnn:

I play on an laptop - 64bit, i7, nvidia and 4GB RAM - I have had absolutely no problems with a full instal of NAM39 but reading the following kinda "concerns" me a little bit....

QuoteThe Network Addon Mod, in its current form with the full slate of installation options, is designed to run on systems with a 64-bit operating system and more than 4GB RAM

Does this mean that I may not be able run future versions of NAM with my current 4GB RAM?  I would be sooooo sad....

Keep up the excellent work people  &apls


This is so great!!  I want to thank you to all who participated in bringing this to us!!  AWESOME!!


Quote from: ackalbo on April 02, 2021, 09:32:31 AM
Looking forward to this and downloading now  :bnn:

I play on an laptop - 64bit, i7, nvidia and 4GB RAM - I have had absolutely no problems with a full instal of NAM39 but reading the following kinda "concerns" me a little bit....

QuoteThe Network Addon Mod, in its current form with the full slate of installation options, is designed to run on systems with a 64-bit operating system and more than 4GB RAM

Does this mean that I may not be able run future versions of NAM with my current 4GB RAM?  I would be sooooo sad....

Keep up the excellent work people  &apls

I put that in there mostly to hedge our bets.  If you're able to run a full install with 4GB RAM, then that should always remain true, and I can take the "more than" bit out.



Thanks a ton!  Got it working.  I never did get the automated process to work but was able to unpack the jar and select as needed. 

Thanks again and great work!


Quote from: Tarkus on April 02, 2021, 03:00:48 AM
grossmanbr, are you opening NetworkAddonMod_Setup_Version40.bat or SimCity4_4GB_Patch_Script_V3.bat?  If it's the former, it's supposed to call Java and load up the installer, but if it's the latter, the intended behavior is indeed to close out afterward.  I'll note, it's specifically calling the Java Runtime Environment files out of the SysWOW64 subfolder of the Windows directory, which on 64-bit Windows, is where those files should be, unless there's something unusual with your Java installation.

In any case, the main reason we have people open NetworkAddonMod_Setup_Version40.bat instead of NetworkAddonMod_Setup_Version40.jar now is to eliminate the common complaints of people thinking they installed the 4GB Patch but didn't.  The .jar file is still the method for Mac users, and if you know for a fact that you're set up with the 4GB Patch (or if know to use a custom-compiled Controller or the new "Low RAM/No RHW" one if you're on a low-spec system and/or 32-bit Windows), then you can skip the .bat file and install NAM 40 just as you did NAM 39 and the other earlier ones with this installer package.

If it's still not working with opening the .jar, then there's something strange up with your Java Runtime Environment installation, and I'd recommend reinstalling it.



This post is just for a patch that was found with NAM 40

If you are using the REW NAM #37 please use this patch to restore the functionality.

There was a bad character in the code the muted everything below. Should be fixed with this patch but if errors still exist please let us know.
