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Small Problem With Reader

Started by Jayster, November 30, 2010, 05:56:40 PM

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I'm having a small problem with Reader. Whenever I edit the Exemplar Name, it lets me edit it, and then I apply it, save and exit. But when I go into the game to check to see the name of it, the lot still says "Small Plaza". I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. It happened to me before so I deleted the lot, re-did it in LE, and then added the information back into the lot in Reader. I hope I provided you guys with enough information to help me.

Some help would be very much appreciated.  :thumbsup:



The exemplar name is only visible in game for growables.  In that case it is the exemplar name of the .desc file.

It is different for plopables.  The .desc file for Plops have two additional properties:  Item Name, and Item Description.  When you over the mouse over a plop you see the Name in bold and the Description below it.  The Name is what you will see when you query the building.

In Reader, the format for both the Name and Description is the same:  The Type, Group, and Instance of an LTEXT file.  The LTEXT has the words that you are looking to change.

I believe you have a problem doing this with Maxis LE though.  Maxis LE does not make a new .desc, but uses the one that the original lot does.  You will have to make your own .desc using MaxisPIM, or PIMX.

I would highly recommend PIMX for this.  PIMX will make one file out of the .desc and .lot for you.  It will also make custom Icons and LTEXTS for you to change as you see fit. 

BTW: nice lots in your MD :)


Thank you very much for the quick reply. I'll post back here if I have more troubles!


EDIT: Well considering I have no idea how to do anything you just mentioned, it would help amazingly if you would post some sort of tutorial please!  :thumbsup:



Since PIMX is the easiest way to do this, I will get you set up with that.  It replaces MaxisPIM and MaxisLE, and also has additional functions.  Here is a link to PIMX.  You will also need the NewPropertiesXML placed in the folder you installed PIMX into.  I believe the User Guide will tell you everything you need to know, but I can give you a condensed version.  I warn you though, I often get stuck on details and make confusing tutorials.  I am trying to correct this, and hope I don't get too broad :).

Once PIMXed is opened you will see a screen similar to MaxisPIM.  The types of buildings are listed on the left, and the models you chose (by clicking on the check boxes) will be listed on the upper right.  Models are then dragged over to their appropriate category.

It is up to you to decide what type of building you want.  Parks with invisible buildings is good for filler lots, but otherwise it is best to use visible buildings.

~You are making seaport lots right?  There is also a Seaport Eyecandy section.  Using this will place your building in the seaport menu in-game~

Dragging the model over to the proper type of building will create a loosedesc (a file only used by PIMX), and the bottom right of the menu will appear.  By right clicking in this new area you will see a menu that includes the "recompute properties as ...".  This is what makes PIMX special, and it determines the Filling Degree.  This one variable (that can be greater than 1) determines every other stat the building has (plop cost, air pollution...).  By using this variable we create buildings with balanced stats to each other.  On the lower left you will see an image of the building with a cube around it.  A proper filling degree is an estimate to how much space the model fills the cube.

Also in the bottom right you will see the Item Name, and Item Description.  You can change these as you want.  I believe this is also where you can import a PNG (or Icon or something).  This will ask you to find a .png image on your computer to be the Icon for in-game.  You don't need to do this, but it is helpful when you have made many lots.

Okay, then you click save, right click on the bottom right (again), and Create a Plopable with this building.  You will be asked what size lot you want.  By right clicking you can open the lots that the building uses, and from that lot you can right click to enter the LE (which has two major advantages, you can see images of the props, and when you save you won't make another lot file).

Your plugin folder will now have two new files in it: The LooseDesc and the Lot.  The loosedesc can be deleted.  If you open the Lot in Reader you will see that there are 6 files there: Lot Exemplar, Building Exemplar, 2 LTEXTS, a PNG, and the DIR.  You can change the LTEXTS here also.

Sorry if I made that complicated.  Once you get the hang of it it is pretty simple.  Again, all of this is in the User Guide, and that has pictures as well. 


Thanks!  :thumbsup: Everything is functioning normally in the game now!
