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The SC4Devotion Mayors' Diary Hall of Fame Official Rules

Started by thundercrack83, September 10, 2008, 11:46:31 AM

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Below are the Official Rules for Nomination, Election, and Induction of new MDs into the SC4Devotion Mayors' Diary Hall of Fame. Any questions or concerns about the process should be answered by reading the rules below, but if you have any questions that are not answered, please do not hesitate to contact a Hall of Fame Committee Member of SC4D Moderator.

I.Process of Nomination
II. Process of Election
III. Process of Induction


I. Process of Nomination

Task of Nomination. The task of nominating Mayor Diaries (MD) for eligibility falls on the SC4Devotion Mayors' Diary Hall of Fame Committee (the Committee).

Schedule of Nomination. The nomination process will be in the month of May for the June inductions, and in the month of November for December inductions.

Qualifications for Nomination. To be eligible for nomination by the Committee, an MD must:

1. Have been open for a minimum period of six (6) months, whether active or inactive during this period.

2. At the time of nomination, be in the top twenty-five (25) MDs--ranked by post count--including both active and inactive / archived MDs. (NOTE: MDs already inducted into the Hall of Fame are not counted in the aforementioned top 25.)

The Nomination Process. Each member of the Committee is given five (5) votes with which to nominate. These votes may be cast in any fashion--one vote each for five different MDs, five votes for one MD, or any combination thereof--as long as each Committee member's total vote count does not exceed five.

The Official Nominations. Those top ten (10) MDs that have received the most voted from the Committee are thereby nominated, and will proceed to the Process of Election. In the event of a tie, a run-off election (or elections, if necessary) will be held, with the winner being decided via simple plurality (the MD that receives the most votes, regardless of percentage).


II. Process of Election

Task of Election. The task of electing the MDs for induction into the Hall of Fame falls on all members-in-good-standing of the SC4Devotion Community.

Schedule of Election. Elections will be held immediately following the nomination process is concluded by the Committee. The Ballots for the Elections will be opened for a period of five (5) days.

Rules of Election. Each member of the community is given three (3) votes with which to elect MDs for induction, through the use of Ballots which shall be assembled prior to the Elections. Like those of the Committee during nomination, these votes may be cast in any fashion--one vote each for three different MDs, three votes for one MD, or any combination thereof--as long as each member's total vote count does not exceed three.

Qualifications for Induction. A maximum of two (2) MDs will be inducted in each election period. To qualify for induction into the Hall of Fame, an MD must:

1. Fall within the top two (2) MDs with the most votes totaled from all ballots.

2. Carry a minimum of 12.5% of the total vote. (NOTE: All MDs must achieve BOTH Criteria of Qualification to be inducted. If only one of the top two qualify, then only one will be inducted. If no MD qualifies, then no MD will be inducted in the current election.)

Disqualifications and Ineligibility. If an MD is nominated by the Committee three (3) times, but fails to achieve the necessary Qualifications for Induction, the MD is thereby disqualified from future elections. (NOTE: While it may seem harsh, this policy is included to maintain the highest quality standards for and preserve the integrity of the Hall of Fame. Without it, any and all MDs could conceivably be inducted, with enough time and elections, which would render the Hall of Fame pointless. Also, this rule does not apply to the nomination process. An MD can be eligible for nomination an infinite amount of times and not be nominated by the Committee for public election. The disqualification rule only applies to MDs that have been voted on by the entire Community three (3) times.)

The Official Election Results. Those MDs that have met the Qualifications for Induction in each election will proceed to the Process of Induction. In the event of a tie, a run-off election (or elections, if necessary) will be held, with the winner being decided via simple plurality (the MD that receives the most votes, regardless of percentage).


III. Process of Induction

Task of Induction. The task of inducting MDs in to the Hall of Fame falls on the Committee.

Schedule for Induction. MDs are inducted on the First of the month following the conclusion of elections and tallying of the results--those MDs elected as a result of the May elections will be inducted on The First of June, while those MDs elected as a result of the November elections will be inducted on The First of December.

The Official Induction Results. MDs that are inducted will be moved to the MD Hall of Fame board, where they will be housed permanently. MDs in the Hall of Fame are exempt from the 45-day inactivity rule in the MD Rules and Hall of Fame authors are free to start new MDs if they desire (provided opening a new MD is in accordance with MD Rules), without consequence to their inducted MD's status.