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Photo Contest Suggestion Box

Started by Masochist, April 05, 2007, 07:27:35 AM

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This thread can be where people can post ideas and suggestions for how to help the Picture Comp. run more smoothly, as well as say what they think about ideas that have already been stated.  This thing has really turned into a community-wide...thing...and it would be really selfish of me to just make changes without input...so make with the input ;D!

These are a few of the ideas that I've made and have heard so far:

1.) More than one person have made the suggestion of splitting up the competition according to type of picture, such as having a Landscape/Nature comp, a Rural/Suburban comp, Urban/Downtown comp, etc.  That would help even the playing field, and may encourage people who may otherwise not compete post a picture (maybe they specialize in urban shots, but are afraid of going up against a beautiful forest on a hill or something...just an example).

HabLeUrG has suggested that we have a "Best of Hall of Fame"-type contest, where after a certain number of pictures enter the Hall of Fame, we would have a competition to see which one's the best of the best.  This would tie in very well with an idea that's been floating around in my head...

3.) If we actually do decide to split the competitions into groups, why not split the Hall of Fame?  Have a Hall of Fame for each competition, then have a "Best-Of" Hall of Fame for those Hall of Fames as HabLeUrG suggested?

4.) Colyn has suggested that there be a submissions thread, where everyone posts the pictures they wish to have compete, and a moderator chooses which ones will be the ones competing. He's also developing (developed?) a polling applet that would allow people to cast their votes privately, as well as vote on multiple pictures...speaking of which...

5.) Colyn has also suggested that multiple pictures be allowed for competition.  No less than 2, no more than 5, and then people vote on them. Also, instead of 1024 x 800 being the maximum size, it has been suggested that it be reduced to 800 x 600 so that a small picture isn't lost against a behemoth.

6.) Ahh...7 votes is a little small nowadays, and it makes the game run a bit too fast.  Should we go to 24 hours per round, or less time per round, or up the votes needed for a picture to win, or use another method?  This is a question that I would really like to get some input on.

So I think that's all of the ideas I've heard.  If I've missed anybody's input, or if I've misinterpreted anyone's ideas, please let me know!  Please note that these are all only suggestions, and none of them (except maybe the 7 votes thing) are definite changes!!!  I really want people's input on all these things before any changes are made...if you like the game as it is, just say so!  If you like some ideas and don't like others, just say so (respectably!!!).  Please, please let us know what you think so far!

And as promised, I'll open the game back up now with no rule changes at all except one: the number of votes required to win a round will now go back up to 10 in favor of a picture (and of course, if 24 hours pass after the second picture is posted, the round will end as usual).

Thanks for supporting this game so much  :thumbsup:!
(Under Construction)


I think the competition is a great idea and a lot of fun. I think some of the advantages are:

1)it is open, ie a person can post a picture of anything they like and a small rural town may win over a shiny megopolis (or vice versa) ie anything can win, so I'm not a fan of splitting into categories, or at least if it is split, I suggest keeping an "open" category

2)its speed. A fast paced competition is exciting. Also if I'm online for only a couple of hours I could well see a full round in that time, which is great. So I like the idea of keeping the winning vote count fairly low (10 is a good number I think).

3) one picture format is nice and compact. Perhaps a multi-picture format could be one of the separate categories. Its a good idea, but I think the one picture format is an advantage.

I like the idea of a maximum picture width of 800. People may have to crop and compose their images if this is the case, and sometimes this leads to a picture you didn't expect which is nonetheless spectacular. I also like to be able to see the whole image without scrolling much.

I'm not sure about the submissions thread. I think that could turn into a game itself. Also part of the fun of the game is its sponteneity (sp?) and being in the right place at the right time. Perhaps there could be a submission thread for a game moderator to post the next picture in line if there is a slow point, just to keep the game moving. Ie if no-one has posted a picture in a certain time, the moderator can post one from the queue. Otherwise I like the idea of people being able to post a picture on their own when a round ends.

A champion of champions is a good idea I think.

Anyway that's my $0.02. Thanks goes to everyone for this wonderful competition  &apls


Good stuff Sam ... thanks... what we will do is if there is no challenger in say an houur I or Masochist will dig a past looser out and pitch him again.

Work, the annoying period between bike trips.
Come see CSX Play


Quote from: Colyn on April 08, 2007, 09:45:53 AM
Good stuff Sam ... thanks... what we will do is if there is no challenger in say an houur I or Masochist will dig a past looser out and pitch him again.

Now that's a good idea instead of having a submissions thread.
Kettle's on. Milk? Sugars?    ps I don't like Earl Grey  $%Grinno$%
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"Never knock on Death's door: Ring the bell and run away! Death really hates that!"
Tales at TeaTime      Now A proper NUT      TTC plays GRV II


Colyn has suggested that this conversation be moved to this thread rather than in the competition itself.

There has been discussion as to whether an image should be judged on city building skills, or merely presentation.

I disagree that it is only about presentation. Presentation is a key factor, however, if the base image that is presented isn't particularly interesting or creative it wouldn't get my vote, no matter how fancy the wrapping.

Vab pointed out that the rules state that photoshop may be used and not to overdo it. If the rules are to be changed to say that an image must be altered from it's raw SC4 state, how far do you have to go? The image I entered into the competition was criticised for not having been altered, when in fact it had been, albeit subtly.

I think that changing the rules and adding more restrictions would be detrimental to the fun atmosphere of the thread (best SC4 pictures), turning it into a thread where the only purpose is to out-photoshop each other. After all isn't Simcity4 the reason we are all here.

At the end of the day I vote for which ever image I like better, which I usually decide within seconds of seeing both, and my reasons for voting are different each time. I don't like being told how to judge something by a list of criteria, when what is I see is needed is more akin to intuition.

This is not intended to start a heated argument, I just don't want to see a great thread changed in a negative way. If other picture competitions are started for different types of image then why not one for specifically showcasing photoshopped images, leaving this as an open category?
My MD: Jen's random cities...  ...Also, check out my creations on the LEX...


Jen I agree in principle with you ... and I also dont want the free spirit strangled with tons of rules.

I have one serious issue with the current format and that is the "Challenger Ambushes" ... this is getting more severe now and when two  images are in a very even battle where it goes neck on neck then this "Challenger Ambushing" is even more irritating. What in fact is happening is if two shots are battling it out and they go neck on neck the one that reach 9 will win because a challenger will grab that spot and vote and challenge in one post ... irrespective of the fact that he or she actually likes that shot.

So what I want to see changed is the voting cycle ...

I would like to see that we implement a 3 point lead decision ... so when two are running neck on neck the 10 is not valid and it goes on untill one has a 3 point lead or 24 hrs expire. Sure a "ambush" can still happen on 3rd point but at least that is a better margin.

I would also like to see that we open say 4 THREADS ... "Scenic" "Rural" "City" "Industrial" ... this will allow more participants in and will see moe evenly matched shots against each other. I am sure many people want to get in but they either miss the "switchover" or two or three post almost at the same time with the ensuing scramble ;)

The game is now popular enough and has enugh visitors to break it into a few categories.

Please comment.
Work, the annoying period between bike trips.
Come see CSX Play


Quote from: jen_p on April 12, 2007, 09:24:04 PM
I don't like being told how to judge something by a list of criteria, when what is I see is needed is more akin to intuition.
While I agree with everything Jen said, this sentence sums up my feelings in a nutshell.  I think the more rules, restrictions (and categories) there are, the less fun this becomes.  It's like the ISU judging system (Olympic Figure Skating) and the US Tax Code -- the rules are so complicated, no one understands them. 

The initial rules, IMO, are fine. If I could change anything, I would add:  the person not winning the current round (I hate to say loser) is not eligible to submit another picture until 24 hours has passed from the round in which (s)he was disqualified. That way more people wishing to post pictures have the opportunity to do so.

Colyn, I respectfully disagree with your challenge ambush theory.  You do not know the 10th poster is casting a vote irrespective of whether or not (s)he likes either picture; you are only making an assumption. 

Just my 5-cents (inflation, you know).

"It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit."     - Harry S. Truman


As far as the "ambush" perhaps a rule (yes I know I was just harking on about not having too many rules) that whoever has the 10th vote cannot post a picture to challenge the winner.
And Vab I must say that I was guilty of this myself (even though I did vote for the one I thought was best), so yes in at least some cases, it is not just an assumption.
My MD: Jen's random cities...  ...Also, check out my creations on the LEX...


Quote... that whoever has the 10th vote cannot post a picture to challenge the winner.

That can work and it will surely scale the ambushing down because now two people has to be involved in the ambush.
Work, the annoying period between bike trips.
Come see CSX Play


I agree with Jen and Vab on the contest: I voted on pictures because there was something very appealing in the photo, no matter if it was photoshopped or not.

I guess that Jacqui's photo is plain from the game and not muched altered, but it has a lot of magic in it (at least for me). I feel perfectly OK to vote for that picture!

I also had a feeling that some people have given the person with 9 points their vote just to be able to get in the constest... It's a feeling, I have no proof, but it's odd that a person is for a long time active in the thread without voting, and everytime when a picture becomes 9 points, within a minute posting the 10th point and a challenging picture...

So, I cheer for adding the 10th vote rule..

Check my MD:               


this sounds great, i have noticed that everyone is having fun playing this game
  i would like to piont out though i dont photoshop any of my pics they are straight out of the game


My 2 pennies (I am British, you know  :D)...

This is a PHOTO competition and should be judged on one thing only...Composition.  It doesn't matter if the shot has been doctored or is raw, what should matter is the asthetics of the shot and the personal appeal.

About ambushing...I'm pretty sure a lot of people are guilty of it (me included, I'm afraid to say) and it is becoming, as Colyn said, a problem where pics are being unfairly knocked out because of it (still  :'( about Willowtree)

I agree a challenger cannot challenge if he/she has cast the deciding vote...and the runner up may not post another image for at least 2 rounds.  This way everyone gets a fair stab irrespective of timezones.  Also agree that a clear 3 point lead is required for an image to win...but up to a point.  If the voting reaches 20 it has to be decided on a sudden death vote.
The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it


Cal every contestant here has most probably done the AMBUSH thing ;) ... it is the only way to get your shot in.

I agree that sudden death should happen and let's make it 21 ... but in this case I would like to say this ... if 21 is the death point for a picture then it means that shot was really worthy and it should get another chance.

I want to suggest that if it was a case of HoF for the winner ... and the point difference is 3 or less then that looser goes through to the next round.
Work, the annoying period between bike trips.
Come see CSX Play


Quote from: callagrafx on April 13, 2007, 02:32:10 AM
My 2 pennies (I am British, you know  :D)...

This is a PHOTO competition and should be judged on one thing only...Composition.  It doesn't matter if the shot has been doctored or is raw, what should matter is the asthetics of the shot and the personal appeal.

About ambushing...I'm pretty sure a lot of people are guilty of it (me included, I'm afraid to say) and it is becoming, as Colyn said, a problem where pics are being unfairly knocked out because of it (still  :'( about Willowtree)

I agree a challenger cannot challenge if he/she has cast the deciding vote...and the runner up may not post another image for at least 2 rounds.  This way everyone gets a fair stab irrespective of timezones.  Also agree that a clear 3 point lead is required for an image to win...but up to a point.  If the voting reaches 20 it has to be decided on a sudden death vote.

I agree that a photo does not need to be enhanced to win. Choice of subject and composition are important (at least that's what I try to vote on, mostly). Photoshopping is nice in some cases though.

I also agree that the final voter shouldn't be allowed to post a picture. (It could lead to no-one wanting to cast a final vote though)

Maybe we should use tennis rules.



Heh heh...good to see people finally using this Suggestion box... ::)

I'll say only this about the "Photo" part of the discussion: I won't ever tell you what has to be in your picture in order to challenge (I'll only tell you how big it can be ;)). The only way I would is if the competition were, in fact, split into categories.  Then...yeah, I would have to.  But as it is now, there won't be any requirements about what must and must not be in your pictures.

As for the Challenger Ambush, enough people have spoken out against it that I'll do something about it...the question is, what?  I'm leaning towards the "10th vote, no challenge" option (because I feel that would help eliminate it all together), but maybe you guys would rather have the three-vote system (required to win by three votes)?
(Under Construction)


First off, I love this contest, I think the idea is great and so are the people involved so far.  I think all of the pictures up to now have been outstanding EVEN the ones not photoshoped, and have made it into the hall of fame.  I'm sure some of the pictures I helped put there. 
Now this will be the very fisrt time I have felt offended while on this site. 
You wander why? 
Well the original rules I agree with totally.  As for the ambush theory, I'd like to think people wouldn't do that, but I do agree with the deciding vote shouldn't be able to enter the next round as a challenger. 
Now here is my problem........I have no idea how to use the computer very well, let only any photo shopping program.  And now you are sugestting I can not enter this contest.  I enjoy playing the game as much as anyone else (maybe even more) so I don't spend much time even trying to learn other programs as such.  This is actually the only game I play and I have been playing it for years.  I would prefer playing the game during my limited time and spending the rest of my time with my family. 
I do however have a program called Ifranview.  I know how to adjust size and change it to a jpeg.  I do know there is a button for small alterations and I do try to use it when ever possible, but not to the extent some of the others here can.  Now I also think if I choose to enter an unaltered picture against someone and I lose for what ever reasons, that's fine even if it might be because I didn't photoshop it.
I would be very interested in seeing who the grand winner would be for the month, (or the week, what ever) from the people who have made it into the Hall of Fame.  I think it very easily could be someone who didn't photo shop thier picture.  metasmurf, c.p., jen_p and citynut all have excellent pictures which look like they haven't been alter in my opinion.
With all this said, I really hope this does not become a rule as I think I have excellent pictures to share here as well.
Lastly, just to be clear, I am not trying to start anything.  What ever is decided will have to be okay.  I will just post my pictures in other threads here.  "Show us your" is an excellent outlet.

Just my 10 cents  LOL

Robin   ;)
Call me Robin, please.


Quote from: Masochist on April 13, 2007, 06:27:25 AM

As for the Challenger Ambush, enough people have spoken out against it that I'll do something about it...the question is, what?  I'm leaning towards the "10th vote, no challenge" option (because I feel that would help eliminate it all together), but maybe you guys would rather have the three-vote system (required to win by three votes)?

I like the simpler option. The person who casts the winning vote can't post picture.


I like the idea of winning by more than 1. WInning by 3 is good. I also like the 10th vote can't challenge...
Let's see.. I know this gets more complicated but how about a "unaltered photo contest" and a "photoshopped" contest. I enjoy both types.


I too like the Idea of the 10th vote cant challange - might I also suggest that we a picture que - where if it is in the que it will be the next to challange and people will have to add there picture to the que first - that way nobody is racing to see who gets there picture in first. - Just an Idea
I think this shoud be implememnted to solve the problem - that way everyone gets a chance to compete. and if you think about it it would wipe out rule #10
the winner advances to the next round and the next in the que is the challange - I truly think it would solve this problem. Masochist, I know you really dont a picture que, But I think this would sovle alot of problems
I'm nutty and I Bat and they're coming for me with the white coats again


 i also agree with the suggestion that the CONTEST should be given a THEME/topic each round or each week (something like session :)).... i always see, when someone gives their Downtown pics, the challenger give their suburbs pics, and the voters sometimes are a "Suburb Freak" or "downtown freak" ;D..... so, it's possible that when u show your downtown pics and the challenger shows his suburb pics, the next 10 voters are "suburb Freak" &mmm.... can u guess?, how unlucky u are at that time.... $%Grinno$%

so the point is
--> the contest should be given a theme or topic for each round/week/month.....
--> The moderator or judge gives the next theme (suburbs/downtown/industry/farm/etc) after a round is finish (i mean each round), to prevent "Fast Challenge", so other participant can prepare their pics before they put their pics into this contest.

hmm.... oh, i dont know what else i should suggest next..... i think that's enough..... time to sleep.... it's 2 am here.... i have a competition tomorrow.....

sorry, my english is bad.....


please wait for my return :D
-AsianEvolusioner AKA Sarungman