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Japanese SC4 Links

Started by snorrelli, February 06, 2007, 06:34:06 PM

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A comprehensive list of links to Japanese SC4 sites to start this forum off...

Please feel free to post any oversights or new discoveries you come across and I'll update the list...
Have you ever had the Prop Pox? Join us to help find a vaccine or a cure.

Totuna e dac-ai murit flăcău ori moş îngârbovit;
Dar nu-i totuna leu să mori ori câine-nlănţuit.


"It's not a design flaw, It's my signature"

Alek King of SC4

hey glad you put this list here, with ST so slow takes me 15 minutes to get there.

let me reccomend NOBs site to everyone awesome stuff, oh yeah and SOMY is a beast


patrick thanks for adding the list here and great to see you around sc4d.
I also have APTXs and and KS's site on my top JP-batter list.


Quote from: vester on February 07, 2007, 06:54:30 AM
patrick thanks for adding the list here and great to see you around sc4d.
I also have APTXs and and KS's site on my top JP-batter list.

Yeah they are both incredible BATers, shame about the standard of KS's lost though &Thk/(
I find that alcohol, taken in sufficient quantities, can bring about all the effects of drunkenness.

Alek King of SC4

very true at least it is a lot easier to fix a lot than to change a BAT  :thumbsup:


thanks for the list Patrick  :thumbsup:


How about an "NOB Fan Club" thread (or Somy, or ks, or Ragutaro, or APTX...), where people showcase and discuss their favorite BATs from a given creator... &idea
Have you ever had the Prop Pox? Join us to help find a vaccine or a cure.

Totuna e dac-ai murit flăcău ori moş îngârbovit;
Dar nu-i totuna leu să mori ori câine-nlănţuit.


snorrelli: Sounds like an interesting idea, of course if this was ST I imagine it would turn into some kind of flame war?
I find that alcohol, taken in sufficient quantities, can bring about all the effects of drunkenness.


Nah - I think the folks at ST are pretty united in their admiration for Japanese BAT-ers. The flames unfortunately start flying in discussions about the non-Japanese groups. In any case, neither should happen around here, so I think we're in the clear... ;D
Have you ever had the Prop Pox? Join us to help find a vaccine or a cure.

Totuna e dac-ai murit flăcău ori moş îngârbovit;
Dar nu-i totuna leu să mori ori câine-nlănţuit.


I like the excite.co.jp url and text Japanese/English/Japanese translators.
I've attached a couple of pic's to help those who need it.

NOTE:- When using the URL translator, if you click on links to other pages, they are also translated without having to enter the new URL.
            This feature does not seem to be available with the Livedoor translator. 


I just have to thank you now , snorrelli , I use these precious links since a long ... :thumbsup:

°   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °


sarjm, thanks for your helpful pics  :thumbsup:

snorrelli, you are making a great work here. Thanks for your help. I think the idea of particular creator's threads, where we can show and see their works is a great idea ¡¡¡. What do you, dear SC4D members, think about that ?¿

Feel free to post any ideas and suggestions you may have to increase this board useability, the SC4 community will appreciate it  ;D
I am currently not active - Please, contact Tarkus for any site related matter. Thanks for enjoying SC4D :D

Autism Awareness;  A Father Shares
Mallorca My Mayor Diary


I would certainly join the NOB fan club. His BAT:s rule!

BlackwaterEmil's inn
Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dmscopio ♦ dedgren
♦ Emilin ♦ Ennedi ♦ Heblem ♦ jplumbley ♦ moganite ♦ M4346 ♦
papab2000 ♦ Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine


Thanks for your help sarjm because it is hard to understand Japanese  ;D


Kei's SC4 site has moved to http://tokyo-urbanlab.jpn.org/Sim-Home.htm. The links for downloads are in blue, 2nd box below the main picture. Page is misaligned in Firefox, OK in IE.


Quote from: sarjm on February 13, 2007, 05:44:50 PM
Kei's SC4 site has moved to http://tokyo-urbanlab.jpn.org/Sim-Home.htm. The links for downloads are in blue, 2nd box below the main picture. Page is misaligned in Firefox, OK in IE.

Thanks, sarjm. Good catch - have updated the link... :thumbsup:
Have you ever had the Prop Pox? Join us to help find a vaccine or a cure.

Totuna e dac-ai murit flăcău ori moş îngârbovit;
Dar nu-i totuna leu să mori ori câine-nlănţuit.


Hello!  Jeroni , Great SC4D Staffs and Good Mayors in the world!!

This is MAS'71 from JAPAN.
Nice to meet you all :D
I'm glad to join this wonderful SC4 site!
Thank you Jeronij and SC4Devotion's great staffs!!

I'm managing a little site about SC4 with MIRAI and some good JAP's SC4 mayors.

Many Japanese SC4 Mayors knows existence of the works in the world,(Simtropolis,SimPeg,SC4D...)
but some Japanese does not understand English well (me too &mmm)
so I hope to that they shold understand how to using BAT,MOD of the world.
The Usage and  Notes in some works (BATs , LOTs , MODs) of the world are translated and published in Japanese there.

()what() It's very hard to find a DEPENDENCIES files of some old works....
()what() Which only file in one work is necessary?

The Japanese who doesn't understand English has quite a lot of problems.
so I want to be little helps for them.( and for me too  ;D)

A one page of our site.

>Link to works.
>Works datas.
>Explanation files of works.
>Dependencies of works.
>Screen shots of works.
>and Directions.
Introduced over 230 graet BATs,MODDs,LOTs. (Jun.2007)

by the way
Now,We confused to move a lot of works from STEX ()what()
(We dosen't understand that withdrawal from STEX. What a happen!?)
I have a big work now that Correction of link of works that have already been introduced on our site. :-[

- To Jeonij and SC4D staffs -
Huge management of site and datas. The thing that it is very serious is easily imaginable.
Please be carful your health every day!!
I'm(we Japanese) wishing the success in this site to be development!! :thumbsup:

Thanks a reading ;)
and I'm sorry to my no good English :-[

Best Regard


Greetings MAS'71! Welcome to SC4D and thanks for your kind words.

I have added your site to the links list in the first post of this thread, under the heading "Resources for Japanese Players." Looks like a great service you provide and similar to something we have tried to do with Japanese downloads for our English-speaking members.

I will also open a help thread here in this forum where Japanese players looking for a dependancy, a particular download or other technical support can post questions and receive help. We are currently trying to secure Japanese-language assistance so that we can translate some threads and be able to provide support in Japanese but, in the meantime, if you or other English-speaking members of the Japanese community would be willing to act as "ambassadors", we will do our best to help out.

Welcome once again and enjoy the site!
Have you ever had the Prop Pox? Join us to help find a vaccine or a cure.

Totuna e dac-ai murit flăcău ori moş îngârbovit;
Dar nu-i totuna leu să mori ori câine-nlănţuit.