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Tarkusian Cities (Update 107-08/23/2020-West Chemeketa Reconfig, Part 1)

Started by Tarkus, June 17, 2007, 08:31:07 PM

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Very nice Alex :)

interesting read, some nice solutions.

of course, cant wait for more ;)

Copperminds and Cuddleswarms


Very nice, some steep slopes those workmen face tho  ::)
Congrats on page 25, and not too far from Classics as well
Follow my SimCity 4 Let's play on YouTube


The update is like always fantastic! Nice work!

Looking forward to more...


Wow Tarkus the new update is simply superb
I really love the style of your work
Continu it's really good ;)
My new city is now here
The région of Kaikoura

Teaser of Lopsas[+ How did I do it?]:Lopsas


 :thumbsup: Another great update. I love the construction site scenes, and the new Argentum Blvd. alignment should serve traffic well.
And also I noticed extensive use of the TLA-5 and SPM.
NAM Team Member | 3RR Collaborater | Virgin Shores


Excellent update Alex!   :thumbsup:   I am liking how you are using the NAM curves and FAR to give your roads a more realistic feel to them.  The road construction also looks great!  I can't wait to see it finished!  Nice maps too!



thank you thank you thank you! :thumbsup:

i got a road named after me :)

very nice update Tarkus, keep it up!
Friend of the Certified Drama Queen :)


I like see the work in a city, its evolution ... and here you've really succeeded bravo  &apls


Truly - a piece of art shown again - the master laying the roads....  I feel more and more liek an idiot  ?=mad)= when looking at the way you restructure the infrastructure of the city. But please, continue! I love being  ?=mad)= you know....

Check my MD:               


Alex, following all this reconstruction on your wonderful map is just too fascinating! I'd be completely lost without it and probably would have given up trying to make sense of it long ago. As it is, though, I feel that I'm catching a glimpse of what city planners and engineers would see, and that makes the process really interesting.

As always, your construction photos are so true-to-life,
sparking many memories of trying to drive through work zones! I'm anxious to see the finished product, but I'm enjoying the step-by-step account of progress, too.



Back with another update to close out the month.  (Edit:  It became August 1st while I was posting . . . so I guess now it's an update to start the new month.  ::))  We'll be looking at another joint TDOT/City of Argentum project, which will reconfigure some slightly confusing intersections and further "pave the way" (no pun intended) for Highway 261.  And buildings had better watch out . . .


(thanks to sebes for finding this image)

First, replies:

JoeST:  Thanks, I'm glad you liked the solutions I've worked out . . . hope this next update satisfies. :)

Casper (caspervg):  Yes, those are some rather steep slopes.  :D  it's been kind of interesting rebuilding Argentum.  Having used Slope Mods for awhile now, and looking back at things like that, I'm just amazed how lumpy the game's default slope parameters are.  Thanks for the kind words!

bat:  Thanks, I'm happy to hear you enjoyed it!

Simpson:  Thank you for the compliments, and don't worry, I'll definitely be continuing, hopefully for some time to come. :)

deathtopumpkins:  Thanks, I'm quite glad to hear you enjoyed the construction, and traffic is seeming to flow quite smoothly on Argentum Boulevard in that section now . . . you'll be seeing quite a bit of that thoroughfare in the next few updates, including the "restored" section between Argentum and Angstrom.  And of course, more TLA-5 and SPM, maybe even some . . . um . . . other new stuff.  ;)

Haljackey:  Thanks for the kind words, and I'm glad you enjoyed the FAR and Road Curve usage.  I've been having quite a bit of fun with the FAR, so you'll be definitely be seeing a lot more of it.  And the construction will soon be in a more complete stage . . . there's some interesting stuff in the works for 261 . . .  (*cough* Multi-RHW *cough*)

Meastro444:  Thanks, and you're welcome for the road!  Consider it a "double-0" honor for post #100 here . . .

. . . and just as a side note, in case anyone's wondering, here's all the road names that have been given out:

Double-0 Posts
#100--Meastro 444: Meastro Road (Argentum)
#200--EDGE4194: Edge Road (Gray Creek)
#300--FrankU: Frank Way (Cuprum)
#400--krbe: Kristian Drive (Argentum)

BigSlark: Slark Way (Argentum)
Lollo: Lollo Boulevard (Argentum)
sebes: Sebes Road (Argentum)
Jmouse: Joan Street (Argentum)
Tropod: Tropod Parkway (Argentum/Cuprum)
jplumbley: Plumbley Drive (Argentum/Angstrom)

Quesh:  Thanks, I'm happy to hear you enjoyed it.  I've always been a big fan of seeing stuff in progress as well, so you'll definitely be seeing more of that sort of thing here (including this update).

sebes:  Nothing wrong with being  ?=mad)=:D   

[post style=dedgren]
. . . and you're no slouch at the transport thing yourself, either . . . 
[/post style=dedgren]

Thanks for the very kind words, my friend.  Continue I shall. :)

Joan (Jmouse):  Thank you so much for the kind words, and I'm always glad to hear the maps have been enjoyable and helpful for you.  That whole planning/engineering process has fascinated me from a very early age, and it has remained that way for me.  And I can relate all too well to wanting to see the construction done, too . . . I think most motorists in RL share that viewpoint, too. :D  Though being the big roadgeek that I am, I always purposely go through construction zones, when they're reasonably accessible.  Crazy, I know.  :D


Parallel-Peninsula Corridor Project

This project will realign Parallel Drive west of Costa Drive, directly connecting it to Peninsula Drive, reconfiguring several intersections along Costa Drive in the process.    In addition, the intersections on Costa Drive with Parallel Drive, Peninsula Avenue, Villeneuve Street and Eastshore Circle will be improved to allow for better traffic flow on these streets.  The disconnected western segment of Parallel Drive left by the project will be closed and subsequently demolished, as it is in the path of the new Highway 261 alignment.

The Parallel-Peninsula Corridor Project is a joint project between TDOT and the City of Argentum.

(all pics looking north)
This is a shot of the existing intersections of Costa Drive with Parallel Drive, Peninsula Avenue and Villeneuve Street--two major signalized intersections within a very short distance.

The subdivision behind the Safeway on Costa Drive has been demolished to make way for the new Parallel Drive alignment.  The 4-lane route shown is Peninsula Avenue.

A temporary roadway is built to connect Parallel Drive up to Peninsula, allowing for the reconfiguration of the Peninsula and Villeneuve intersections on Costa Drive without disrupting access to nearby homes and businesses.

Peninsula Avenue is subsequently closed to begin work on the new S-Curve that will connect it to Parallel Drive.

A look at the end of one alignment, and the beginnings of another.  Pavement has been laid on the new Parallel Drive alignment.

Reconfiguration of the temporary access road, and more work on the curve.

The temporary access road is removed, as it is in the way of the new alignment.  Motorists accessing Peninsula Avenue were directed to use Isthmus Avenue as a detour.

The Peninsula Avenue intersection with Costa Drive has now been closed.  The sharp curve connecting Peninsula and Villeneuve will be removed, in favor of converting the last segment of Villeneuve from essentially a "glorified slip lane" to a full-on 4-lane road, with a signalized intersection at Costa.

The new Villeneuve intersection is built, and the old Peninsula Avenue alignment has been converted to a residential street.

In order to further consolidate the intersections along Costa Drive, Villeneuve will be directly connected up to Eastshore Circle.  As a result, the police station for the Isthmus Precinct had to be relocated.

The finished Peninsula/Parallel connection.  Due to intersection geometry concerns, the access to the former section of Peninsula Avenue and the connected neighborhood only has RIRO (right-in, right-out) access to Peninsula/Parallel, and motorists from the other direction must use Costa Drive to access the old Peninsula alignment.

Tune in next time for a new Armadillo Realignment.  Same Armadillo Channel.  Same Armadillo Time.
(sorry--couldn't resist the reference to the original Batman TV show from the 60s . . .)

-Alex (Tarkus)


Wow really beautiful my friend
I love the avenue int the city
Continue you make a good job  :thumbsup:
My new city is now here
The région of Kaikoura

Teaser of Lopsas[+ How did I do it?]:Lopsas



it was great, satisfied my needs perfectly :D

Copperminds and Cuddleswarms


Just wow... 

(disconnecting my PC today because a new one will be delivered - yes!  &hlp
Check my MD:               


I like Tarkus, how you take your time on one City!  Those Streets really look nice!



Really nice there! Wonderful new update!

Looking forward to more...


I love the fairly accurate construction site, and the beach-terrain-rock mod you are using.  Keep up the good work!


What a way to end your time here in "Of Special Interest This Month" and, very soon, your "Best Seller" status.  Fantastic update!

I love the road allignment's result!  It looks much more realistic!  Your road construction photos always look great, and you really excelled here. 
-On a side note, its funny you mentioned RIRO in your MD the same time I mentioned it in my MD (updated a few hours before you).

And, lastly, a early welcome to the "Classics" board.  Only two more posts until you reach that milestone!   :)



Well I'll go ahead and be 498.

Excellent update, but you might want to look in to the photos of the S-curve under construction. I can only see them when replying.

Nice construction shots (again), usually reading your updates makes me want to go and realign a lot of my roads.

Quote[post style=dedgren]
. . . and you're no slouch at the transport thing yourself, either . . . 
[/post style=dedgren]

NAM Team Member | 3RR Collaborater | Virgin Shores


Alex, I'd love to have the honor of propelling Tarkusian Cities into the Classic section, but I'll leave the 500th post to someone else. Do let me be the first to congratulate you on passing the milestone I'm confident you'll reach any minute now, though! :thumbsup:

As always, this update was thorough, easy to follow and obviously needed. The end result looks great - a vast improvement over the traffic jams that would be caused by the former layout. And if I may leave you with a small request: I know we have your maps to go by, but would you consider showing an in-game overview of Argentum? Just a thought.
