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Started by jeronij, January 20, 2008, 03:22:57 AM

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This looks awesome! All of your journals are awesome, I'm sure this one will be even better than before.
Best movie of all time: Ferris Bueller's Day Off. If you disagree, Cameron will send your car over a cliff.

Please, call me Leo.  I quote John Lennon now, a great musician and philosopher. Particularly, one of his songs: You may say I'm a dreamer. But I'm not the only one. I hope someday you join us, and the world will live as one.


I'm always really impressed by your cities. Your layouts are amazing. Good work with the lighthouses as well.


Excellent, you've started another MD which should prove to be spectacular like the rest  ;D Even BATing all the structures, wow.


Jeroni, it's really great to see you back in the MD business.   :thumbsup:  It's neat that you're doing some place so close to home, too.  All of the first update pics are just fantastic.  I really like that little winding road, and those new lighthouses you've made are absolutely spot on.

I am, like everyone else, looking forward to following this one. ;)



Hi Jeronij,

I think you're going to hit the record for number of comments after the first post.  And I think this is for two reasons:

1- To many of us here on SC4D you are "the master".  You do so much for this site and for the game itself with your Mods, Bats and Lots.  That alone almost guarantees you a strong following.

2- What you've done so far with Mallorca looks stunning.  From the choice of terrain mod, the cliffs, the lighthouses, the RL pics plus showing us your own custom built Bats - they're all magnificent.  I feel that this is going to be more than an MD.

There's going to be a lot of people watching this for updates......no pressure then ;)

I've been to your lovely island twice, in 1988 to Callas de Mallorca and in 2002 to the glorious ;) Magaluf.  So I am looking forward to seeing the marvelous countryside, the beautiful beaches and I can't wait to see how you reproduce the night life of Magaluf and Palma Nova.

All the best with your amazing project,



I went to mallorca once when i was kid-It was great  :thumbsup: I think i might have been to that town  &idea
I'm back



Excellent start to your MD! I missed Sculpting Columbia Valley somehow and feel as though I missed out. It seems that recreating your home will become a legendary MD in no time at all.

I am duly impressed that you are creating your own BATs for those "must have" buildings to get the feeling right.

I must ask, is there any chance of a Mallorca pack in the future?



Really nice!

Continua així!  :thumbsup:
Back to europe ;D


And the master has returned!

Excellent start here, my good friend! But then again, I wouldn't expect anything less! The lighthouses look fantastic, and I definitely can't wait to see how you develop your home island!

Take care!



Oh, yes, yes... YES!

I just knew something was going to make today a great day.  The Master Returns!

D. Edgren

Please call me David...

Three Rivers Region- A collaborative development of the SC4 community
The 3RR Quick Finder [linkie]

I aten't dead.  —  R.I.P. Granny Weatherwax

Skype: davidredgren


Excelente, me parece justo que inicies y recrees tu propio hometown! I'm eager to see more pictures from you, looks so realistic  :thumbsup:



Ah, finaly a MD by you where I hope I won't miss any update :)

Amazing start, as I've been to Puerto de Soler almost 10 years ago, and I remember I've seen that lighthouse !

And of course, in the SC4 shots, we already see the 'escultador' at works !

New Horizons Productions
Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dmscopio ♦ dedgren ♦ emilin ♦ Ennedi ♦ Heblem ♦ jplumbley
M4346 ♦ moganite ♦ Papab2000 ♦ Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine
Divide wouanagaine by zero and you will in fact get one...one bad-ass that is - Alek King of SC4


Beautiful start to what promises to be a unique and stunning project. Besides, I'm a big sucker for lighthouses anyway! :D
Until next time...



I can't wait to see the new Mayor Diary by the master himself.

The lighthouse looks great, I found there are not many european lighthouses in SC4.

Keep up the good work


Jeronij, very much looking forward to this, and your lighthouses are looking excellent.


Stunning, a real nice mix of bats and pictures to show what your recreating, it really helps to get your mind in the right zone for looking at the screenshots. Never been to Mallorca, but I've spent most of my holidays on the shores of the medeteranian sea, and the landscape mod really suits the enviroment.

I'll definatly be checking back in with the updates as they come ^__^



whow jero!!!!

you know I've tried once to "recreate" Mallorca.. But, that wasn't up to scale and 100%!

this, with your BAT-techniques, it's gonna be marvelous!!

I'll keep my eye on this one!! :thumbsup:



Glad to see you starting another CJ.  Really looking forward to more.


nice to see you are starting an md.
i will be following your work in mallorca as i was visiting your hometown (sadly, i'd never been in europe) :P

first forums inhabitant from Uruguay..   first forums citizen from Uruguay..  first forums councilman from Uruguay..   first forums mayor from Uruguay..  first forums governor from Uruguay..
...i'm still the only one from Uruguay!



Wow...A new CJ from jeronij himself, eh?  This calls for celebration!  As soon as you get a sig banner (if you make one, that is), let me know!

Great start so far, Mr. J ;)  Can't wait to see this momentous recreation really start to take shape!
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