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The Greater Terran Region

Started by Haljackey, December 28, 2007, 01:38:46 PM

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Wonderful night shots! The downtown looks very modern!  :thumbsup:
I love the interchange in the second picture!  It looks great surrounded by all those skyscrapers!

If it isn't a problem for you, could you tell me where can I get the building with 'We've set our vision higher' thing? I would love it to have it in my town. ;D

Keep up the awesome work!  &apls
Polish support forum - Cafe Poland * SC4Wiki! * My BATting thread

I am he, as you are he, as you are me and we are all together... - I Am The Walrus, The Beatles


That's OK. I can find them.

Nice nightshots! And neat highway signs too...
NAM Team Member | 3RR Collaborater | Virgin Shores


Great as always! Like the night shots, too!
Fantastic new update(s) there! :thumbsup:
Looking forward to more... ;)


The nightshots look splendid, and so does the complete update actually  :thumbsup:
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art128:  Thanks!  Glad you liked the night and day shots! 

Sheep49:  Hey, thanks a lot!  Glad you enjoyed the update! 
-Ah, I like that building too.  Its called the "21st Century Tower", and can be downloaded here:

deathtopumpkins:  Okay.  The STEX search is back up anyways. Glad you enjoyed the night shots and the highway signs!

bat:  Thanks a ton!  I am happy that you have been enjoying this MD!

caspervg:  Thanks!  Glad you liked the night shots!

Update Time!

This update will show some ongoing developments in Terran Settlement.  The city has now reached a population of over 1 Million sims, and the region has far surpassed 15 million.  This huge growth is putting more and more strain on the region's infrastructure.  As good as it might be, there is always room for improvement and reconstruction.   ;)  You will see some of this work, as well as some new developments, in this update.

In addition, The GTR over at Simtropolis has over 20,000 views and over 5,000 here @ SC4D!  I want to say a big thank you to all you viewers and repliers for all your support! 

Click the images for full resolution! (1920x1200.) See my picture information section on the first update of this page for more info.

City stats and traffic view.  You can see that the pop is now over a million and the strain on some of the roads.  As the city continues to expand, more attention must be allocated to reduce congestion.
(Sorry, this image is not available in full resolution.)

This picture was seen during the Industrial update.  As I stated then, it was about to get reconstructed to handle the increasing volumes of traffic. 

Here is the junction completed.

A new highway puts the new highway curves to good use as it winds through the small peninsula.

New zoning near a new bullet train junction.

A avenue roundabout serves as the terminus for this RHW.  The area has also been zoned for development.

New zones and a new highway interchange.  Note the GTR signs!

The city's east edge is suffering from long commute times due to congestion.  Abandonment and urban decay is spreading throughout this area.

Not to worry though.  A new multi-network station is going to be built.  A new bullet train line will parallel the rail bridge (which will also be refurbished).

A look at the junction at the other side of the bridge.  As you can see, decay has also hit this area.  Infrastructure improvements should help counter that.

That's it for this update!  The next update will show the completion of that station among other things... Sit tight!



Hal, this is some great stuff here as always.  Even despite my feelings about Maxis Highways, that curved one there on that peninsula looks fantastic.  You also did a fine job improving that junction there near the industrial area.  The slip lane you put coming out of the Avenue coming from the bottom of the pic is a particularly clever way to increase capacity too--almost creates a sort of double left-turn lane effect.  Very creative! :thumbsup: 

Looking forward to seeing your latest infrastructure improvements!

-Alex (Tarkus)


Congrats on the milestones!

The new avenue intersection looks great, as does that FHW causeway. Where does it go to?

The update to the rail line looks good too.  :thumbsup:
NAM Team Member | 3RR Collaborater | Virgin Shores


very nice update , I like it a lot  &apls
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


Nice update! I love how the highway winds through the peninsula! &apls

I also like the traffice junction! It looks nice. Especially with the traffic and signs! ;D
Polish support forum - Cafe Poland * SC4Wiki! * My BATting thread

I am he, as you are he, as you are me and we are all together... - I Am The Walrus, The Beatles


Oooh boy, nice reconstruction update. 15 million sims! That's Imaginia 10 times! WOW!

More signs are on the way

Lurk mode: ACTIVE


now that was just ace, I hope the infrastructure changes help with the delapidation :)

Copperminds and Cuddleswarms



Tarkus:  Great to see you back here!  Glad you enjoyed the highway curve!  You don't like Maxis highways?  I agree to some level, but they look great if they are used properly.
-Ya, if I could, I would add a couple turn arrows to that pic.  It would create two, two lane tuning lanes. 
Something like this:  (Curse my horrible photoshopping skills!)

deathtopumpkins:  Thanks a lot!
-To answer your question, the curved highway goes to the island in the right of this pic:

art128:  Hey, thanks a lot!

Sheep49:  Thanks!  Glad you liked the highway curve and the traffic junctions/signs! 

mrtnrln: Thanks!  Yes, the GTR is now over 15,000.  Who knows how many more sims can occupy the rest of the region?  ()what()
-Saw your signs upload on the STEX this morning.  They look amazing!

JoeST:  Ace?  Thanks a ton!  Glad you enjoyed the update!

Update Time!

Happy Labour Day Everyone! 

In this special update I will show you the finished transit station, more development, and some FAR goodies!  I hope you enjoy it!

In addition to this update, mrtnrln has publicly uploaded the GTR highway signs on the STEX.  You can download them by clicking on this photo:

Click the images for full resolution! (1920x1200.) See my picture information section on the first update of this page for more info.

Here is the new transit station.  The new station will be open for business very soon.  Also, note the new observation tower built on the reclaimed land.

Looking at some dense development:

Looking at some new development:

The open land around the highway termini is no longer.

The standard GTR train station in the new part of town:

Its FAR Park!

FAR Park zoomed out:

The north entrance to the park is along this busy artery.

South entrance, and more FAR!  To the left is the beginnings of the Multi-RHW.

A new image of Downtown is now on Wikipedia!
-Click it to go to Wikipedia's PNG image!

Anyways, Happy Labour Day to those who celebrate it!

I am back to university this Thursday, so be advised that the GTR may not be updated as often.  But don't worry, I won't abandon it!



wow, you got a pic into Wikipedia :o

and your rail lines are looking snazzeh, and that far is v/ nice :)

Copperminds and Cuddleswarms


Yeah, I just meant like what was out there?

Grrr... FAR!

The usual comments and MD cliches still apply...  :D

I specifically like the 3rd picture of the actual update though. Just the combinations of all the transport networks and surrounding development look really good!  &apls
NAM Team Member | 3RR Collaborater | Virgin Shores


Nice update! By the way, yesterday I've calculated that the population density of the GTR is 14,000 inhabitants per km2! That's huge!

Lurk mode: ACTIVE


Hi my friend
Your new update is very good as well  :)
Your night pics are so réalistic and your Highway are superb  :thumbsup:
My new city is now here
The région of Kaikoura

Teaser of Lopsas[+ How did I do it?]:Lopsas


Well... No time for a update today, sorry!  I wanted to get back to all of the wonderful comments you have made.  You sure put a lot of time into your replies, and you deserve the same in return.  I strive to make a update every time I post here to avoid clutter, but this is the rare exception.

But that isn't it for this post.  I have some info and a rare teaser at the bottom of this post!


JoeST:  Yes I did!   :)  Glad you are liking the rails and the FAR!

deathtopumpkins: Ah... Not too much at this point.  Am I teasing you too much with FAR?  A beta will be released soon...  Glad you enjoyed the update!

mrtnrln:  Thanks for making the signs!  Glad you liked the update!
-Wow, that's an insane stat!  Just wait until more of the region is developed!

Simpson:  Thanks a lot!  Glad you have been enjoying the past few updates!   :thumbsup:

New Info/Teaser

The Greater Terran Region is getting a makeover!  With the new GTR signs up and FAR fast approaching a beta release, the region is undergoing a massive refurbishment.

When its done, the GTR will look better than ever!  I hope this teaser will be enough for now as I prepare for a new update...

As always, click for Full Resolution!  (1920x1200)

See you soon!  And again, thanks for all the wonderful comments!  They mean a lot!



This pic is very fine and the highway is superb  :thumbsup:
My new city is now here
The région of Kaikoura

Teaser of Lopsas[+ How did I do it?]:Lopsas

Patricius Maximus

Makeover? Quite understandable. Parts of Patian County have recieved the same treatment; but it is a slow and ongoing process. The made-over areas of my region look better than ever.

I wish you luck, and I hope you'll keep some of the older ones for historical value.

- Patricius Maximus


Nice pictures there on the last update! Also the teaser looks great!
Looking forward to the next update! :thumbsup: