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Started by jeronij, January 20, 2008, 03:22:57 AM

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Ooooooooh those lighthouse(s) look good with the light shining.

Like everyone else, looking forward to see how the residentials grow.  Somehow I have a feeling you'll get them looking good.  The terrain colouring is really very special.


Mr. J - this looked amazing! ()stsfd() As far as MDs, CJs, and City Blogs go, I'm sure this will turn into one of the best. :thumbsup:

sEAhAwk fAn121

Breathtaking Jeronij! I relly love those lighthouses! Any chance of them being released?  :P I can't wait to see how you build on the hilly terrain! Great work!  :)


Hello dear Mallorca visitors  ;D

First I must thank you all for your kind support and comments  :thumbsup: . You make MDing quite easy ;) ¡¡¡

You may know (or not) that I dont have much free time, but I found some time today to play a bit more with Port de Soller. I am still in the earlier stages of developemt, but those are crucial, and all the city depends on this preliminary planning... so you may expect some worrying planning pictures in the next updates... but dont worry much about it... it wont take a long time until something grows here  :D :D

To all the interested in the lighthouses, and other custom buildings which may show up from time to time in this MD, they will be released. Dont worry about it... but as always, I prefere to wait a little bit and have a complete and variated package (worth downloading) to be released....  ;D

And to all the interested in the residential development in the hills behind Cap Gros lighthouse, well, you will have to wait a little bit yet.... some jobs are needed for the sims to come, and I have to plane the area for those first jobs  ;)

Ok, enough worrying you with my words, and lets go for some picutures ...  ::) ¡¡¡

I wanted to try to improve the use of the terrain, flora and plopable items to give the city a more mediterranean look.... more mediterranean than ever.... without a single building... well, I think for a first try is not very bad, but I will have to play much more with this idea.... I did not make a single wall, and the mountains here a full of them ¡¡¡¡

You can see HERE what I mean  ::)

When I was tired of placing ploplable items, I started to move to the other side of the bay....

Time to place the other lighthouses....

This is where the military base will be placed... I have to say that I had the opportunity to visit that base some years ago, and it was a really interesting experience.... I was inside subamarine silos... really impressive for a civilian like me  ::)

The first serious thing to deal was the placement of the military lighthouses and complements...

The modern one should be placed higher than the older one, which was covered by the wawes in the stormy days...

This picture shows the result of several (funny) BATting days  ()stsfd() ... and I like the way they fit togheter....  :P

Talking about planning, I placed some marks to not get too enthusiastic with some idea, and forget the main goals for this city  ::)  $%Grinno$%

Note: For those of you who took the time to real the labels, and are wondering what torrent means (in that context  ::) ), it means stream, and there are three joining the sea in Port de Soller, so it is going to be a really challenging city tile  :D :D ¡¡¡

And the last picture shows some of my old terraforming techinques being used here and there.... more work to come on that corner in the next update  ;)

Well, I hope you find the development a bit interesting.... it starts to take shape slowly but firmly ...  :thumbsup:

Again thanks to all for the support  ;D ¡¡¡
I am currently not active - Please, contact Tarkus for any site related matter. Thanks for enjoying SC4D :D

Autism Awareness;  A Father Shares
Mallorca My Mayor Diary



Thankyou JeroniJ, your pictures inspire me to play again

Copperminds and Cuddleswarms


wow excellent ! And recreate the lighthouse on the BAT is an excellent idea !


It's interesting to see your method of planning.  Three stream meeting in the bay will be an interesting challenge.  I am guessing you'll be using your own TPW which I love using.  I look forward to see how you do it.

And the colour of the terrain certainly gives it the meditteranean feel you are looking for.

And yes, the walls in the mountains and hills of Mallorca, I remember those.


Wow, the recreation is superb ! It just missing the warm mallorca sun :)

I'm still in love with how you plop things, that is amazing !

New Horizons Productions
Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dmscopio ♦ dedgren ♦ emilin ♦ Ennedi ♦ Heblem ♦ jplumbley
M4346 ♦ moganite ♦ Papab2000 ♦ Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine
Divide wouanagaine by zero and you will in fact get one...one bad-ass that is - Alek King of SC4


Thank you for showing terraforming and development as it occurs. This is an element lacking in many MDs.
The terrain is very attractive, and the cliffs show much promise.
I am especially interested in seeing how you construct the military base.

Until next time...


Wonderful work, my friend! Absolutely wonderful! The terraforming process always fascinates me, and when it's done by a master, it makes it even better! Can't wait to see more of this development!



Wow, never seen anything quite like that before!
I have to agree that the terraforming is absolutely amazing and you've got a great way of using the custom flora too. Who'd have ever thought that SC4 could look like that!


That's a really nice new update there!
And wonderful new pictures, too!
Looking forward to more...


jeronij, love the landscape and can't wait to see what you do with the military port area.

Your road layouts on the slopes are are nicely done throughout, although in the last pic, the road coming down the slope seems a
little "hmmm" square  :). Perhaps thats how it is in RL, just seems to stand out a tad.

Anyway just a thought, and looking forward to seeing more.




I *heart* this MD already!! And it has only been 3 updates

You sc4 playing skills are amazing and some of the techniques you use and very unique and interesting :thumbsup:

I'm looking forward to the development of the military base and the terraforming of the three streams ;D

Awesome work as always mate

AJ ;)

Sim City 4 Devotion


Looks good! But you should use the NAM cuves since it would create a smoother look  :thumbsup:

nova vesfalo

still can"t imagine the attention to detail you've managed ! It's just incridible !!! The old and new lighthouses are little jems ! I love them (would you ever release them ?) I WANT TO SEE MORE :)


Hello again, sooooo soon  ::) , and again thanks for the feedback and compliments  :thumbsup:

I fear that this project will be quite loooong and probably sometimes worrying.... and perhaps will have some pauses from time to time.... RL will have a great effect on it  ::) . When I created Sculpting Columbia River, Simtropia and Grand Canyon, I played with some advantage, because I always had several pictures "on-hold" and I was releasing the updates with almost two months of delay.... this does not happen with Mallorca, and I am almost showing you what I did yesterday... anyway, I'll try my best to keep it as interesting as possible ;)

Some feedback before I continue  ;)

star.torturer , Antoine, Dustin, bat,

paroch, I will use most of my existing custom content for this project, but you can also expect a remarcable amount of new and fresh content as well  ;) 

Wouanagaine,your comment is very pleasant  ;D . "The Art of Plopping"  ::)  $%Grinno$%  :D :D :D

Joan, it may take a while until we see the military base, but I promise you that it will be very particular ...  $%#Ninj2  :P

Quote from: Cockatoo-210893 on February 03, 2008, 10:55:13 PM
Wow, never seen anything quite like that before!
I have to agree that the terraforming is absolutely amazing and you've got a great way of using the custom flora too. Who'd have ever thought that SC4 could look like that!
Perhaps you may want to check Grand Canyon  ;) ?

tooheys, Those are WiP (Work in Progress) pictures, and this is not a road, this is the pre-placement for the stream... I use the networks tools for other things that creating networks ...  ;)  ;D

Alfred.jones, thanks for your special support... and some more work to keep your sig updated  ;D  :D :D

metasmurf, indeed, I admit that I am not really used to the most new NAM stuff, but you will soon see how I start using it in Port de Soller  ()stsfd()

nova vesfalo, well, I admit that I am certainly paying much attention to the little details, as you will see in the next updates... perhaps too much  ()what()  ::) ?¿ Is it really worth it ?. I hope so  ;D

And talking about worrying updates.... and attention to the detail...

I started to play with the first stream near the military base. It is the first time that I use my Residential canals, and I wanted to test something....

I was specially interested in create fake bridges, but not in flat terrain, as the original lots where designed for.. but sunken, as you can inmediately see in this picture....  &mmm  ::)

The first solution that came to my mind was to modify the lots, and make them dig the terrain... it seemed to work... partially... the retaining walls textures were ugly ....

... and the foundation of the lot could be seen across the junctions... even being placed in totally flat terrain....

So it was a good moment to start learnig how retaining walls and foundations work.... a darker retaining wall and an invisible foundation made the trick  ;D

Finally the street bridge takes shape...

And  couldnt resist to place some residents to see how the houses would grown in the slope around the canals...

... and the test result is this. The area is consistent, and the canal remains sunken  ;D

Another perspective and close up ...

Now, just to relax your tired eyes, an overall look on the test area...

... and "all" the development so far  ()stsfd()

now a last look to the test, before I change it to the layout I was really looking for....

This is the way it looks in real life... the canal is sunken and surrounded by two streets

Not sure if the result is worth all the work...  $%Grinno$% ( I hope you can notice my residential walls as retaining walls in this picture... ;D )

but I really enjoyed making the test  :D :D

Anyway, I will finally not use these canals here. I plan to make some more RL-accurated ones  ;D

And you will ask yourselves, what is all this about ?¿, a whole 15 pictures update for that ?¿. Well, the important thing here is that I finally dealed and learned how things like tresshold, foundation and retaining wall work, and I have plenty of ideas about how to use those parameters, as you will see in the next update ;D .

I hope you find the progress interesting  ;)

Again thanks to all for the feedback and support  :thumbsup:
I am currently not active - Please, contact Tarkus for any site related matter. Thanks for enjoying SC4D :D

Autism Awareness;  A Father Shares
Mallorca My Mayor Diary


Excelente trabajo amigo!  :thumbsup: muy buena técnica tu uso de los canales con los hogares alrededor, no sé si fuiste tu o Emilin pero se parece mucho a las Islas Gema  $%Grinno$%

En la perfectiva de todo el area ten cuidado de no mostrar esos letereros feos de falta de transporte puedes poner el cheat de "tastyzots"



First things first

Well deserved too I think.

It is amazing how your skill for this game shows through  &apls &apls
the attention to detail especially regarding the road bridge is ...  well I'm at a loss for words :D :D :D
And to think it was just a test and you wont be using them there as you be making RL ones is.......

Aw your just showing off  :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

please go on amazing me :thumbsup:

I eagerly await your next update

Kettle's on. Milk? Sugars?    ps I don't like Earl Grey  $%Grinno$%
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - If you're not part of the solution , you're part of the problem!
"Never knock on Death's door: Ring the bell and run away! Death really hates that!"
Tales at TeaTime      Now A proper NUT      TTC plays GRV II


Hola Jeronij,

It's a great pleasure to observe you at work  :D :thumbsup:
As for your Urban Canals - they were something new and very good desingned when they were released. But as usual, after some practice with such stuff it is possible to see much more possibilities and also some limitations. Many improvements need only a subtle changes (but such changes can be more time-consuming than the original BAT creation  :D).

Of course it was worth to do it! Such little improvements enable using these canals in much more situations, and they decide about the difference between good/very good and the best stuff  :D &apls)

You show the creation process in "slow motion"  ;) I used to show more completed areas, but maybe I should take some inspiration from you?
It is really interesting!
New Horizons Productions
Berethor - beskhu3epnm - blade2k5 - dmscopio - dedgren - Emilin - Ennedi
jplumbley - moganite - M4346 - nichter85 - papab2000 - Shadow Assassin - Tarkus - wouanagaine