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PIMX'd - CAMifying the world!!

Started by xxdita, July 12, 2010, 12:04:34 AM

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There are so many amazing BATs available on other sites that many of us would like to use in our CAM cities, but of course the only way to do this is to remod them with SC4PIM aka PIMX aka XTool. I'd expect that many of you have already started this process, but it seems silly for dozens of people to do the exact same work huh?

Behind the scenes for a while, we've been working on a solution that will not only add hopefully a ton of new CAMelots, but will also help anyone struggling with using SC4PIM, and I hope that we'll have many people involved in this ongoing project. Let's face it, there's a lot of work to do.

In the next few days, we will be launching a new board, where will be posting some of our favorite lots from creators all around the world, retrofitted for CAM. I'd suggest creating a new folder in your Plugins, named PIMXd, so that you have somewhere to put all the good stuff coming your way. :)

We will, as always, be respectful of all Custom Content Creators' EULA's, which you have agreed to abide by in order to use their content. There are very few that prohibit their lots to be updated in this way. But we will not break any EULA here, in any way.

So in these cases, unless you can have the original creator contact me or Wouanagaine directly, we will not be able to update the files. My username is the same at all SimCity4 fansites, so I'm not hard to find.

I also strongly encourage anyone interested in learning PIMX to give it a try, and share your remodded lots with the rest of the community here. We will be more than happy to help you figure it out. If you'd like to contribute, just send me or CasperVg the file via email, or upload it off-site, and PM one of us with the link. All remodded lots will be carefully looked at, as if they were a LEX Candidacy, before being posted.

You'll find that the XTool does most of the heavy lifting for you, all you have to do is figure out a proper filling degree. It really is that easy.

Contributing to the project will be as easy as it possibly can be. No ReadMe's, no installers... just sweet & simple remodding. We will provide a link to the original download, which will already include a ReadMe for gathering dependencies as needed; provide a Cleanitol to remove the original lot and building sc4desc (and in some cases check for additional props included in the original upload); and provide a picture of the building ingame. The lots will be attached to files, with the Board's threads being organized by RCI Category.

This thread will serve as our recruitment center and official request thread. So anyone that would like to help out, please let us know! We've all got a few projects lined up already, so requests will be handled as time/interest allows. You find us a really great BAT, and it'll probably get remodded really quick. :)


I'm very happy to read about this!   :thumbsup:

I think you already know that I've updated lots with PIM-X for personal use, so I am officially volunteering for service.  I already have a fair few lots that I've already updated, but I'm also happy to take assignments.  I'd welcome the review because I'm never 100% certain if I've chosen the right filling degree, although it seems to get easier with practice.  I'll wait to hear from you before I start sending you a pile of updated lots. 

I'd also like to recommend looking into some standards for transit-enabled lots and stations.  With the latest NAM, there is finally a consistent traffic simulator so the TSEC can and should be properly set.  I've also been talking with z about proper capacities, but I haven't quite wrapped my head around that yet.  I'm sure he'd be happy to help determine the proper modding here.  Unfortunately, this is the one thing that PIM-X does not do automatically.

I'm looking forward to filling my PIMXd folder with new goodies - and hopefully I can help as well.


To get the board going, we are focusing on growable lots. We'd certainly welcome properly remodded transit stations, but since those will require heavier scrutiny, by people that are experienced with that sort of thing, there may be some delay in getting the files posted.

Growables are a lot more fun and much less work to remod.  ;D


That makes sense.  One other question... Are you updating any LEX content, or just content from other sites?  I looked through the lots I've upodated to date, and I have a lot of older BSC content that I've revisited.  I'm not sure if you want to update those or leave that to the original content creators.


I totally forgot to say welcome aboard Scott, we'd be glad to have you helping us.  :thumbsup: We've still got some cleaning up behind the scenes to do before we can let anyone in, but as soon as that's done I'll ask an Admin to flip the proper switches for you.

For BSC files, I'd say it's probably best to update the content on the LEX itself, as opposed to using this board, since we have the ability to do so. If the original creator is still active here, most likely they'd be willing to update the files themselves, and if they don't have the time, or are not currently active, then the files can be updated by the BSC Admin, or if she doesn't have time, by another LEX Admin.

If you have a list of BSC downloads from the LEX that you notice haven't been updated with PIMX already, then we'd be interested in that.

I would like to also open the invitation up for any CC Creators that would like to update their own material. Perhaps you're still uncertain of SC4PIM; we can help. Then maybe a LEX Candidacy wouldn't seem so complicated.

And most importantly, I want to make it clear that no one involved in this project is choosing buildings because of anything but the quality of the original BATs. This isn't to pass judgment on how lots have been modded previously, only to retrofit them for CAM, so that they can continue to be enjoyed by roughly 40,000 or more people that have downloaded the CAM since it's release, and however many more come along.


I would like to lend a hand with this.  I am very new to Custom Content in SC4, but have latley been using PIMX a lot to make things grow :).  I am a good estimater, but if there is one thing I admire about the LEX is the standards.  I would not mind exhustion methods (measureing angles and counting pixels). I may not be the fastest, but I am certainly here to help.

I have a few questions about the process though, but I would imagine that all of them will be made clear when ya'll are done figuring it all out.  Here is the big one:

    Are we to make a .desc for the model/building (and perhaps prop piece for tall buildings), or will we be looking at the original .Lot and determining a proper filling degree from there?


I find it's usually easiest to create a new building desc and lot, then copy over the original lotting.

Large skyscrapers that are modeled as separate pieces are a bit more complicated. They need to be treated as Mega Lots; a building desc made for each piece, with a proper filling degree used, then tweak the FD of the base piece to match the total stats. Of course only the final building desc would be included in the upload, neatly included in the lot file.


not too great with pimx, but if shown what to do I'd be glad to help out


I too would like give you a hand in this. I have already been camifying on my own (I think I've been through most of the HKT stuff already  :D), so I do have a basic understanding of the PIM-X already.
Nemo sobrius saltaret


Awesome! We'll get you started soon as we can.

By the way, if you can see the Private Board in this area, that means you have been drafted.  :P


It's great to hear about a project like this.

Unfortunatly I don't have the time right now to learn to use the X tool and help you out.

However, since this project is camifying content from other simcity4 fansites, would it be possible to ask the original creators of the content for permission to put the camified lots on the LEX? Probably with a link to the model on the dependencies list (unless the creator gives permission for the model to be included).

That way we could use the LEX Downloader instead of downloading the lots manually.


For some creators we do update their works on the LEX, when we have permission to include the model files or create Mega Packs. Relotted buildings will still be on the LEX and will include ReadMe's and installers and such.

This project is designed to be as simple as possible on the modding side, so that more can be done in the long run and a treat for Registered Members here at SC4D.

Time spent on packaging will be better spent remodding more lots.


Some (those that still had images - curse you ImageShack!) of the PIM-X'd files that were uploaded in this board as attachments over the years have now been uploaded to the SC4D LEX as well. They are part of the 'PIM-X'd' Custom Group. For easy access, along with their respective categories (e.g. CAM Commercial Office). Have fun downloading!
Follow my SimCity 4 Let's play on YouTube


I did find a trick to getting those imageshack pictures to use, a couple actually. One is to find a chrome app for it.. however there are some issues with it. Another is to run the thread link through http://web.archive.org/ . Odds are there will be an archived version with the links.
~ NAM Team Member


Time to dust off the cobwebs and open up shop again.

I see that a lot of new creators are using PIMX for their new works, and I certainly approve. But I'm sure that there are some classic bats out there that would be great additions to CAM cities.

So the request lines are open. You provide a valid link, I'll take care of the rest.


Great choice of file. Horrible choice in video.

gonzelo1234 has a lot of really great stuff! I'll get the file posted shortly, so ahead and grab the original download now, along with any dependencies it may have, as this will be an exact clone.


Well, it's a brand new bat but this would be an excellent grow stage 12 or so:

Valid Link:

Invalid Link:



It was decided no to be a growable, because the building is too unique for that. Check these posts: https://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=18611.msg534590#msg534590.

- Tyberius
You may find updates about my ongoing projects into my development thread here at SimCity 4 Devotion: Tyberius Lotting Experiments
or over there on Simtropolis into the Tyberius (Heretic Projects) Lotting and Modding Experiments.
I'm also member of the STEX Custodian and working on different restoration projects on behalf of non-anymore-active custom content creators.
Current projects: WMP Restoration and SimCity Polska Restoration.
Member of the NAM Team and RTMT Team.


Some of us don't use very many plopables, so it's never a bad idea to have growable versions of lots that we like.