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Tarkusian Cities (Update 107-08/23/2020-West Chemeketa Reconfig, Part 1)

Started by Tarkus, June 17, 2007, 08:31:07 PM

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Sorry 'bout the double post, but I couldn't resits to have finally reached the moment that I can post on a 00 number.
Congratulations to you Tarkus! Great work. &apls


Hi everyone-

Back with another update.  I'll be giving the construction crews a brief respite this time around, though as you'll soon see, the construction zones are completely unavoidable. :D

First things first:

Joan (Jmouse):  Thanks for the compliments on the map, and for putting it on your desktop!  I'm glad to hear my realignments are making some sense as well, though knowing how I obsess over my roads, it's likely that I may be tearing them all up yet again. :D (I've already drastically altered things in the city at least 3-4 times before I started the MD, and this new Hwy. 61 alignment is actually closer to its original alignment from 2 years ago.)   

And again, you've asked a very interesting question, which is really quite excellent. :thumbsup:  I've kind of used a combination of the two approaches at various times--a lot of what I've been doing this time around is replacing things in response to existing growth and future growth.  I've seen too many times where the latter has been neglected horribly, usually due to a lack of communication between planners, developers and transportation agencies, so a lot of my realignments have that in mind.  The South Argentum/Angstrom area where the past few updates have been focused has been growing quite rapidly, and the new freeway alignment is at least partially focused on providing better connectivity with development that will be occurring east of Grevano Drive, among other locations.

And of course, you're always more than welcome to ask questions along the way.  You've really brought up some interesting points and made me think things over even more carefully.  And you're also more than welcome to PM me a map segment--I'd love to see it!

Ryan (Filasimo):  Thanks, man!  I'm glad to hear you enjoyed the update and liked the terrain mod.

Dustin (thundercrack83):  Thanks, I'm very happy to hear the terrain mod was to your liking, and the construction as well.  There will be plenty more where that came from as well. ;)

bat:  Thanks, I really appreciate it!

Pat:  Thanks!  It's good to hear you enjoyed the tutorial from last time, and I definitely will take that as a compliment! :)

Mauricio (figui):  Yes, those construction crews are certainly getting a lot of hours.  I'd guess it'd probably be good for the city's economy.  And thanks for the compliments on the update and the terrain mod!  It came out better than I expected. :D

mightygoose:  Thanks for the support on the terrain mod!  It is indeed looking like I will be releasing the terrain mod in the very near future. ;)

FrankU:  No worries on the double post--thanks for pushing me over the 300 milestone!  And for that, you'll be getting on the map, in Argentum's Cuprum neighborhood.  (You'll note there's now a "Frank Way".)

EDGE4194:  Thanks for the encouragement on the terrain--it'll be publicly released quite soon!

Haljackey:  Thanks!  I can't wait to see what it looks like either when it gets done. :D  I've still got a ways to go on it (and some new things I'll be adding to the RHW mod to make it all possible ;)). 

dragonshardz:  I'm glad to hear you like the new terrain mod--thanks!


Now onto the update.  I thought I'd change things up a little and show what downtown Argentum looks like, and show the first night shots I've ever shown in here, using Gizmo's fantastic new Day/Night mod.  It's a rather unusual downtown (and indeed, the entire town layout is unusual), in that it's mostly low-rise, but there are a few buildings that are much taller, creating a sort of "monolith" effect.  (For you CAM enthusiasts out there, there's two Stage 11 CAMeLots in there--in a city tile of 45,000.)

I'll begin by showing a mosaic.  As you can see, there's some construction going on downtown as well.  The old Highway 61 alignment is visible at the top of the mosaic, and the ramps to it are all closed, seen as how it's slated to be demolished shortly. 

Here's a view from further out.

Here's the city at sunrise, from a different angle (looking east instead of south, as in the mosaic and the last pic).  Also note the impact crater there--it's a sort of landmark in the city.

And a random pic from the north end of Argentum, at night in the more suburban area.

I'll be back to update on Highway 61's progress next time.

-Alex (Tarkus)


Oh alex, nice random pics, expecially the ones at night. I really enjoyed the tutorial wich i find  extremely useful and well-done. I think i'll start to make my own map with that tecnique! You continue to amaze us...

Keep an eye on the Lair!


finally the city exposed! what are the chances of the population doubling or tripling?
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Great new mosaic there and wonderful night shots, too!
Also wonderful work!


nice update!
the effect created by mostly low and some high rise buildings looks great.
and Gizmo's mod looks better every pic i see :thumbsup:

first forums inhabitant from Uruguay..   first forums citizen from Uruguay..  first forums councilman from Uruguay..   first forums mayor from Uruguay..  first forums governor from Uruguay..
...i'm still the only one from Uruguay!



Oh, I LOVE night shots, so by all means, give us more, more, more, especially the mosaics! :thumbsup:
The "view from further out" and the sunrise are spectacular as well. The last one is a bit dark, but that's the way some parts of town look in RL.
Thanks for sharing your ideas on transport, and I'll be sending that PM along soon.

Until next time...


The sunrise pic is definitely my favorite. It's a wonderful looking city, and Gizmo's mod really makes nighttime in the game spectacular. The new terrain is great as well. It's more suited to the geography of the region and the flora. But I still love the southwest and primarily base my regions on the deserts (e.g. Palm Springs, CA).

I'm looking forward to seeing more, especially some more showcasing of the RHW.


Hi everyone-

Back with another update.  But first, replies . . .

Lollo:  Thanks!  I'm glad you enjoyed the random pics and that the mapping tutorial was of some use for you.  The more maps the merrier!

Ryan (Filasimo):  Yes, I finally decided to show the actual downtown area.  Figured it was a good an opportunity as any to mess around with Gizmo's mod. :D  As far as the city doubling or tripling in population, we'll see.  The regional population (currently around 90,000) will most certainly go up considerably.  The tile Argentum is on will probably not be growing over 60,000 (it's at 45,000 right now), and that's mostly an intentional thing.  (I have some rather odd urban planning goals in mind here.  ()stsfd())

Of course, the game's population figures are totally skewed and twice what they really should be (as per David's scaling discussion in 3RR-ST some time ago), which I would account for as what I call "ambient population" (which needed for the game's mechanics to work properly--that's another story entirely :D).  So really, the region is at about 45,000, and the city at 22,500.  A double/triple from that level might be more plausible. ;)  Thanks for asking, and sorry for going off on a tangent. :D

bat:  Thanks for the compliments on the mosaic and the night shots!   It's been awhile since I've done a mosaic here, so I figured "why not?"

Mauricio (figui):  Thanks, I'm glad to hear the effect came across well, and I'm increasingly growing fond of Gizmo's mod as well.  It seems to me to have a bit more natural night shade to it than the Maxis nights.

Joan (Jmouse):  I'm really glad to hear you liked the night shots--those were my first ones here, so I'm glad to hear they turned out well--thanks!  And I definitely need to start using mosaics again.  It's my pleasure to discuss transport ideas as well, anytime. :)

quackmofro:  Thanks!  The sunrise pic was a bit of an accident, but I'm glad to hear it turned out well, and I'm glad to hear you like the city and the new terrain mod.  I tend to go all-desert these days as well.  It's been at least a year since I've used any sort of "green" terrain, so it's good to hear I'm not the only one.  :D

Now onto
(Lately, I have an urge to use the scrolling text. :D)

Well, as the title of this update indicates, we're back on the site of the Highway 61 realignment project, in South Argentum.  It's also the last update with the old terrain mod.  Here's the map again from Update 22, just for convenient reference (it hasn't changed any, though some of the stuff from this update was "preemptively" put on there.)

Here's the old Highway 61/Argentum Boulevard interchange.  Now you see it . . .

. . . now you don't (and apparently, some errant motorists didn't believe that the interchange wasn't really there anymore). 

Work being done to reconnect the old freeway with the new alignment, on a temporary basis.

Temporary onramp from Southbound 61 to Argentum Boulevard

The temporary 61 alignment is now built, though a temporary ramp is still needed to connect Argentum Boulevard to Northbound 61.

The temporary ramp crosses under Caldera Lane before merging onto the new 61 alignment.

An overview of the temporary alignment and interchange.  You can see the new alignment being worked on as well.

Grading being done on the remainder of the new alignment, at Wilson Road, which will continue to exist in two separate, disconnected segments.

Caldera Lane, where it meets the old freeway alignment, is temporarily closed.  The old freeway alignment will actually be used for the new, "reunified" alignment of Argentum Boulevard (connecting the north and south segments), which will exist as a partial limited access route.  It will intersect Caldera Lane at-grade, with a signal.

More re-alignment next time . . .

-Alex (Tarkus)


Another great update there, Tarkus! :thumbsup:

(And congrats on more than 300 comments!!)


Copperminds and Cuddleswarms


Alex OMG WOW night shots!!! anther update soo soon wow... I love the merger and I cant wait for more.....

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Whoa, I missed an update here. Sorry about that, my friend! Won't happen again!

The night shots of Argentum look fantastic, and the new realignment shots in this update are great, too! I find it very interesting to watch as you reinvent the infrastructure of the area, it's almost as though we're watching s you're thinking it through. Keep up the splendid work, Alex, and I'll be back to see what's next!



*Displays map saved on desktop*

Well, I'm starting to see how and where all this is taking shape. :)

Looking at the last photo reminds me of Houston's early transport expansion about 50 years ago. Guess that was the year I learned the term "eminent domain!" The new freeway ended up exposing lots of back yards, and my mother often expressed her sympathy for the homeowners and her relief that none of those back yards belonged to her! Over the years I saw many more transport projects come and go, but that first one made an unusually strong impression for some reason. Go figure! &mmm

Is the population large enough yet to give these changes a good workout and see how they hold up? About the only thing I've really learned about transport systems in SC4 is that Sim's driving habits are often unrelated to human logic! :D

Until next time...


Thanks again Alex - I enjoyed the update and like Joan, I have my own collection of Argentum shortcuts on my desktop to follow where we're all heading to ;)
Check my MD:               


another great update alex, and no worries if ya went off tanget, im looking forward to see how this turns out  :thumbsup:
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Nice job Tarkus (Alex)!  I especially like the grading photo, a nice improvement!


Shadow Assassin

Very nice, but don't you forget to leave room if that stretch of highway needs to be widened to six lanes. ;)

And I'd love to see the finished product...
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Oh wow! A Frank Way. How did you guess my RL name was Frank? $%Grinno$%

You city mosaics look stunning, and I think you are way better in highwayspaghetti than me.


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