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Nacar: The Diary of Misa Antacar -- Day 64: Heading Inland

Started by Leech10, March 03, 2010, 11:22:57 AM

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Yes, Yes, and more Yes! This is quickly turning into one of my favorite MDs! The storyline is second to none, and the quality of the pics is just that as well. I loved the latest update - you have a gift for portraying highly detailed and realistic nature pics.


Day 37: Turnabout Point

Day 37 + 9 hours:

The land indeed does seems to be getting flatter, though it still is too rocky to attempt to head farther inland, so we have to continue along the coast as usual. Maybe around the next inlet we'll have better luck? So far there have been no signs of inhabitants, possibly because of the rockiness.

Yes, the land is flatter, there's actually a quite large and easily accessible area here, even if it is almost surrounded by water and still pretty rocky. The main difference here is the trees, which seem to consist of mostly the shorter type with lighter green leaves than most of the rest, though there still are plenty of the remaining trees, including some dead ones.

Day 37 + 13 hours:
An island! Hm.. that gives us three options to take now. Do we continue on the path we're traveling on along the coast, head to the island, or head farther inland, now that we're able to? The island might be the best bet, it seems to head back to the other island near the farming areas of Tarac, though it's too distant to see from here in order to be sure. Wait, is that the sound of running water? If so, that would be the first actual stream we've come across so far.

It is! Who knows what is at the end of it, though for now it will have to wait, the islands are where we are heading next. We'll have the mark the steam as a likely source of a future expedition, however.

Day 37 + 15 hours:
This island, assuming it is an island rather than being attached to something, is actually very much like the lands of Ansic and Tarac, and most likely will be a great spot for future expansion, both for settlements, and more farms. The water to the west seems to be just as expansive as the water to the east of Ansic, though no mountains are visible at all in the distance in either direction here. I wonder what those mountains are off to the east... there's no way we're going that way until I'm sure the boats are ready, though. Maybe some bridges would be good for the settlement of these islands as well, we'll just have to wait and see, though.

canyonjumper: I'm glad you like it!

RickD: It isn't that hard... you just need a good variety of trees and rocks... a good water/terrain mod and some patients helps too.

Battlecat: Thanks for the comment!

kwakelaar: Glad you like it!

Leech10: Huh, maps. No joke? You sure these things won't throw a pie in my face or something?

nedalezz: I have had 5 years to work on these things...
Nacar: The Diary of Misa Antacar


Im sure the discovery of fresh water will be of high importance in the coming updates. I am looking forward to what the expedition will find on the islands. Another great update!


Very nice! The detail still astounds me ;D

            -Jordan :thumbsup:
I'm the one who jumped across the Grand Canyon... and lived.


This is a fantastic MD. The story line is very engaging - I'm looking forward to see what comes next. There's a sense of the epic about this.

The pics are amazing as well.



Day 62: Bridging the Gap

Day 62:
After crossing over to another island, it was discovered that it did indeed connect to Taractacar on its western edge. While it was difficult to move across the wide, rocky channel and then back up the hill, that is no longer the case.

We now have a path heading down the hill, and some of the rocks from the channel were used to rebuild or add to the fencing in the area. It was certainly tricky to get the rocks to stay in place on some of those hills there, though. Now, why is there a path there to begin with, you ask?

Because there's a bridge there, of course! I'm certain that they wouldn't have been able to build something like this if I wasn't here, though they wouldn't really have a reason to, either. The hardest part was part was setting the stones down in the center, though that was because I did all of the work, being able to breath underwater. I think some of the people think that I'm some kind of god... though most disagree, saying that a god would just snap his or her fingers and the bridge would appear. I could do that... if I had a constructor type transporter, enough time to program it, something to power it, and enough raw materials, and I'm missing the 1st and 3rd requirements. Everyone else seems to be of the belief of "since those marks look like gills, they must be gills." So it apparently isn't much of a shock when I actually use them as such. Though it does help to have a calm civilization... they don't seem to react much to anything odd that happens, which usually involves me. Actually, its kind of weird. What was this place like before I came, if they don't really react now? Anyway, the first known bridge on this planet is now complete.

Doesn't really go anywhere quite yet, though sometime in the near future well continue the road down to the other island, then the mainland near the stream, slowly adding settlements along the way. This island will just be used for hunting and gathering for now, the development will be limited to the second island, which will likely have farms of its own in the future. This area is a good place to relax, though so the bridge is still used now.

Yep, there's still a little ways to go until we're ready to set out exploring the stream. Though an exploration by water to the west is possible now, or we could go from Ansic, where it is already possible.

nedalezz: Though they already have fresh water...

canyonjumper: Thanks for the comment!

gorbag: And so are the inhabitants.

Battlecat: Glad you like it!
Nacar: The Diary of Misa Antacar


Whoa, what an awesome bridge! Where did you get it? I don't think I have seen it before.

I really like how you tell a gripping and captivating story without too much to read.
My name is Raphael.
Visit my MD: Empire Bay (My old MD: Santa Barbara County)


I have to ditto Rick's request, that is simply a great bridge. Excellent story-telling! I like the improvements to Taractacar.

                     -Jordan :thumbsup:
I'm the one who jumped across the Grand Canyon... and lived.


The story is about as fascinating as anything I have read in a CJ/MD. The bridge really fits the MD and its surroundings.


God I love your flare for coasts and nature. Keep up the excellent work.


Your maps have been served

Hey, you can barely see the bridge from here! Anyway, there's plenty of open space to go until the stream is reached, and who knows what awaits there...
Nacar: The Diary of Misa Antacar


Cool! Lots of land yet to explore!

               -Jordan :thumbsup:
I'm the one who jumped across the Grand Canyon... and lived.


Day 64: Heading Inland

Day 64 + 10 hours:
It was decided to explore the stream now, before the rest of the bridges were built, so that if there was any barbarians or anything else hostile out there, they wouldn't have an easy way to get to Tarac right away, and the bridges would be finished after the area has been determined to be safe.

So far there isn't anything of interest, the landscape is much like that around Ansic, only without the odd creepy feeling that you get near Mirkwood, thankfully. The stream is pretty calm, with a couple of rocks scattered about, but mainly the area is just flat and tree-filled.

Hey, the stream splits! We'll go down the right fork for now, mainly because that's the side of the stream we're already on. Depending on what we find and how long this stream is, we may explore the other fork soon, or maybe not. Who knows how far inland we can go before running into the end of the stream? And there could be other forks as well, this is the bigger stream off of the first fork, after all.

Still nothing of interest, just more of the same. It is moving quite far to the south though, it can't go too far or we'll run into the chaotic terrain back when we first crossed the water again.

Okay, now there's something of interest. Development. Hopefully these people are friendly like the people of Tarac were.

RickD: It's the Utheim bridge by Glenni, on the STEX. Not sure if it's here or not.

canyonjumper: Thanks for the comment!

nedalezz: Glad you like it!

cubby420: I'm glad you like it!

Leech10: The map's getting bigger...

canyonjumper: Indeed...
Nacar: The Diary of Misa Antacar


Another intriguing update, especially with the twist at the end. Cant wait to see what the people in the just discovered settlement are like.


Settlement! This should be interesting....

                -Jordan :thumbsup:
I'm the one who jumped across the Grand Canyon... and lived.



 Wow, who says you have to play SC4 to make cities?  Not you, that's for sure.
Great work and fantastic pictures.  I have recently tried to make some more scenic farm like cities and I now know that it takes forever to put together something like this.  And until everyone else really gives it a try, it'll be hard to really appreciate the work you have put in here. &apls
I'll be following this MD for sure.
Robin  :thumbsup:
Call me Robin, please.