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Started by dedgren, September 08, 2007, 05:21:21 PM

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This year, September 18, 2007, shall forever escape the ignominy of being the date in history best previously remembered for the founding, in 1838, of the Anti-Corn Law League [linkie].

That's because Dave (tooheys) and your humble writer of this post, David (dedgren) were born on the 18th, and have jointly thus decided that it shall be ever after, in honor of all the Davids, Daves, Davies and other variations out there-


This site has already become a mecca for the Davids of the SC4 community, as evidenced by this thread- David's Unite! [linkie].  Members who have stepped forward there and celebrated the wonder of their Daveness include


We know there are way more Davids out there on SC4D- come out, come out, come out and join us, both by proclaiming yourself on that thread and 10 days from today in the gigantic public celebrations which we are quite certain will spontaneously erupt in every city and town more sophisticated than Upper Armpit, Iowa.  You don't believe us- look at the following, proof that the Lightness of Being David is far from Unbearable, and every Dave shall surely have his (and her, for all the distaff Davettes out there) day.

We've taken the time, though, to make you reflect a little bit on what an amazing thing to be a David is.  Who will be the first member to sort out the clue that goes with the correct pic (they're currently scrambled), and give us the names of each of these big D's?

[tabular type=4 caption="Daves' Day Supremos"]
[row] [head]Pic[/head] [head]Clue[/head] [/row]
[row] [data]
[/data] [data]Stardust Memories[/data] [/row]
[row] [data]
[/data] [data]Have a Heart[/data] [/row]
[row] [data]
[/data] [data]You'd be crazy, too[/data] [/row]
[row] [data]
[/data] [data]A vanishing breed[/data] [/row]
[row] [data]
[/data] [data]KITT[/data] [/row]
[row] [data]
[/data] [data]Not just the rivers in Africa[/data] [/row]
[row] [data]
[/data] [data]Just now wrecked 'im[/data] [/row]
[row] [data]
[/data] [data]Fries with that?[/data] [/row]
[row] [data]
[/data] [data]Why Don't You Love Me[/data] [/row]
[row] [data]
[/data] [data]Heart of Stone[/data] [/row]
[row] [data]
[/data] [data]Remember the Alamo![/data] [/row]
[row] [data]
[/data] [data]What Bobby said she wore[/data] [/row]
[row] [data]
[/data] [data]The Number One Reason[/data] [/row]

Now, no cheating (for those of you who might figure out how).  Post your guesses on this thread, and no editing them once they're up.  You can, though, try as many times as you would like.  All entries will be checked out by a bona-fide and certified David.  Who knows what great things (Dave-for-a-day, perhaps?) will happen for the member who puzzles this out first.

Let the festivities begin!


D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


I would of responded earlier but I was busy reading about the anti-corn law league. Rivetting stuff :)
Who would have thought I was born on the same date that that magnificent league was founded.

Daves' Day, a day for all Daves everywhere. I'm already stocking up the fridge in anticipation.

Some interesting Dave's you have pictured here Dave. I've worked most out, but a couple have me stumped.
I'll post my answers soon.

Cheers Dave

(PS he's the older one ;D)


Yeah, boi!

Davids unite!  YEAH!

I'm not a David, o'course, but this does make for an interesting event...

As for The David Connection there, is it an all-or-nothing guessing game, or can I take out some of them now and leave the rest for other people?  I know about four people, and about two of the clues...
(Under Construction)


Quoteis it an all-or-nothing guessing game, or can I take out some of them now and leave the rest for other people?

Oh, by all means guess away...

Partial answers are fine, as it's playing, not winning, that counts in the long run in any event.

D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


Oh well here's a start, might give someone else some ideas.

1.   ()what()
2.  David by Michelangelo - Heart of Stone
3.  David Bowie - Stardust Memories
4.  David Beckham -
5.  David Copperfield - A vanishing breed
6.  David Duchovny -
7.  David Hasselhoff - KITT
8.  David Hyde Pierce -  You'd be crazy too
9.  David Lee Roth -
10. David Letterman - The Number One Reason
11.  ()what()
12. David Crockett - Remember the Alamo
13.  ()what()

DAVID EDIT:  Six out of 13 correct, and from a Dave at that.  This was harder than I thought... -DE


Davids day? Well, happy pre-david's day. I'm gonna coin a pen name for myself so I can join in.......  ;)
~ NAM Team Member


There's already a David's Day on the calendar. :P



(apparently that's frisian for David).
"As 't net ken sa 't moet, dan moet 't mar sa 't ken"
Old Frisian Proverb


Don't know if I'm allowed to play, what with not being named David, and all, so I'll hold off on answering in case I'm not, though I do know a few!


douwe, that there is, but I'm no saint. :)

dedgren, this is driving me nuts, you've ruined a nice peaceful Sunday arvo  ;D

I think I know who number 13 is, but still working on the others.  %confuso Maybe a beer will help, can't hurt.

Dustin, get your butt in here and help me out.



Oh, c'mon...  You don't have to be a Dave to do this.

...you too can aspire to Dave-dom...

Let your inner Dave shine through.  Don't hide your Dave under a bushel.  Inside every Fred and Joe, there's a Dave trying to get out.

Dustin, all, take your best shots.

Oh, and we sent this to Dave (tooheys) after his manly, but shy of the mark attempt.

QuoteQuidditch and soccer must not be your sports,
Likewise, you don't follow music from foreign ports
Geography's weak, so's commercial TV
Try again soon, we don't charge a fee

Heather wrote that- she's the Davemaster.

D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


Hmm...shoulda checked back in this thread a bit sooner.

But as no one's guessed #1 yet: that's the late Dave Thomas, founder of the fast-food chain Wendy's.  The corresponding clue would be "Fries with that?"

DAVID EDIT:  That's one for one!  Clara Peller would be proud [linkie]. -DE
(Under Construction)


CONFOUNDED! I was answering that one as you replied, Masochist! Good work!


I just changed one of the clues, too, as the previous one was a bit too arcane...

...now, even a Daveman can do it...

D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


1. Dave Thomas - Fries with that
2.  David by Michelangelo - Heart of Stone
3.  David Bowie - Stardust Memories
4.  David Beckham -
5.  David Copperfield - A vanishing breed
6.  David Duchovny -
7.  David Hasselhoff - KITT
8.  David Hyde Pierce -  You'd be crazy too
9.  David Lee Roth -
10. David Letterman - The Number One Reason
11.  ()what()
12. David Crockett - Remember the Alamo
13.  David Hewlis?   -

Well the revised list thanks to Masochist. Still short at least one name and having trouble linking the clues. So that should be 7 correct with one
of the clues in the wrong spot.

AAAH, someone solve this please :D

DAVID EDIT:  7 correct with one of the clues in the wrong spot indeed.  You are getting warmer.  If this goes on for too long, I'll give you peeks at a pair of very closely related hints.  -DE


No 11 is film instructor David Lynch.


I've got nothing. So time to guess.

1. Dave Thomas - Fries with that
2.  David by Michelangelo - Heart of Stone
3.  David Bowie - Stardust Memories
4.  David Beckham - Why Don't You Love Me
5.  David Copperfield - A vanishing breed
6.  David Duchovny - Have a heart
7.  David Hasselhoff - KITT
8.  David Hyde Pierce -  You'd be crazy too
9.  David Lee Roth -  What Bobby said she wore
10. David Letterman - The Number One Reason
11. David Lynch - Not just the rivers in Africa
12. David Crockett - Remember the Alamo
13. David Hewlis - Just know wrecked im

Vester, well done.

I think someone else better have a go at a full answer. I would hate to win based on all your responses  ::)
Of course if by some twist of fate that I do, although on my attempts so far this is highly unlikely, all those who assisted in my
efforts will become honourary Daves for that wonderful day, 18/09/07.

DAVID EDIT:  Still seven correct, although that's only because there's no partial credit.  Dave's laid down the challenge- c'mon and have a go.  I'll note that one of the surnames still needs some work. -DE


So everyone is stumped, there's moaning and groaning
but, c'mon get pumped, get your minds honing
a sport nic's a clue, so's a fan's lament
Speak about sources- watch Burton vent
Eddie's on-again friend cut 'em solo once, too
and an ex-00 said "this half's for you"
So there's your twin peeks, nay... several more
Think on this a bit- you're certain to score

Early morning gibberish.  Good luck!

D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


OK im gonna have to crack these here lol some how buttttttttttttt i will do so... lol
Ohh btw happpy daves days to you all dave's lol and here is my guess next to their pics

[tabular type=4 caption="Daves' Day Supremos"]
[row] [head]Pic[/head] [head]Clue[/head] [/row]
[row] [data]
[/data] [data]Dave Thomas[/data] [/row]
[row] [data]
[/data] [data]David[/data] [/row]
[row] [data]
[/data] [data]David Beckham[/data] [/row]
[row] [data]
[/data] [data]David Bowie[/data] [/row]
[row] [data]
[/data] [data]david Copperfield[/data] [/row]
[row] [data]
[/data] [data]David Duchovny[/data] [/row]
[row] [data]
[/data] [data]David Hasselhoff[/data] [/row]
[row] [data]
[/data] [data]David Hyde Pierce[/data] [/row]
[row] [data]
[/data] [data]David Lee Roth[/data] [/row]
[row] [data]
[/data] [data]David Letterman[/data] [/row]
[row] [data]
[/data] [data]David Hewitt[/data] [/row]
[row] [data]
[/data] [data]David Crockett[/data] [/row]
[row] [data]
[/data] [data]David Lynch[/data] [/row]

DAVID EDIT:  OMG, Pat, we're headed backwards... Two of the folks are wrong, and what about those clues?  Heh- a do-over, my good buddy.  You do get points, though, for reformatting the chart -DE

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


my head hurts....

who are we talking about?  ()what()


Just so you david i did only edit this once after i posted my first part of the message before i decided to add my guess... i didnt want to double post

hmmm so i was supposed to include the qoutes dang nabbit lol ok i will have to think which 2 i got wrong.....

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie