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Started by Yoder7652, March 31, 2007, 12:01:33 PM

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Quote from: Yoder7652 on April 13, 2007, 08:52:59 AM

@Badsim - ..Well, I have several more bats that are ready to go, and several more that are almost ready to go...so you'll just have to wait and see what I have in store ;D. The only problem, is that everyone will come to expect that a new bat will be released when I post an update  :D....

;D , it's not the only problem Yoder ... now you've got a MD where I can see your Lots , I don't know if I'll dare the sacrilege to re-work them ...  $%Grinno$% ... fortunately months will pass before I'll be able to Lotte (from Loter ) so yours have time to live their life .  :P
But then , no mercy !  ;D

@gaston ; the basic set of oppie's canal and a few add-ons are available on the STEX , but the most interesting add-ons like diagonals , boat , open and closed bridges (Eye-candy) are available only at simphoni.net . ;)

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Quote@Thundercrack83 - Glad you like the history...I feared that it was getting too bogged down in details, but I wanted to make sure that I was able to cover everything I was thinking. Glad you like the city pictures!

There was definitely a lot of detail, but I find that to be a good thing. It was very intersting to read! Can't wait to see more!

Owen Luby

Wow! Nice start!
I love that parliament building... I think I downloaded it a while ago...
Nice job! &apls
I want SC4 back!!


That is a fascinating history for Osturland Yoder. I am not so proud of the crusade part of our european history, but still like the story that you made up, and the twitch you gave it with the Templar Knights. The pictures are fabulous as well  :thumbsup:
Check my MD:               


Hi Yoder,

This is a great MD. I enjoy reading the history of the founding fathers of Osturland.

The dark ages are a colourfull and interesting period in time. After todays standards the crusades weren't Europe's finest hour. But in my opinion one should judge history by the principles of the period at hand. Not that all that happened is fine and dandy, I don't say that, but one has to look with medeival eyes to the middleages to understand why things were seen and done as they have been. that's what I try to say.

But enough about that. I look forward to your next updates.

BTW the yellow palaces in your banner are they not both from russia? just curious.



First some REPLIES....

@M4346 - Yeah, I've read many of the conspiracy theories including Dan Brown's book...so many interesting possibilities for where they went...of course we all know that they ended up in Osturland, right?  ;D

@Badsim - I always look forwad to seeing what lots you can come up with when I post a new building on the LEX. What you recently did with the JFK Center is simply amazing! Your creativity astounds me! I can't wait to you can return to updating....although I noticed that you have posted a few new pictures.... &apls :thumbsup:

@Thundercrack83 - I'm glad you find that detail is a good thing...because the History is not over yet!  :D I hope you enjoy the next installment.

@Owen Luby - Glad to hear you liked the building it was a labor of love (almost couldn't get the thing to render).

@Sebes - Thanks for your interest in the story...and I'm glad you liked the pictures. Hope you enjoy today's update as well!

@Strechnitz - Thanks! I tend to agree with you, it is easy to evaluate something that happend critically with the advantage of hindsight! While indeed the crusades were a terrible time in history, they were just a product of the culture and psychology of the day. Yes, the yellow palaces are based on some buildings from the Kremlin in Russia...we'll get to those in the next few updates or so.  ;D

Well, I'm sorry that this has takens so long again to update. Real-life is pressing at the moment and I'm involved with travel for the next three weeks so we'll see what happens update wise after this one. At any rate, here is the next installment of the history of Osturland...A Government is Born!

Shortly after founding Osturland, the three Templar Masters quickly realized the need for establishing a formal governmental structure for the new country. Word of Osturland spread quickly throughout Europe and immigrants began to petition the Knights for entrance into the new land. Many merchants throughout Europe wanted to move their businesses to Osturland, often fleeing from tyrannical monarchs. As Osturland did not have a formal monarch, much of the business of the nation was conducted among the Templar Masters and Knights. The council of the three Masters decided that they needed to formalize this emerging structure of the new government and officially develop a way for new laws to be made, government to be ran, and justice to be served for the swelling population of Osturland. At the same, they realized that an absolute monarchy would not suffice. They wanted this country to be a safe haven for those who wanted refuge from the oppression they escaped.

This is the national flag of Osturland. The red and white stripes come
from the Templar tradition symbolizing the heart and purity of the group.
The seal is the official seal of Osturland. The eagle in the seal symbolizes
courage, determination, power, and grandeur.

It was suggested by Templar Master, Robert Mounford, to develop a constitution of laws and rights for the people of Osturland, while adopting a republic government structure to provide representation for the people. The other Masters agreed and the Council of 1321 was convened. The council was attended by the remaining 300 Templar Knights and was open to anyone currently living in Osturland. In four short months, they adopted a formal constitution for Osturland that was most progressive for its day. It established that there would be four branches to the government of Osturland. The first would be the Parliamentary. Divided into two houses, the Parliament would consist of a lower house and an upper house. Membership for the Lower House would be decided through formal voting by the people of Osturland. Membership in the Upper House would be decided by heredity. There would be 300 seats in the Upper House for each of the 300 knights and their progeny. The functions of the two houses would be very different. The Lower House would be responsible for the creation of new laws in the land, while the Upper House would serve only in an oversight role, with special duties including the confirmation of Osturland's top political figures.

The second branch would be the Judicial. Magistrates would be selected by the Lower House to fill both local federal courts and the Osturland Supreme Court. The Magistrate appointees would then be confirmed by members of the Upper House before assuming their roles.

This Palace, situated opposite the Osturland Parliament, across the Great Mall, is where the Supreme Court and Ministry of Justice are housed. The building comes from the generosity of Debussyman.

The third branch would be the Executive. The embodiment of the executive branch would be the Head of State. This person would assume the title Prime Minister of Osturland and would be appointed by the Lower House and confirmed by the Upper House. The Prime Minister would oversee all of the business and political aspects of Osturland. He or she would have a cabinet of various ministries associated with the functions of the Osturland government and would be the single most powerful person in the Osturland government. The Prime Minister would be held accountable for his or her actions by both houses of the Parliament and by the last branch of government.

Named in honor of the Osturland's first Prime Minister, Mounford House is situated behind Montliard Palace. This complex is the official
residence and office of the Prime Minister.

The Council of 1321 decided that Osturland needed a monarch, but not a conventional one. They decided to reinvent the notion of the Grand Master Templar and make this person the constitutional monarch. In the Osturland monarchy, the Grand Master Templar would be colloquially known as the King or Queen and would serve as the Chief of State to Osturland. Specifically, he or she would serve an advisory role to the other three branches of the Osturland government and formally oversee the operations of the government and its officials. Additionally, the monarch would serve (along with the Prime Minister) as a representative of Osturland to foreign dignitaries. Special powers would also be granted to the King or Queen with respect to confidence in the abilities of those elected and appointed, including Magistrates, heads of ministerial departments, and even the Prime Minister. Finally, the monarch would not be a hereditary institution. Instead, the Upper House of the Parliament would vote and appoint a monarch from within its own ranks. That monarch would serve Osturland until his or her death at which time a new monarch would be appointed by the Upper House.

After the new constitution was voted on and accepted by the Templar Masters and Knights, the vote for the Grand Master Templar began. The two candidates that were recommended for the position was Master William Newenham and Master Hugo de Gumbach. With a vote of 182 to 118, William Newenham was pronounced Grand Master Templar and the first King of Osturland.

King William I, Grand Master Templar

Later that year, the residents of Osturland voted in the first general election for members of the Lower House. In a surprising move, Templar Master Robert Mounford decided to abdicate his status in the Upper House in order to petition voters for a place in the Lower House. His bid was successful and we went on to later become the first Prime Minister of Osturland. The Official Residence for the Prime Minister today bares his name. The country was divided into eight counties for with 50 representatives chosen from each county for the Lower House. The capital of each of the eight counties was formally named after each of the eight original Templar Knights with the national capital of Payens named after the first leader of the Knights.

A short Mosaic of the southern end of the great mall and surrounding neighborhood.


The Citadel is home to the reigning King or Queen of Osturland. Below is a picture of the Citadel Square. This is the primary entrance into the Citadel Fortress and is the place of the monarch's yearly military review. In this picture we can see the red brick Citadel walls as well as the changing of the Citadel Guard. The changing of the guard occurs every other hour and tends to routinely draw a large crowd of locals and vistors.

Well that is it for me today...Hopefully in my next update, we will get to go inside the Citadel and see some sights. Until then....Cheers!


Wow, another beautiful update! And this installment of the history was fantastic, too! Also, I love the flag you've made and the Osturland crest, they're simply amazing. Great job! I can't wait to see the next update about the Citadel. The wall and the changing of the guard makes a great teaser!


Wow, what a great update again. The pictures are fantastic. I like how you have every thing in it's place, in separate parts, yet showing that is one big plan behind it... Very well done  :thumbsup:
Check my MD:               


Wow, that's an amazing history to go with an amazing government complex  :thumbsup:

Great work!
You're telling me I get to be home for more than 12 months?


Wow! Great history, great SC4-images, and amazing buildings!

I love the layout of the government buildings, and what you've done with the Citadel Square. It's looking really good!

I, for one, cannot wait for the next installment in Osturland history!  &apls &apls
New Horizons Productions
Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dedgren ♦ dmscopio ♦ Ennedi
emilin ♦ Heblem ♦ jplumbley ♦ moganite ♦ M4346 ♦ papab2000
Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine


This update is a delightful read!

I love the outlining of your political system. It has a nice touch to it. The pics are outstanding. I love the Supreme court building by Debusyman. amongst your novelty bats.

I'm looking forward to the next installment.



Hi Yoder ,

As Templars ( don't find a sure translation for "Templiers" ) were spectacular , skilled and untiring builders , just like you're a BATer , I wonder if you're not youself one of them . ;)
I've searched for the right Templars' seal and finding it , I releazed it was already in Osturland's banner since two updates .... $%Grinno$%
Anyway , I allow myself to post there the right Templars' flag ... ;D

You should request to geoffhaw an Osturland animated flag , that would be a great addition to your city ... and I would be proud to use it in AntiGone too . ::)

D'you have already thought about BAT street props (like streetlamps , benches ...) and edit a pack ? I think there's a lack of this kind of props and with your talent ...  ;D

That's all I have to say ... about the update , your style is the exact one that I love , Osturland is simply wonderful . &apls &apls &apls

See you soon .

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Holy cow! :o Great pics, great BATs, great story!
Have you ever had the Prop Pox? Join us to help find a vaccine or a cure.

Totuna e dac-ai murit flăcău ori moş îngârbovit;
Dar nu-i totuna leu să mori ori câine-nlănţuit.


Just: wow! Osturland is one of my absolute favorites now. &apls

BlackwaterEmil's inn
Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dmscopio ♦ dedgren
♦ Emilin ♦ Ennedi ♦ Heblem ♦ jplumbley ♦ moganite ♦ M4346 ♦
papab2000 ♦ Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine


@Thundercrack83 - Thanks....I'm glad you liked the update and the teaser. I've been working on the buildings of the Citadel for quite some time and have recently finished all of the batting...although the modding is not done on all of them yet.

@Sebes - Thanks for your words of encouragement...There is a master plan to the whole city that I laid out before I ever started plopping the landmarks. Although the city is constently evolving and some things are being moved to better locations, but most of the major facilities are in the same place that I originally intended. In the future I hope to show some "satallite" photos of Payens, but that will be a littel while down the road.

@Meinhosen - Glad you stopped by! Thanks for the compliment on the history!

@M4346 - Hopefully some time in the future I might showcase the King's annual review of the military in the square. There is often military parades that march across the square besides the changing of the guard. Glad you like what I've done so far.

@Strechnitz - Glad you like the read. I really like the building by Debussyman too! I don't think he has plans of releasing it becuase it is not up to his normal standards, but his normal standards are so detailed and extrodinary that his "practice" bats would be another persons premier release  ;D.

@Badsim - Thanks for you comment! I assure you I'm not a Templar  $%#Ninj2 ah, who knows!  :D Thanks for the flag, I might have to make a banner out of it to display in the Citadel Square. I have found many other templar seals too that belong to individual templars through the ages...I'll probably use some of them in upcoming updates. I have actually taken the polish flag in reader and added the Osturland seal to it, but I'm having problems getting it to run right in the lot editor...I need to pm Geoff and see if he can't help me figure out what I'm doing wrong...but I have been in contact with him as I was making it. I have thought about making a prop pack for street props. I've made a few for Osturland, such as some signs and a direction indicator for roundabouts (I think you can see it in the mosaic only it is small). If you have any specific street prop requests, pm me and we'll talk. ;D Thanks again for your comments!

@Snorrelli - Cows!..what! where are these holy cows?  :D :D just kidding...I'm glad you like the story! Thanks for your comments.

@Emilin - I'm glad to hear you like it! I have a little bit more to introduce on the history end and then I'll probably just do some picture updates and then more storyline kinds of stuff. Thanks for the comments.


Just to be clear ; It's rather a banner than a flag , you must consider only the part delemited by the red border ...
About props, sure I'll PM you ... when I would have collected enough pictures about interesting streetlamps (particularly) ...  ;)

Thanks . :thumbsup:

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Quote from: Yoder7652 on April 20, 2007, 10:28:28 AM

@Snorrelli - Cows!..what! where are these holy cows?  :D :D just kidding...I'm glad you like the story! Thanks for your comments.

Yeah - I've always thought that was a silly expression and I have no idea where it comes from. My actual reaction of awe and surprise, however, would not be fit to print on a "family-friendly" site! :thumbsup:
Have you ever had the Prop Pox? Join us to help find a vaccine or a cure.

Totuna e dac-ai murit flăcău ori moş îngârbovit;
Dar nu-i totuna leu să mori ori câine-nlănţuit.


 :thumbsup:Nice update Yoder . Great mosaic you have done and nice story too . I can`t wait for see the entire citadel. Looking forward


Maybe Yoder here is a templar...  $%#Ninj2 It would explain a lot!  &idea

Just joking of course... Just dropping by to welcome you to


&apls &apls

And I'll be looking out for that Citadel Square update! ;)
New Horizons Productions
Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dedgren ♦ dmscopio ♦ Ennedi
emilin ♦ Heblem ♦ jplumbley ♦ moganite ♦ M4346 ♦ papab2000
Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine


A very progressive nation, the founding fathers were liberals before the word was even invented ;D

Again a quite detailed story on the basics of government and how it all came about, I would think the position as monarch could very easily fall into the hands of one family???

The bat made by Praiodan and the church by Vester is a perfect match, this is a great looking pair. Love how you have made the courtyard and the area surrounding these buildings.

In your mosaic I see some beautiful details. I very much like this small (Dutch) house that looks like it almost by accident is next to the Grand Mall. It is so not conforming to the other buildings in the same area. :thumbsup:
The church by Haarlemmergold in the area of w2w buildings is also supurbly placed. This is one of the first CJ using this combination of w2w buildings and it does not look out of place. Impressive :)