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Nardo's real life pictures

Started by Nardo69, May 24, 2009, 04:37:14 AM

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"The wisest men follow their own direction" Euripides
The Choice is Ours
Simtropolis Moderator here. Can I help? Oh, and you can call me Elias (my real name) if you wish.


Today I had to play chauffeur twice. And the nostalgic steam train of the UEF would go from Ettlingen to Bad Herrenalb in the lovely Alb valley. And the time of my chauffeur service was very compatible to the steam train.

Sooo .....  ()stsfd()

The noon train to Bad Herrenalb in the ramp behind Marxzell. Maybe my best shot today.

The enginge is 50 2740, a 2-10-0 class 50 freight engine which was one of the best and most universal steam engines at all. Together with its simplified sister, the "Kriegslok" class 52 it was built in about 10.000 pcs and was used all over Europe untill the end of the steam area.

Well, vegetation next to railways has heavily increased in the last 30 years. It was hard to find a suitable place for a video shoot even though this is my home here ...
And the area to the left and the right of the creek Alb in the middle of the valley is secured by barb wire!  >:(

A standard moto train of this railway line on its way to Ettlingen and Karlsruhe where these mototrains will "change" from railway to tramway.

The second train right behind Fischweier.

Just when the train passed by I learned the reason for the barb wire ...  :D

If you want to see my video you'll find it on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f07uUGh5qN4.

If you want to see a certain pic in a higher resolution just click the pic. ;)

Have fun!


I really enjoy the landscapes  &apls &apls &apls
The Floraler

This is the end, hold your breath and count to ten, feel the earth move, and then...

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *    *   *   *   *   *    * 


Woaw, great photos and nice video, Bernhard, I really enjoyed them. Can't wait to see more steam engines !
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

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@Girafe: Thank you!

@art128: Thank you! I hope you're not too disappointed but recently I wasn't able to chase steam. But maybe you'll like my "everyday shoots", too! ;)

It was still raining a bit when the sun broke through. Now rainbow but rather extreme light and contrast conditions. My old Dynax mastered it rather good ... ;)

Bark, lichen and moss is a rather thankful combination for a nice picture.

Lots of light, lots of green, lots of shadow. And a first try in RAW editing for a digital noob with 30 years of analog experience ...

A spider!

It's possible prey?!?

Or will this one score? God only knows ...

At the water I

At the water II

Hope you liked them!

Have fun!



Some great motives and image compsition. The photo with the flower and wild water in the background has something fascinating. I don't know why but I like looking at it.

Oh, and I HATE spiders.  ::) Anyway, the picture with the spider in the leaves is great, too.
My name is Raphael.
Visit my MD: Empire Bay (My old MD: Santa Barbara County)


Arghh a spider ... I hate them too. I scream when I see on in front of me! :D Anyway nice pictures Bernhard, lovely shots !
I'll take a quiet life... A handshake of carbon monoxide.

Props & Texture Catalog


These photos are gorgeous, I really like the place where these pictures were taken  :thumbsup:

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Stunning set of images Berhand! The little lane looked like a few close to me on the Wirral, UK.


Hi Nardo,
really nice pics, i love this little spider in its net  :). Also cool: the pics from AVG-tram and these steamer pics. In one of my books one of these machines (i think its a 52) was photographed in Turkey, don´t know the class, but as an engine of the TCCD in the middle 70ies.
Greets, Carl


Hello Alltogether!

I got some more train pics for you. Or Stadtbahn, in Karlsruhe and its environment a mix of tramway and railway. I had to wait a little bit in Ettlingen Stadt for my tramway home, so I played a little bit with my small digicam. Thanks to Capture One I could reduce the image noice to a tolerable amount.

@RickD: Thanks! I think the flower in front of the water somehow hits everyone's romantic sense ... ;)

@art128: Well, my wife acts exactly as you do!  :D But as long as they are only normal middle-european spiders, not too big, mostly not poisonous, I don't have a problem with them.

@kelis: That's the northern Black Forrest, my home and my inspiration for Urland ... ;)

@wallasey: Thanks!

@eufl: Hope you like today's AVG-Tram pics, too! ;)
The class 52 was running in Turkey as TCDD class 56.5 until middle of the nineties, as far as I know there's one of them still active somewhere at Konya.
BTW: AFAIK these class 52 engines were a present of Hitler to Inönü, the president that followed Atatürk after 1937 in order to get an ally ...   :-X


Hi Nardo,
i didn´t knew anything about the way this machine made its way to Turkey. Thanks, it´s some total new information to me!, I´ve only seen these pics of this steamengine and yeah, it was Konya. I´m not sure, but is this a line more for goods and masstransports than passenger-traffic? And i know the same engine for 1524mm in the former Sovietunion. Maybe it´s the most international steamengine ever  :D.
Your pictures from the Albtalbahn: perfect shots! Your on the way to become a photographing profi!   &apls The nightlightning is very athmospheric. But i must confess: mostly i love the Albtalbahn in the years before i knew anything about this little big company, with its mallets and electric locomotives and trains on narrow gauge.
And at the end: is this old hall the former hall of BadenBaden? Wunderfull construction, isn´t it?
Greetz, Carl


Well, the soviets took quite some to Russia, turned them into 1524mm, turned them back to 1435mm standard gauge and sold them to several East European countries when the steam area was finished there in 1959.
And well, a lot more than 6000 engines were build between 1942 and 1949 - noone knows exactly but the 52 surely was the most build and most spread steam engine at all. It is even a predecessor of the famous chinese QJ.

The more interesting part of the Albtalbahn was the Kleinbahn Ittersbach-Pforzheim which was cancelled in 1968. Unfortunately it is hard to find pictures of both the narrow gauge Albtalbahn as well as (and even more difficult) for the Kleinbahn Ittersbach-Pforzheim.

Another one:

I like to watch them with a solid glass between me and them, I wouldn't like to meet them IRL though ...  :-[


You did not know, didn´t You? I love fishes and aquariums and had some of them years ago  &ops  (now only two evil fisheating cats  ;D). Perfect still of a piranya, and yeah, much better to have some glass between You and the fish  :D. It´s very difficult to make some photo without any reflections.  &apls
What i didn´t knew was the fact, that chinese engineers "copied" the 52class for their own purposes.
Good pics of the Kleinbahn Pforzheim-Ittersbach also as from Albtalbahn i found in these great books: "Deutsche Klein und Privatbahnen" from Zeunert-Verlag. Unfortunatly it´s not easy to get them now. Best is: there are track plans within (in the updated version of 2001).
And for now i said enough and have to end with the same You say every time: take care, my friend and make backups!
Greetz, Carl


@eufl: Hehe, I had some tanks, too, some years ago. Maybe, if I get a good job ...

I have some literature of the AVG and the Kleinbahn Ittersbach-Pforzheim, the official book from the AVG and a small booklet printed when the railway line came back to Ittersbach in 1975 which is my worthiest source of old pictures. ;)

Speaking of that I'd like to tell you that I made some shoots today around Ittersbach where AVG and Kleinbahn met. Interested? Well, then ... ;)

But before a small historic abstract:

Untill 1965 Ittersbach was connected to the railway world by two electrified narrow gauge railway lines:

the AVG which was connected to and owned by the tramway network of Karlsruhe and the Kleinbahn Ittersbach-Pforzheim which was connected to and owned by the Tramway of Pforzheim.

Untill 1965 the AVG changed the gauge of all narrow gauge lines to 1435 standard gauge in order to connect them seamingless to the tramway network in Karlsruhe which always was built in 1435mm standart gauge.

The last line was Busenbach - Langensteinbach - Ittersbach. However only the part Busenbach-Langensteinbach was reopened in standart gauge while the part Langensteinbach-Ittersbach was closed.

In 1966 the tramway network of Pforzheim was closed and the Kleinbahn survived it only for two years untill the end came in 1968 due to bad track conditions. Interesting facts: just days before the very end a tornado destroyed a big part of the electric line so that the farewell train could only go on a small part of the line.
In the meanwhile buses between Langensteinbach and Ittersbach became that crowded that a new railway line was built from Langensteinbach to Ittersbach which lasts until today.

A motorcar is heading to Ittersbach from the direction of Langensteinbach.
The ramp in the background leads to the bridge over the main road which is the highest point of that railway line.

It was turned in the terminal loop of Ittersbach and went back to where it came from.

Here you can see three relicts of the former Kleinbahn Ittersbach-Pforzheim:

  • the building to the left is the former engine shed of the KLeinbahn. It belongs now to a local beverage market. Just in front of the old doors an ugly bus shed has been erected ...  :'(
  • the motorcar just leaves the trench which is the last part of the old Kleinbahn which is still in used. It was filled up after the Kleinbahn was closed in 1968 and reopened for building the tracks from Ittersbach station to the terminal loop of Ittersbach Rathaus
  • The bus in the foreground belongs to the bus line 720 of the SWP which connects all the villages that had been lying at the former Kleinbahn ...
If you like it bigger click the pics!  ;)


Cool pictures, especially the one of the ramp! It looks so unbelievable steep! :o
And i wonder: are these engines on Your pics (i don´t know the right word) "Zweirichtungstriebwagen"? It seems they have two control stands, but only doors on one side.  ()what()
And i must tell You this: i saw a photo of Yours in the my pics thread and thought: huh, Nardo looks not as half as rigorous as i expected.  :D
Maybe i´ll post a picture of myself in the next time, but i´m totally shy and i think Franky has to do it first ( we spoke about that yesterday).
And now some totally different: my framework stuff is nearly finished, it seems it´s growing and working  :). Cause of this i began a region for some MD here with main railway lines on the middle of a street  $%Grinno$%. Yes, i will do that horrible stuff! Can´t wait to show You and get some angry answer.  :D
In RL there is a crossing of a line with the mainstreet of Ypsilanti/Michigan but not only this: it´s also a street crossing too! I love these American engineers they´ve found this solution it works till now.
But for now: wonderful pictures of the AVG and i´m waiting for more. Would be nice to see some freight service on these lines again  ;), but i´m afraid this will be only a unrealistic dream...
Greetz, Carl


First: Thanks to the compliment. I am not sure if my big one (3 1/2 years) would agree to you ...  ::)  :D
Second: No, they are not. They only have doors at their right side and are turned in terminal loops. The second control stand however is necessary for shunting - it is mostly impossible to see anything from the front control stand if you go backward - and for exceptional situations.
I can remember that on a night with heavy snowfall the motorcar was turned in Ettlingen and went "backwards" all the way to Ittersbach because the loop in Ettlingen was clear(ed) while the loops in Ittersbach and Langensteinbach were disappearing under the snow and wouldn't be cleared until the next day.
Third: There is some freight traffic on the AVG but usually whenever I got lucky to see a freight train I don''t have a camera with me, have to drive or something else prevents me from taking pictures ...  :'(
You might have a look in the Eisenbahnbilder-Thread over at the Simforum though, some weeks ago I was lucky enough to catch a freight train between Busenbach and Ettlingen through the back window of a motorcar.

Oh, and for those who don't know the AVG, here'S a Google Maps linkie. ;). And since Google doesn't show the railway line :angrymore: here's a bing maps linkie, too, with the railway line!


Need a candle in the darkness of (your) life? Just ask Papa Nardo:   :satisfied:

Outside the Heiliggeistkirche in Heidelberg dark clouds covered the sky and darkened the sun some time before sunset. Inside I had the feeling the light of the candle was brighter than the light outside. And just after we left the church it began raining cats and dogs ...


Papa Nardo chased some steam this weekend, well, a little bit that is.
One of my favorite railway line celebrated its 100th birthday, and since I never saw a train on it before(!) I wanted to go there. However due to family ties I was only able to see the last two trains of the anniversary weekend ...  :'( oh, well, better than nothing at all! ;)

The weather was ... well, not bright would be kind of euphemism, except for the last picture I only used my 50mm lens ...

01. When I arrived at the railway station in Dahn this railbus was waiting at me. I haven't seen it in action that day at all.

02. The first train I caught on this railway line! We're here close to the loading ramp at Dahn Süd. In order to avoid shunting manoeuvres there's a loco at both ends of the train. Here leading the diesel loco 211 019-5 ...

03. ... and at the other end the steam engine 52 7596, one of the famous "Kriegslok.

04. It was really dark that day ...

05 I arrived in Dahn just before the train left - no time to place the video, I just did these pictures.
I do doubt that the man with the cell phone is realising that these old signals are rare, more than the loco itself! I don't know any other place where this kind of signals have survived until today!

06. Again the 52 7596 in all her glory!
The last time I saw in this machine in action was Good Friday 2003. It was the last logn steam ride I made with my father who did half a year ago ...

I stayed the time between departure and arrival of the train in Dahn in order to satisfy some ... well ... minor needs of me and my family members, such as eating, drinking, toilets ...  $%Grinno$%

08. Again the 52 7595 passing the old "Haltetafeln" in Dahn Bf.

The departure of the train of the picture before.
My old legs didn't carry me further in the short time of the train stopping here.
While shooting the video and the pictures I didn't like the old ladies walking in front of me, now I like it. It's 2011, not 1951, and this is so typical for historic trains. :)

The historic train entering Hinterweidenthal for the last time that day.

52 7596 is waiting at its end of the train to leave Hinterweidenthal for this day.

That's it. The day was dark, no sensation were to be expected but I like its atmosphere. If you like it a bit bigger just click the pics, and if you like it moving and making sound then you might like my video on youtube.

Have fun!



Ah, Dahn ... I have lived there until I was 5 years old. ;)
I wish I had known about this event. I would have come.
My name is Raphael.
Visit my MD: Empire Bay (My old MD: Santa Barbara County)