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Re: Waterfalls a New Journey... MD by Pat_Update # 219

Started by Pat, March 13, 2007, 01:18:14 PM

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Wow, Chippewa Lake looks extraordinary, Pat! You are definitely skilled with the ploppable water, my friend! I like how you gave us an inside take at how you go about doing things. Great job!


OK everyone i did promise some replies to the last comments and here we go.
From prev. post about the water fall replies are in red and Chippewa
replies are in blue. I also included some more replies that where left
after this latter update so with that here is the replies. - pat

Quote from: mark on April 12, 2007, 10:50:03 PM
looking Good pat  :thumbsup:

Hey Mark ty very much

Quote from: emilin on April 13, 2007, 04:50:14 AM
Yeah, it looks good. If I would have anything that is not perfect it might be that it's a bit "square", but essentially it looks like a real waterfall. :thumbsup:

Emilin I know its a tad bit square but it is my first crack at the waterfall lol.

Quote from: thundercrack83 on April 13, 2007, 12:45:09 PM
Your waterfall looks pretty good! The only thing that I noticed that was a bit strange was not the waterfall itself, but the position of the mountain that the waterfall runs down. I could be wrong, though, depending on the rest of the region. Either way, the waterfall is great. Keep up the good work!

Hey Thundercrack yup it is part of the region that thanks to limits cant see lol.

Quote from: thundercrack83 on April 15, 2007, 10:18:14 AM
Wow, Chippewa Lake looks extraordinary, Pat! You are definitely skilled with the ploppable water, my friend! I like how you gave us an inside take at how you go about doing things. Great job!

Thunder i'm glad that you had enjoyed Chippewa Lake, I wouldnt call myself skilled but more apprentice, I had wanted to try something little diffrent.

Quote from: kimcar on April 13, 2007, 02:04:31 PM
:thumbsup: Nice job . They are looking very good.

Kimcar ty very much

Quote from: Fred_Ginger on April 14, 2007, 03:51:34 PM
Pat, I think your waterfall looks really good!  Your mountain reminds me of a geological feature we have in Norther California called "The Sutter Buttes",  If you look at a topographical map of NorCal there looks to be a big 'pimple in the middle of the Sacramento Valley - that's the Buttes, they just sit there looking weird!  Look Here  orhere

Ty Vicki what you shared was very kool. the link for usgs didnt work though, but the middle mountains did and it was intresting that to think i pulled off something that similar wow.

Quote from: dedgren on April 14, 2007, 04:52:55 PM
Pat- you can't possibly think anyone would have anything mean to say about those cascades- for a "first attempt," they're pretty darn good.

I have to tell you- I come here for inspiration.  You aren't afraid to try stuff and post post it for folks to look at- that's really great.  I never leave here without a new idea.

Must be spring in Rhinelander, my friend.  Is the ice out on the lakes yet?


Awwwwwww shucks David talk about making me feel special.  I was only being a little sarcastic when i said be as mean as possible lol.  i guess you can say i got that dry humor touch.  I do try new things and with that i thank you for. Why because you are always doing something new and never just something some else has done.  Oh and yes spring has sprung but old man winter tries to come back and bite us here lol.

Quote from: meinhosen on April 15, 2007, 09:27:42 AM
Wow, awesome job on the lake and the spillway pat.  You're doing some great work with the ploppable water and the ploppable rocks.

Meinhosen im glad you found the time to visit my little MD and that i thank you.  I'm trying my hardest with PW.

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Flip: TY very much.

OK I'm gonna be pulling a David here lol.  We all know how he does it comes in teases a little bit.
Then in a small green font says check back later for new content well I'm not gonna torment that
bad but at least so that you all know an update is coming a little later gotta let the wife play on
the puter.

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OK I feel like being a badddd boy here and post again instead of editing my last post but hey its been
a few hours so i think i can get away with it lol.  So what i hope to accomplish in this update is showing
some more of how i go about working with Ploppable Water or PW.  I by far am not a master but more
of apprenticeship to PW and I hope at least you enjoy watching me work.  I have just added C.P.
Meadowshire mod and with that said here we go.

Pic One we see the start of the falls.

Pic Two we are seeing what is in store for more of the water fall.  The black line
is gonna be some falls and of course the area that is outlined and filled is a lake.

Pic Three we see the top of the water falls.

Pic Four is laying of more of the water falls.

Pic Five we are getting down to the lower half.

Pic Six is almost completed at this time.

Pic Seven I'm doing some land scape and rock and rolling (plopping)

Pic Eight is a shot of the final project.

Well hey gang i hoped you enjoyed your visit this time threw and look here
soon for anther update. - pat

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Hey Pat, you may have said so already, so this might be a silly question, but what waterfalls do you use?


Looking good, Pat! I love how you're walking us through the process there with the step-by-step pictures. The finished product at the end looks great! Can't wait to see more!


My name is Vicki
Fred and Ginger were my doggies
RIP my babies



Nice work. But for longer falls like that you might want to consider using jeronij's falls instead of dedgren's (at least I think it is dedgren's falls?). The flow more organicly down longer streches.

BlackwaterEmil's inn
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papab2000 ♦ Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine


Hey y'all i was working on a second parter to this update yesterday but due to a medical call and
then a little fire bug running rampent threw my distrect we where running from one brush fire to anther.
Tonight after i get back from an open house at YMCA being there with the fire department i should almost
be ready for the post the second part.  Emilin btw you're correct its Davids and i will look at Jeronji's. - Pat

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Quote from: patfirefghtr on April 20, 2007, 01:59:23 PM
Hey y'all i was working on a second parter to this update yesterday but due to a medical call and
then a little fire bug running rampent threw my distrect we where running from one brush fire to anther.
Tonight after i get back from an open house at YMCA being there with the fire department i should almost
be ready for the post the second part.  Emilin btw you're correct its Davids and i will look at Jeronji's. - Pat

We'll be waiting for the next update, my friend! Be safe out there!



Here it is the second part of the waterfall.

As emilin pointed out that Davids waterfalls where good but for more a realistic to
try jeronji's wich is what i switched to for the longer falls it would flow better.  Well
as you seen that it truely does show better at full zoom out.  The only problem with
jeronji's falls is i noticed it wants to go along way down it dont work for short falls.
So i hope that you all liked the new shots of a little terraforming the mountain and the
new fall. Thanks you all for the support - Patrick

Hey i totally forgot about this picture its of Big Bear Pass in Loading View so here it is - pat

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OK im not bumping here but hey i hope no one forgot about me.  %confuso but any ways here is something else i've been working on so here it is enjoy - pat

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Hey, Pat! Some great stuff you got here in the past couple of updates! The waterfalls are looking better and better each time I see them and that picture of the drainage ditch by the church looks great, too! I'll be looking forward to more, my friend!


Hey, Pat-

QuoteAs emilin pointed out that Davids waterfalls where good but for more a realistic to
try jeronji's wich is what i switched to for the longer falls it would flow better.  Well
as you seen that it truely does show better at full zoom out.

I do agree that jeronij's waterfalls, especially when used for taller drops of water, provide greater realism.  You are well on your way, it appears, to joining the small cadre of waterfall artistes out there- I'll head back to the drawing board at some point and see if I can give you a V2.0 to work with.

Great job (and big fun) here at your MD.

D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


You're telling me I get to be home for more than 12 months?


Hey y'all thank you very much  :thumbsup: for your time and viewing.  I cant belive i made it to the Best Sellers Section wow im excited  &hlp
ooh wait wrong smilley but hey im soo burnt out right now. IM gonna crash for the next several days as the last 24hrs has been nuts and i do mean nuts...  Did you ever watch the one movie and i think its the Crow where they have on holloween hells night where the city just burst out in flames well that happend last night for me starting at 4 and now finished hopefully at 1230 pm. I've ran a total of 4 brush fires and 1 house fire since that time and the worst part was since 330 am cst the 3 brush fires came and the house fire.  It ran like this at 4pm paged to the brush fire for our mutal aid department.  then at 330 we got our own brush fire then the house fire then anther brush fire.  As we pulled on scence of the brush fire after just finishing the house fire we recieved anther page for anther brush fire to the most northren part of our district so the fire dept that we helped yesterday helped us out by covering that one while we fought the other lol omg sorry for me babbling i will have an update when i resurect from the dead.

your dead to the world fireman - pat

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Better "dead to the world" than just...well you know. Glad to hear everything seems to be under control (or at least getting as close as it can. Take your time and rest up.