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Tarkusian Cities (Update 107-08/23/2020-West Chemeketa Reconfig, Part 1)

Started by Tarkus, June 17, 2007, 08:31:07 PM

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Welcome to page 12!!

Fantastic work on these highways and also some really nice looking farms there! :thumbsup:


Stunning work here, as always, Alex! One little subtlety that I love is your use of the NAM curves in the highway ramps. Very clever, my friend! It's always a pleasure to an update here. Keep it up!

Toichus Maximus


man i cannot believe ive missed this! it is lovely and seriously good looking!
Friend of the Certified Drama Queen :)


Quote from: Tarkus on November 19, 2007, 05:13:36 PM


Hey Alex, it looks like you need to work on some of the RUL's there to get the curves to show the correct textures. :P  The top picture I quoted is working fine, but somehow, the bottom one isn't.  So, you might want to look into the RUL area to see if that is able to be fixed.

Also, would appreciate it if you could give a heads up of a 56k warning when you have all of those images that aren't compressed even a tad.  All the images in the update post totaled to 6.53MB!  That took me forever to get all of the images to load, something like 45 minutes. :(  So, please keep us dial-up users in mind when you do the next update and try to compress the images a tad.  Don't forget to look @ my sig for ways to do that. ;) (Sry for the shameless little plug. :P)

Anyways, great update. ;) :thumbsup:

Quote from: BigSlark on November 19, 2007, 09:33:14 PM
I really like your development and extensive use of RHW-2, by the way. You've got it all down pat.

He wouldn't be able to use the RHW-2 extensively if it weren't for my work on creating the brand spanking new textures for that system. ;)
-- James Mast, aka: rickmastfan67
Painter/Public Relations at: Masgrafx Racing.

Check out the 9/11/01 Car Set Checklist.

Take a look @ the JPG Compression tutorial.  A must read to help cut away unnecessary file size from 500k+ images to help dial-up users out.


Awesome job with your city, Keep up the great work!

Your Friend;
Mayor Of Steven's Point & Maxiston
(Proud To Be Cities Of Sim Nation
Your Friend;
Mayor Of Steven's Point & Maxiston
(Proud To Be Cities Of Sim Nation!)


wowsers Tarkus. It is looking nice on how you did that storyline on the construction. Looking forward for more. JKB
beam me up.... please!
I am the lurker that hides in all the corners and you can't get me out. You may try, but you can't.Please call me Jon or Jonathan.


Is there some kind of over passes or under passes for this MIS... and the RHW?

maybe there are already in the last RHW update but i cant find them..... cus i always have to transform the rural into avenue then into elevated hw... to pass avobe another transit system... i hope you can tell me about it



Today I found this MD and I am quite impressed. Towards what is this leading?

I am curious!

And a lot of hurrays!


Hi everyone-

I'm back with more Tarkusian Cities, after over a one-month hiatus--precipitated first by college, then a broken elbow, and finally a new RHW version (which you'll get to play with shortly).

Well, we're back to the vicinity of Argentum, in the southern suburb of Angstrom, where work is underway on the drastic (fantastic  :D) re-alignment of Highway 61, the major north-south corridor through the region which, here at this point, will be multiplexed with Highway 4, the major east-west route.

You can see the faint outline of where the new freeway will be going--the road running north-south (this pic is facing north) is Concord Avenue, a collector-class route which serves many neighborhoods in the area . . .

. . . including this one that is being torn down

Break on through to the other side . . .

Concord Avenue will need to pass over the new 4/61 freeway, so an overpass is being built.  In order to prevent disruption, a temporary re-alignment has been built to keep traffic flowing.  You may also notice that the road which connected into the neighborhood has been torn up.  State DOT officials determined it was a bit too close to the freeway and its right-of-way, so it was removed.

However, to provide another entry point to the remaining parts of this subdivision, a new street is being built south to Ballast Drive (the major east-west road here).

The Concord overpass is now built--part of the temporary access road is still in place in this pic.  You can also see another new street in the upper part of the pic, to allow access to the northern half of the neighborhood that was split by the freeway.

Now that Concord Avenue has been rebuilt, the crews can now begin work on the next road over, Grevano Drive (which is a major north-south arterial, running all the way from Angstrom, running by downtown Argentum and the university, up to the Gray Creek area we saw in the last update).  As you can see here, some considerable realignment will be involved. ;)

I'll be back with more later--including responding to all the replies that you have all been kind enough to leave while this MD here has been on hiatus.  I may even finally answer some questions regarding the infamous "mystery highway" in Wakeman--it's hit a few bumps in the road.

And anyone who can identify all the musical references in this update will get the new residential connector street named after them. ;)

-Alex (Tarkus)


hmmmmm i wonder what the next update may hold hehehehe and great work explaining the whole alignment! i always loved the detail you cover!  :thumbsup:
Plaza Mall Project
Coming Soon to the LEX!

NAM Team
What can NAM do for you?

Shadow Assassin

Indeed, what's gonna happen next?


Asphalt streets look great... but what sort of DOT upgrades all the highways at once? :P
New Horizons Productions
Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dedgren ♦ dmscopio ♦ Ennedi
emilin ♦ Heblem ♦ jplumbley ♦ moganite ♦ M4346 ♦ papab2000
Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine
See my uploads on the LEX!


Great to see a new update there!
And that is a wonderful new update!
Looking forward to more in the new year...


Check my MD:               


  :thumbsup: great update alex!  I love to see your DOT at work!  :D
Looking forward to more in the coming year- thanks for sharing your work  &apls


Quote from: Shadow Assassin on December 31, 2007, 12:47:33 AM
Indeed, what's gonna happen next?


Asphalt streets look great... but what sort of DOT upgrades all the highways at once? :P

Their DOT must have some DEEEP pockets to be sure!  ;D


Great update Tarkus... I like the fact that you face the re-alignment of a highway in such a real way! 

But hey... isn't "Break on Through To the Other Side" a song by The Doors???
I remember of something similar in Tony Hawk's Underground 2


Keep an eye on the Lair!


Excellent update, Alex. I see only two solid musical references, The Doors "Break on Through" and "Highway 61 Revisited" by Bob Dylan. "Mystery Highway" makes me think of The Highwaymen, however, I'm not familiar with their work.

Once again, I'm extremely impressed with your construction. Your MD is by far one of the most convincing around.



Welcome back, Tarkus. Sounds like you've had an eventful month.
Your transport adjustment looks like an interesting project to follow, and that's just what I'll be doing.

Until next time...


Are you sure that you don't work for the DOT? You a re big time a road geek as I am a map geek. Great job there my good man. JKB
beam me up.... please!
I am the lurker that hides in all the corners and you can't get me out. You may try, but you can't.Please call me Jon or Jonathan.