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Maarten's Regions (Imaginia and Schellingen Stadt)

Started by MandelSoft, May 18, 2008, 11:14:15 AM

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Welcome to Schwanau. This city is a large suburb of Schellingen-Stadt. However, Schwanau is a seperate municipality and so does have it's own local authorities. The city likes to promote itself by it's green character: "Parkstadt Schwanau" or "The Park City".

Schwanau also hosts a medium sized airport for international flight traffic. The airport is surrounded by a area of modern medrise office blocks. This looks like a good place to start:

As you see, it's a large W2W office district (thanks to ill_tonsko, who created this wonderfull modern W2W office set!). What's very noticeable is the grid-layout. This does make some sense, since it's a modern office district and the street layout is chosen to be optimal as possible.

So let's take a look at the airport terminal. All aboard!

As you can see, the airport has four runways. Runway 18L and 36R are for take-off only, runway 18R and 36L are for landing only. You also see a part of the Ring Schellingen (A10), a freeway-ring around Schellingen:

There's also a large parking lot near the airport. A DIY store nearby is very thankfull for all the abundant parking space  $%Grinno$%

The Rianerallee (B14) crosses the runways. For safety a tunnel has been constucted underneath the runways:

At the other side of the tunnel, there is a grade-seperated connection with the A10. To the north it goes to the next suburb, Rianstedt:

Now here's a question for you: after which two SimTropolis AND SC4Devotion members is Rianstedt named after?

Another picture of the A10. Here you see the freeway going in-between the suburbs Rianstedt (left) and Schwanau (right). The type of freeway lighting is quite uncommon in Schellingen. In fact, this is actually an experimental setup using white LED-lights (instead of low-pressure sodium fluorescent tubes). So far, it's quite successfull.

Next up is a freeway interchange, the Schwanauer Kreuz, where the A10 (left to right) crosses the A12 (top), which loses its freeway status after this interchange and goes further East as the B12 (bottom) (yes, we look at this interchange from the East). This interchange can be classified as a cloverturbine (add with my own classification Type 1, which means that there's only one turbine ramp. Other types are 2cis, 2trans and 3)

We move on to Rianstedt and have a look around there:

We also take a little peek at the south side of the city:

Here we have the railway station of Schwanau. There are shuttle buses that are riding from the station to the airport and vice versa. There is a tram line planned to this station to replace the shuttle buses, but so far it's not realised yet.

Schwanau is constructed at the shores of the river Schelling. One of the city districts is therefore called "Am Schelling"  ;)

And now I'll show you why this city promotes itself as the Park City. A few pictures say more than thousands of words.

Now there are three bridges that connect Schwanau to Schellingen-Mitte, of which I'll show you two:

On the East side of the river starts Schellingen-Mitte, and here we conclude our mega-update:

(and yes, Bernhard, that's a at-grade railcrossing there in the last picture. I just had not much room there for an underpass. But it's one of the very, very few at-grade railway crossings in Schellingen-Stadt)

Join me next time as we take a visit in Martensburg!

Lurk mode: ACTIVE


Indeed a green city, very nice!
That new euro texture fits very well and that airport is great.
The only thing I would suggest you is to making your updates smaller,otherwise it'll take hours to scroll down (ok not that long, but ok, you know what I mean?). If there are less pictures in an update you can have a look at every single picture. :thumbsup:
In other words: keep on making those green cities and I may move to one of these :D



WOW....Huge update with alot of fantastic pictures. 
I loved it all!!

Robin  :thumbsup:
Call me Robin, please.


Wow! That is one amazing update! Do I see RHW-4 splitter cosmetic pieces?  :o


Great update. I enjoyed every picture.
Just keep making those cities.


Huge update, and very well done!

The shot of the suburbs with the highway running through is just sublime, I really enjoyed it :)


Outstanding work. I love the suburbs in 4.19. It looks very realistic.
My name is Raphael.
Visit my MD: Empire Bay (My old MD: Santa Barbara County)


Wow. That is a massive update. Fantastic work. I love the unique style of your city.

,marsh  :thumbsup:


Wow, outstanding (and huge) update Maarten!  &apls I think 4.12 is my favorite.


All the pictures look great.  I certainly wouldn't buy real estate in 4.27 between the tram line and the road.  Those buildings are begging to be flattened for the construction of a nice wide avenue or MAV4.  The other side looks like prime development land.  I think I'd have to build my business over there.


Lovely update, I love the road texture mod you did. I hope the guardrails on the elevated roads and the paved textures on tram-avenues will be soon available :P

Guillaume :thumbsup:
L'atelier d'architecture
* * * * * Longwy * * * * *

Fresh Prince of SC4D

Good work on the neighborhoods and industrial park. And I can't be you have Traim-in-Avenue with overhead wires too!
Returning from Call of Duty . Must rebuilt what I destroyed....


Love the latest update!  Great work as always, the suburbs are particularly nicely done.



Quote from: MrMAvE94 on April 04, 2011, 08:29:07 AM
Indeed a green city, very nice!
That new euro texture fits very well and that airport is great.
The only thing I would suggest you is to making your updates smaller,otherwise it'll take hours to scroll down (ok not that long, but ok, you know what I mean?). If there are less pictures in an update you can have a look at every single picture. :thumbsup:
In other words: keep on making those green cities and I may move to one of these :D

Yeah, this was a huge update. I'll keep that in mind  ;)

Quote from: samerton on April 04, 2011, 10:59:26 AM
Wow! That is one amazing update! Do I see RHW-4 splitter cosmetic pieces?  :o
Yes, well-spotted, Sam! Thank you for you comment

Quote from: peter007 on April 04, 2011, 01:26:57 PM
Great update. I enjoyed every picture.
Just keep making those cities.
Don't worry, I will do that  ;)

Quote from: nedalezz on April 04, 2011, 02:51:06 PM
Huge update, and very well done!

The shot of the suburbs with the highway running through is just sublime, I really enjoyed it :)
Freeways are my speciality. Thank you for your comment!

Quote from: Kevin1a on April 07, 2011, 07:37:19 PM
All the pictures look great.  I certainly wouldn't buy real estate in 4.27 between the tram line and the road.  Those buildings are begging to be flattened for the construction of a nice wide avenue or MAV4.  The other side looks like prime development land.  I think I'd have to build my business over there.
Well, the reason why I didn't widened that roads is because it isn't really a main road link anymore. Since it's particulairy difficult to widen the old two-lane suspension bridge, this road has never been widened. Also, there are avenues nearby to provide the required traffic capacity. But I agree, it's by far not the best neighbourhood created.

Quote from: Sciurus on April 09, 2011, 01:09:47 PM
Lovely update, I love the road texture mod you did. I hope the guardrails on the elevated roads and the paved textures on tram-avenues will be soon available :P

Guillaume :thumbsup:
Quote from: Fresh Prince of SC4D on April 10, 2011, 03:18:52 PM
Good work on the neighborhoods and industrial park. And I can't be you have Traim-in-Avenue with overhead wires too!
In time, my friends, it will become available, as soon as I focus my attention on them. Unfortunatly, I have a lot of other interesting stuff in development, like this region for example...

Quote from: rooker1 on April 04, 2011, 09:32:06 AM
WOW....Huge update with alot of fantastic pictures. 
I loved it all!!

Robin  :thumbsup:
Quote from: RickD on April 05, 2011, 01:16:24 AM
Outstanding work. I love the suburbs in 4.19. It looks very realistic.
Quote from: marsh on April 05, 2011, 07:18:57 PM
Wow. That is a massive update. Fantastic work. I love the unique style of your city.

,marsh  :thumbsup:
Quote from: noahclem on April 06, 2011, 12:35:14 AM
Wow, outstanding (and huge) update Maarten!  &apls I think 4.12 is my favorite.
Quote from: Battlecat on April 11, 2011, 08:41:54 AM
Love the latest update!  Great work as always, the suburbs are particularly nicely done.
Thank you for your comments!

Martensburg is another suburb from Schellingen-Stadt. It's located at the North-East from the central city. The city has one railway station, two freeway exits, one freeway x freeway interchange and a TV-tower. So let's start with the railway, where I start building this suburb from:

The railway cuts through the whole city. It's one of the railways leading out of Schellingen. The railway line leads to Cisna and to Noorland (in the neighbouring country Nova Hollandia, more about that subject in the next update).

Just like in other city districts of Schellingen-Stadt, this city has some main avenue. Here's one of them, the Martensburgerallee (B15), heading towards the East to Cisna.

This roundabout, the Buerghtlanderplatz, is one of the main intersections of Martensburg. The Sankt Davidallee ends here on the Martensburgerallee.

Here we have the Sankt Davidallee, heading to the North. It leads through some of Martensburg's suburbs.

And there's the TV-tower I talked about earlier, the Schellinger Fernsehturm!

Beside these things, Martensburg is not really that special, you might want to say it's dull. Nevertheless, I took some effort to make some random shots, just to give you a impression of the suburb:

What's more interesting, is the freeway surrounding the city: the Autobahnring Schellingen (A10). We start from the south, as we head to exit 4. This exit connects the A10 with the Martensburgerallee (B15). The A10 also borders the city on this side; on the other side you see agricultural areas. Also note the FARHW! These puzzle pieces are completed just a few days ago by Shadow Assasin and they are ready for testing by the NAM Team members and associates. So far they work wonderfull  ()stsfd()

To the east, the B15 changes profile from 2x2 lanes to a 2+1 lane highway with grade-seperated intersections.

Heading to the north, we encounter a freeway x freeway interchange: Dreieck Martensburg (numbered as interchange 3). Here the A10 bends towards the west, while the A9, coming from the north, ends here (and it continues at the South-East of the A10 freeway ring). The result is a particullary nice looking directional-T interchange.

Further north, the A9 switches from 2x3 lanes to 2x2 lanes, heading towards rural envoirments (notice the lane drop). Now you see some streetslights next to the freeway, but the freeway lighting stops about 500 meters further north. After that, only freeway exits have streetlights.

Back on the A10, we have exit 2. The St. Davidallee crosses the A10 here.

Heading towards the West, the A10 goes to Rothfurth. Here it will cross the major freeway A7. We come back to that in a later update.

And to conclude this update: a picture of our next update's subject:

Yes, we are leaving the city for a while and we go rural! But I might plan an intermezzo-update to give you some extra background stories about Schellingen (and Imaginia too). So stay tuned!

Lurk mode: ACTIVE

Tomas Neto

Awesome city my friend!!! Great work in the last updates!!!
Fantastic rural area, too!!!


Yet another really great update, I love the feeling of space you create in your suburbs!


Looks very good; I see some very nice streches of RHW :)
I like the way Maxic and cc are matched together.
One question: I see that you're using the new euro road textures and the 'old' ETRM. How is that possible?




Great update!  I personally like what you've done with the railway through town.


Wow , me liking the New NAM textures and those Interchanges are so realistic... ;D