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Ferndale: A Real Life Recreation

Started by Jayster, August 07, 2010, 10:51:17 PM

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Thanks for visiting my MD! Below is an updated table of contents.

Update 1
Update 2
Update 3
Update 4
Update 5
Update 6
Update 7
Update 8
Update 9
Update 10


Hello everyone, and thank you for visiting my first MD!

A couple months ago I was browsing through the LEX looking for a good map to play on. I also had the idea of an MD on my mind too. So far every map I had come across wasn't fitting what I wanted. Once I found the map NHP Zaraki by Shadow Assassin, I knew that that was the map I've been looking for. Thanks for the map Shadow Assassian!

My version of it looks much different though and that reason is because it is FLAT. So far, each city I've started I have leveled it completely flat because I don't really like playing a region with a lot of terrain. I feel that I don't have that much of creative style when it comes to that.

My Region

After I found that region, I began thinking of a name for it. I randomly chose Tubuai as the name. It comes from a small group of islands in the Pacific Ocean. After a while, I decided that that name would not work. I then took another look at my globe and saw the name Tépoto. It was the name of one of those islands. I liked it. I dropped the accent on it and renamed my region Tepoto.

The current population of the region is about 85,000. It has only about 5 cities developed.

I have planned so far one major city in about the center of the region on the main peninsula. I have thought about others spread out throughout the region but none have been created yet. There are currently no airports or seaports at the moment. Those will be created at a later time.

Mods That Will be Used

Some mods that I will be using are the normal ones, the NAM, RHW, SAM, CAM, NWM, HSRP.

The terrain mod that I am using is the CPT Italia Terrain Mod. I will also be using the CPT Italia Tree Controller. Many thanks to C.P. for these amazing mods.

With that begins my first update.

The first city that I will be featuring is called Dead Man's Point. Its current population is 36,754. Right now it accounts for nearly half of all the people in the region. Its current commercial job total is 47,462. This also accounts for almost half of all the commercial jobs of the region.

This is a small overview of Dead Man's Points CBD. The city is setup in a rectangle. It has the main CBD surrounded by Elevated rail and spreading out from the CBD are small quiet neighborhoods.

Here you can see some housing estates on the east side of town. About a third of the city lives in these estates.

Here is a shot showing some of the detail of the CBD. Coca-Cola has a home here.

In this picture you can see the main High School of Dead Man's Point. Their mascot is a pirate.

This picture features some of the southern neighborhoods of Dead Man's Point. Towards the upper left of the picture you can see one of the elementary schools.

Neighborhood detail.

This is one of the three exits for Dead Man's Point. This is the main exit for the city. The freeway is called I-3.

Dead Man's Point Hospital is home to a large number of jobs, hence the large amount of cars in the surrounding parking lot.

The inside rectangle of Dead Man's Point has a lot of old brick apartments. There are also small shops here and there. This is some of that detail.

And here is an overview of Dead Man's Point looking east.

I hope you enjoyed my first update! Comments and suggestions are very welcome.

Updates will usually be on Thursday (I was busy on Thursday and Friday night so I was not able to get it out). I will often show teasers on Monday with comments too.

Once again, thank you for coming here and I hope you enjoyed it!


Really nice, looking forward for more :thumbsup:


Promising start Jayster. I like the combination of lots in the CBD, but the standout is the green suburbs. Very nice indeed.


Tomas Neto

Fantastic start on your MD, with a nice CBD and green suburbs, as very well said tooheys!!!  :thumbsup:


Gorgeous start!  Love how green you suburbs turned out.  I also quite like how you've used the RHW, it looks very nice with the trees down the middle.  Looking forward to seeing more!


What a great city! I really enjoyed Dead Man's Point.  &apls &apls I'll be waiting for new updates!

The great region of Almia, coming soon to SC4D!



Dino007: Thanks! And there will be LOTS more!
tooheys: When I make my suburbs, I only zone 1x1, 1x2, and 1x3 and none of those lots touch eachother or the main roads. They're all 1 tile from the roads
or eachother. And then I plant a ton of trees and there you go! Green suburbs  :thumbsup:
Thomas Neto: Thank you as well. Set it up the way I told tooheys.  :)
Battlecat: This next update will also be featuring some more RHW. Thanks!
Igor: Thank you very much. Hopefully the next update will please you just as much!

Here is the preview we have all been waiting for.... my FIRST mosaic!

Hope you enjoyed and I'll see you all Thursday for my next update!



That's a great looking coastal mosaic! 


pretty nice MD, very coloufull :)
Check out my LOT thread, and also the EBLTeam!

==> http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=10509.msg318190#new <==


looks great. cant wait for more!  &apls



Battlecat: Thank you very much. I took a peak at your MD and wow! It has inspired me a little to pay more attention to my coastline and farms.  :thumbsup:
Gilikov1994: I think the brighter colors add more life to my pictures. Thanks!
chasespncr: Thanks, hope this updates pleases you!

With that begins the second update.

Just about a couple miles from the downtown of Dead Man's Point the suburbs begin to fade away into farming as far as the eye can see. If you keep heading down I-3 you'll shortly run into the town of Sandy Beach.

Sandy Beach is fairly small with a population of 7,798. There are 2,583 Commercial jobs available and 2,639 Agricultural so most Sims commute to Dead Man's Point.

This is the main "downtown" of Sandy Beach, towards the top of the picture you can see the towns highschool.

This is the newer part of the city. This is where a lot of large development has sprung up. This is also where the elementary school is.

Detail of the "downtown".

Detail of new development.

Second exit for the city.

Here is my first try at a T-Interchange. I think it came out fairly well. I'm waiting for the RHW4-FLEXfly to come out to increase the capacity. This is where I-3 intersects with I-14.

This is a before picture of this intersection. It was very busy and causing a lot of pollution.

This is the updated version of it. I added another highway heading towards Dead Man's Point that freight can use.

This was the first farm in the area. The owner has sold a lot of land to development but he has kept some of it.

Farm detail.

And that concludes this update. Hope you enjoyed it! Join me here next week and I'll take you through the development of the next city along I-14.



Fantastic start of your MD, the last update is great &apls I love the RHW interchanges and the new NAM's features! :thumbsup:
Visit my MD, The region of Pirgos!
Last updated: 28 November


I really like this MD. Great pics :)


"The wisest men follow their own direction" Euripides
The Choice is Ours
Simtropolis Moderator here. Can I help? Oh, and you can call me Elias (my real name) if you wish.

Tomas Neto


I LOVED picture 2.1! The way the buildings rise near the water is just amazing. Your work with the farms is also very well done, and I like the colours you use for your pictures, really brings them to life!

Nesara Investment Fund

Greetings! The Nesara Investment Fund is the investment arm of the Nesara Council, the governing body of the state of Nesara. After extensive research on the land of Tepoto, we humbly put forth a proposal to Tepoto requesting information on any investment opportunities that might be available. The NIF has no specifics to what kind of investment it might be (trade, industry, real estate, finance, etc), and we would be very interested in finding a mutually beneficial way to do business together.

We have identified a strong construction sector in the region, and would like to the government of Tepoto to consider allowing the NIF to open a construction development company here. We hope this letter meets your approval and we shall be awaiting your earliest reply!


Hey, Jayster. Nice MD. The T Interchange is very well done.  :thumbsup:
My name is Raphael.
Visit my MD: Empire Bay (My old MD: Santa Barbara County)


Great update and I love the work you have done on the transit layout.

Robin  :thumbsup:
Call me Robin, please.


Another great update!  The farms look excellent and I like the shots with your rural urban interface. 

I particularly like 2.2, your suburbs looks beautiful.  The farm in 2.8 turned out particularly nicely. 


TO: Congress of Tepoto

FROM: Nesara Council, Cedar, Nesara

We thank you for your reply, and appreciate your kindness in allowing the Nesara Investment Fund to open and operate a construction firm. We shall apply for all the legal paperworks and submit them in hopes of final approval from the Tepoto government, ofcourse. The name of the company, pending approval, will be called Nesara Properties, a branch of the mother company in Cedar, and part of the holding company that is the NIF.

The Nesara Council itself has also expressed interest in opening official diplomatic channels with Tepoto, perhaps operating an embassy or a consulate in your fine country. Please do let us know if this is deemed acceptable.

Having just constructed our only airport, Cedar International Airport, we could also provide our expertise by sending a few Nesaran engineers to help you through the process. We are also about to break ground on our first seaport. Currently, most shipment to Nesara comes by way of either San Francisco or Portland.