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Take a Tour!- An MD of the Mid-Atlantic U.S.

Started by Travis, March 03, 2007, 09:02:52 AM

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Looks like I forgot to comment on this update.  Your downtown area's quite realistic, especially with its emphasis on empty space and parking lots.  Great variety of modern-style buildings also (though I like the pics with the classic-style buildings.  The segregation of downtown into a classic and a modern area is sort of like what I'm doing in my current region.)



The last picture of your update... oh wow, words don't really describe how cool of a picture that is...

Great work, Travis!
You're telling me I get to be home for more than 12 months?


mmmmmm i'm think fourth meal here lol love them pics there travis  :thumbsup:

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Hello folks, it's been a week again since my last update, but I feel like I'm getting on a roll here...

If you happened to miss the last update, It's at the bottom of the last page here. You don't want to miss those downtown pics!

Let's tackle a few replies...

@bat, Thank-you!

@aaron, thanks aaron! I had in my mind that the modern downtown was the result of a commercial boom in the 70's and 80's,
and was designed with spaciousness as a priority. The older downtown is much more compact. You'll get to see plenty of it in this update...

@meinhosen, wow, thanks! I really do like that effect of the strip of sunlight between the buildings too. Come again soon!

@pat, lol, thanks pat!

Okay, It's time for an update...

Today we'll cover the older downtown area, as well as the district that adjoins the river inlet. Let's have a look...

We left off last update at the top of the picture...

US-37 (Ocean Avenue) in the foreground...

A construction site...

A similar view at night...

Another area overview...

A ballpark...

A waterfront...

A hotel with a new bridge ramp in the background...

An indoor arena...

The beachfront...


That's about it for today. I've got some more built already, so the next update should definately come sooner than the last few. I'd love to hear
some comments.  :)





I was just reading through your MD, and I find it very enjoyable.

I especially like the rail station next to the ferry. Very Inventive!

Anyway, keep up the good work.  :thumbsup:


wow very nice update.. and very nice MD overall!  :thumbsup: Love that waterfront area  :)

Come discover its mysteries...
Tristania // Revisited


Very great update! Fantastic pictures! :thumbsup:


Beautiful stuff, Travis.

I use the same scba stadium - love it. And I'm also partial to that SimGoober skating arena in one of the last pictures there.  :thumbsup:


Okay, I have to know... in the second, third, and fourth pictures you feature two older-looking dark brick buildings (top center of the second pic)... what buildings/BATs are they?!?!
You're telling me I get to be home for more than 12 months?


Another big update today....

Replies  :-\

@nwelsh, Thank you, nwelsh! Welcome to SC4D as well. &dance

@guurgkud, Thanks! Glad you like the waterfront, it took me a long time to build it.

@bat, Thank-you bat!

@Flipside, Thanks! I like both of them too- together they make a nice sports complex. Come again soon!

meinhosen, They can be found here. Thanks for commenting!

On to the update...

First off, I've neglected to to you all that about a month ago I managed to get a hold of a copy of Paint Shop Pro, and have been gradually
figuring out how to use it. Today, I figured out how to make mosaics.  8) They're all kind of blurry, but I find it a whole new way to present
my work, and you can count on a mosaic or two every update. While I'm on the PSP subject, how do you like the picture borderline format?

Let's get to the pictures...

We'll be taking a sizable tour into the Riverside District today, which consists of a waterfront, rowhome district, and Riverside Park...

My first ever mosaic, From the Ocean Avenue Bridge to the Mansfield Building...

From US-37 to the West Shore Marinas...

The Parkview neighborhood, dating to the 1940's...

Part of Riverside Park...

More waterfront marinas...

The R&0 Railroad separates the park from the rowhome neighborhoods..

Riverside Drive traveling through the rowhome district...

More rowhomes...

A random shot about a half-mile from downtown...

An overview...


That's all for now. Not really sure where we'll go for the next update, I'll figure it out as I go along.
Comments anyone?

Later.  :thumbsup:


Wonderful park! Great mosaics! Fantastic residential areas! :thumbsup:


Great job Travis!

What you've done so far really has the feel of an American city.
Not that i've ever been to one, but.. you know. :p

I especially like the downtown and the variety of buildings you've decided to use.


Thought I'd give you a teaser...

@bat,  Thanks! Glad you like the mosaics!

@Mulefisk, Thank you! It's good to know folks think it has the feel of an American city, that's what I'm aiming for. Come again soon!

Well, no new development, just thought I'd give you all a BIG mosaic that I made today. Next update will probably be next week.

From the Holliday Park Plaza to Western Investments Field...



Another very great mosaic! Fantastic work! :thumbsup:


It's superb ... I like , it's well organized

Nice job with the LE  :thumbsup:


Very nice picttures Travis. You show great skills in placing quays and walls!  But also the rowhouses and CBD are placed with style!  A job well done  &apls
Check my MD:               


Looks like I missed a lot of good stuff.  I really wish I could grow row homes like you did two updates ago - perhaps I don't have the paitience?



It's time for an update...

But first, some...

...Replies  :-\

@Bat, thanks!

@Snaper, thank you too!

@sebes, thanks. Placement is indeed very important.  :)

@aaron,  Thanks! Glad you like the rowhouses, but I should tell you that all of them are plopped, using the "Extra Cheats" mod found at ST.
lol, I couldn't imagine having the patience to grow them like that.  $%Grinno$%

On to the update...

We're going to head back across town, west of I-318.

A first mosaic overview...

Ocean Avenue on the edge of Downtown...

Urban Housing...


Transition to low-rise tenements...

A rail line...

Ocean Avenue travels past the campus of Radston University...

Another angle...


A similar view at night...

The University Athletic Center and the City Television Studio...

A final mosaic...

That does it for now. I'll be seeing you again soon!
Comments anyone?

Later.  :thumbsup:


Wonderful mosaic and great pictures! :thumbsup: Looking forward to more!


Whoa, Travis!  One more post and your fine MD will become a Classic Best Seller.  It's really been great to watch you move this along, with frequent updates that are always full of well-conceived pics.  Hat's off to you, my friend!


EDIT:  meinhosen- thanks for catching that!  What I meant to say was that Take A Tour would become a Best Seller and was well on its way to becoming a Classic.

...no, actually I just goofed...

But, whatever is said, our friend Travis is doing really, really well here.  -DE
D. Edgren

Please call me David...

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