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The Grand Repubic of Pheonoia

Started by SIMplMn9, November 05, 2007, 09:15:36 PM

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A brief history...

In a striking vote, the SimCity Journal's Union voted to aid Pheonoia in their struggle with the RNAI.  It was at this point that the Regime of Non-American Islanders began their assulat and invasion of Phoenoia.

By the time the Union had arrived, the capital city was surrounded and under fire, and all northern land had been taken.  With that, the RNAI got more dangerous making numerous attacks on the Union, and the closest Union nations, ignited official declarations of war from a few nation, the biggest of which being Fairbanks, angered over an almost daily attack on their country.

Finally, with the RNAI overrunning the capital city, and the government lost or unnaccounted for, the Union began its final major assult to reclaim the city, and find the President.  They suceeded, barely, and within a few more days, an offocial declaration of surrender was given by Conrad Sheppard, leader of the RNAI.  A few days after that, on October the 27th, Phoenoia met with the RNAI aboard a Union vessel and signed the surrender, finally freeing Pheonoia.

With their independence secured, and their freedom enforced, the duanting taks of rebuilding the nation began, starting with the capital of Pheonoia, Paradise Valley.  A plan had been sketched to auction off sites of city for construction, so that the city could regain funds.  With that done, Paradise Valley could concentrate all efforts on the West Bank, the primarily residential section of the city.

This here is the first residential area opened back to the refugee public.  This lies on the south bank of the new Lake Shatanoga, which was formed when Gabreles tried to close off the city by bombing his own bridges.

This is the newly refurbished Belview Church, now a historical site as the final stand of the residence in this area.  With the constand fire fight and barage, this church never fell, and not one person inside was killed.

Here is a section of the new Belview Heights, adjacent to the church.

More construction is taking place, as the city is returning to its former glory.. and better!

That's all for now.. I hope to bring back those you used to follow... sorry for my absence...
Proud Member of the >Censored<!
NOTE: Will probably be banned for my affiliations with the >Censored<.  If I never show again, that is why.  If one wishes for me being an >Censored< member to be banned, be it a member or staff, then make it so.


glad to see you back in action.

your hockey team has been doin good in Rorysville they are going to start a tour around Rorysville playing RVPHL teams in almost every state in the country so it's bound to be a good tour and proceeds of the tour go directly to helping the RVERDR(Rorysville Emargancy and Distarer Releif) Build homes in Phoenia for displaced athletes and their families.

oh and Jovi's and Valacu's stats 17 games in
V.Jovi(ARP) 17GP 12G 7A 19PTS 8PIM
F.Valacu(SPC) 16GP 9G  5A  14PTS 12PIM

Autumn Ridge is currently 2nd in the Interior Division(6th in the CR Smith Confrence) with a record of 17GP 8W 6L 3OTL 19PTS
St.Pierre is currently 1rst in the Northern Division(4th in the Pierre Lacroix Confrence) with a record of 17GP 10W 5L 2OTL 22PTS

sEAhAwk fAn121

Great History! Cant wait for more pics! Hope to see this MD prosper!


Great start and nice piece of history.  If I could suggest only one thing it would be to add some trees or rocks along the shoreline to hide the jagged edges of the grass lots you have there.   ;)  Other than that, I can't wait to see what's next.


Robin   :thumbsup:
Call me Robin, please.


Oooh.. thanks.. been wondering how I could fix that..
Proud Member of the >Censored<!
NOTE: Will probably be banned for my affiliations with the >Censored<.  If I never show again, that is why.  If one wishes for me being an >Censored< member to be banned, be it a member or staff, then make it so.


That's a great start there, SIMplMn9! Good looking first pictures! :thumbsup:

Emperor Stormont

Indeed this does have a lot of promise and will be very interesting to see it develop.

I can send you all the images for the Pres. Park development if you want to use here, just let me know  ;)

The Imperial Atlantean Empire MD <-- click to view
A new Beginning
Trixie Nominated CJ
2007 & 2008


canuck3360 - We appreciate the hospitality shown by Rorysville these last months, and invite Rorysville to diplomatic relations.  Just wait till I get to Takri Hillside.

sEAhAwk fAn121 - You and Fairbanks are as much a part of my nation as its history, don't be surprise to see many mentions. ;)

rooker1 - I took your advice... you won't that update here, but it will show in later ones.

bat - Thank you, and I hope you enjoy it!

Emperor Stormont - Thank you, and I ready when you are for the Presidential Park.

Things have been tough for Phoenoia, the capital city of Paradise Valley is completely in ruins, the worst of which being the Capital District.  Very few places are able to stay standing, and it has been with great dismay that most of the city (and nation) has had to be torn down and re-terraformed.

The new government of Phoenoia has had one strict rule that they have been going by: Citizen before the government.  Because of that, the Government of Pheonoia has remained mostly onboard the HMIS Naran Liberius, the exact ship that Pheonoia gained its independence.  With the assistance of the Imperial Kingdom of Atlantis, they have been working on where to go from here.

Back in Paradise Valley, the main thoroughfare has been pave, and is slowly turning into landmark street.  However for the time being, most of the avenue remains closed to the public.   This, is Union Avenue:

In a solumn cerimony, President Gabreles open the first of many national cemetaries to remember the thousands who died during the war... the Tomb of the Lost Souls in particular was dedicated to not soliers or freedom fighters, but the innocents who were killed in teh area.  This graveyard is already full.

Of course, with the shortage of police, and the state of city itself, its of no surprise that every place is not crime free.  This one area, in particular, were a bunch of teens, who lost their parents, and blames Pheonoia for their troubles. 

But besides that, the South Coast Recreation Center brough some more light, as the new park area opened this past day, welcoming all those to realised that life is slowly returning back to normal.  The Union nation of Mackinac is responsible for the funding of this park.

So now the city is finally begining to return to normal, as least one section of it is.  With the combined effort of the SCJU, the South Coast area of the West Bank is a self-sufficient city, even if a little jobless.  However, it is to the point that two camps were able to close, and the residents were brought back to make their home here.  Again.

And finally, the end of the day, with this nighttime shot of the souther coast of Lake Shatanoga, in the heart of Paradise Valley.  Hope you all enjoy!

Proud Member of the >Censored<!
NOTE: Will probably be banned for my affiliations with the >Censored<.  If I never show again, that is why.  If one wishes for me being an >Censored< member to be banned, be it a member or staff, then make it so.


Another great update there! Wonderful pictures! :thumbsup:


bat - Thank you!  Enjoy!


Update 3:
A More.. Natural Feel

We recieved word today that the new Pheonoia Government has begun talks on drafing a consitituion to go with the nation.  Deamnd has increase enough for talks to begin with OneAlliance, the Union's air travel provider, for the drafting and reconstruction of the Pheonoia International Airport.  Already the area is being demolished of all things that are not salvagable.

However, this particular update will deal with the other sign of the rebuilding effort.. the terrain itself.  The rebuilt Paradise Valley has double in size, and so has the attention to the natural wonders around.

The first stop as you can see, takes us back to the first area of reconstruction, and to the far right you can the landmark Belview Church.  This bay, which now only provides a scenic area, has been offocially christened as Belview Bay, and will be the property of the Belview Church.  The Church has promised that this bay will serve as a place for all, for recreation, relaxtion, and spiritual discovery.  As you can see, this bay is completely residential.

To the north of the lake, a place most important is the Capital District, the governmental headquarters of Pheonoia.  However, this place is relatively left alone, and closed off, and only Atlantians are allow onto the area.  So far, no one has said anything about what is going on there, however Atlantis officals have stated that Pheonoia would be pleased.  One area still available is the Gabreles Bay, named after the President himself, Kevin Gabreles.  lining the bay and protecting it is a group of islands, known as the Gabreles Islands.  This place will provide a nature retreat, and will not be opened to the public for some time.

This little island was originally ment to just be a stop point for Union Ave, for a bridge to span the whole of the lake.  Unfortunatly, the threat to the land at the present time is too great, and all attemps for an anchor has proved all but failed.  However, an idea was passed around, and Shatanoga Island begame another recreation point.  The Shatanoga Ranger Station is powered by its own wind turbine, and is the first step to building a campsite area where people can camp and enjoy all the perks of lake camping.

And as always, I said Paradise Valley's rebuilt sections are have doubled in size, so here it.
As always, thank you visiting the Grand Republic of Pheonoia as we come back from the dark times of war.

Proud Member of the >Censored<!
NOTE: Will probably be banned for my affiliations with the >Censored<.  If I never show again, that is why.  If one wishes for me being an >Censored< member to be banned, be it a member or staff, then make it so.


WoW SIMplMn9 i cant belive i missed this start.... You are doing a real good job here with Pheonoia.... I will be keeping my eye out here....

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


The avenues have a grand feel to them, and I love the burbs!
Great Job!!   :)


a couple of nice updates there and of course Diplomatic Relations will be opened between our two nations and in the spirt of Aid the RVSGA will be sending it's Rink Specialists to Phoenia to scout locations for Community Rinks to hel the youth take that agression out in the Sport of Hockey and also help the domestic league there train athletes.

also I'll be osting your National Teams Tour Schedule along with game 1 's results tommorrow


Wonderful new pictures! Great using of the trees! :thumbsup:


Pat - Not to worry, you are here now, that is what counts.

sincitybaby - Thank you, the Avenues are suppose to be a representation of the city.  The capital city of any nation is usually grand.

canuck3360 - Thank you, nice work.  All I ask to have an embassy here is to have a building for me to put in, that is all I require.  Gives you a littel more closeness to your embassy.  Just try not to choose something that would be used a lot.  I need something a little unique.

bat - I'm glad you like my nature scenes.  Hope you all enjoy this next update.

Update 4:  Heross Hills

The capital city of Paradise Valley is split in the middle by the Silver River.  Or least, it used to be.  In a valient attempt to block more RNAI ships from coming down the river from the north, President Gabreles had authroized the sabotage of the bridges crossing the river.  While sucessful, the result was a blockage that formed, and the Silver River slipt out its banks into the city.  After much discussion, it was decided that the lake would remain, as a rememberance of what the city had to do, and in doing so, the Shatanoga Lake was formed.

But even with the lake, the city is still split down the middle, mostly with the city center on one side, and the residential on the other.  The residential side, known as the West Bank also extends out into the suburb of Paradise Valley.  This 'burb, is majorly known as Heross Hills.

(Forgive the Maxis Reps...)

Heross Hills is not your typical suburb in the traditional sense.  The city of Heross Hills is self sustaining, and can be its own city.  It even has its own downtown district.  However, the people who reside in Heross Hills are quite content with be citizens of Paradise Valley. 

One of the major defining features that describe Heross Hills as a suburb is the Heross Hills Mall, smack dab in the middle of the city.  This mall pales in comparison to another mall being rebuilt, the Paradise Valley Galleria.  Still, from its reopen, it was clear that rebuildng the mall was a great choice, as immediatly residence begam to come in and shop, a sign of life returning to normal. 

The city of Heross Hills gets it name from its founder, James Heross, who built his own distant from the banks of the river to find solace in the beauty of the area.  His home quickly grew to a development of a small neighborhood, and from there stopped.  One of the oldest city ordinance states that Heross Hill, and its gated community up top, may not developed any more than how it is, and so, with the exception of Union Avenue to the right of the hill, there is no further deveolpment of the gated community, it's church, or its park.  This is one of the oldest standing residences of the city.

The Heross Hills National Cemetary is the second largest cemetary in Paradise Valley, the large being the Pheonoia National Cemetary in the Capital District.  This marks the final resting places of clost to 3 thousand men, woman, and children, who lives were cut short by the RNAI during the war.  This is a very solumn place, which stands where the Tristar Apartment complex stood.  This was the very spot where RNAI soldiers rounded all those they could find tinot he building, and set the building ablaze, shooting anyone who escaped.  For many, this is the action that makes it impossible to forgive, or forget.

Many would find it quite unusual that the main Paradise Valley High School is technically in Heross Hills.  And it is.  One major disput is whether or not the area that the High School is located in the City of Paradise Valley, or just the County of Paradise Valley.  Still, most parents don't mind.  As for the teens, most just are glad its here.  Education is a lot different here than in the United States.  School is mandatory to get a job, but students are not forced to go.  All actually in the school WANT to be there.  It's part of the Department of Education's plan to get kids to want to go to school, by making it impossible to get anywhere without an education, while giving them the freedom to choose.

Another crown jewel to Paradise Valley, and specifically Heross Hills, is the famous Center for Disease Control's Research building.  This building lies nestled to the Silver Mountains making up the southern city limit.  This building is not only a center for research, but is also hailed as one of the most pristine hospital centers in this part of the world.  It is also famous for being specifically listed by Conrad Sheppard to not be touched during the invasion.  He had recognized the significance of such an institution, and that led to his desicion to spare the building.  Today, it is a known landmark, and still is operating at full capacity.

As part of a Greening process, the center of the city was cleared to make way for a large park at its center.  Westcox Park, named after Sarah Westcox, was build in honor of that woman, whose talks about the environment and need for such greening led to her death during the war, when she was shot on sight.  The park is massive, taking up a good 12.5%of the city area.  Although just trees, the park has been a big boom for buisness and residence, and as such has turned out to be a good idea afterall.

(Again, forgive the Maxis...)

With Heross Hills completely rebuild and being lived in, that leaves very little residential work to do, and Pheonoia can now concentrate on resoting its government complexes, so that they, to, can get back to life.  Latest images of the redevoloped area shows that the city is recovering very well.

Thank you, I hope you all enjoy.

Next Update.... We start on the Capital District!

Proud Member of the >Censored<!
NOTE: Will probably be banned for my affiliations with the >Censored<.  If I never show again, that is why.  If one wishes for me being an >Censored< member to be banned, be it a member or staff, then make it so.


Fantastic update there! Also wonderful pictures of that great downtown! :thumbsup:


great update there and I realised I forgot to show off the Phoenian National Team Schedule

Game-Time-Date-City,State(Arena-Capacity)Team(League)-Score-TV Coverage
01-6:00 PM-November 10-St. Pierre,SP(Mountain Nations Memorial Centre-20,270)St. Pierre Cardinals(RVPHL)-3-2/OT-RVAC
02-7:00 PM-November 12-Thunder Bay,NL(Thunderdome-21,250)Thunder Bay Lightning(RVPHL)-3-1-Sportsnet National
03-7:00 PM-November 14-Superior,NL(Northlands Arena-17,990)Superior Polar Bears(RVPHL)-2-4-RVSP
04-7:00 PM-November 17-Aubin,AU(North States Arena-17,800)Aubin Ice Cats(RVPHL)-2-1/OT-Sportsnet National
05-7:00 PM-November 19-Marceau,MR(Marceau Mountain Centre-21,201)Marceau Wildcats(RVPHL)-2-5-MSN/SNM
06-7:00 PM-November 20-Marceau,MR(The Forum-17,800)Marceau Aloetts(RVPHL)-2-1-MSN/SNM
07-7:00 PM-November 22-Marceau,MR(Le Colisee-19,250)Marceau Nordiques(RVPHL)-MSN/SNM
08-7:00 PM-November 27-York,YK(York Colosium(Erradyne Colosium)-17,950)York Warriors(RVPHL)-Sportsnet National
09-7:00 PM-November 28-Yorkshire Island,YK(The Shark Tank-18,950)Yorkshire Island Sharks(RVPHL)-Sportsnet National
10-7:00 PM-December 02-Docklands District/Rorysville City,RV(Docklands Centre-22,600)Rorysville Generals(RVPHL)-Sportsnet National
11-7:00 PM-December 03-Bayside District/Rorysville City,RV(Veterans Arena-18,650)Rorysville Naval Academy(RVCHA DIV I)-RVAC
12-7:00 PM-December 05-Island City,IS(I.C. Memorial Arena-15,590)Island City Silversticks(RVPHL)-Sportsnet National
13-7:30 PM-December 07-St. Joliet,CI   (Maritime Colosium-15,900)St. Joliet Clippers(RVPHL)-Sportsnet National
14-8:00 PM-December 09-Campbellville,OI(The Arsenal at Cambellville Arena-19,300)Campbellville Armada(RVPHL)-RVAC
15-7:00 PM-December 13-River City,MR(River City Arena-15,050)River City Mallards(RVPHL)-MSN/SNM
16-7:00 PM-December 16-Polaris,PL(Polaris Energy Centre-17,000)Polaris Blast(RVPHL)-Sportsnet National
17-7:00 PM-December 17-North Polaris,PL(Chrysler Arena-15,500)North Polaris Cyclones(RVPHL)-Sportsnet National
18-7:00 PM-December 20-North York,YK(Greater York Power Centre-18,302)North York Sabrecats(RVPHL)-Sportsnet National
19-7:00 PM-December 22-Val D'Or,SH(Loan Giants Veterans Arena-17,930)Val D'Or Metropolitans(RVPHL)-Sportsnet National
20-7:00 PM-December 27-Laval,MR(Toyota Centre at Capital Place-21,250)Laval Capitals(RVPHL)-MSN/SNM
21-7:00 PM-December 29-Autumn Ridge,RV(AirRV Centre-20,043)Autumn Ridge Pilots(RVPHL)-RVAC
22-7:00 PM-January 03-Rorysville City,RV(National Arena-21,500)Rorysville Rangers(RVPHL)-RVAC
23-7:00 PM-January 05-Capital District/Rorysville City,RV(Celtic Arena-22,380)Rorysville Pioneers(RVPHL)-RVSP
24-7:00 PM-January 07-Bayside District/Rorysville City,RV(Tide Arena-13,595)Bayshore University(RVCHA DIV I)-Sportsnet College
All times are RV City Local

As you can see the Team is doing well 4 wins and 2 losses in the first quarter of thier tour their travel is a Chartered RV Air Force RVAI-757-200EX(Same plane the RV National Team uses)

I may have an Embassy Building for you just have to see which one for you to use also as soon as I'm done with the Uber Shuffle of Rorysville I'll have your Embassy to show off.(I'm making each State it's own region and migrating the cities to thier respective regions)


Hey all, sorry for the long wait... but I hope it was well worth it!  Here is the last portion of part A: Paradise Valley.

bat - Thank you, thats not even THE downtown, but if that is any indication, I think things will be good.

canuck3360 - Glad to see they are doing well, looking forward to more.  Hey check out the thing at the bottom, you'll like it.

And now.. on to the update...


Update 5:

The Presidential Park, and the Captial District

December 1, 2007

Atlantis, an ally and major liberator of Pheonoia, flew the entire governing staff from their temporary governmental location of the Atlantian ship, the Caladon, to the banks of Shatanoga Lake, across the way from the Capital District.  In a grand unveiling, the President was introduced to his new office, and the nation was able to see it's government headquarters.  The headquarter, known once again as the "Presidential Park", was build with typical Atlantian architexture, while giveng added security.  Already it is federal law that no other building may come within 100 yards of the Park, which is why the surronding area has park trees.  An intricate road network inside the park gives it a grand, and safe, appearance.  There are only two road access points within the park, a back exit to the Union Plaza, and the major "Entrance Plaza".

The Entrance Plaza consists of the Central Fountain, which is the first part of the gardens, and leads to the Presidential Plaza, with its iconic World as One Color, a design by local artist Sam Ell. (See my Contest Entry for the Day In the City)

In addition, the Entrance Park is lined with seasonal trees that change for the beauty of the public.  Currently, as a special gift, this is going to the only time the trees will blossom in early Demeber, but it was part of the presentation.Within a few days the trees will lose the blossoms, and return to their natural state.

The Gardens extend quite a bit into the Park, which is the biggest reason for its naming being a Park.  At this point, however, the Gardens are referred to as the Presidential Gardens.  Thought not very flowery, the trees here are also seasonal, and there is always something different that shows year round.  As you can see here, there is a ring in the shape of a 'D' of blossom trees, an added touch.

To the other side of the "Mall", is the second half of the Gardens.  This area consists of a large pond, and is appropriately called the "Pond of Rememberance".  This pond was dedicated to the history, the present, and the future, to always remember how you got to this point, and at what cost.

Smack in the middle of the Gardens is the most important building in Pheonoia.  This is the Presidential Hall, the place where the President of the Grand Republic of Pheonoia resides to do his work.  Inside there are many rooms, and for security purposes the Office of the Presidence is kept secret.  Here is also where the press conferences and presidential meetings will take place.  This is also where the Cabinet resides.

Just north of the Pond is the tallest building of the Park, the Laura Roslin Center houses the Department of Health and Education of Pheonoia.  Designed by Atlantis, and dedicated by Pheonoia, the building honors the New Rhodesian Delagate who played a major role in the liberation, as well as the President's own life.

On the opposite side of the "Mall" and the Roslin Center, is the Department of the Treasury.  This is the location of the current money printers, and right now the biggest challenge is keeping in the green for this new developing country.  However, a bit of good news was the large holiday rush on Black Friday, where sales spiked to unpresedented levels.

The Justice Building, north of the Treasury, houses the Supreme Court of Pheonoia.  Although currently vacated, the 13 judges would have their individual chambers, as well as around 20 different courtrooms, and the main Supreme Courtroom.  Also this where the District Attorneys to the Government of Pheonoia will reside.

On the other side of the Courts is the Department of the State, which houses the Intelligence agencies, as well as all internal departments.  This building is broken into two different sections.  The West Wing, which deals with intelligence gathering, and the East Wing, which deals with the state of the Nation.  This is also where the leaders of the different armed forces will reside while in the Park.

At the back, or North, of the park is the Wartime Memorial.  This museum's purpose is a tribute to Pheonoia, and its begining.  The building is designed from the rubble of the old Presidential Park, for example, the roof of the central part of the building is from the old Capital Building.  This Memorial basically serves as what is left of oldtown Paradise Valley's Capital District.

Finally, in the center of the park, is the crown jewel of the government.  The rebuilt Capital Building, although now it is humorusly known as "Capital Hill", due to terraforming work done to raise the site of the building.  This is also a facade, as the building itself sits on top of the old underground bunker.  This will serve in the event of a need to evacuate the President and the staff from the Capital.  This building houses the Congress, and the Senators that make up the Congress.

However, not all government complexes lie inside the Park.  The Capital District is so named because it has ALL government facilities.

One of the most important of these is the Pheonoia Department of the Armed Forces.  The plaza in the middle is a symbolic gesture that no matter which branch you are in, you are all defenders of Pheonoia.  The buildings, from left to right, are the Department of the Air Force, Department of the Army, which also houses the National Guard, and the Department of the Navy, which house the Marine sector.

To the West of the Armed Forces is the Military Court.  Thankfully unused, this is more of a precautionary measure.  Than again, at this point the actual Armed Forces are borrowed men and women from the Union, defending Pheonoia.  Only exception to this is the very small Pheonoia Navy and Airforce, based in Tango Peninsula and Silver City, respectivly.

To the East of the Armed Forces is a tribute to the biggest sacrifice made in Paradise Valley.  The Museum of Civil Defense honors the Police Department of Paradise Valley, as well as the other Police departments in Pheonoia.  During the war, the police wer ethe best Phoenoia had to an army, but they were only police, and could not match up to armed infantry.  Over 86% of the police force in all of Pheonoia were killed.

On the lighter side, the Simlympic Center is the governing force of the Simlympics of Pheonoia, regulating the teams, and the athletes, overseeing construction of facilities and venues, and housing the Simlympic Committee of Pheonoia, or SCP.  Currently plans are underway to prepare Paradise Valley for a future Simlympic hosting.

This is the first of many different embassies that are being set up in Paradise Valley.  This particular one is the Embassy of the United Federation ofYið.  More to come at a later date.

And last but not least, is the new site of the SCJU Headquarters in Pheonoia.  The Union Plaza  consist of Union Avenue (not shown), and leades right up to the buildings.  From left to right is the Union Center, the actual headquarters, then the IASA headquarter in Pheonoia (currently vacant), the One Alliance headquarters (currently just representative helping air travel in Pheonoia), and OPEUM's headquarters in Pheonoia (not much here either, however the building was constructed due to findings of oil and natural gas reserves in and off the coast of Pheonoia.


And so ends Part 1 of the recovery of the Grand Republic of Pheonoia.  It's been fun but... nah, just kidding.  We are so not over.  However, due to the holiday season, I thought it fitting to go into Part 2, or rather, the next city.  So all, be prepared for my holiday edition of Pheonoia entitled:

Pheonoia Part 2:

The City of Mt. Fresca
Proud Member of the >Censored<!
NOTE: Will probably be banned for my affiliations with the >Censored<.  If I never show again, that is why.  If one wishes for me being an >Censored< member to be banned, be it a member or staff, then make it so.


very nice update

I have an update for you as well
November 22nd-Marceau City,MR-Le Colisee(19,250)- vs. Marceau Nordiques W 3-2
November 27th-York,YK-York Colosiuem(Erradyne Colosiuem)(17,950) vs. York Warriors W 4-2
November 28th-Yorkshire Island,YK-The Shark Tank(18,950) vs. Yorkshire Island Sharks W 2-1(Shootout 4-3)

Upcomming games
December 2nd-Docklands District/Rorysville City,RV-Docklands Centre(22,600) vs. Rorysville Generals
December 3rd-Bayside District/Rorysville City,RV-Veterans Arena(18,950) vs. the Rorysville Naval Academy Hockey Team
December 5th-Island City,IS-I.C. Memorial Arena(15,590) vs. Island Silversticks

the game against the Naval Academy will mark the first game the Phoenian team has played against a College Team(1 of 2 RVCHA Teams on the schedule)
the RVNA is currently 18th in the nation and one of the most storied of all time in Rorysville College Hockey.


The Presidential Park is looking beautiful! Wonderful pictures of it! :thumbsup: