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The Greater Terran Region

Started by Haljackey, December 28, 2007, 01:38:46 PM

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deathtopumpkins:  Wow, thanks a ton!  I'm very happy you enjoyed it!
-Yeah I know about that.  :P

metarvo:  Really?  I seem to think I'm lacking in that department, but its nice to hear someone likes it!  Thanks a lot!

Tarkus:  Hey, thanks a lot!  That's the way to do it, eh?  Yes his HD signs were the showcase of the update!  I'm glad you liked the diagonal segment!

bat:  Thanks a lot!  Glad you liked the signs!

Ryan B.:  Well, its what I do best.  Thanks!  Yes Windows 7 is so much better than Vista, I'll tell you that!

mrtnrln:  Indeed.  I'm glad you liked it!

Update time!

This will be more of a general update, showing interesting pics and development throughout the city.  However, I do have something special at the end.  :P

I hope you like it!

Click the images for full resolution! (1920x1200.)
-See my Picture Information for more info.

Let's start off with a few river shots.

The cars in the shadow of the buildings appear darker.  I have never seen this before.  This may be a technical glitch with Windows 7.

Skyscraper City.

Down river, we see those twin towers once again.

Western Corridor.

Here's a zoom in from the last image, showing a closeup of the curved roads, the long MIS ramp, and bike lanes among other things.

Here's a zoom out of the main industrial area, showing the highway and rail connections.

With the "zones" tab activated, all buildings are removed from view, so I can clearly show you the Multi-RHW-10 to RHW-8 transition.
-I can't get rid of the sidebar with this view activated, sorry!

A central look at one of the many compact stack interchanges in the GTR.

A dual bullet train line overpasses a ground highway.


The surprise is a new video!  Not much to say about it, as its just me in a fast car driving around until it gets totaled.  Enjoy!
-Quick notice about the music:  any "mainstream" music put into a Youtube video will either be muted or cluttered by ads by the Google Corporation, so I had to be "creative".   $%Grinno$%

Two Youtube video boxes should appear below.  If you can't see them or are having problems, follow the link below them.

Watch in Standard-Definition.  (Recommended for slower connections.)

Watch in High-Definition.  (Recommended for faster connections.)

An even larger video box can be found by clicking the link below and selecting "Watch in HD".



HD troubleshooting:
-Make sure you have the latest version of Java and an up-to date flash player.  HD videos can also be choppy on slower connections, so you might need to wait for a bit to buffer.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed both the pics and the surprise video!  This is also post #1,000 for me on SC4D.



Copperminds and Cuddleswarms


Nice work on that new update! And the new video is great!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:



JoeST:  Hey, thanks a lot!  Its nice to see you here again!

bat:  Thanks!  Glad you enjoyed the video and the update!

Update time!

I thought it would be nice to take a little break from the updates and post some new stats for the GTR.  Since the last stats were made, some significant changes have happened, primarily due to GTR 2.0 in ST's new City Journals section.

There will be a few more stats than the last statistical update, showing you the changes that have happened as well as comparisons.

A bit of background, the GTR is currently located in 4 areas believe it or not.  They include:
-Simcity 4 Devotion
-Skyscrapercity (not regularly updated like the others)
-Simtropolis' new City Journal section (Called GTR 2.0 for easy reference)




Comment/View Ratio:
-This shows the relationships between comments and views, showing the percentages of how many views generate into comments.

Pie Charts

Proportional views:
-For the first time ever, the original GTR thread at ST is a minority in terms of total views.
-This is also the first time GTR 2.0 has overtaken the GTR @ SC4D in terms of total views.

Proportional comments:
-The original GTR thread still dominates the GTR's total comments.  However, with more attention leaning elsewhere, I suspect the GTR @ SC4D and GTR 2.0 will continue to increase their share of the pie.


Youtube Video Views:

View/comment ratio:
-The closer to 0 you are on this chart, the more likely it is for a viewer to comment.

Other Stats

Total Views: 115,783

Total Comments: 3,121

Average View/comment ratio:  37:1

The GTR is the 5th most commented City Journal on Simtropolis (thread section), behind Schulmania, Anduin Valley, Nexis of Genesis and Simtropia respectively.  (#9 in terms of views.)

GTR 2.0 has the most entries, the most comments and the 2nd most views on ST's new City Journal section.

There have been 125 "official" updates.

The GTR's showcase at Skyscrapercity has not been updated in quite some time.

The GTR's popularity exploded when it debuted on Youtube.
  (Good advertising I guess.)

The GTR has 20 videos on Youtube, the most popular one being "Sim City 4 UDI", with 36,712 views.

Total Youtube video views: 156,943

The GTR is a Classic on Simcity 4 Devotion.

The GTR's article on the SC4 Wiki is the most viewed for any City Showcase.  (Viewed 2,437 times)

Anyways, that will do it for now.  Perhaps you learned a interesting thing or two you didn't know before.  I'll get back to the usual stuff in the next update.

See you then!



nice update, but here's a quote from Homer Simpson to remind us of the following fact:
Quote from: Homer SimpsonStatistics can be used to prove anything
RIP Adrian (adroman), you were a great friend

My LOT thread                                    

SCAG BAe146/Avro RJ Project


Great work on these statistics!
And looking forward to more of your work... ;)



WC_EEND:  Indeed they can.  Thanks a lot!
-I laughed at that Homer reference!

bat:  Hey thanks a lot!  Glad you enjoyed the stats!

Update time!

In this update, you'll see a few enhancements that have been made to the GTR's transportation system, among other things.

Click the images for full resolution! (1920x1200.)
-See my Picture Information for more info.

Let's start off with this shot: one of the GTR's worst bottlenecks.
-Can you believe that the MIS ramp is a new addition?  It was made to help reduce backups on the main highway.

Here we see a new collection system for the MIS ramps of this windy RHW, next to a wall of skyscrapers.

The El-RHW, now with new GTR signage.

Can't find a place to park?  This new underground parking structure provides many additional spaces for both residents and visitors.

Not sure why, but I really like this new blue tower that has grown next to the sunken highway.  Perhaps its because its octagonal shape blends well with the surroundings?

Commuters are still getting used to the new Multi-RHW system.  Most still prefer to use the collectors, but a few like to drive on the new express lanes.

A roundabout and a FAR near the city's connection with Downtown.

A wide transition on an expressway to help handle volumes.  You might be fooled to think there's weaving here, but it actually acts as a large turning lane for a roundabout intersection south of this picture.

An offramp connects directly with city roads, eliminating the need for a space-consuming interchange.

Yet, even with these improvements, there continues to be traffic buildup.  Like all modern cities, the GTR can never completely fix its traffic problems.

Anyways that will do it for now. 

Airport Update:
You should know that that the petition to build a new airport has been revived.  With planning complete, its off to survey and prepare the location for airport development. 
-Shovels will hit the ground as soon as RMIP-3 is released.



Fantastic update Hal, it is looking awesome as usual :)
Copperminds and Cuddleswarms



Not bad! I'd like to see this roundabout interchange mentioned in the 8th image soon.
My days here are numbered. It's been great and I've had a lot of fun, but I've moved on to bigger and better things.
Glory be unto the modder and unto the fun and unto the city game!



JoeST:  Hey, thanks a lot!  Glad you enjoyed it!

bat:  Hehe, thanks as always!

nerdly_dood:  Thanks a lot!  Actually there is no roundabout "interchange".  Its just a simple roundabout with an added OWR connection for easy right turns.

Update time!

Hey guys, its nice to be back!  Sorry I took a while to update!

In this update, you'll see a "retrofit" to one of the GTR's RHW networks.  No additional land will be consumed, but the highway's capacity and safety features will be upgraded.  This stretch hasn't seen any action since the early days of RHW 2.0, so its overdue for a fix.

Here's a couple pre-construction photos to get you started.

...and now onto the update!

Click the images for full resolution! (1920x1200.)
-See my Picture Information for more info.

New onramp connections.  If you compare this photo to the older ones displayed above, you'll notice that the 2-tile median this RHW once had has now become 1 tile.

Here you'll see the same on/off ramp lanes near the bridge approach with eyecandy.
-The outdated avenue bridge over the Eaton River remains to be the worst bottleneck, but there are plans to upgrade it as well.

In this picture you see two new acceleration lanes for the northbound RHW.  Rather than continuing the new lane at the onramp, it ends beforehand so entering traffic has plenty of room to merge.

Here's the same area, but with eyecandy now added.

In addition to the highway retrofit, land around the RHW has been zoned for redeveopment.  Developers immediately sprang into action, with another iconic highrise under construction not long later.

The building now complete, overlooking the newly refurbished RHW network.

But with all this reconstruction comes traffic pains.  This avenue, which runs semi-parallel to the RHW, was gridlocked when the highway was closed.

Accidents were expected on the local roads, but this multi-car pileup was just nuts!

Moving into Witburg now, I was asked to display the traffic volume graph, so here it is!

Witburg has had its share of growing pains as well.  This BTM station is nearing 400% capacity!  I need to do something about this!

Its off to Witburg for the next few updates.  The city has seen a lot of growth recently, and infrastructure upgrades need to be made in order for the city to prosper.

I have also picked up a code key for a closed beta copy of Cities XL.  This does not mean that updates here will stop, however they may be slower than expected. 

Anyways hope you all had a good time celebrating Father's day!  Earlier today I took my old man golfing than enjoyed some pizza and beer afterward.  Fun times.

Oh, and don't forget to download the new June 09 NAM!  It adds some new content as well as bug fixes, and should help minimize some CTD issues.



Wow, lots of big new development going on. I like it.  ;D

And that landscaping along the RHW is really nice there.... well done.  &apls
NAM Team Member | 3RR Collaborater | Virgin Shores




deathtopumpkins:  Hey, thanks a lot!  Glad you like the new RHW!

Tomas Neto:  Thanks, its always appreciated!

bat:  Thanks, bat!  Always happy to hear that!

Update time!

The next three updates will focus on the ongoing expansion of the GTR in Witburg.  Despite the plentiful amount of land available for development, city officials only zone small sections at a time, increasing demand and land values exponentially and ensuring that there's enough land for the future.  Every square inch of land is to be used at its best potential.

But it isn't just zoning that comes with a city expansion, proper infrastructure and services must be there to ensure maximum growth and sustainability.  Transport systems in and around the area have to be upgraded to meet the demands of a growing city or else conic consequences will be met.  These include overcrowded stations, congestion, traffic jams which can slow down economic potential and prosperity.

Click the images for full resolution! (1920x1200.)
-See my Picture Information for more info.

I will never zone unless there is enough infrastructure in place to support it.  In this image we see a new railroad station and road connections in place to compliment the dense residential zoning, which developers have already taken advantage of.

Loop ramps on city streets?  Indeed so.  They keep traffic moving without congesting the nearby intersection.

With some dense commercial construction, these light rail lines will be put to full use.

The interchange near Witburg University has been completed to help serve the ever-growing city.

...Not to mention a new interchange up the road.  This compact Parclo A-4 will also sort exiting traffic, dividing them into dedicated right and left turn off-ramps.

A ground highway in the city's south now makes it's way below ground.  This will ease local city traffic at ground level.

East of the bullet train cloverleaf, a separate line breaks off to serve a station near a large Baseball park.

As day changes to dusk, the city changes as well.

Heavy bullet train traffic on this multi-track line.

New GTR signs have arrived to serve the city's ongoing expansion.  They are currently being stored in the city's south until needed.

Anyways, that will do it for now!  Stay tuned for part 2!



Looks great,Haljackey, I always enjoy reading your MD! :thumbsup:
Visit my MD, The region of Pirgos!
Last updated: 28 November

Blue Lightning

Wow Hal this is a nice update! (and all the ones before, sorry I missed :-[ )

I like how you made and dressed up the Parclo A-4. It kinda brings a green space into the city next to even more pavement :D

Well I cant wait for part 2,

Also known as Wahrheit

Occasionally lurks.

RHW Project


Nice work on the city and your signs are great!!!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


KoV Liberty

My new MD. Check it out if you wish.

Adrian, I miss you man.