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Can`t find sc4mapper download!

Started by timi11, April 21, 2010, 01:37:45 AM

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Hey Fans, i don`t find the download for sc4mapper.

Can anybody help me for this???

Thanks a lot...



Register for the LEX - it is a separate registration to the forums.
You can find SC4Mapper from the link.
Inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened. TP

Barbypedia: More alive than the original


i cant grasp the TF,. and the mapper is not working in my vista,,, Grrrr.  so i hope someone would make the sc4mapper work in vista and put a patch to fix it,. I even tyred that dll file they had people download. not any use.
when i go to open the mapper i get the blue splash intro then nothing past it. it only go off again...  and as far as the TF .. I haven't a clue how to use it..  and the tutorials haven't been much help/. I am opening pic's and files and they all look the same,  so no go on tha tone...hopefully a fix for the mapper in vista as it looks much simpler for my  needs :-)


I had the same problem with Windows 7, but if you read the comments on the download page that's linked above, it can be solved by moving your documents folder.



Quote from: BarbyW on April 21, 2010, 04:02:49 AM
Register for the LEX - it is a separate registration to the forums.
You can find SC4Mapper from the link.


Quote from: xxdita on June 19, 2010, 10:17:12 AM

I appreciate your quoting abilities. 

But there is no actual link to the installer at that address.   Perhaps i'm missing it.  But I cant find an actualy file to download on that site. 


Upon further reading in other topics on this forum I have discovered the trick.

The website requires registration to see the download link. 

http://sc4devotion.com/csxlex/lex_userreg.php    Link to the 'hidden' registration page.


Quote from: Quelin on October 29, 2010, 02:18:27 AM
Upon further reading in other topics on this forum I have discovered the trick.

The website requires registration to see the download link. 

http://sc4devotion.com/csxlex/lex_userreg.php    Link to the 'hidden' registration page.

You were only told that twice before in this very thread! (complete with links)  ;)

Quote from: BarbyW on April 21, 2010, 04:02:49 AM
Register for the LEX - it is a separate registration to the forums.
You can find SC4Mapper from the link.

Quote from: xxdita on June 19, 2010, 10:17:12 AM
... quote to register for the LEX...


its sad how complicated some of these sites are. Insted of working together as three or four different sites and criss crossing everything. just make one main site... and redesign the site.


Quote from: punkrockporkchop on December 12, 2010, 03:49:19 PM
its sad how complicated some of these sites are. Insted of working together as three or four different sites and criss crossing everything. just make one main site... and redesign the site.

you say it... i just needed the sc4mapper again... to find out that it isn't on the stex and than making a new devotion account to realize that i just need the lex account that i already have but forgot the passwort it took me lots of time... collaborate!


1- CoNgRaTz oN bEiNg tHe MoSt wHoRiStIc aNd SaDiStIc CaPtChAs AlCoHoLiC fReAk On ThE eNtIrE wOrLdWiDeWeB fRoM tHiS tImE aNd AlL tHe GeNeRaTiOnS tO cOmE. (me too I can swallow your brain whole) 3 ? T H R E E ? Including one unreadable. WHY ? WHY? Because let's face it someday someone will kill that thing. Captchas are for the early 21st century what the land line modem stupid sound was for the early ages...An upcoming laugh... And why do you care if my password have uppercase or lowercase. Thanks for your concern. Captchas freaks. What the hell do you have against robots ? Racists. You have a thing against lower IQ entities, fine nobody is perfect, but take your little tests and shove them deep up your...
2- There is nothing to download on that bloody page (http://sc4devotion.com/csxlex/lex_filedesc.php?lotGET=179 and http://sc4devotion.com/csxlex/lex_filedesc.php?lotGET=731). N O T H I N G, and since you are pro Captcha around here, I'm hoping you can read each of these letters just fine.
3- Real pro on the lowercase/uppercase that's pretty much it, because when I try to login "forever" that lasts like 5sec...
4- Bye. I won't be back.



Please register and/or log in. The link will show up.



Swordmaster gives good advice. SC4Devotion and the BSC LEX are the same but different. You have to register for both. The most likely reason you can not see the download button is because you have not registered for the LEX.

- Jim

Jim Myers  (5th member of SC4 Devotion)