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Tarkusian Cities (Update 107-08/23/2020-West Chemeketa Reconfig, Part 1)

Started by Tarkus, June 17, 2007, 08:31:07 PM

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Welcome to page 23!!!!

Congrats on your second award, Tarkus! &apls Looking forward to more...


Congratulations, Alex!
It's great to see your MD make it to OSITM for the second time.  &apls

I don't comment in here as often as I would like or should.  Your playing/MD style is a little different than my style and I sometimes find it hard to find something to say.  Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy it very much.  You do have some very interesting ideas to say the least.  Believe when I say I have never missed a single one of your updates.

Let's see what you have in store for us this month.  I'm sure what ever it is, it will be as interesting as any update before it.

Robin  :thumbsup:
Call me Robin, please.


Congratulations on OSITM!

Now we just need another update to go with it... *hint, hint*  ;)
NAM Team Member | 3RR Collaborater | Virgin Shores


Lurk mode: ACTIVE


Wow--thanks to everyone for the congratulations.  I'm just absolutely thrilled about being back in OSITM for July--thank you to everyone who's supported this MD, and to my fellow staff members for this honor.  I'm just speechless.

I will be back with a larger update shortly, but I thought I'd give you a taste of what is up in Tarkusian Cities.

First, replies:

David (Simpson):  No worries, and thanks for the compliments.  I need to catch up on your MD as well--and congratulations on being in the OSITM category this month as well!  You do fine work.

cape44: Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

deathtopumpkins:  Well, I have toyed with going and getting a civil engineering degree later . . . at the very least, this MD has been an outlet for me on that end.  Thanks for the compliments on Peninsula City--there are a few Maxis buildings, but they're not particularly obvious.  I play with the BSC Maxis Blocker, and right now have everything blocked except I-HT.  And I'm sure your thoughts on the third pic are shared by many. :D  There will most assuredly be more highways, too.

Matt (threestooges):  Thank you so much for the kind words! I certainly would have fun being involved with a planning department--probably a little too much fun.  :D   I actually have been trying to relate my field to my roadgeek interests, too--awhile ago, I started writing a large choral/orchestral piece called Signage, which uses texts from traffic signs--reminds me I need to get back to it. 

I hope what I have this time is indeed interesting, and I'm glad you enjoyed the suburbs!

sincitybaby:  Yes, I am indeed using jplumbley's Turning Lane Mod.  I have an Alpha build of it.  And I'm glad to hear you've been enjoying seeing things develop here--thanks!

bat:  Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed the map and pics!

Joan (Jmouse): Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed the trip through Peninsula City, and I'm glad the map was helpful.  And I'm just thrilled that I've been able to illuminate the transportation end of things--it's been my pleasure.    You caught my little mistake, too :D . . . and for that, you will be "getting on the map".  You may be a roadgeek sooner than you think . . . :)

Eblem (Heblem):  Well, you're very close on the origins of the name.  I am a bit of a chemistry-geek as well, and I have had a tendency to name my cities after the Latin names of the elements.  Argentum's eastern suburb is called Cuprum (copper).  And thanks for the compliments on the peninsula!

Steve (Zaphod):  Yes, I am indeed 22 with a Masters Degree.  I'll be starting my third year on my Ph.D. in the Fall, which will also be in Composition.  I don't have any of my music up online right now, but would like to at some point in the near future.

j-dub:  Hey, I do indeed recognize those exits.  :D  Judging by the exits, that must be somewhere on Highway 61 Southbound near Angstrom.  Except Highway 220 hasn't been built or even approved yet--it's still on the drawing board over at TDOT.  And if traffic does indeed get that bad, I may have to go through with that gag RHW-26 I proposed awhile back.  :D  Thanks for the entertaining pic.  :)

Haljackey:  No worries

Jon (bakerton):  Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it!  I'm a big small town fan myself, so you'll likely be seeing more of them.

Earth quake:  Thanks, and I certainly will. :)

Patricius Maximus:  That is indeed a TLR or TLA-3 there.  And there will be more where that came from. ;)

flame1396:  Thanks, it definitely gets to be a bit tricky to balance at times.  And thanks for the thoughtful comment/suggestion there--I had been toying with going the seawall route, but I've always been rather partial to natural shorelines for some reason.  I do think there are spots in Argentum proper that could use them, though.

Casper (caspervg):  Thanks, I'm really glad to hear you've been enjoying that part of things. :)

Dustin (thundercrack):   :o  Thanks again for the OSITM!  I really appreciate it. :)

Joan (Jmouse):  Thanks for the congratulations, and I certainly think, especially in light of the way you picked up on my little error in the last update, that you're more than just a Street-geek. :)

Eric (EDGE4194):  Thanks, I really appreciate it!

David (dedgren):  Thank you so much for the kind words and encouragement, my friend.  I really am at a loss of words.  3RR is one of the biggest, if not the biggest, influence on Tarkusian Cities, and really inspired me to go into the mapping end of things.   And thanks for the congrats on the Admin job--I'm just absolutely honored to have been given the opportunity to serve SC4D in that capacity.

bat:  Thanks for starting off page 23!

Robin (rooker1):  Thanks, I'm absolutely thrilled to have this opportunity again!  I hope I can do it justice, and I'm very glad to hear you've been enjoying things here.  I also hope that you enjoy the new updates! :)

deathtopumpkins:  Thanks, and you're going to get your wish. ;)

Maarten (mrtnrln):  Thanks, hope you enjoy the latest installment!


Well, I hinted that there may be an Airport involved in this update.  And indeed there is.  I've actually made my first real serious attempt at building a custom modular airport.  I may be a bit of a roadgeek, but my knowledge of airports is very limited, so I'm sure I probably have some things to improve here.

Thus, without further adieu, I'd like to introduce the soon-to-be-opened Argentum International Airport (Airport Code ARX), which is located at the Kirkton, along Angstrom Lake, and about 7 miles southeast of downtown Argentum.  While it is an international airport (KLM serves ARX), it is a rather small and specialized one.

Here's an overview shot (looking north)

And a closeup of Concourse C (also looking north)

As you can probably notice, the roads are a bit . . . underbuilt around the airport right now.  That's because it was built in a relatively rural/remote/undeveloped area.  Fortunately, both the main roads through there (Highway 68 and Highway 342, which you'll see on an upcoming map) will be getting significant upgrades thanks to TDOT. 

Highway 61 is also still under construction, and a temporary, 4-lane alignment is open, allowing motorists to travel through Angstrom and Argentum uninterrupted.  We'll be looking more at that project.

Here's 61 just south of Redwood Way (looking north).  A temporary 50mph speed limit has been posted in the work zone.

And remember the old Caldera Lane project?  Well, here's what the Caldera Lane/Slark Way intersection that was built during that project looks like today.

There will be much more here soon.  There will definitely be some mappage. :)

Hope you enjoyed the latest installment . . .



Hi Tarkus
I really love this new update who is better than the last
The airport is looking superb and realistic
I love the Highway and the city wow really good  :thumbsup:
My new city is now here
The région of Kaikoura

Teaser of Lopsas[+ How did I do it?]:Lopsas


Lurk mode: ACTIVE


That airport looks really good! The other two pictures are also very nice! :thumbsup:


The airport is looking good so far! I haven't tried a modular airport yet either so hopefully your progress will inspire me  :)
great terraforming on the cliff and beach in the last pic- very nice.


I'll have to see about that blocker too... I'm currently in the process of trying to do away with all Maxis industry, but hadn't found one that didn't block all Maxis buildings.

That airport came out really good, though isn't it a little small for an international airport? And shouldn't it have a place to refuel? It's still leagues better than anything I could build though. Airports and me don't really mix. $%Grinno$%

And OK, I admit it, that new RHW texture looks good there. But I thought that the color difference on SPM pieces was fixed?
NAM Team Member | 3RR Collaborater | Virgin Shores


Wonderful start to your time in OSITM, my friend!

The airport looks great, and so does the Caldera Lane intersection. I can't wait to see what you have in store for us next!



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Congrats on the OSITM.

The airport looks pretty good (nice terrain modd, by the way). The runway is a little bit short for those big 747's but that's definitely excusable in SC4. Overall this is looking rather fabulous, keep up the good work!


I'm certainly no expert on airports, but your design looks good to me. Also, you've left room for expansion and that's a good thing. I don't know what kind of passenger load you have or expect, but it's always a good idea to plan ahead when laying out any major project.

As always, you've given us some interesting things to admire, and I'm looking forward to the seeing what's in store for the rest of July. Especially the maps because they are so helpful to me. My online time may be a bit limited next week, but I'll pop in whenever possible.


*EDIT* This No Maxis mod on the LEX might help. It eliminates Maxis R, C and I separately, and I believe it's CAM-patable where some of the others are not. Hope this helps.


Hi Tarkus,

This is my first post here - for that I'm sorry.

Congrats on the OSITM award - you have a very well followed MD here, so the award just reinforces what the number of views and posts is saying.

The airport is looking good, as Joan says, room for growth if needed.

I'll make sure I visit more regularly during yout OSITM time.


^^^ Paul - you really missed something here. I suggest to read this entire MD from start as it's excellent... You really do not want to miss a thing from it!

Alex: the airport is very nice, and indeed there is plenty of space for future expansions. Not bad for a start!

A few minor comments: I believe the piers are a bit to small to handle 747's.  You should have gate area's where 250-400 people can wait and arrive... The same for the terminal building: if there are 7 747's arriving, you'll need a huge baggage claim area, and room for customs. You might want to fix this before you developpe the entire tile...
You also should do something about the grass in the corners on the tarmac. I am sure there is a piece as well to construct the corner in the way how you want it.

But- the airport is very nice and: I am proud that KLM is operating 747-services to Argentum! We don't just take every distination in our network so Argentum must have special to offer... indeed : it has!  ;)

Check my MD:               


Hi Tarkus!

In addition to what Sebes said, you should add hangars, and a refueling station.

I'm sure this airport is going to need an elaborate interchange   ;)


The airport is off to a good start (though I would encourage the construction crews to contemplate a second runway before they put up their tools). I'm looking forward to seeing what else you'll do with the area. The Caldera Lane/Slark Way intersection area turned out great. The area should reap the benefits of it soon enough. When you get a working version of Signage to a point you might wish to share, I hope you'll share it around here. I would be interested in hearing what a song like that would sound like. You certainly have hit the mark for interest this update (no surprise there), good work.


  I am impressed there with that Airport there!!! It fits so very well in with your Wasco Terrian and so far very realistic.... WoW!!!  Also a congrats to you on your second trip to OSITM...

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


Little teaser of things to come . . .

More or less re-built the map from scratch . . . with all the various new additions.  Argentum's changed quite a lot.


There's a few new road names on there, too, that you'll find interesting.

Back with more shortly.

-Alex (Tarkus)