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SC4Devotion Advent Calendar

Started by art128, December 01, 2015, 03:27:42 AM

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Two more beautiful bats--it's the 6th and I already feel spoiled :D

I've added today's uploads to the custom group, as well as the daisies. I thought I'd seen the daisies in the group before, with the group linked to the advent panel on the forums, but it certainly wasn't at the time that I went to change it. I've actually been trying to catch these before Casper can, so I can practice helping with things on the LEX, which is new to me. It's not inconceivable that I somehow messed up your daisies' status earlier, in which case I apologize ;)


If there really are enough BATs to spoil us with one every day, this is going to be very special indeed. Some great content already here :thumbsup:, thanks to all involved with this.


Wow, that's a couple of great models! Words of respects to the creators and organizators of thi advent calendar. We can see a lot of effort done to give us a wonderful surprises every day  &apls
Thank you for visiting Kolbrów, and for being for last ten years!


Today is St. Nicholas day (or "Nikolaus" in German), and it has been a tradition among German children to put out a polished shoe or boot in the night before, and find it filled with little goodies on the next morning. Naturally, the advent calendar will bring you yet another upload, this time, it's the SFBT Schlafwagen-Gesellschaft by peterycristi, modded by N1_2888 again. This W2W building from Berlin comes on both growable and ploppable CO-$$$ lots.

P. S.: I just noticed another St. Nicholas surprise that even the SC4D staff was unaware about. :)


Although myself I am not a fan of Berlin's older architecture (even though I am German/Swedish born and was raised there) but I find these models very well done and I will surely use them one day in one of my cities. Love all those details and the textures.
Thanks you peterycristi, SC4D and SFBT.


....Uploading the MFP 1.... (.........Finishing the MFP1)


Today, December 7th, the day after St. Nicholas: A Dutch treat!
w_swietwoot has made these models about two years ago, but never found time to make proper lots for them. So I offered to do that. As a result here I present you, after a long silence, another BNL Team production.

Dutch row houses from the 1960ies. In The Netherlands you can find these all over the country.
All R$$ lots for making your own "Wederopbouw" areas. In The Netherlands you can find these all over the country.

Added LEX link  ;) - Erik GM


New week, new SFBT special! This week will feature the excellent work of Sir Roland, who made some exceptional BATs from landmarks in Vienna, Austria. A few of them got uploaded to the STEX some time ago; for the SFBT release, they have been overhauled, and we're proud to present some unreleased models from Sir Roland as well!

Some files were modded heavily into functional health and education buildings, so it might be better to bulldoze and unstall existing lots from your city before using the new ones. Also, please make sure you have the latest SFBT Essentials (December 2015 version) installed, as I included Sir Roland's new props there.

The first Vienna landmark that I uploaded is the House 21, a rather unique museum that once served as exhibition pavilion for the world fair in Brussel, Belgium, and now hosts a contemporary art collection of the 21th century (hence the name).



House 21 looks fantastic. Great model and great lot. Thanks.


....Uploading the MFP 1.... (.........Finishing the MFP1)


A bit of Christmas Cheer from the Southern Hemisphere.

For today's advent celebrations, I give you Almaden Council Chambers.

This is a reward that functions like the in game Town Hall and DOES NOT over-write the Maxis Town Hall (or any of the many re-lots) and can be placed more than once in a city, and co-exist with the Maxis town hall. It's great for W2W areas.

It is available here: http://sc4devotion.com/csxlex/lex_filedesc.php?lotGET=3261



Did you notice that Andreas has another Advent Calendar surprise on the LEX?


Many lovely BATs. Thanks everyone who contribute to make this calendar possible :thumbsup:

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You guys are all great here at SC4D , and thanks for all the Christmas presents .  :thumbsup:
Happy holidays to everyone .
AKA raynev1 @Simtropolis
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As FrankU pointed out, I didn't announce yesterday's SFBT upload yet, it's the Vienna Water Tower by Sir Roland, which comes on two different lots (a functional water tower and a museum, since the building is used as an exhibition hall today).

Today's upload is another Vienna BAT by Sir Roland, the Vienna Main Library, a modern building with a quite expressive design. The download contains both a version with the Maxis nightlighting, and a Dark Night version for those who prefer this mod.



Wien, meine Liebe... Thanks for those bats  :thumbsup:


The Vienna Library and vnaoned's water tower are both excellent creations. Can't wait to use both them :)
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Another bunch of excellent creations, thank you!  &apls
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

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Some great BATs again, wonderfully done. I will just to play SC this weekend....Geeez where will I find the time to do this?.

Thank You


....Uploading the MFP 1.... (.........Finishing the MFP1)


Thank you for visiting Kolbrów, and for being for last ten years!


I'm sorry for all the people who asked me when I was going to release all my BATs, but I couldn't spoil the surprise of the advent calendar.. ;)

Today is the 11th, I present you my pack of Japanese transport stuff!  :) (click on the pic)

Of course be sure to read the readme.  ;)

Oops, just noticed I messed up the dates on the pictures. Oh well, it still works the way it should, I'll get to edit them correctly eventually.  ;D

EDIT - Done. :)
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

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