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Simmer's Lotting Lab.

Started by Simmer2, December 11, 2015, 07:24:45 AM

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Thank you Tibi and feyss!

Hello everyone, lets play a game shall we? Its called "Name that Station" I saw one of Aarsgevogelte buildings and I though "TRAIN STATION"!!! It is a very nice model and it deserves an up do. Therefore I need the community's help in finding a suitable name for the station shown here. Possibly a Dutch name or some other fancy name.

I will wait a few days and then I will chose the one that fits. I already made the lot, a few brand new HD props and of course a custom base texture. This station will work for both Maxis and RRW rail networks. If you have the NAM it will show RRW and if you do not then you get the vanilla rails.

There will be a second lot made with similar setup but I will make it STR therefore it will be NAM only compatible. Both station will be uploaded at the same time.

Le the games begin!

A few pics.



Did you make those shelters on the platforms? It looks like they're supposed to be transparent, but they aren't, and thus show the black rendering background in some views. Do you know how to edit the model files in order to fix that? I'm pretty sure the tutorial is somewhere buried in SC4D, but if not, I can dig up a copy of the instructions. That said, I do like the generous space that the lot supplies, very suitable for a "Park & Ride" station at the city borders. I'm bad with names, though, so I'll leave that to the more creative folks. ;)


Nice work, looks like a dutch trainstation building in North America. So why not "New Aarsgevogelte"  :P



Yes, those are my shelters.
As far as I know, transparency to the game environment is not possible with Gmax. The only transparency you can do is within the model itself, that is why you can see some opacity from certain angles. Easy to make transparent windows because you are seeing within the model.
However if a different method can be used, I'm open to suggestions!

Thank you


Getron Hehehe. Nice! But I was hoping for something more in line with train stations.



As long as the material in gmax has a proper opacity setting, you can edit the model file with the Reader in order to make it transparent in the game. This is what I once copied from some tutorial:

QuoteAll it involves is some changes to how the materials are applied to the S3D models and these changes are done in the MATS tab of the model in the Reader.

These are the settings that will need to be applied to each image for the S3D models that have transparent glass:

x Alpha Test    x Framebuffer Blending
x Depth Test    x Texturing
x Backface Culling

Alpha Func: Always
Depth Func: Less Than or Equal
Src Blend: Source Alpha
Dest Blend: One Minus Source Alpha

After making the changes to each model, hit the Apply button that is in the upper left corner of the S3D viewer before working on the next model.

This only needs to be done for the models of the three closest zooms (2##, 3##, 4##). In other words, you only have 12 models to process, but each model has one or more images applied, based on the model size.


Altijd op Tijd train station  :D

I also thought it was a station when I first saw this BAT so you're going to make this a reality  ;D

manga rivotra

Wonderful job on the 3 last releases !  &apls &apls &apls
Thanks you very much for sharing theses jewels !  :thumbsup:


Wonderful job, you never stop? :D Your new lots of barriers are splendid, and the rest of course! Thank you for your work! &apls


Quote from: feyss on February 12, 2018, 10:41:56 AM
Altijd op Tijd train station  :D

I also thought it was a station when I first saw this BAT so you're going to make this a reality  ;D

Feyss, that is a nice name  :thumbsup:


Thanks everyone!! Keep those station names coming please!


Success!!!!! I used another method which was pointed out by Vortext. I had no idea model tweaker could deal with transparencies but it did and with great results.

Here is a pic where you can clearly see through the tempered glass!



Really nice, Nick! :)
I love those base textures, they could be great plaza textures anyway :)

- Tyberius
You may find updates about my ongoing projects into my development thread here at SimCity 4 Devotion: Tyberius Lotting Experiments
or over there on Simtropolis into the Tyberius (Heretic Projects) Lotting and Modding Experiments.
I'm also member of the STEX Custodian and working on different restoration projects on behalf of non-anymore-active custom content creators.
Current projects: WMP Restoration and SimCity Polska Restoration.
Member of the NAM Team and RTMT Team.


Lovely trainstation.
Looks like a station from the "age of trains" that got "improved" in the 60's or 70's for cars and "modern times".
The old beautiful wrought iron shelter over the platform got torn down for "safety reasons" and replaced with modern shelters.

Love the moss textures around the drains, very realistic.  :thumbsup:
Busier than a one legged man in an ass kicking contest
Me no coffee function without so good


Ah, cool, I wasn't sure anymore if the Model Tweaker would be able to handle that, should have checked it out in the first place. But either manually or automatically, the results speaks for itself. :)


Thanks Tibi and Andreas

brick_mortimer Sharp eye on noticing the drain texture  :thumbsup:

The train station name calling (pun intended) is progressing well. A couple more of them and then its release time.

While we wait for that to happen, lets talk trash, shall we?

I call this one SM2 Trash and Burn  ;D

Here are some pics (Still WIP)




Ahh. :) If this is functional, kind of modern Steptoe Scarp Yard, then I love it. :) Somehow I like "dirty" industry.


It has already a place reserved along the canal  ;)

Good, that's something that was necessary and that's better than the Maxis one  :D


Thank you feyss

bombardiere It definitely is fully functional. Its not the final lot though.

Here is the next piece of the puzzle. The boilers and the turbine housing.




Oh goodie.  :D The transfer station in original picture suggests that it may produce electricity.   ;)

In fact, I would like to see more powerplant variety. Yesterday evening I opened SC4 for first time in six month and I realised that I did not have much option for Maxis powerplants. And Maxis plants are not really inspirational and lotting is poor.

I liked what you lotted with that big powerplant. I think I need to dust it off and add to my plugin.


Re: SM2 Trash and Burn

Next piece.....well its 3 pieces. A bit of a shift while gif making so disregard the slight left movement.



Have to say I don't know of anyone else having made trash look so pretty  :troutslap:

Lots and bats are looking beautiful and will once again fill a much-needed niche with a highly superior creation that involves that most beautiful of networks, rail ;)  Keep 'em coming!