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The Greater Terran Region

Started by Haljackey, December 28, 2007, 01:38:46 PM

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 &apls I got to say thats pretty cool there haljacky. Just a quick question, I haven't played SC4 in a while and I was just wondering, where did you get the RHW-2 bridge? I would like to incoroprate it into my game so it can "spice up" my RHW network. Anyway, thats really immpressive, the new roads, everything. I really like it.



Quote from: Tommy7777 on December 13, 2008, 11:18:09 AM
&apls I got to say thats pretty cool there haljacky. Just a quick question, I haven't played SC4 in a while and I was just wondering, where did you get the RHW-2 bridge? I would like to incoroprate it into my game so it can "spice up" my RHW network. Anyway, thats really immpressive, the new roads, everything. I really like it.


He's a NAM Associate, so he has access to that stuff (the RHW you see last updates is the RHW 3.0 alpha).
Lurk mode: ACTIVE


Hello everyone,

I just wanted to let you know that the GTR's first birthday is fast approaching (Dec. 18), and I plan on getting an update sometime on that day.  I'll get back to your comments on that date as well.

In the meantime, its time for another flashback.  The high-def video showcased in the last update took place on a road that has constantly changed as time went by.  I thought it might be neat to display the road as it was before extensive upgrades were made.  You should still reconginize some similar patterns the road still follows to this day.

A Youtube video box should appear below.  If you can't see it or are having problems, follow the link below it.  Oh, and make sure you turn up your speakers!


Sorry, no high-def this time, but you can watch in "High quality" if you follow this link.  This video was made a while ago.
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyUX_a05mMs&fmt=18

In addition, I had my MOTM interview with the ST Staff and MOTM Committee recently.  If you're interested you can view the interview here:

All the best,


I just saw the HD video...was imagining Otto driving! I can't believe that GTRs birthday is so close...
I do have a dumb question though , I saw speed limit signs on a stretch of RHW , was that lotted or a t-21 add on I hadn't seen before?

Great job and see you next time!



Happy almost-birthday GTR, and it's neat to see that same road from an older video.
NAM Team Member | 3RR Collaborater | Virgin Shores



Simpson:  Hello David, Thanks a lot for your comment!  I hope you'll enjoy this update!

mrtnrln:  Did you read the video caption on youtube?  The stretch Hummer is running on Hydrogen fuel cells :P!  Thanks for the comment.

deathtopumpkins:  Hopefully you got the link to work for ya.

metarvo:  Thanks a lot!  Glad you enjoyed it!

nerdly_dood:  Just give it time to buffer :P.  Glad you liked it!

j-dub:  Well, Youtube is constantly updating its video player, so it will be faster soon enough.
-You can find the stretch Hummer here:  http://www.simtropolis.com/stex/index.cfm?id=20771
-And yes, I do have multiple bus skins.

bat:  Thanks, glad you enjoyed it!

caspervg:  Hey, thanks a lot!

Tommy7777:  Thanks!  I hope Mrtnrln answered your question!  You'll get it soon enough...

sithlrd98:  lol!  Its a stretch Hummer, not a school bus!
-Those signs are plopped next to the roads (on another tile)

deathtopumpkins (2):  I hope you enjoy the GTR's birthday special!

The Greater Terran Region is Officially 1 Year Old!

It was one year ago this day when I first showcased my region to the public.  Back then, RHW 2.0 wasn't out (No MIS), the NAM was much more limited, and the GTR was much smaller than it is now.  Over the past year I have sharpened my playing skills even further, and, with the constructive comments I have received, made the GTR a better place. 

I have prepared a rather large update to celebrate the GTR's first birthday, so enjoy!

The update will be divided up into 3 sections, which contain:
1.  Region view update, showing what's planned for the GTR.
2.  15 1920x1200 pictures
3.  A High-Def Video

Part 1:  New plans for the GTR.

Click this thumbnail for the region view!

Its rather large to post here (4086x2073).


Red: Planned Highways.

Pink: Planned Railways (includes bullet trains, GLR, etc.).

Green: Planned state/national parks.

Blue: Planned/existing major airports.

Maroon: Planned/existing ports.

Gray: Planned short-term urban expansion.

Disclaimer: This is just a plan.  Actual results may vary.

Part 2: Pictures.
Click on the images for full resolution!  (1920x1200)

Looking at a central interchange in Downtown.

Mighty Mouth Bridge east:

Mighty Mouth Bridge west:

A pair of ferries pass under the bridge:

Bullet train overpass:

Skyscraped interchange.

CBD bypass:

A major artery along the basin.

Preserved wetland:

The new developed area in Terran Settlement.

A naval performance in honour of the GTR's birthday.

An overview of Terran Settlement:

A well-signed highway curve. (sorry for the pause symbol!)

The bullet train interchange, reconstructed for the third (and hopefully final) time.
-The recent reconstruction also added HOV lanes below.

An overview of Witburg Station:

Part 3: High-Def Video.

This video will showcase a night drive through Terran Settlement and its various RHW networks.  This video was also made by-request.  Enjoy!

Again, I will provide a link for both standard-def and high-def.  An ever larger video can be found via the link provided.
-If you have any problems viewing the video, you should also follow the link.  Don't forget to turn on your speakers!

Watch in Standard-Definition.  (Recommended for slower connections.)

Watch in High-Definition.  (Recommended for faster connections.)


SD:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsICmQEG6K0
HD:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsICmQEG6K0&fmt=22

I hope you enjoyed the GTR's birthday celebration!  Can you believe a whole year went by?



Happy birthday GTR!  &apls Great video hal, I like the pictures to. Lets hope that the GTR will stick around for anoth year.  ;D



Quote from: Haljackey on December 18, 2008, 05:25:46 PM
sithlrd98:  lol!  Its a stretch Hummer, not a school bus!

Hummer,school bus,whats the difference? All I know is it came in handy for plowing through that traffic  :thumbsup:
Congrats on the Birthday ,kind of started replying later than most , but MAN, you've got some wicked transit infrastructure! Everytime I see a video from GTR , I see something that makes me say "that was a great use of...."
Love the newest video , one of these days I'll have stopped destroying most of my cities and actually have enough to try and make a vid.


PS Bring the tank out more!!!


Great updates and Video  :thumbsup: &apls  &hlp   Happy Birthday GTR , here i baked u a special cake decorated with Robots!   &apls &hlp


Hey Hal great video update and also update here in general sir!!! A very happy anniversary to you for GTR!!! WOW that is just soo cool to see a MD/CJ make a year maker!!!  :thumbsup: &apls

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


Happy Birthday, GTR!!

Always great stuff here.

D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


Lang zal die leven, lang zal die leven ...

Happy Birthday, GTR :party:

Nice pictures and video. It's nice to see the cities at night (although it was a bit too dark, thanks to Gizmo's darker nights mod  ;D).

Keep it up for another year!

Lurk mode: ACTIVE


Nice new videos! And also wonderful pictures of your city!

And congrats on 1 year of GTR! &apls Happy Birthday... :party:


Great update Hal - and a nice touch with the night video.
Happy birthday GTR! :party:
My days here are numbered. It's been great and I've had a lot of fun, but I've moved on to bigger and better things.
Glory be unto the modder and unto the fun and unto the city game!


Happy birthday GTR! Great video, Hal, but the pictures don't appear to be loading on my iPod, so I'll have to look at them later. Oh, and the HD video doesn't buffer at all on here, so it looks like all future GTR videos will be viewed on my iPod.
NAM Team Member | 3RR Collaborater | Virgin Shores


As illustrated in the video, a night view of a city can be quite impressive.  I would say that this is a most suitable way to celebrate GTR's birthday, Hal.

Find my power line BAT thread here.
Check out the Noro Cooperative.  What are you waiting for?  It even has electricity.
Want more? Try here.  For even more electrical goodies, look here.
Here are some rural power lines.


"Amazing" - Yoder7652 | "your citybuilding is outstanding" - Sebes | | "Absolutely Fabulous" - M4346 | "Wonderful" - threeswept | "Excellent" - Kimcar | "A treat" - dedgren | "A great source of inspiration" - mbsimcity | "Very Impressive" - Paroch | "Mindblowing" - metasmurf | "Fantastic" - bat | "truly deserved the Trixie Awards" - Sheep49... So, why not visit?!



un1:  Thanks!  Glad you enjoyed the video!

sithlrd98:  lol!  Yep, that's right!
-Its what I'm known for :P!  Thanks for the comment!
-Bring the tank out more?  Sure, will do!

Nexis:  What a cake!  Thanks a lot!

Pat:  Hey, thanks a lot!  Glad you enjoyed the video and the pics!

dedgren:  Hehe, thanks!  Hope you stick around for another year or so :P.

mrtnrln:  Thanks!  Glad you enjoyed the update!
-Gizmo's is dark, but is perfect for dense cities like mine.  Areas lacking nightlighting can be pitch black though...

bat:  Thanks a lot bat!  Thanks for the birthday wishes!

nerdly_dood:  Hey thanks a lot!  Glad you enjoyed the video!

deathtopumpkins:  Thanks!  I didn't intend this to be viewed on an Ipod :P.  Hopefully you enjoyed it on your computer screen!

metarvo:  Yes it can be.  You would say that?  Thanks a lot!

6underground:  Thank you very much!

Update Time!

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! 

Sorry for the lack of updates over the past little bit, RL has been killing me and most of my free time has been spent working with RHW 3.0, trying to get it ready for a public release.

But, I did manage to have some fun with the RHW during testing.  I created a El-RHW in Terran Settlement that you may enjoy taking a peak at.  There will also be some other showcases in this all-pictures update.  Enjoy!

Click on the images for full resolution!  (1920x1200)

Let's start in the growing part of the city.  These zones are among the last open areas of land left in Terran Settlement.

The soaring skyline overlooking a RHW-8 and a sunken highway:

Traffic leaving the city heading to Downtown:

The networks in Witburg are getting their use:

There's always something on the move in the GTR.  Good thing I left enough room in this corridor for multiple networks!

Downtown Terran Settlement:

A RHW-8 in the city centre.

A newly constructed RHW alignment just prior to the new El-RHW.

The El-RHW.

And the ending of the El-RHW segment.

I hope you enjoyed this update!  Sooner than later, you too will be able to use the El-RHW included in 3.0.

Oh, and Happy New Year!  See you in 2009!



Visit my MD, The region of Pirgos!
Last updated: 28 November


Nice pictures, Hal! That EL-RHW segment looks great! Can't wait for the public release of 3.0!
NAM Team Member | 3RR Collaborater | Virgin Shores