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Started by dedgren, September 08, 2007, 05:21:21 PM

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-9/10/07 9:06 PST: This message has been edited to avoid a double post. The original post is at the top, and has been judged. I have placed the new one beneath it. If this is a problem, please let me know, and I will happily repost the new entry in a second post.-moved to new post further down page-

Though not David by name, I'd still like to give this a go. Some of these are educated guesses, others are just plain guesses... let's see what happens.

1.  David (Dave) Thomas - Fries with that
2.  David by Michelangelo - Heart of Stone
3.  David Bowie - Stardust Memories
4.  David Beckham - Just now wrecked 'im
5.  David Copperfield - A vanishing breed
6.  David Duchovny -  The Number One Reason
7.  David Hasselhoff - KITT
8.  David Hyde Pierce -  You'd be crazy too (a nice reference to Frasier)
9.  David Lee Roth -  Why Don't You Love Me
10. David Letterman - What Bobby said she wore (as in a letterman jacket perhaps?)
11. David Lynch -  Have a Heart (Wild at Heart is another of his films)
12. David (Davy) Crockett - Remember the Alamo
13.  David Thewlis  (from Harry Potter) -  Not just the rivers in Africa (no idea why)

DAVID EDIT:  Nice try, Matt- you are the first to get Mr. Thewlis's name correct.  Seven completely right- six not.  You have come up with some inventive mistakes, though. -DE


OK here is my last crack at this as im gone now for 2 wks siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh but hey i had to try one more time :D

[tabular type=4 caption="Daves' Day Supremos"]
[row] [head]Pic[/head] [head]Name[/head] [head]Clue[/head] [/row]
[row] [data]
[/data] [data]Dave Thomas[/data] [data]Fries with that?[/data] [/row]
[row] [data]
[/data] [data]David[/data] [data]Heart of Stone[/data][/row]
[row] [data]
[/data] [data]David Beckham[/data] [data]Just now wrecked 'im[/data][/row]
[row] [data]
[/data] [data]David Bowie[/data] [data]Stardust Memories[/data][/row]
[row] [data]
[/data] [data]david Copperfield[/data] [data]A vanishing breed[/data][/row]
[row] [data]
[/data] [data]David Duchovny[/data] [data]You'd be crazy too[/data][/row]
[row] [data]
[/data] [data]David Hasselhoff[/data] [data]Kitt[/data][/row]
[row] [data]
[/data] [data]David Hyde Pierce[/data] [data]Not just the rivers in Africa[/data][/row]
[row] [data]
[/data] [data]David Lee Roth[/data] [data]Have a heart[/data][/row]
[row] [data]
[/data] [data]David Letterman[/data] [data]The number one reason[/data][/row]
[row] [data]
[/data] [data]David Thewlis[/data] [data]Why Don't you love me[/data][/row]
[row] [data]
[/data] [data]David Crockett[/data] [data]Remember the Alamo![/data][/row]
[row] [data]
[/data] [data]David Lynch[/data] [data]What bobby said she wore[/data][/row]

DAVID EDIT:  Eight out of 13, Pat.  Best yet!  Have a great time while you're away- take it easy, too. -DE

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


I'll give this another go:

1.  David (Dave) Thomas - Fries with that
2.  David by Michelangelo - Heart of Stone
3.  David Bowie - Stardust Memories
4.  David Beckham - Just now wrecked 'im
5.  David Copperfield - A vanishing breed
6.  David Duchovny - You'd be crazy too
7.  David Hasselhoff - KITT
8.  David Hyde Pierce - Not just the rivers in Africa (Niles Crane-from Frasier)
9.  David Lee Roth - Have a Heart
10. David Letterman - The Number One Reason
11. David Lynch -  What Bobby said she wore (Blue Velvet-Bobby Vinton-soundtrack to the movie)
12. David (Davy) Crockett - Remember the Alamo
13. David Thewlis (from Harry Potter) - Why Don't You Love Me

DAVID EDIT:  Whoo!  Way warmer!  Ten correct, and some real insight (I don't see any mention of the clues in yesterday morning's doggerel verse- reference to it should have been pretty helpful, although it was written in the old code.  My suggestion for those who will try from this point is to do a list of those you think are solid answers and those you think are tentative guesses.  Focus on the much smaller group. -DE

--edit: 9/10/07 10:50pm PST-- I decided to go ahead and make the 2nd post (the next one down) principly to signify a complete new submission. If there is a problem with that, feel free to combine the posts into one

--edit: 9/10/07 3:54pm PST--  [content moved to next post 10:50pm]


Here, below, is my revised list... process of elimination, the "doggerel verse" and pretty much anyone who has posted prior, have helped put this one together. (I feel bad though, something similar happened in 3RR with the same person...pat... being the competition. However, if there is no problem with it...):

1.  David (Dave) Thomas - Fries with that?
2.  David by Michelangelo - Heart of Stone
3.  David Bowie - Stardust Memories
4.  David Beckham - Just now wrecked 'im (a sport nic's a clue, so's a fan's lament)
5.  David Copperfield - A vanishing breed
6.  David Duchovny - Why Don't You Love Me
7.  David Hasselhoff - KITT
8.  David Hyde Pierce - Not just the rivers in Africa (Niles Crane-from Frasier)
9.  David Lee Roth - You'd be crazy too (just reunited with Van Halen...eddie, after going their separate ways)
10. David Letterman - The Number One Reason
11. David Lynch -  What Bobby said she wore (Blue Velvet-Bobby Vinton-soundtrack to the movie)
12. David (Davy) Crockett - Remember the Alamo
13. David Thewlis (from Harry Potter) - Have a Heart

still confused about
"Speak about sources- watch Burton vent" and
"and an ex-00 said "this half's for you""
but I think I got the right order now.


Hey threestooges that looks pretty good, and now that you've explained a few of the clues is starting to make sense.

You may well soon be an honourary Dave. Lets see what our torturer Dedgren thinks  :)


Yes folks...


At a few minutes before 1:00 o'clock a.m. GMT on the 11th, our friend and Honorary Dave Matt (threestooges) posted the following
Quote1.  David (Dave) Thomas - Fries with that?
2.  David by Michelangelo - Heart of Stone
3.  David Bowie - Stardust Memories
4.  David Beckham - Just now wrecked 'im (a sport nic's a clue, so's a fan's lament)
5.  David Copperfield - A vanishing breed
6.  David Duchovny - Why Don't You Love Me
7.  David Hasselhoff - KITT
8.  David Hyde Pierce - Not just the rivers in Africa (Niles Crane-from Frasier)
9.  David Lee Roth - You'd be crazy too (just reunited with Van Halen...eddie, after going their separate ways)
10. David Letterman - The Number One Reason
11. David Lynch -  What Bobby said she wore (Blue Velvet-Bobby Vinton-soundtrack to the movie)
12. David (Davy) Crockett - Remember the Alamo
13. David Thewlis (from Harry Potter) - Have a Heart

Matt noted that he was still a bit confused as to several of the clues, but whatever the situation, he has the list completely correct.  Congrats to you- we name you Dave-friend and invite you to check out real estate west of the Misty Mountains...

...no, wait- different universe entirely...

Matt, we'll see what's coming your way on the 18th.

* * *

A few thoughts about the contest.

1.  I thought the pic of Dave Thomas in his later years was pretty tough.  He's sort of the generic "old lookin' guy," but the "You want fries with that?" clue seemed to be a pretty broad hint that someone in one of those pics was associated with the fast food industry.  Heather didn't think it rated a clue as she figured somebody would get it right away by process of elimination.  It took Honorary Dave masochist to come along and help out.  Go figure.

2.  David/Heart of Stone.  There had to be a "gimme."  This one was it.

3.  The only thing I like better better that that pic of D. Bowie is hearing those opening words, "Ziggy played guitar..." roar out of the stereo.  Easy pair- True Dave Dave (tooheys) got that one right away.  Another DB fan, I presume?

4.  I thought everyone had to endure the same recent "All Beckham-All of the Time" news coverage we did when he came over to the 'states and then promptly got injured.  My first hearing about the guy a couple of years ago is inseparably associated with the phrase "Wreck 'em with Beckham."  Is it just me?  Was I dreaming these things?  Anyway, we weren't surprised when Dave's first guess got the pic right but were baffled with the "no idea" as far as the associated clue went.  Hence Heather's hint about "soccer not being your sport."  When Dave proposed "Why don't you love me?" I knew something stronger was needed and thus came, "a sport nic's a clue."  Matt nailed it shortly afterwards, but I was surprised by how long this one was open.

5.  I kind of thought David Copperfield was past the "big-time" years he enjoyed in the 90s, but he has a pretty distinctive mug.  "A vanishing breed" seemed like a very, very broad hint.  Dave apparently thought so, too, getting it the first time around.

6.  Jeez, wasn't The X-Files as inescapable everywhere else as wherever I was?  Funny, though, all I remember now about the whole thing is that Duchovny was in the show, the names Scully and Mulder, and that awful song, "Why don't you love me, David Duchovny?."  Dave got the pic right away- Heather gave a not really artful clue in saying "you don't follow music from foreign ports" (what if the guesser was from the US?).  I thought "A fan's lament" would allow someone to nail it, especially with the field narrowed down, but this one went all the way to Matt's last try.

7.  David Hasselhof/KITT.  Another gimme, at least if you watched bad 80s TV.

And then they got pretty tough.

8.  While Dave nailed IDing David Hyde-Pierce with his first guess, this one went all the way to Honorary Dave Pat's (patfirefghtr) last guess before "Not just the rivers in Africa" was puzzled out to mean "Niles."  Heather observed, "Geography's weak," which didn't seem to help much, so I thought I'd try to be clever with "Speak about sources- watch Burton vent."  The British explorers Speke and Burton engaged in a very public 19th Century argument about the discovery of the source of the White Nile [linkie].  I referred to "rivers" intending to call to mind the White Nile and the Blue Nile (the "Niles").  By the way, can any non-African member here recall from school the names of more than three African rivers?  I remember the Nile, Congo and Zambezi, and that's it.  I think the "Africa" component of my social studies class was about three class days long.  Pity.

9.  I looked hard for a pic of David Lee Roth that wasn't a dead giveaway.  Dave nailed it in his first guess, so one of rock's true wild men must be pretty notorious.  The clue though...  I thought it was way too easy.  Googling David Lee Roth would have had to have come up with the titles of his solo albums.  I can't find my CD of "Crazy from the Heat" [linkie] right now, but I do intend to listen to the Rothman's take on "California Girls" again as soon as I find it.  Heather's "music from foreign ports" hint was meant to take "You'd be crazy, too" in.  I made that way broader with "Eddie's [Van Halen] on-again friend [recent announcement DLR is rejoining the group for a tour - Aaaaak!  Have you looked at pics of these guys lately  Better hope nobody knock over someone's oxygen bottle on stage with a bad wheelchair move] cut 'em solo [ref to DLR's solo "career"] once, too"  That obvious, but it took until Matt's last guess.  Go figure once again.

10.  D. Letterman/The number-one reason.  This truly was, "so easy, even a Dave-man can do it."  I tried to come up with better.

11.  I knew David Lynch wouldn't be easy.  I don't know how far his 15 (actually 20, movies and then TV) minutes of fame extended outside of the US.  The Bobbie Vinton reference in the clue only really makes sense if (a) you have personal memories of JFK's last year in office or (b) you saw the movie.  Me, I can never get "Wo, wo, wo" truly out of my mind- the song was inescapable in the late summer and fall of '63.  So, okay.  Heather hinted "commercial TV," but once again that was pretty obscure, and only meant to help in IDing Lynch.  We figured once that happened, it was only a matter of the next guess before someone would connect "What Bobby said she wore" with Lynch's film.  Why was that?  Google "Bobby she wore" and see what comes up.  Time passes.  Nobody's even close to getting the pic, so I comment after another try by Dave, "I'll give you peeks at a pair of very closely related hints."  "Twin Peaks," get it?  Trying to get you to think of Lynch and his creations.  It took Honorary Dave vester the next post to let everyone know who that pic was of.  I threw in with my rhyming hint an explicit reference to "twin peeks," but the guesses were all over the map until Matt's next to last try, where he connected all the dots.

12.  Davy Crockett/Remember the Alamo.  An easy one, gotten by Dave the first time around.  Crockett, btw, died at the Alamo, so it's doubtful he remembered anything.

13.  Da' stinka', as they say in Noo Yawk City.  I had no idea David Thewlis, after his performances as Lupin in the Harry Potter movies, remained so seemingly unknown.  Heather gave a first clue, "Quidditch...must not be your sport," trying to get people to think of the HP movies generally.  That must have worked, because Dave came up with "David Hewlis" in his next guess.  I commented that "one of the surnames still needs some work" to draw attention to that, and then gave what I thought would be an easily worked out puzzle hint in saying "and an ex-00 said "this half's for you."  Come on!  Didn't anyone else see "Dragonheart?"  The dragon, played by Sean Connery, who once possessed a license to kill (ex-00[7]), gave the evil King Einon (Thewlis) half of his heart (this half's for you) for no apparently good reason other than that Julie Christie asked.  It still took 'til Matt's winning guess, and Matt admits that he had no idea what my hint was referring to.

So, there you have them.  Everyone who played is either a True Dave or an Honorary Dave- Daveness rules!  Thanks for your interest in this.  It was fun.

We'll see you next week on Dave's Day.

D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


Hey, congratulations, threestooges! I would have taken a few guesses myself, but the ones I knew were all taken!


i would have made a guess, but my little brother is already a "Dave" so I just passed. no, i'm not related to anyone on these forums. yet. my little brother might eventually become a SC4D Dave.


Well done threestooges and thank god  ;D

David well I made a start, I just needed someone to build on it :). My excuse:  I couldn't win and become an honourary dave, because I'm already a real one, so let someone else have a taste of what it means to be one of us. Sounds good to me  ::)

Even with a few of your explanations I'd still be strugglin'. As for David Lynch's fame outside the US, the phrase "wrapped in plastic" was one of my favorites back in the times of Twin Peaks, and it was my favourite show. I even had the soundtrack (record that is, no CD or tape).

I hope your better half is going to write us some verse for the big day (although nothing too criptic, I'd like to understand it  ;D)

So with a week to go, I thought I'd start stocking up for the big day.

Given this is a cyberparty, rest assured all the food will remain fresh until the 18th.

I will try to cater for everyone, but feel free to contribute if you wish. I'm sure David will reimburse you for any outlays  ;)

So for the meateaters

PS: David, that is a great game you have there. I noticed you have also used it in the 3RR. Well done, it's certainly a challenge.


Dave the younger

Madeira aka Constantina

you found a winner? its very nice to talk about daves day because i remember the krypton factor on tv in 1988 when david lee won. his name begins with david too.

should i find anymore davids i will tell you.



Hey matt congrats and noo need to worry m8 im willing to take you up on a good ole challenge any ole day lol.... David i cant belive i nailed that one on david hyde pierce... I had origanly thought about niles crane as in his character from fraiser and then i kinda stabbed at it lol

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


Maybe a little bit of seafood


Of course we need something to cook on:

Somewhere to relax:

and of course a lot of beer

and a little more on tap (I love this fridge)

Madeira aka Constantina

looks like we are going to have fun on the 18th


Dave, you are the man!

Daves' Day looks like it will be followed by International Lose Those Extra Pounds Month.

D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


I suppose (though there is another thread for it) this would be an appropriate place to congratulate a particular David on their new CML. It looks great, and in good time too... the big day is only two away.

Pat, I have to say you helped me quite a bit with a few of them. As far as I'm concerned you should share in the title too.

Tooheys, great spread you have prepared. Perhaps something for dessert? There's a little place up in Boston that has been getting some attention lately...

Some cake for the seafood fans:

And some for the fans of that fridge:

And yes, that is cake

Looking forward to the big day. Hope it's good for both of you.


Thanks, threestooges appreciate the cakes. David, you can have the sushi, mine is the Guinness  :)

Only one sleep to go, in fact only 3.5 hrs for me, and Dave day officially begins. WOOHOO


Dave the Younger

Madeira aka Constantina

i love sushi so here is the real ones

once again have fun!


QuoteOnly one sleep to go, in fact only 3.5 hrs for me, and Dave day officially begins. WOOHOO

World's got to make it all the way 'round for DD to start for me, being in about the last time zone and all.

Don't eat everything...

...especially the sushi- that looks like sushi to die for, guys.  Great cakes, too!  Yum!

Dibs on the hammock.

D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren