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Province of Clontarf - Update 10 - Elsmere

Started by tooheys, June 01, 2007, 08:41:44 PM

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threestooges - lol, thanks Matt. Feel free to stay in that house in 3.08 anytime,
it's actually a barn  :D

ecoba-Hi Ethan, glad you like. The road connection you asked about is off the top of
3.09. This should fill in the gap from another angle:

Your estate is to the left and the town is towards the upper right.

Battlecat - Thanks mate

Jmouse- Hi Joan, yep the RHW is an inter-regional hwy. It will run thru
Clontarf and have a few offshoots. By the way, I was going to provide a view of the regional
transportation map but the RHW doesn't show up. I'll have to do some PS work I guess.

io-bgThanks, it does get a bit frustrating at times but if you like the result it is
certainly worth the effort  :)

Glowbal - The finished result will definately make an appearance, but it may be a few updates away yet.
Thanks for dropping by.

meinhosen - Yeah, the rail is the most painful but it's great when you finally get it right.

djvandrake - Thanks, that fenceline is something I wouldn't have tried in the past, but
Ennedi's sky mod really changes things for the better.

Nardo69 - Nagging Nardo  $%Grinno$% Well they didn't want to chop down those trees because
they're home to a family of koalas (endangered species and all) so they built the road around them  ::)

Battlecat - Thanks, that poor bulldozer got another workout before all the wrinkles were ironed out.

Jmouse -Thanks my fellow NUT

Ecoba - Appreciate the FARRout comments ::)

threestooges - well there's not much more I can add that I haven't mentioned above,
but thanks as always.

thundercrack83 - Hey Dustin, great to see you here at Clontarf.

threeswept - Help yourself, they're Ethan's, not mine ;D

joelyboy911 & Shadow Assassin -So close guys, you rewards will appear soon.

ecoba -
Quotebut I'm a kiwi
Sorry to here that, and I understand it can't be cured   :P

citymax - Thanks citymax

Mods, Dependencies and Other Stuff

BRF Tunnel and Slope Mod
CPT Missouri Breaks Terrain Mod
Ennedi's Dark Granite 2 Rock Mod
PEGs Brigantine Water Mod

I am Sam, Sam I am.

Jeronij's TPW
Jeronij's Sidewalk Mod
Chrisadams3997 RRP Lots (Rural Renewal Project)
Jeronij's Eucalypts
Jestarr's Cattle
uroncha's Plopable Farm Field Pack

Rewards Outstanding

ecoba - Ethan won both the 1st and 2nd TV Theme Quiz. The 1st reward was
highlighted in update 3. Ethan has kindly donated his 2nd reward to Jmouse(Joan) for her amazing support
of this MD. A very nice gesture indeed  :thumbsup:

joelyboy911 - Won the PC Game Quiz, and has requested "a dairy farm, If possible, with a generously
proportioned (but modest) not-too-new house" Can do and will appear in the next couple of updates. It won't
be small, so will take a bit of work to complete. Coming Soon.

Shadow Assassin - A close runner-up in the PC Game Quiz. "I'll go for a pub. Maybe a nice waterfront one".
One lakeside  pub coming very soon.

Jmouse - See above, Joan let me know what you would like I'll get onto it as soon as I can.

There will be more quizzes to come with various rewards along the way. If you have any ideas for
suitable rewards let me know. I'm even thinking of turning the planning of a tile or two over as a prize,
GRV style if you know what I mean.

Anyway the next quiz will make an appearance once I clear the outstanding rewards above.

The Region


C: 6,180
I: 5,209




C: 816
I: 55

Well we are still in the rural area of Clontarf. Only one major farm and half a dozen or
so hobby farms in Bethune with a small residential community.

And that farm, well it's rice. Designed so the plots can be easily flooded, you can see the canal from the
river to the left used to flood and drain the lot. Yeah, it is a bit big for for it's ultimate purpose, but I did
learn a bit when it comes to using TPW with retaining walls

A bit hard to pick out from this angle, but there is a low levy surrounding the farm.
In the foreground you can see one of the small Hobby farms and a trailer park, popular with
seasonal farm

Some more Hobby farms. The property at the top is a riding school, they teach
advanced riders ed. Veer into that thick bush and you are in deep.....trouble.


What is left of the original town centre, slowly being taken over by more modern buildings.

Xmas in September  ()what()




Well I'll be honest, I'd have liked to have had another day to work on this update.
But I'm going  a travellin' tomorrow and won't be back until next Thursday. Not a long break but much
needed.  And it will be a proper break with no PC access  :'( .I'll be back for at least one more big update
by the the end of the month.

See you then



Superb update Dave  &apls &apls

Full of wonderfully interesting details. I particularly like your work with TPW, very nicely done :thumbsup:
Enjoy your much needed break and I'll have the kettle boiling for you when you return ;D

Kettle's on. Milk? Sugars?    ps I don't like Earl Grey  $%Grinno$%
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - If you're not part of the solution , you're part of the problem!
"Never knock on Death's door: Ring the bell and run away! Death really hates that!"
Tales at TeaTime      Now A proper NUT      TTC plays GRV II


Quote from: tooheys on September 19, 2009, 03:41:16 AMEthan has kindly donated his 2nd reward to Jmouse(Joan) for her amazing support of this MD. A very nice gesture indeed  :thumbsup:

Thank you, Ethan! That was a very kind and thoughtful thing to do! I'll put something together and post it here in the next few days.

Another great update, Dave. The component parts of Clontarf are looking really good. You've certainly mastered the art of using TPW, and that canal looks especially good. The trailer park is a nice touch – and very appropriate. (4.05) is especially attractive with the various pastures, trails and fences, then the road along the right side and across the bottom makes for a nice finish to the picture. I do hope you'll be entering some of these screenies in the Picture Competition eventually.

Further down the list,
the houses/neighborhoods and little commercial row look great and they're quite attractive. I like the way the neighborhoods are laid out – not too crowded, but realistically placed.

Hope you enjoy your holiday – and you're right, that destination is well worth a Google!


A wonderful update.  I very much enjoyed my visit.  Outstanding work with the water.  &apls

Enjoy your much needed break and get some rest!  :thumbsup:



Your Welcome, Joan, I think you deserved it more than me, IMO. Reading through the early pages of Balnavia, I saw your comments approximately 3 times a page.

Bethune is a wonderful little town, Dave, and I don't understand what your technique to making everything perfect is yet....

I think Christmas in September is very appropriate... you can never have too many reindeer.

I hope your holiday is wonderful, Dave, and may I ask Joan or Dave, what is your destination?

I can't wait 'til you are back with more Clontarf.



Hi guys, it was only a short break but well worth it. A bit of whale watching, plenty
of dolphins escorting the boat along the way, and swimming/snorkling. The latter was the best as a few dolphins
joined us, must of thought I was a sick whale and they were going to push me ashore  :D. No words can
describe swimming with those magnificent creatures. Brilliant (if I can quote Harry Potter  ::))

Anyway, I'm back to work and I thought I'd show this pic of joelyboy911's dairy farm I've been working on,
before all the surrounding bushland is placed and blots out a lot of the detail.

You can see the milking shed in the centre, with the first herd moving thru. Another herd is moving
to the gate on the right, awaiting there turn.

The animals in the top right paddock are bulls, likely to enjoy the milking process but ......I think I'll just leave it there. 

Below the milking shed is the barn and then the residence. I hope you find it comfortable joelyboy911.

Some more detailed pic's with the full update and replies this weekend.




It looks very nice. I look forward to the next update.
SimCity Aviation Group
I miss you, Adrian


This is just awesome work my friend! One question though, how do you combine your rural road and urban road? After download the rr mod, my whole city roads turned into rural roads....lol. Cheers mate, keep it going!


Great Work, Dave

And that's all I have to say about that...


Edit: As to Joan's post later on the page, you most certainly did!


Excellent work as always!  You're doing a great job of maintaining a consistent style as you move through this region!


Welcome back!  I have swam with dolphins before too, and you're right that words cannot describe the experience.

I like your dairy farm.  Very well done.  :thumbsup:


Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


Nice dairy farm, Dave! I just love the rural areas - love to look at them, and even take an occasional stab at creating them. The scene in this photo looks great, but the angles of paths and fences really caught my eye. Whether planned or not, the various elements compliment each other quite well and make for an excellent layout.

Glad to hear you enjoyed your holiday,
and I hope you brought some photos home with you! :)


*Edit* As for the reward I didn't earn  ::) , I'd like a cattle ranch dedicated to a beloved cousin who passed away recently. A ranch house with a nice big front porch would be great, and what's a ranch without a faded red barn!

There were some small-ish fenced areas out behind the house – near the barn - where Billy kept a few sheep and a jersey milk cow. There was a fenced lot for the horses, too, and a windmill nearby with a large water tank next to it.

Thanks once again to Ethan (ecoba) for sharing this opportunity with me, and thanks - in advance - to you for creating the lots. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if some of them appeared on the LEX one of these days! :)


Tomas Neto


That's an excellent piece of Lotting Dave :thumbsup:

I just love the detailing you've put in. Looks like a real busy farm :thumbsup:

Glad to hear you enjoyed your break, we all need one now and again :D

'Till the next time

Kettle's on. Milk? Sugars?    ps I don't like Earl Grey  $%Grinno$%
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - If you're not part of the solution , you're part of the problem!
"Never knock on Death's door: Ring the bell and run away! Death really hates that!"
Tales at TeaTime      Now A proper NUT      TTC plays GRV II



TheTeaCat Thanks Derry, and I certainly needed that cuppa when I got back  ;)

Jmouse Well you know I like playing around with rural areas, they are my favourite. I don't know why I
decided to add in the trailer park, just felt like doing some lotting and that came to mind. Glad you
like it though.

djvandrake Appreciate the comments and thanks for dropping by.

Yan077 Thanks Yan, great to see you here.

ecoba Hey Ethan, I didn't travel too far, just up the coast to Nelson Bay. Beautiful spot though.
As for my technique for making things perfect, I'm sure you'd all be shocked if you saw me at work on
a tile. It's not quite "close your eyes and hope for the best", but it's not far from it  :)
joelyboy911 Thanks, glad you like.

firdausabdullah Now that's a good question, I had the same problem when I first
started using the rural road mod. I either separate rural and residential by a street, the
mod doesn't normally cross a street. Or place a rural road puzzle piece, the rural road
won't automatically flow on past this piece. Hope that help.

ecobaThanks Ethan

Battlecat Thanks Battlecat, it's certainly not easy trying to keep a consistent approach
from tile to tile, but I think the regional view looks a whole lot better for it.

djvandrake Certainly something you don't forget for awhile. Thanks for dropping by.

Pat Hey Pat, great to see you back mate  :thumbsup:

Jmouse Joan, one cattle ranch on order. Should make an appearance in the next few updates.

Tomas Neto Thanks Tomas.

TheTeaCat Thanks Derry, now I need a break to get over the break.

Rewards Outstanding

Shadow Assassin - A close runner-up in the PC Game Quiz. "I'll go for a pub. Maybe a nice waterfront one".
One lakeside  pub coming very soon.

Jmouse - "I'd like a cattle ranch dedicated to a beloved cousin who passed away recently."
Work will commence shortly.

The Region


C: 6,416
I: 7,528




C: 236
I: 2319

Yep, you guessed it, another small rural town, although with a bit of industry thrown in this time.


First let's have another look at the Joelyboy Dairy Farm

The milking shed. Don't forget to take a number. (If you're a cow that is).

The barn and residence, front and back.

A small sheep farm. Plenty of dags here  ::)




I hope you are not getting too sick of "rural". The next update will also be rural based but with
something just a little bit different which I hope you like. After that, we'll be looking at the largest
town on the tableland so a bit more development there.

Until next update.




Can't speak for anyone else, of course, but I never tire of seeing the rural areas. The dairy farm is just perfect – well-planned and well composed. Everything is right where it needs to be. It's a lucky family of Sims who live there!

You're doing a good job in other areas, too (5.08). Not sure if the palm trees and eucalyptus fit together exactly, but that's small stuff. Nice work on the rural HWY, too (5.09). And I like the way you've provided jobs without trashing the view.

Updates just keep getting better and better
– it will be interesting to see how you top one like this! :)



I grew up on a dairy farm, and where I lived didn't look near this good!  &apls  Wonderful update, and I certainly am not getting tired of your rural creations, you're very good at them.  &apls