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Ol.S / Benoit Lot Factory - City & Farm Props / Lots

Started by Ol.S / Benoit, October 02, 2011, 02:29:36 AM

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Very nice present for New Years  :thumbsup:  The lotting around here continues to be of excellent quality  &apls &apls

I won't be downloading yet since my work right now can't really fit this style (no Mediterranean marinas at my ski resort  :D ) but I very much look forward to using them in a beach resort area--I even have a pretty good idea of where they'll fit into the Siilijoki region!

Happy New Year!


Hi Benoit, :)

I would like to download your Lots but I can't download them. When I click on the link I get a new window where but I can not download it. It is necessary to use some program to download it?

Edit: Solved. I just download it. Thanks for sharing :thumbsup:

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Ol.S / Benoit


All the downloads are now available on the first post ! :)
Back in business ! I worked with some models for my projects, why not share them ?  No download for know, will upload the packs without the models soon

City Models - Props - Lots
LOTs for your cities with Mattb325, Xannepan, Andreas & kwakelaar models.
No dependencies, execpt for the circled LOTs. This pack contains models and props for LE.
The LOTs are in the "Power" menu.

This pack also contains these LOTs in the "Park" menu (Models but no props for buildings) Watch out for dependencies here.


Farm Models - Props - Lots
LOTs for rural areas, with Andreas models.
No dependencies, execpt for the circled LOTs. This pack contains models and props for LE.
The LOTs are in the "Power" menu.

Base building for all the LOTs is this power plant Electric power plant Transparent building, not sure if needed but just in case... :)

That's all for today, I'm working on "Tips and tricks" for LE in french with my "knowledge" of the soft, if some of you are interested I could translate it ! :)
MD : Click on picture


Do you have permission from all the creators to redistribute their models? If not, you must point towards the original downloads as dependencies.

Also, you've included the .LooseDesc files which aren't necessary.
time flies like a bird
fruit flies like a banana


QuoteNo dependencies, execpt for the circled LOTs. This pack contains models and props for LE

Wait, do you have the permissions from the authors of the models? If not I'm afraid the downloads will get closed. I don't think it is really good for the creator to upload their work re-loted WITHOUT their own works as a dependency.

Also one more thing, it would have been better to use a standard base texture like the maxis white one, so that everyone can use the lots without going through some LE sessions and/or modding.
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog

Ol.S / Benoit

Well the idea was just to make it simple for the community... I named the creators and respect them a lot (As always, I even name them in most of my updates... all credits for them), I'm not doing this as a "pirate" !

I do not "Redestribute"... I just share and try to make it simple as some of the models here are not available as props, as some people can't use the LE, and as some of them are tired with dependencies !... Again, all credits to creators, but I get your point so no downloads then...

Quick note : I've seen that quite all the STEX and LEX is available on SimCityChina, and I guess the idea is just to help and share.

For the ground texture or .LooseDesc files, again, this is freestyle loting, made for me... You take it or not ! :) (Just forgot to delete .LooseDesc files but no big deal)
MD : Click on picture


Quote from: Ol.S / Benoit on June 10, 2012, 06:38:15 AM

Quick note : I've seen that quite all the STEX and LEX is available on SimCityChina, and I guess the idea is just to help and share.

That case is different because of two factors : Chinese telecoms block access to many occidental websites, and some Chinese people do not speak a single English word.

And it's not ' No download then ' it's just.... pure respect to do that. Giving credit is okay, well maybe just " m'kay " but in general, when you do a relot of a building, you do NOT include the Models. You link them as a dependency.

But then, I won't start arguing about this useless thing.
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


Quote from: art128 on June 10, 2012, 06:48:39 AM
Quote from: Ol.S / Benoit on June 10, 2012, 06:38:15 AM

Quick note : I've seen that quite all the STEX and LEX is available on SimCityChina, and I guess the idea is just to help and share.

That case is different because of two factors : Chinese telecoms block access to many occidental websites, and some Chinese people do not speak a single English word.

And it's not ' No download then ' it's just.... pure respect to do that. Giving credit is okay, well maybe just " m'kay " but in general, when you do a relot of a building, you do NOT include the Models. You link them as a dependency.

But then, I won't start arguing about this useless thing.
The case of SimCityChina(SCCN) is quite complex...
Since I'm one of the moderators there,  I have to make some explaination:
    We do have a section for BATs and LOTs re-uploaded from ST, SC4D and some other sites, but they are simply provided for the personal use of SCCN members. Since most Chinese players have trouble reading English, we want to give them the access to the high quality BATs and LOTs uploaded to foreign Exchange sites. We have strict citeria for transferring BATs and LOTs, for example, the member must give the correct name of the original BAT maker and conform to certain forms.  We think this shows respect to all the original BAT makers.
    The China National Firewall has banned some foreign websites for the reason I can't tell. Among them are SimPeg and photo exchange site Imageshack. So it's extremely difficult for us to download BATs or even see some of the pictures here. It's quite a pity then, and it's why we're trying our best to keep the whole Chinese community connected with the world family here.
Welcome to ALFERRID(UPDATE 5-District C)
And my other pics at SimCityChina:click here

Ol.S / Benoit

Arthur :
My thought process here is just to say that after all these years, people take time to share their work for free... I respect that a lot, maybe I don't say that enaugh, so I try to take some of my time to do the same and upload my "messed-up" work ! :) (Nothing impressive, no models, but this is all I can do ^^)
So I tried to make it simple for me, why not do it for the community ? Well, for the next one I'll try to find more time and list the 50 dependencies ^^
Hope you understand my point, I was wrong, ok I get it ! :)

Weixc812 :
"We think this shows respect to all the original BAT makers." I understand and it does ! :) Know, does my process is disrespectful for the creators ? Well considering what I have done, I don't think so... I remember when I came here a bit more than a year ago, I was having a hard time to find the dependencies etc... As for SCChina, just trying to help... Maybe this was not the best way to do so.
MD : Click on picture


I didn't know that SSCN uploded LEX and STEX files...

I understand chinese players who would like to DL foreign stuffs and can't due to restrictions or language frontier.

But I would be very disappointed if my stuff was uploaded on this website without any demand or agreement before.

Just hope that the name of authors, their country and teams are mentionned (just a question of gratitude...)
The Floraler

This is the end, hold your breath and count to ten, feel the earth move, and then...

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *    *   *   *   *   *    * 


Hi Guys

This topic has been reported to us and will be locked while we look into the situation, the lock remains in place while the site staff discuss the issues raised in this topic and if changes need to be made to the site policy or if the rules need to be clarified.

Thanks to Ol.S / Benoit for his patience in the meantime

catty (Global Moderator)
I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?" DEATH thought about it. "CATS," he said eventually, "CATS ARE NICE.


Hi Guys and Ol.S / Benoit

After much discussion among site staff regarding the issues raised in this topic and here


the site rules on the forums and also on the LEX where it is clearly stated "If you upload someone else's creation without permission your Access will be terminated" will remain, but we may make changes to the forum rules to make this very clear to people.

As for how this effects Ol.S / Benoit, it was felt by staff that his was a genuine effort to be helpful to other site users and there was no intention to break site rules, as such his topic is now unlocked.

As for the issue raised regarding the chinese site copying people's work to their site, I would hope that every effort is made to contact those people and get their permission, I know I would be OK at having my stuff copied for the reasons given, as long as no-one expected me to provide support for them and I was clearly identified as the creator.

thank you everyone for your comments both here and  http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=14837.0  and for your patience while it was discussed by staff.

Anyone who wishes to discuss this further, please PM me.

catty (Global Moderator)
I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?" DEATH thought about it. "CATS," he said eventually, "CATS ARE NICE.

Ol.S / Benoit

Ok thanks, I understand, no problem. See you soon with more stuff. :)
MD : Click on picture



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I'm slightly confused. Will these farm and urban buildings come up in LE or in the actual game, like your previous harbour lots?


Hi everyone, I'm looking for a docks and a fountain from this picture. Especially the docks. There's no dependency list &mmm. Does anyone know where i can download it? It's very important for me to get it as fast as possible ;) Jecky.


The docks are in one of JES megapacks, the fountain can be found in Mbear vol2, if I'm not mistaken. Otherwise in another MBear pack.
time flies like a bird
fruit flies like a banana


Thank you so much for fast reply!

I hope that Ol.S / Benoit will create full dependency list. :)


Hi. It's been years since these were available. The links are dead now. I still have MedMarina-ST (But not the rest sadly). I could re-upload that. But would that be OK with the site admins? If anyone had the others would re-uploading those be OK too?