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Need help with a question

Started by Pat, December 03, 2008, 01:05:30 AM

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I think that the overall lay-out of the Medium-Sized lot looks fine, but you should seriously consider to change the brick basetexture on it, since the one you have used at this moment doesn't really look convincing. Further on, it would probably be best if you kept one convenient style over all variations of the sizes.
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Hey Cas thank you and I will get to the brick change here in a bit, here is what I came up with though in the mean time... Unless you think now that it works better this way I did it?

Me and Matt both thought that for this Medium Station though that it would be better not to have a parking lot and here we go with what I've been tinkering around with all day today...

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The front looks good Pat, well done. The back on the other hand looks a bit sparse. If the building is going to sit back from the edge like that, perhaps a few benches would add something to it. Are the trees seasonal? Also, there is a brick texture I think might work even better than the two you have shown thus far. I'll shoot you a PM with the pic later, off to bed now. Good work on this one Pat. I'll see if I can finish up the smaller ones in a day or two.


OK Matt I will look forward to that PM Later and thank you!!! I will be gone most of the day today and I should be back later to work some more on this...

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The LOT looks really good Pat.  AS for the back, I would only add some benches and a fence at the sides of the building, forcing the sims to go through the building to pay.  ::)  ;)

Robin  :)
Call me Robin, please.


allright here is 2 more working shots with ingame pics now... lemme know what you all think!!!  I did add the fence and also the bences to the back as well as suggested...

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Hey Kim thank you a million there my friend!!! I will hopefully have some new stuff here soon!!! sorry I didnt have anything new to show yet.... I am looking for a certain texture to replace the base that I got now... I will have some new pics here later


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It's getting there Pat. Little by little I think we're getting closer. I think the fence is unnecessary in my opinion. Around here, they check the tickets on the train itself, so it doesn't matter if they can access the tracks without going into the station itself. Also, did you move the trees on the side? I kind of liked the dense look of them when they were right on top of the bushes like in your update of the 29th. I like the seasonal thing though. Best of luck finding the texture. I'll look into it tonight and see what it says the ID is if you haven't found it by then. Happy New Year Pat.


OK its a little late for me and I am off to bed but I want to give a small update at least here on both stations... I have nailed down a good base texture, thanks to Barby!!! Also here is the updated list that will be across the board for the dependencies so far....

Prop Packs:

  • BSC Mega Prop Packs SG vol 01
  • BSC Mega Prop Packs CP vol 01
  • BSC Mega Prop Packs D66 vol 02
  • BSC Mega Prop Packs Misc vol 02

Textures Packs:

  • XD's Parking Lot Textures
  • BSC Textures Vol 02

OK so that is the updated list there and the final draft so far, I hope lol... I will have pics tomorrow errr later when I get out of bed lol.... gotta play the game then I get some good in game pics for you all to see both stations in action and then off to testing??? BTW Matt I did revert back to the bushes being sorta like the fencing line and moved the trees closer to the building... I also err well I will let you see all see the pics when I get them done and posted later today lol hehehee.....


with this post it is my 7k wow!!! I can't believe it!!!

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OK I did promisse pictures later today and here we go with them....

ITC Mission Style Large Train Station

ITC Mission Style Medium Train Station

OK so that is the updated pics on both stations, please let me know what you all think!!!



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Heh, Pat, you're going to hate me by the time the lots are done. I keep seeing them and getting new ideas. I'll start with the medium one first:

I love the front of it. The trees and gardens look great and do well in leading the people to the front of the building. I'm not sure what the little blue and yellow things on the sides of this building are (pay phones?), but some how they seem to clutter the area. I would remove a pair from one side or the other. Also, I would cut two bushes from each side from the front part as well. It's a small lot, with a decent sized building, too much can make things seem crowded. Love the tree positions and the night shots too; I think we're about there on those. I would suggest movign the clock in the back off to the side of the door (away from the light that is back there with it to appx the same distance from the side of the door).

The large station:
I love the bushes at the front of the medium one. Would it be possible to do somethign similar with the large one? It would give it that spacing between the parking lot and platform that I had been thinking of earlier. I would move the blue things (pay phones I hope) closer to the building, or around to the side with the thing extending from it. Also, looking at the compactness of the medium lot, I'm almost wondering if taking a row of tile from the brick area would look better (not sure about this one though) but if you do, put the tree in that little area left open by the extension thing.

Sorry to keep altering things, but let me know what you think of these suggestions.


LoL Matt naw its all good your just gonna cause me to have a total train wreck ehehehehe.... OK now that was the worst pun ever lol no honestly its alll good.... I want the feed back and I need it!!!

OK Medium Train Station I am honest here I didn't even realize the position of the clock till you pointed it out to me and that will be no problem to move that at all...  Yuppers you are right Matt those are Pay Phones there and I can remove a set as well a couple of bushes too... OK I think that covers the Medium station

Now to the Large Train Station, hmmm you said about removing tile of brick from the front I think I can whip that up or die trying!!! But I wont make the same mistake as Ive done and not make a backup just in case it don't look soo good... So you like the bush I have on the medium station and I think I see what you mean that it would be better then those round flower planters to break up the transitions... I will move the pay phones closer to the building no problem... I just noticed something about one of the trees in the open area is that its sitting right in the hedge lol.... I will fix that as well....

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OK here is an update on the Large Station... I didn't add the same bushes as on the medium yet as this one is a pending style... This lot is a 5x2 in size... So here are the pics....

Day Front:

Night Front:

Day Rear:

Night Rear:

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These pics are rather outdated... Ive had a little time today and I figured out how to get a parking lot on that lot...  OK so what I am going to do here is show off 3 diffrent versions of the Large Mission Style Train Station...  I need your vote which one you want and where to continue with... So here hows its gonna work pic one station and just simply say "I choose version 1 or 2 or 3 or 4"

So now here is

Version 1



Version 2



Version 3



Version 4



OK so now its up to you all which station you would want for the ITC Mission Style Large Train Station....

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Anybody with any thoughts on how the station is looking??? I would love to hear honest feed back here please...


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The station is great but I think it'll look better with some kind of platforms.
Visit my MD, The region of Pirgos!
Last updated: 28 November


I am sorry pat, even if your lot is attractive, I do not like too much the station  &mmm

   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °   °  


Sorry it's taken me so long to chime in here. I think I like version 3 the best, followed by 2,4, and 1. As for the thoughts about platforms, I think that would be a good addition as well. If I catch you on MSN Pat, we might chat about that, but I've had a thought.

I'm curious to know what you don't like about the station Orange_o_. I think the color might be a bit saturated, but I'd like to hear other opinions too.

It's looking good Pat, really good.


Quote from: io_bg on January 22, 2009, 01:21:35 AM
The station is great but I think it'll look better with some kind of platforms.

Hey there io_big thank you for your feedback and ask you shall recieve!! Be watching out for some platforms coming to the station soon... As soon as Matt BAT's them lol  ;D

Quote from: Orange_o_ on January 22, 2009, 01:23:49 AM
I am sorry pat, even if your lot is attractive, I do not like too much the station  &mmm

Hi Orange thank you as well for the feedback on the Lot and see Matts reply below...

Quote from: threestooges on January 22, 2009, 12:30:46 PM
Sorry it's taken me so long to chime in here. I think I like version 3 the best, followed by 2,4, and 1. As for the thoughts about platforms, I think that would be a good addition as well. If I catch you on MSN Pat, we might chat about that, but I've had a thought.

I'm curious to know what you don't like about the station Orange_o_. I think the color might be a bit saturated, but I'd like to hear other opinions too.

It's looking good Pat, really good.

Hey Matt I thought you would like number 3 the best as I do too...  I cant wait to see what is whiped up far as platforms are done but I guess I will have to wait  ;)  But io_big did bring up that good point maybe that is what is missing from this station?

OK all just replies this time around and soon more progress on the lots but in the mean time please keep the suggestions coming in!!! I am always open to them no matter what!!!!


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