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Whitefall, Iridar - update 3 is now up. 16-12-09; p20.

Started by Shadow Assassin, March 30, 2007, 11:38:20 PM

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What a come back, Daniel !
I love your new region, looks quite unique as usual. And the let there be rail update is fantastic, excellent work with all the installations for the railway. The industrial areas are very nice also as the residential. In one word, Stunning !

-Arthur.  :thumbsup:

BWT - Welcome to page 20 !  &dance
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog

Earth quake

A new update of Whitefall and the return of Shadow assasin in dangerous world of sc4D MDs. :)
This new region is looking splendid and beautiful. I really like "whitefall Rail Network's map". :thumbsup:
The industrial park is really beautiful and simply realistic.
Finally the north whitefall's suburbs is fantastic &apls.



Very cool to see this on the go again!  Great return update!

Shadow Assassin

Crossing The River
Today, we take a look at the remaining stations on the network... Whitefall River, Stowe, Islington Road, Londonderry, Hezlett, Withers Park and Ashford. Most pictures are taken within the Whitefall River tile.

Whitefall River & Hezlett
Whitefall River is a major station, and also is quite busy, as it services the entire northern part of the river. Located on the edge of town, away from any major commercial centre, Whitefall River perhaps doesn't get as much patronage as it is expected to, however this will change once the northern part becomes more developed.

Hezlett station services the southern part of the Whitefall River tile. It is the first station on the Hezlett line, branching off the main line heading into Ashford. Hezlett Station is probably one of the least-used stations on the line due to its relatively poor location compared to the rest of the stations.

Stowe is a busy station located in the heart of Whitefall River's main industrial area. Stowe, at one point, was the last station on the main River line, however the Stowe-Whitefall River-Woodcroft Rd stations form the backbone of the system, providing freight with a means to leave the region.

Islington Road
Islington Road is located on the northern approaches of the bridge crossing Whitefall River. This station is important as it will later provide an interchange station for people who wish to head east or west along the Whitefall River from the south.

Londonderry Station is located on the southern approaches of the same bridge mentioned above. Right now, it is undergoing an overhaul to bring it to a similar standard as to what's on the rest of the network, so no pictures are available right now. However, it is the last station before the line splits up to head towards Hezlett and Ashford.

Withers Park
Withers Park is the last station for the moment on the Hezlett spur line. Servicing the industrial park surrounding it, Withers Park is expected to pick up additional patronage when the Londonderry works are completed later in 1970.

Ashford is the last station that we will be visiting. Located right in the heart of town, next to a Buffalo Grill [apparently also quite popular, seeing as there is two in the entire town], Ashford is a relatively large town developing south of Whitefall River. The station, unfortunately, is not particularly well-used due to a lack of a bus system currently available in Ashford. This may change in the future as Ashford expands...

And to 1971...
Next year, many new road projects have come online, particularly with the construction of a number of new roads, as well as the infrastructure upgrade of a very congested road in the northern parts of Whitefall. As for the rail system... nobody knows what is planned... perhaps an expansion to St Albans, in the region's far west?


Quote from: tooheys on November 30, 2009, 10:16:04 PM
Hi SA, great to see Whitefall on the move again  :thumbsup: I'm sure a lot of people will be watching this with interest  :)


Indeed - it's nice being able to do a MD again.

Quote from: Tarkus on November 30, 2009, 10:22:54 PM
Daniel, it's fantastic to see you back in the MDing world again!  Whitefall looks great, and I see you've got some really nice farm stuff going on with the region right now.  The rail tour was also quite enjoyable--it was great seeing another one of your great maps, and I especially liked the industrial shots there.  That first pic with the switchyard looks especially fantastic, and your neighborhoods look as realistic as ever.

I'm curious to see what all you have in store--whatever it is, I'm sure it will be amazing and well worth following!


You'll just have to wait and see, eh. :) Thanks.

Quote from: metasmurf on November 30, 2009, 10:35:10 PM
Nice to see you back. Good stuff as always  :thumbsup:

Thanks. :)

Quote from: adroman on November 30, 2009, 10:49:57 PM
...The Legend Returns...

Fantastic work SA! That rail network is stunning

Looks like we're using the same map... of my hometown  :P

Can't wait to see more, those industrial areas are tantalising!

Also, could you tell us what Photoshop effect you used? If it's not too revealing :P

Havva good one,

Hah, me a legend? No, I'm just an ordinary MDer... we are indeed using the same map- the Mackay map, but mine's got some modifications to it (well, all that was done really was that it was flipped). The photoshop effect, I think I'll keep it to myself for now, but the effect's really simple to do - as long as you're willing to experiment a little. The trick is to use multiple layers so that if you screw up, you can always go back to the original image and try again.

Okay, okay, I'll leave a little clue: A little blur goes a long, long way.

Quote from: Ennedi on December 01, 2009, 12:28:00 AM
Good to see you back SA  :thumbsup:

The map is great, and an idea of a tour along the rail line is really cool. I will visit you here with pleasure  :)


Thanks, Adam. Any chance of you reviving your CJ when things get a little quieter? I can't wait to see your HD terrain mods become available - as you can see I'm already using your HD rock mod, but there's that little something missing...

Quote from: io_bg on December 01, 2009, 01:45:45 AM
Great to see you back in the world of MDs ;)
Love the suburban development. Also nice railway layout!
Can't wait to see more from you! :thumbsup:


Quote from: Tomas Neto on December 01, 2009, 03:39:26 AM
Fantastic return! And a beautiful update!!!  :thumbsup:


Quote from: JoeST on December 01, 2009, 04:51:03 AM

Fantastic return indeed, cant wait for more :)


Thanks! I don't know where this will go next... but that's half the fun. :)

Quote from: ecoba on December 01, 2009, 05:05:08 AM
Yes! I knew this was coming but didn't know when!

Wow, Daniel it's great for me to be around to comment on your MD this time around. (Considering I was late for Savannah and Ensenada. But still read through the latter frequently.) This 'new' Whitefall is looking great, and I really do like that map. Is it the same one that Adrian (adroman) is using?

I've always liked your rail lines, and your photoshopping, and they're getting better to this day. I really like the style in which you build your roads to appear smooth curved from afar. It has also always amazed me how great you can make the Maxis row shacks look. They look like normal homes in your cities, and makes them even slighty desirable. (?) But, of course you also have that great selection of BATs in your city. (Are you not going to plop, anything?)

I like this style of updating as well, so keep it up!


I suppose it's my fault that I decided to do a bait-and-switch with Alentene. :P As I said to Adrian, the map is the same, but with a couple of small modifications to at least make it a little unique just in case someone decided to develop on the map. The Mackay map is wonderful - it's so nice to develop on. I originally was going to use Brisbane for it, but after my laptop threw a tantrum at it and refused to render it, I decided to look for something smaller.

As for plopping - no, I'm not going to plop anything apart from services, important infrastructure and parks.

Quote from: calibanX on December 01, 2009, 08:07:15 AM
It's nice to see activity here again. I wasn't around to comment the last time around. I'm looking forward to following along this time. I enjoyed the tour of Whitefall's stations and the map looks great. Looking forward to seeing more.


Thanks! :)

Quote from: Earth quake on December 01, 2009, 11:17:30 AM
A new update of Whitefall and the return of Shadow assasin in dangerous world of sc4D MDs. :)
This new region is looking splendid and beautiful. I really like "whitefall Rail Network's map". :thumbsup:
The industrial park is really beautiful and simply realistic.
Finally the north whitefall's suburbs is fantastic &apls.


Thanks, Vivien - hope you like this update too! :P

Quote from: Battlecat on December 01, 2009, 12:21:08 PM
Very cool to see this on the go again!  Great return update!

It's nice to come back to Whitefall, yes. :) Thanks!

A note from the Editor:
Well, that looks like I got quite a healthy number of replies, both here and ST... anyway, if there's too many horizontal lines in the replies above - please tell me and I'll fix up the replies accordingly.


New Horizons Productions
Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dedgren ♦ dmscopio ♦ Ennedi
emilin ♦ Heblem ♦ jplumbley ♦ moganite ♦ M4346 ♦ papab2000
Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine
See my uploads on the LEX!


Great update. I really liked the suburban layout, especially the use of culdesacs. I'm sure that they are used all over the world, but to me that's a great Aussie touch. We love our deadend streets  ;D



Looking fantastic SA...

Keep it up, I'll be experimenting in Photoshop  :D

Havva good one,
737s, Air Force, Australia... what next?


I think the replies look fine, Daniel.

These railway updates are pretty cool, I like seeing what development lies along the rail lines. Your suburbs are so beautiful, and I like the universal uasge of gravel streets.

I really am falling more and more in love with this map that you are using, but I primarily would just want the rivermouth if I were to build on it. Can you remove tiles from SC4M. files, and then convert to greyscale. This should probably be asked in the mapping section, but if you know, or could make, the area around the rivermouth a greyscale it would be cool.

I've also noticed that it really seems that you have modified the SFBT trees for a SAM street mod. How did you do this, and maybe could I have the file?

New transport projects?



P.S. What Rock Modd and Terrain Modd are you using?


Great mosaics SA. Your suburban sprawl is nicely laid out, and that industrial wasteland is fantastically dirty!

Where City and Country Flow Together


Great looking city!  I quite like how abrupt the boundary between your city and farmland is, it's actually fairly realistic!   Your suburbs and industrial areas are quite nicely laid out! 


Very beautiful, I've much time see this topic since the begining, and each time, I wondered "When will he begin it again?"!!
So now, I'm fixed, and I just say : it's still beautiful SA! &apls &apls

Guillaume :thumbsup:
L'atelier d'architecture
* * * * * Longwy * * * * *


It's nice to see some more suburbs, by the Master of Suburbs !
The river sides are wonderful, I like the ferris terminal on each border. The details in Hezlett's mosaic are well done, like that railway passing in the middle of the houses and commercial development. The little creeks around the suburbs are sweet, they give some charm to that repetitively massive suburbs (the style I like ! ).
Farms and industrial areas are very nicely done too, also as the rail interchange. The way the Industrial area is very "concrete" at the same time as a bit "green" is a good thing, and I really like it.
Can't wait to see the future developments of your region, and of the road network projects.

-Arthur. :thumbsup:
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog

Shadow Assassin

Just a quick teaser -- I haven't had much time to play SC4, and plus, I have no idea what to showcase.

But anyway, here's a shot of a new suburban development in Whitefall's northern tile.

Quote from: tooheys on December 02, 2009, 02:33:38 AM
Great update. I really liked the suburban layout, especially the use of culdesacs. I'm sure that they are used all over the world, but to me that's a great Aussie touch. We love our deadend streets  ;D


Thanks, Dave. :P Well, I build what I'm familiar with... so there. :P

Quote from: adroman on December 02, 2009, 03:00:27 AM
Looking fantastic SA...

Keep it up, I'll be experimenting in Photoshop  :D

Havva good one,

Yup, keep experimenting. :P

Quote from: ecoba on December 02, 2009, 04:57:14 AM
I think the replies look fine, Daniel.

These railway updates are pretty cool, I like seeing what development lies along the rail lines. Your suburbs are so beautiful, and I like the universal uasge of gravel streets.

I really am falling more and more in love with this map that you are using, but I primarily would just want the rivermouth if I were to build on it. Can you remove tiles from SC4M. files, and then convert to greyscale. This should probably be asked in the mapping section, but if you know, or could make, the area around the rivermouth a greyscale it would be cool.

I've also noticed that it really seems that you have modified the SFBT trees for a SAM street mod. How did you do this, and maybe could I have the file?

New transport projects?



P.S. What Rock Modd and Terrain Modd are you using?

Thanks for the quite long comment, Ethan - as for the map, this particular map actually is a greyscale, so it's a simple matter of opening it up in Photoshop and cropping it to the area of the map that you want, keeping in mind the rules: a number that is divisible by 64, add one, for each side. For instance, a 4x4 large tile map is 1024 + 1, giving a total of 1025 for each side.

As for the T21s, I simply copied the exemplars over from the default SFBT street mod, changed the T21s so they worked for a number of SAM sets. Unfortunately, the mod doesn't entirely work 100%, but it's good enough for me. I'll have to clean it up some if it's got any chance of ever being released - such as asking permission from the SFBT to release it, for instance. I can't send files like that, it's just not allowed, unfortunately.

No expressways, the city is too small for that. Only got 120,000 people.

Rock and terrain mod: Ennedi's HD sandstone rock mod, c.p. Missouri Breaks terrain mod.

Quote from: calibanX on December 02, 2009, 06:54:38 AM
Great mosaics SA. Your suburban sprawl is nicely laid out, and that industrial wasteland is fantastically dirty!


Thanks! I wanted to create an industrial wasteland, and I quite like it, actually.

Quote from: Battlecat on December 02, 2009, 08:50:43 AM
Great looking city!  I quite like how abrupt the boundary between your city and farmland is, it's actually fairly realistic!   Your suburbs and industrial areas are quite nicely laid out! 

It happens when you develop a farm lot at a time... just like some subdivisions, for instance.

Quote from: Sciurus on December 02, 2009, 08:51:12 AM
Very beautiful, I've much time see this topic since the begining, and each time, I wondered "When will he begin it again?"!!
So now, I'm fixed, and I just say : it's still beautiful SA! &apls &apls

Guillaume :thumbsup:

I started it again, indeed. Just gotta find stuff to CJ about.

Quote from: art128 on December 02, 2009, 09:52:48 AM
It's nice to see some more suburbs, by the Master of Suburbs !
The river sides are wonderful, I like the ferris terminal on each border. The details in Hezlett's mosaic are well done, like that railway passing in the middle of the houses and commercial development. The little creeks around the suburbs are sweet, they give some charm to that repetitively massive suburbs (the style I like ! ).
Farms and industrial areas are very nicely done too, also as the rail interchange. The way the Industrial area is very "concrete" at the same time as a bit "green" is a good thing, and I really like it.
Can't wait to see the future developments of your region, and of the road network projects.

-Arthur. :thumbsup:

Thanks! :) You'll be interested to see some new road networks springing up over the next few weeks...
New Horizons Productions
Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dedgren ♦ dmscopio ♦ Ennedi
emilin ♦ Heblem ♦ jplumbley ♦ moganite ♦ M4346 ♦ papab2000
Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine
See my uploads on the LEX!

Earth quake

Splendid Avenue and mosaic. &apls
Your suburbs is really wonderfull SA.  :thumbsup:


Just wonderful, and plus, you make splendid american suburbs! &apls &apls
So, to conclude, awesome work! &apls

L'atelier d'architecture
* * * * * Longwy * * * * *


The city's looking great, Daniel.

Thanks for that helpful info, and I saw that it is a greyscale, so maybe I'll render it, and thanks for your rock mod, it's really a good one.




I'm glad to see you back SA with incredible pictures  &apls
The mosaic is at the height of your talent :o I hope to see more and more pictures here
My new city is now here
The région of Kaikoura

Teaser of Lopsas[+ How did I do it?]:Lopsas


Nice to see some updates here again.

Shadow Assassin

Roads Spread Out
Come 1971, Whitefall has hit 130,000 citizens. Now that some infrastructure was put into place, people were able to move in and be able to commute to work, do whatever they do at night, and more.

So, what we have below is a map showing the status of major roads in the region (click to enlarge)

The lengend is self-explanatory: dotted lines are streets that have been designated as major roads but do not yet warrant the traffic volumes required before it can be upgraded. Thin lines are streets that already have been upgraded to roads. Thick lines are avenues... and the fourth level of classification of roads haven't yet been reached... so... yeah.

For 1971 region views, they are on the first page. All region views will be put there.

One project we'll be looking at is the Whitefall Valley Way widening.

Whitefall Valley Way
Whitefall Valley Way, a major road in Whitefall's northern suburbs was finally upgraded in early 1971, after numerous complaints from the locals about the heavy freight traffic congestion on the road. 4000 vehicles per hour use Whitefall Valley Way in both directions to get to and from Woodcroft Road to Whitefall Industrial Park, as well as servicing a combined population of approximately 60,000 people.

Once the subdivisions east of Whitefall Valley Way have been completed, the road is expected to form a backbone of Whitefall's burgeoning arterial road network.

As seen on the map above, Whitefall Valley Way runs between Woodcroft Road (now upgraded in part to an avenue) and Whitefall Industrial Park, where it terminates rather unceremoniously.

Whitefall Heights has expanded significantly since the last time we saw it. Some vacant lots are still for sale along Heights Road, also heavily congested but will not be upgraded due to lack of room at the underpass. The train line has seen a significant increase in usage, with about 4000-6000 passengers per hour using this section of the line.

To see the full extent of development, click the picture below:

Whitefall's northernmost suburb at this point is located on the Exmouth Inlet. It forms two parts: Green Point and Exmouth itself. Home to approximately 5,000 people and expected to expand in the future, Exmouth's future is looking bright.

It is where the bulk of population growth occurred in the region over the previous year.

Exmouth's town centre is also pretty modest for a township of its size. The train line also bisects Exmouth, one of the few towns built around the train line rather than it bypassing a town centre as it has done so previously.

Green Point is a modest subdivision located off the Exmouth road. Like the main town, it is expected to expand somewhat in the future.

Exmouth also has a motley collection of small farms on the peninsula. As land values rise, it is expected that these farms would be developed over in the near future.

That's update 3, folks. Sorry it took so long - RL and an unreliable internet connection delayed this update... but hey, it didn't turn out too bad, I think.

What's next?
Who knows? 1972 could be rather interesting for those in the development industry, with new tiles being opened up for development and more orbital towns being built, with existing cities expanded. Of course, in 1971's region view, it's evident that the towns of Whitefall, North Whitefall and Whitefall River are going to merge together into one big shapeless mass...

Farmland on the Whitefall peninsula, where it all began, is in danger...


Quote from: Earth quake on December 11, 2009, 01:57:08 AM
Splendid Avenue and mosaic. &apls
Your suburbs is really wonderfull SA.  :thumbsup:

Thanks :)

Quote from: Sciurus on December 11, 2009, 09:06:19 AM
Just wonderful, and plus, you make splendid american suburbs! &apls &apls
So, to conclude, awesome work! &apls


Technically, Australian suburbs, seeing as I come from Australia, not America. :P

Quote from: ecoba on December 11, 2009, 03:30:26 PM
The city's looking great, Daniel.

Thanks for that helpful info, and I saw that it is a greyscale, so maybe I'll render it, and thanks for your rock mod, it's really a good one.


No prob - thanks for the reply. Good luck with the greyscale.

Quote from: Simpson on December 12, 2009, 08:25:02 AM

I'm glad to see you back SA with incredible pictures  &apls
The mosaic is at the height of your talent :o I hope to see more and more pictures here

You got your wish - see above. :P

Quote from: kwakelaar on December 13, 2009, 01:47:55 AM
Nice to see some updates here again.


Bit of a delay between this update and the one at ST - just was tired and didn't really feel like spending 5 mins or so transferring everything from there.

Lucky there isn't any complicated code. :P

Region views are back in the first update. If anyone has any problems - just let me know and I'll have them in the main body of the post from now on.
New Horizons Productions
Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dedgren ♦ dmscopio ♦ Ennedi
emilin ♦ Heblem ♦ jplumbley ♦ moganite ♦ M4346 ♦ papab2000
Shadow Assassin ♦ Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine
See my uploads on the LEX!


Waow, this update is impressive. &apls For the suburbs, Australian suburbs look very much like American suburbs, it's the same style of construction ()stsfd()
See you soon "the master" :thumbsup:

Guillaume :thumbsup:
L'atelier d'architecture
* * * * * Longwy * * * * *


Great update! I especially like your maps and region views! :) :thumbsup: