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Tarkusian Cities (Update 107-08/23/2020-West Chemeketa Reconfig, Part 1)

Started by Tarkus, June 17, 2007, 08:31:07 PM

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Hi everyone-

First off, thanks for your patience between updates . . . RL's been beating up on me pretty good, but I seem to have emerged victorious from it, fortunately. :thumbsup:  I'd also like to thank everyone who nominated Tarkusian Cities during the Trixies over at ST . . . it ended up winning Best Roadgeek CJ for 2011, which was a very pleasant surprise.

We've also now hit 1300 posts here in the SC4D edition of TC and are approaching 150,000 views.  I will add, with a note of regret, that I am ending the "Double Zero" honor tradition here.  The intention of having it, much as was the case with 3RR, was to create a way to honor regular and new readers who helped the MD reach a new milestone.  I've been able to acknowledge quite a few TC readers since it opened in 2007.

However, in the past year, including 2 of the past 3 "-00" situations, there have been blatant attempts to grab it by circumventing site rules and standard forum decorum (hey, that rhymes!), but double-posting in quick succession with nothing really to say, or, in one particularly gross violation, someone actually opened a clone account to avoid detection of a quadruple-post.  To this effect, I am going to be exploring alternate ways of letting readers become part of TC lore, "getting on the map" and such.

Without further ado, replies:

Matt (threestooges): Thanks for the kind words on the construction planning and the railroad realignment.  Yes, it is indeed a dual-track spur now, which makes some sense in light of the fact that there's quite a bit of industrial development there (and more to come).  The old single-track has been ceded from the railroad's owner to Marion County, and they're still deciding what to do with it.

David (dedgren): Always great to see you in here, my friend, and thank you for the compliments on the update and the interesting idea.  I don't think I could quite squeak a trail under the overpass, but given that I had been considering a trail along the western edge of the Chemeketa Parkway (which would be shoreside south of 71st/Hwy 219), I could probably link it in there somehow.

metarvo: Thanks, my friend--I'm glad you enjoyed the little tangent there.  It seemed like a pertinent thing to do during the update, really.  I don't know that the spot there would necessarily merit a GLR line . . . actually Chemeketa has no mass transit of any sort right now, and still has traffic flowing well with a large population and a Medium-capacity simulator.  I'll have to show my congestion/volume views at some point, as I'm quite proud of how I've "beat the system".

Jon (bakerton): Thanks for the kind words on the switch over to rural scenery . . . it has been awhile since I've done that, and I'm glad you enjoyed that excursion.  I'm increasingly in favor of the trail idea . . . it could work quite well there, especially since on the north end, it could be extended to be a lengthy riverside trail and pass through the wetland-ish areas to the northwest of Windsor.

Noah (noahclem): Thanks!  I'm glad you found the new alignments logical . . . I tried a few things with that DTR/Dual STR split there at the industrial area, but that was the best I could do at the time with what was available (and without making 99th Avenue make a weird jog), though I might revisit it.  And I'm thrilled that you enjoyed the map!

Grneyes: Thanks--I'm glad you enjoyed the road curves!  I'm kind of partial to them as I helped develop them back in '07 (along with David and memo). :)

apeguy: Well, you know what we NAMites say: we like to surprise people, so it's only natural something like that will slip in.  Thanks for the kind words, and I'm glad you enjoyed the update!

AcoG000: Thanks--I'm glad you enjoyed seeing the rail bit sneak in as well! 

Raymie (Tracker): Thanks, my friend--hope this next one proves sufficiently awesome, too.

SimCity V6: Thanks, and I will indeed keep on with the updates.

Project Map:

Phase 3B of the Chemeketa Parkway project will continue the construction of the Chemeketa Parkway (Highway 215), access-controlled freeway, from Bushnell Road NE to Ashcroft Street NE.  As part of the project, some nearby transportation facilties will also be upgraded, including widening of Ashcroft St between 82nd Avenue NE (the former southern segment of Bushnell Road NE) and the interchange at Chemeketa Parkway.

This is where Ashcroft Street will meet Highway 215 (facing west).

A temporary alignment of Ashcroft has been built, to facilitate construction of the new overpass (facing west).

Construction getting further underway (facing west).

The freeway itself is starting to go in now (facing west).

The new 4-lane Ashcroft St overpass has opened (facing west).

This farm access road is in the way of the new freeway alignment.  It will be disconnected, with the southern segment being connected into the 82nd/Ashcroft intersection (facing east).

Construction on the new southern connection (facing east).

You can see Ashcroft Street (and 82nd Ave NE) here.  This segment of Ashcroft is still getting widened (facing east).

The completed new roadway, with a fresh layer of asphalt (facing east).

The road now split by Highway 215 (facing east), which, as you can see, has a deceleration lane.

And a look at partially folded diamond interchange at Highway 215/Ashcroft Street (facing east).

Well, that does it for this edition of Tarkusian Cities.  I'll be back next time to finish off Phase 4 of the Chemeketa Parkway, where it'll finally be connected into Highway 15.  After that, we'll look at a few other little construction projects around Chemeketa, and then we might move onto a new region--a complete reboot of Argentum. ;)



Congrats on your Trixie win, Tarkus - you totally deserved it. ;) It is unfortunate that people would double post for a -00 post. I was actually trying to post earlier today, and couldn't find the reply button (I didn't notice the thread was locked... woops. :P)

Anyways, another great construction update! Your process is definitely very interesting, I like seeing the area transform with the roadway improvements - especially freeway related. The many different types of interchanges you use make it more fascinating, as opposed to always using one specific kind.

Look forward to the completion of the project. :)


Great to see a new update. And congrats on the well deserved Trixie.
My name is Raphael.
Visit my MD: Empire Bay (My old MD: Santa Barbara County)


Really great update.  I love following your methods of transportation expansion.
Just to let you know a little something.....I don't think I could ever go back to regular Maxis transportation networks, especially the highways. ;) I'm a believer now!

It's too bad a few ruin it for the many.  &mmm  I look forward to seeing what new idea you come up with.

Robin :thumbsup:
Call me Robin, please.


Another great update. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

I also look forward to seeing the Chemeketa Parkway connected to Highway 15, I imagine that'll be quite a big construction project. :)

The Deltan Empire is here! Click the Banner to have a look! | Kanalka City, Capital of the Barrier Islands

PlayStation Network ID: theapeguy

Ramona Brie

Always beautiful. You do everything so well thought-out, like a real transit planner. That's why I ALWAYS love this place.


Hi everyone-

Well, I'm back again with some more Tarkusian Cities . . . at long last, we'll be finishing up the Chemeketa Parkway.

But first, replies:

sim_link: Thanks for the congratulations and the compliments on the update!  I'm really glad you like my choice of interchange selections along the Parkway . . . there's going to be some . . . rather interesting . . . ones on this last stretch.  And thanks for the support/understanding on the -00 thing--and sorry about the lockdown earlier.

Raphael (RickD): Thanks for the kind words and the congratulations!  I hope this next update proves satisfactory as well. :)

Robin (rooker1): Thanks!  I'm really glad you enjoyed the update, and it sounds like I've converted you, too. :D  Hopefully this next update will prove inspirational, and again, thanks for the support! :thumbsup:

apeguy: Thanks for the compliments on the update--and your wait is over. ;D

Raymie (Tracker): Thanks for the all-too-kind words, my friend!  I'm glad I was able to live up to the Tarkusian way this update.

Chemeketa Parkway (Highway 215): Phase 4 (Ashcroft to Highway 15)

As we left off last time, with Phase 3B, the Chemeketa Parkway (Highway 215) had been built up to (and slightly past) Ashcroft Street NE, almost to its eventual endpoint at the West Oregon Freeway (Highway 15).  Here's the map again for reference purposes:


This final segment of the highway will involve the construction of new interchanges at Rankine Lane NE and Highway 15, as well as the reconstruction of the 99th Avenue NE interchange on Highway 15 to minimize weaving conflicts.

What you're looking at here is the eventual "endpoint" of Highway 215.  The existing highway there is Highway 15 (facing north).

This is at Rankine Lane NE, which will be getting an interchange (facing east).

In the interim, to help aid traffic flow in the area, the segment of Highway 215 from Ashcroft to Rankine has been built, but currently ends at Rankine with a signalized T-intersection (facing east).

Work on the overpass (facing north).

Work on the 15/215 interchange is also coming along nicely (facing north).

Ramp closures at the 99th Ave/Highway 15 interchange (facing south).  It will be converted from a Diamond to a Parclo AB (Folded Diamond) as part of the project.

A majority of the work is now done on the 15/215 interchange (facing south).  It's kind of a screwed-up trumpet: a flugelhorn, perhaps?

The Rankine Lane interchange has been built up as well . . . it's a SPUI, as the vicinity will be seeing quite a bit of development in the near future, and capacity is a must.  The Rankine area is a fast-growing exurb of Chemeketa. (facing north)

This is one of the weirder aspects of the Highway 15/215 interchange: a "tail" ramp that connects Highway 215 up with Halpert Road NE. (facing west)

Work continues at Hwy 15/99th Ave (facing west).

The interchange has been closed off completely now--the overpass will be widened as part of the improvements (facing south).

The overpass is now open (facing south).

Another look at the "Flugelhorn Interchange" in action (facing west).

An even more zoomed out shot (facing west).

The completed Parclo conversion/widening at 99th Avenue (facing north).  The change in design will give traffic coming from northbound 215 more space to merge onto mainline northbound 15.

Fast-forwarding a little, a look at some of the development that has sprung up along Rankine Lane at the interchange (facing north).  We'll be taking a closer look at this area at some point in the not-too-distant future.

Well, that does it for this update, and for the Chemeketa Parkway project.  We'll look at a few other little projects in the area and other developments there next time . . . I also have a new region or two that might sneak in--we'll see. ;)

Hope you enjoyed it!



Shadow Assassin

Nice work -- I notice some visual upgrades to the RHW-4 diagonals too... that definitely makes it look better. :)
New Horizons Productions
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Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine
See my uploads on the LEX!


Nice looking interchanges again, Alex, though I would recommend using cosmetic pieces for the accelleration/decelleration lanes...

(Do I spot RHW-4 diagonals with overhangs there? ;) )
Lurk mode: ACTIVE


That's a heck of a flugel horn  &apls &apls   Very creative layout, I really like it!

I enjoy the other interchanges as well and the diagonal RHW-4 is great  &apls


I really like the flugelhorn interchange, very imaginative and well-made. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Another fine update Alex, I look forward to the next. ;D

The Deltan Empire is here! Click the Banner to have a look! | Kanalka City, Capital of the Barrier Islands

PlayStation Network ID: theapeguy


Awesome last updates! There's always progress here. That Flugelhorn has to be the best I've seen... Seeing that elevated MIS ramp squeeze between those RHW curves is impressive!

SimCity V6

Nice SPUI, Flugelhorn and Parclo!  :thumbsup: I wonder why your bridges and ERHW networks have all those white cement-ish color on them. Perhaps a mod?

Ramona Brie

Quote from: SimCity V6 on April 02, 2012, 09:12:44 AM
Nice SPUI, Flugelhorn and Parclo!  :thumbsup: I wonder why your bridges and ERHW networks have all those white cement-ish color on them. Perhaps a mod?

It's been off and on in development for concrete overpasses.

Very nicely done.

Ryan B.

Hey, it's a Wegmans!  :P

I know it's said a lot in here, but I think it's awesome how much fore-planning goes into your upgrades.  Das Flugelhorn was genius, and it's always good to see some of the new things in action (love the concrete ERHW/EAVE/ERD-2 textures-just needs contrast markings! :P)

Keep up the awesome work . . . and if you need signs, you know where to find them.


There's a small residential area near the Flugelhorn. If you're building another one like that, I'd suggest directly opposite the Flugelhorn with the offshoot road continuing into it. And you're moving to a new region after this, from what I read?
Pink horse, pink horse, she rides across the nation...


Hi everyone-

I'm back with more Tarkusian Cities . . . the start of another brief "spurt" of updates, beginning with a brief little "prelude" this update.

But first off, some replies:

Willy (Swordsmaster): Thanks for the kind words--glad you enjoyed the map, and hope the new one from this update is to your liking!

Daniel (Shadow Assassin): Thanks for the compliments--and I'm glad you noticed the RHW-4 diagonals.  I had sneaked in my experiments with expanding them to an overhang that update.

Maarten (mrtnrln): Thanks--I'm glad you enjoyed the update and the interchanges, which I really take as a compliment coming from someone as interchange-savvy as yourself!  ORDOT will be fixing the markings there :), and yes, you did indeed spot an overhang there.

Noah (noahclem): Thanks for the kind words--I'm really glad you found the interchanges to your liking, and especiallly the flugelhorn interchange. :thumbsup:  It's kind of an odd design (and not out of place in terms of RL Oregon interchange design) . . . but I think it works well in that context.  Glad you liked the RHW-4 diag setup there, too . . . something to look forward to with the next release. 

(A note to the curious: Chemeketa's still running on a slightly tweaked RHW 5.0 . . . it hasn't yet been switched over to P57.)

Alex (apeguy): Thanks for the compliments on the flugelhorn--it was interesting building it, to say the least. :D  Hope this next update proves to your liking. :)

Ryan (Haljackey): Coming from an interchange master like yourself, I consider that a great compliment--I'm really flattered that the Flugelhorn is to your liking. :thumbsup:  Thanks for the kind words on the update!

SimCity V6: Yeah, I stuck quite a few different varieties in there, didn't I? :D  To answer your question, I was indeed experimenting with concrete textures.  Ran those through my "Concretifier", actually.

Raymie (Tracker): Thanks for the kind words on the update!  And for explaining the concrete bit.  They'll probably make the rounds officially once P57 is in place.

Ryan B.: Indeed it is. :D  We don't have any of those here in RL Oregon (it's mostly a Safeway/Albertsons-dominated market), but they fit in pretty well with the generally suburban aesthetic.  Thanks for all the kind words on the planning--I'm thrilled that you enjoyed Das Flugelhorn.  And thanks for the signage offer--I might just have to take you up on it one of these days, though be forewarned as much as my roads change around, it's quite a task. :D

Wiimeiser: That area will be getting a little bit of development at some point, though not quite yet.  I was going to move to a new region, but I had some new inspiration with Chemeketa, so I'll be sticking with it for a bit longer.  Perhaps Update 100 will see the new region? ;)

First off, here's a new map . . . this shows the Chemeketa Parkway (Highway 215) completed, as well as giving a peek at the direction of future improvements in Chemeketa.  You'll notice some red boxes with numbers, denoting projects, as well as some dotted lines.


Wallace Road NW Widening (South of Greenwich to 43rd Ave)

This project will widen the stretch of Wallace Road NW in Vivien Heights from 3 to 5 lanes between just south of Greenwich Ave NW and 43rd Avenue NW, just south of the interchange at Highway 221.

This is Wallace Road NW just south of the intersection with Greenwich Ave NE (facing north).  It's a 3-lane road (2 travel lanes with a center turn lane), which functions as the main artery between Highway 221 and the city center of Vivien Heights.

This is just a bit north of that intersection (facing north).

This is at Wallace Road and 43rd Avenue NW (facing north), a major road that leads to the western reaches of town, up in the hills--you can see construction preparation is already underway at the bottom of the image.

The grocery store there had to be torn out to make way for the widening (facing north).  Vivien Heights has been operating under a construction moratorium for some time now due to inadequate transportation facilities, but these restrictions are due to be loosened upon the completion of widening, which will open the west side of the road to commercial development, allowing a replacement to be built.

Wallace Road has now been widened (facing north), though the pavement on 43rd has been torn up, as it'll be rebuilt to handle turn lanes.

43rd has been rebuilt (facing north), and the intersection signalized.

This is just north of the intersection at 43rd (facing north), where the road currently narrows back down to 2 lanes, just south of the interchange at Highway 221.  The interchange will be rebuilt substantially in future updates, as the area north of Highway 221, as well as land immediately west of Wallace, will finally be opened up to development.

Here's the intersection at 43rd now that all the construction equipment is out of the way (facing north).  A park has been built at the site of the former grocery store.

That does it for this update.  While I had initially planned on switching gears over to a new region, I've had a bit of a "second wind" with Chemeketa and am still planning out how to present the new region, so we'll be staying in the same vicinity for awhile.  Lots of construction still to do. :)  Hope you enjoyed it!



Nice update! One minor thing about the map though: is it possible to make the link to it such, that you don't start completely zoomed out, but zoomed in somewhat. Because right now, the actual 'city' is only a very small blop, when you open the map. And yes, this is a bit nitpicky, but it still annoys me.



My name is Raphael.
Visit my MD: Empire Bay (My old MD: Santa Barbara County)