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Transit Texture Tutorial

Started by jplumbley, March 15, 2008, 10:08:28 PM

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If you give the road a sidewalk texture right away, it will always appear, and it will be not wealth-depended. If you make the places where the sidewalks will appear transparent, the game will give it a sidewalk texture depending on the wealth of the surrounding buildings.
Lurk mode: ACTIVE


Okay, that sounds good. I'm making a big collection of buildings that replace all the Maxis buildings, and I have concrete texture that I use as a standard base for parking lots and driveways that I wanted to make as the sidewalk so that driveways didn't look they would make the cars drive through grass and what not...

Anyway though, will I have to still assign each tile to the right density/wealth though even though the piece is universal?


Wait a sec; do you mean that you use the road texture for a lot? Then a transparent texture will make a texture automaticly an overlay texture (instead of a base texture).

About your last question: I don't understand what you mean.
Lurk mode: ACTIVE


Oh I know about the road overlay textures already; I was just saying I had a concrete texture I was using and I was trying to give the roads/sidewalks a universal look so that it wouldn't look like the citizens would have to drive their cars over grass, there isn't any problems there... =B

However, on my last question, I was talking about how the hex codes work. Would I have to give the "universal" the same set of hex codes so that it could work on all wealth levels. Say for the standard Maxis straight street piece, which its code is 0x05004B04 for no wealth, and (the 0 between the b and 4 can be 1,2,3 for wealth levels), would I have to set my straight street texture piece up for all levels (even though it remains the same, since I plan on using T21s to represent wealth/density levels instead), or could I just make it have one hex code?

Shadow Assassin

Yes - you have to set the hex code for all wealth levels [0, 1-3, don't worry about 4-6, they aren't used by default], otherwise you get some unexpected results.
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Hey, does anyone know where to download FSHman? I can't find it any ware!  &mmm Please help.


Henrik Sedin: 82gp 29g 83a 112p - 2009/2010 Art Ross/Hart Trophy winner!


Actually, I'd recommend using something other than FiSHMan.  It's an older tool and rather time-consuming to use.  For importing FSH files, I recommend using null45's Batch Png to Fsh tool, which you can pick up here.  It also allows you to skip the Alpha making process if you use PNG files with transparency, and if you name the PNG files appropriately, they'll import to the correct Instance IDs automatically as well. 

For converting FSH files to PNG, I use Jonathan's FSH2PNG MkII, which you can pick up here.  If you set it up as the default program to open FSH files,



 ;D Thanks guys. It helped a lot.

Edit: Monday, February 15th, 2010; 12:34am EST:

I have begun to work on a mod that will replace the current yellow line in a street intersection with the word 'STOP' and a fat white line.
Here are some development pics:

I plan to apply this to street +
☻road ━━━━━━  Done
☻avenue ━━━━━ incomplete...
☻one-way road━━ Done
☻other streets ━━ Done

Tell me, what do you guys think? ()what()

BTW, I worked on this for 61/2 hours strait :-[, but it was only my first time...

Here is a link to the forum thread: http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=10218.0


This tutorial is terrific.  Solves everything I was going to have to guess and check.

I am having a problem though.  My textures all seem to have dark borders around them.  I have tried all of the importing options in BatchPngtoFsh, and they still remain.  It confuses me because the FSH in Reader does not have these borders.

Edit:  I just made a diagonal, and it showed much less of this issue.  &mmm