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Railroad crossings and other traffic props

Started by jondor, May 31, 2011, 02:21:55 AM

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I think I got here a little late.   ::)



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It looks like a tile-based error with the stoplights. The avenue + intersection with the AVE-6 is fine; though I haven't tested the others.


Simtropolis: lrb2_
Steam       : lrb2_


I know some of the stoplights seem to be stuck in one phase. Unfortunately, I have no clue what to do about it...
Lurk mode: ACTIVE


It looks to me like the Stop Points on that whole centre tile aren't working...

"We're making SimCity, not some dopey casual game." -Ocean Quigley


Yeah... I thought I saw that the stop points might not be working but I wasn't sure...  Well, thanks anyway.

Simtropolis: lrb2_
Steam       : lrb2_

Aaron Graham

mrtnrln is that software available for download anywhere?
-Simcity4fan12/Sgt Pepper -Kryptowhite -Jumpthefence -beutelschlurf -Hanson784 -Gwail -Don Miguel -Seraf -Kelistmac -Glenni -Aaron Graham -Vlasky -PBGV103 -Darknono35 -Evillions -lucky7- Parisian- Jackreid -GuerrilaWarfare -Sim Fox -un1 -Heblem -AlexandrosB13 -Anotn -SimHoTToDDy


I'm afraid not. It's still only available to the NAM Team members and associates...
Lurk mode: ACTIVE


@mrn...MandelSoft (your old name I like more) what will be your next projects? Or will you stop modding right now?


I'm sorry that I write in this topic after so long but I want to ask whether jondor plans to make diagonal crossing rails with AVE-6 and the props for this?


Probably in conjunction with NAM 32.  Right now there are tentative plans to give the NWM a similar treatment to the one the RHW is currently receiving for NAM 31, although it should be much less intense.

I did start a small bit of work on diagonal RR crossing props and it won't be difficult to continue once work on P57 is complete, but I need to get that done first so that NAM 31 can be shipped out as many more people are interested in the results of the next NAM than are interested in RR crossing props.
All new animated railroad crossing props for networks of all sizes! (Phase 1 complete)--> http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=13209

Mostly writing pony stories on FimFiction.net, but Cities: Skylines is my new best friend.  Anything and everything I made for SimCity 4 is fair game for use and distribution.


Hey Jondor is this project still alive?


Hey TJ1,

While we all appreciate your interest in old threads, it may be best to remember site etiquette about posting in old, dead threads, which is that it is usually frowned upon unless there is something significant to add to the discussion (which happens occasionally).

What is available to subscribed members is the profile page of users; it tells me that Jondor hasn't been here since September 15, 2013.

What I would really like to direct your attention to, however, is the fact that there appears now to be three Bronies on the NAM Team, per Jondor's signature:
QuoteMoved on, you can find me writing pony stories on FimFiction.net.  Anything and everything I made for the SC4 community is fair game for use and distribution.

I'd say that spells things out pretty clearly. I won't blame you for asking or being interested, but you can't blame me for addressing silly questions either, then.
Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.

My Mayor Diary San Diego: A Reinterpretation


Quote from: APSMS on July 29, 2014, 07:08:31 PM
What I would really like to direct your attention to, however, is the fact that there appears now to be three Bronies on the NAM Team, per Jondor's signature:
QuoteMoved on, you can find me writing pony stories on FimFiction.net.  Anything and everything I made for the SC4 community is fair game for use and distribution.

I'd say that spells things out pretty clearly. I won't blame you for asking or being interested, but you can't blame me for addressing silly questions either, then.
Only 3? I would have to imagine there are more than that.


Quote from: APSMS on July 29, 2014, 07:08:31 PM
Hey TJ1,
What I would really like to direct your attention to, however, is the fact that there appears now to be three Bronies on the NAM Team, per Jondor's signature:
QuoteMoved on, you can find me writing pony stories on FimFiction.net.  Anything and everything I made for the SC4 community is fair game for use and distribution.

I'd say that spells things out pretty clearly. I won't blame you for asking or being interested, but you can't blame me for addressing silly questions either, then.

What is it about the NAM Team that attracts bronies to it? And what is it about the show My Little Pony that attracts grown men to it, when it was obviously written for an audience of young girls? Not that I'm hating on bronies or anything, but I just don't understand the whole brony thing...
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I'm not one of the NAM Team bronies, and from what I know, there are only 3 that I know of on the team.  I would say that bronies in general tend to be technically-minded, and our equestrian NAMites have been and continue to be some of our most productive contributors.  jondor did some really amazing work for SC4 while he was active, and Ganaram and Maarten continue to do so.



Quote from: threestooges on July 29, 2014, 08:59:27 PM
Only 3? I would have to imagine there are more than that.

Matt, is that a confession I hear?   $%Grinno$%

BTW, nice to see you again!
Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.

My Mayor Diary San Diego: A Reinterpretation


Quote from: APSMS on July 30, 2014, 12:05:48 AM
Quote from: threestooges on July 29, 2014, 08:59:27 PM
Only 3? I would have to imagine there are more than that.

Matt, is that a confession I hear?   $%Grinno$%

BTW, nice to see you again!
You know you need to be more active when you start getting "good to see you again" responses. I'll need to fix that here soon. Posting from the phone now, but I'll be back in front of a proper computer by Monday.

As for your other question, how much discord would be caused if I said I was? Is it that much of a rarity around here?


Not much, relatively, considering there are only 3 others on the NAM Team, and with the *grace* with which you dropped those "names", I'm going to say that, given your profession, you just looked stuff up to tease us (my fingers are crossed).

What a wonderfully off-topic discussion in a dead thread...Matt, hopefully you have better luck with your new(?) computer.
Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.

My Mayor Diary San Diego: A Reinterpretation


Threadcromancy is a dying art. Taking a dead thread off in a new direction can be just what it needs. That said, I'm honored you think that I would have the forethought to do the research to taunt you all. Sometimes I think it would be fun to have a stone statute of Discord for my desk in my office.

As for what draws grown men to a show that has a target demographic of young girls, as compdude787 asked, well I believe part of it has to do with the creative team behind the show. They really put together a show that has a story, references, and jokes that can appeal to all ages. Per Lauren Faust, the creative mind that originally pitched the current season, she wanted it to be something that families could watch together, and to show that you can have a show for girls without it being a "girl's show". The art (yes, it's animated in Flash, but they've accomplished much with the medium), has detail beyond what you would expect for what could have easily been a show to pitch toys. By and large, it shows the effort that goes into it, from the music and lyrics of some rather catchy music numbers, to the seemingly insignificant background details, the fact that they're all included really speaks to the staff that is producing it. Following an era where many kids programs were arguably little more than loud, obnoxious, and pointless, My Little Pony brought back strong morals, a more thoughtful pace to the stories, and characters that have flaws, grow over time, and interact well with each other.

Yes, at it's base, it's a show about colorful horses, but if you're a fan of animation, if you liked Looney Tunes growing up (if you still like them today), then there might be something for you to enjoy.

Do I pretend to understand what's fostered the community surrounding it? The conventions? The fanart? The original music (and one more for good measure)? The original animations that rival the show for quality? Nope. Still trying to figure that out. But I've been continually impressed by the community as a whole in its capacity for creativity and generosity.

For me, I think, partly given my profession, it's a reminder of the spontaneous good that people are capable of and, as a fan of animation in general, it's good to see people put effort into producing quality stuff. Is it the best show ever? Nah. Is it for everyone? Nope. But I've enjoyed it so far.

Oh, and yes, I'm back in front of a proper computer now. I'd hate to think how long this post would've taken to write with a cell phone.


Darn it, Matt! You weren't supposed to confirm my suspicions! :D I guess we have to change that count to 4.

I thought you were pulling a Swordmaster on me...And the research bit is something I do. After I found out my five-year-old sister had been allowed to watch the show (which was something I did not want to hear about constantly), I finally looked it up to see what it was about (thank you Wikipedia!). I still don't like the show, but now I have ammo to tease the brony friends I have at school.

You know, I think the Discord statue is a good idea, all things being equal. It would definitely be a shock to any new clients, that's for sure.
Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.

My Mayor Diary San Diego: A Reinterpretation

Indiana Joe

Quote from: TJ1 on July 29, 2014, 04:42:13 PM
Hey Jondor is this project still alive?

What a can of worms you went and opened up