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NAM Traffic Simulator Help

Started by jplumbley, January 29, 2008, 03:04:04 PM

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wow... now that you've resumed the whole purpose of the simulators... i finally seem to understand it... i think I'll go with "B" since the sims use more mass transit than their own vehicles...

however... traveling more distances would also help sims since they can get to work further away than the original traffic simulator, instead of just decide not to work at all  ???

wa.... :'( now i don't know what to use... both are great!!

anyway.... thanks again for your kinda "resumed" tutorial of these traffic simulators... now..... onto the highway interchange project  :satisfied:


jplumbley: Thanks for the feedback!  As you may or may not know, I go a little crazy with my road, highway and MT networks.  Infrastructure is the best part of SC4 in my opinion, and with crazy infrastructure comes crazy results! (as long as crazy means a good thing!)

Because of the high-density of my city, installing simulator "A" would mean a lot more people would walk to work rather than drive or use MT due to the close proximity of the buildings.  Thus, I will try the "hard" version of version "B" and see how it works in my cities.

If you are interested in the progression of the transit simulator in my cities, I have a City Journal (CJ) at Simtropolis running where I showcase my infrastructure and how the city uses it on a day-to-day basis.  I also have it as a Mayor's Diary (MD) here, but the CJ is well ahead of the MD, making the MD out of date.  There is a link to the CJ in my signature.

Anyways thanks for the reply and I will try out Simulator "B" on "hard"!



Well, if anyone can link to parking lots, I'd love some.  Maybe I should put a begging thread somewhere else?  I never had luck getting settling ponds before... Hum.

Anyhow, eventually I'll put things back together and rebuild my city.



Since different cities in the same region can require uique traffic solutions, based on tile size and population, I would recommend downloading the MAC version instead of the Windows installer, then choosing either Simulator A or B, with or without Park & Ride, and switching out the plugin as needed, going from Hard to Easy to alleviate congestion. Just keep the files not in use in a folder outside of your Plugins. (Not sure how StartUp Manager would handle these as I don't use it.)
This will also allow you to compare between Simulators A & B, to see which one suits your playing style.


Another option is to use the SC4 Start Up Manager (SUM) by the SFBT team (JLP2) and set profiles for each city tile. To do this you will have to place the files in their own folders though.

Does the installer for the new LEX setup check for and remove the old beta files? Or do they just overwrite them? or what?


I think I know another reason for Haljackey's symptom...

He's basically given every sim in his city a GPS unit with traffic updates.  So they drive better.

But the city was built under the old simulator:  So people live closer and more efficiently to work than was required.

But that's changed.  Everyone is suddenly better at getting to where they're going.  They're not making the mistakes of the previous simulator.  So no lumps of traffic!


By making the sims smarter, we've almost made it unrealistic, because we'd adapted to the previous stupidity of the sims... Which was stupider than reality, we now have to make cities that are 'tougher' to navigate - like in real life - so that they can make more realistic mistakes.


spartan air

Hey I'm having a problem with the congestion data view.  I already had the NAM congestion file installed, which I forgot (it's not in the cleanitol) until I installed the new sim.  Since then the data view is broken -- everything is green, regardless of congestion.  IE a rail station over 100% capacity is full green.  I've removed one, the other, then both of the congestion data view files and the result is the same.  Any ideas?

Edit:  clarification -- the congestion view is fine with the new (and old) data view file.  It's only when I install the sim file itself that the view appears to show zero congestion across the board.  The sim doesn't increase the capacity of stations, does it?  I thought only the network tiles themselves were affected  Is it possible I have a barely corrupted file?


Hi all.

First thanks for the fantastic work done here. I really can't wait to try it.

However, my understanding of interactions of different mods is a bit limited.. So I would like to know what shoud I exactly do in order not to have CAM and this new simulator interfer. I'm using "promote walking" FWIW. What files should I exactly remove from my Plug-Ins ?

Sorry if this question seems a bit stupid, just like myself - I've searched through this thread and didn't find a complete enough answer for a noob like me.

Thanks a lot,


From your Network Addon Mod folder, remove any files named NetworkAddonMod_Traffic_Plugin_(whatever).dat.
Then in your z_CAM folder, remove NetworkAddonMod_Traffic_Plugin_BetterPathfinding_CAM_PromoteWalking.dat.
Then just install the new Simulator.


So let me get this straight: We still need an automata plugin with this mod?

Is it possible to get ones with mott's speed and lifespan tweaks?


There is no replacement for the automata plugin with this, so I'm not sure why that's listed in the Cleanitol.
Your best bet, to find any outdated NAM traffic plugins you have would be to copy & paste the code below into a new txt file then run it through Cleanitol. It would be safe to use if you've already installed the new mod, becuase of the naming structure.



First thx to such great mod :)
But I have mentioned that the monorail-pollution bug has come back.
I encountered air pollution on the monorail track which has a flow over 1000.

Well is there anyone also encountered this problem?

my spec:
SC4Deluxe with all official updates <-chk twice
NAM2008, NO CAM, NO High Speed Rail

Old traffic controller removed: Better pathfinding 2x capacity
New simulator installed: A-medium withOUT Park&drive


Quote from: spartan air on February 02, 2008, 05:25:59 PM
Hey I'm having a problem with the congestion data view.  I already had the NAM congestion file installed, which I forgot (it's not in the cleanitol) until I installed the new sim.  Since then the data view is broken -- everything is green, regardless of congestion.  IE a rail station over 100% capacity is full green.  I've removed one, the other, then both of the congestion data view files and the result is the same.  Any ideas?

Edit:  clarification -- the congestion view is fine with the new (and old) data view file.  It's only when I install the sim file itself that the view appears to show zero congestion across the board.  The sim doesn't increase the capacity of stations, does it?  I thought only the network tiles themselves were affected  Is it possible I have a barely corrupted file?

Please remove one of the Congestion Views, they are the exact same file, maybe this is causing an issue.  The Simulation file itself only contains the Traffic Simulator and should not cause any physical problems you are describing with the Congestion View.  I did see a problem like this yesturday in the ST forums, but I dont know if this person had my Simulator files installed or not.

Through testing this issue has not come up across the many city types and playing styles, meaning different plugin setups.  It could be a conflicting file, but I dont know of any other than the NAM ones.  No person other than Mott and I have really played with the Congestion View.

Could you please take a picture of the issue you are having and a picture of where your Congestion View and your Traffic Simulator are in your plugins folder.  Maybe something will catch my eye.

Quote from: kassarc16 on February 03, 2008, 04:13:55 AM
So let me get this straight: We still need an automata plugin with this mod?

Is it possible to get ones with mott's speed and lifespan tweaks?

This is in the Automata Exemplar, which is not included in my mod.  I made a mistake in the cleanitol file by including the Automata files on the list (everything in the NAM files looks soo much alike, lol).  I have just looked at Mott's A03 file and it does not have that Automata Exemplar which means he did not do any edits to it.  If there is a separate file that you know of that I have missed, please give me the link to it and I will extract the Automata Exemplar and get it uploaded.  I am myself working on the Automata Exemplar but it will be a little bit of time before I get through it.

Quote from: xxdita on February 03, 2008, 05:38:31 AM
There is no replacement for the automata plugin with this, so I'm not sure why that's listed in the Cleanitol.
Your best bet, to find any outdated NAM traffic plugins you have would be to copy & paste the code below into a new txt file then run it through Cleanitol. It would be safe to use if you've already installed the new mod, becuase of the naming structure.

Thanks for your help answering questions bud!

Quote from: gtaki on February 03, 2008, 05:57:24 AM
First thx to such great mod :)
But I have mentioned that the monorail-pollution bug has come back.
I encountered air pollution on the monorail track which has a flow over 1000.

Well is there anyone also encountered this problem?

my spec:
SC4Deluxe with all official updates <-chk twice
NAM2008, NO CAM, NO High Speed Rail

Old traffic controller removed: Better pathfinding 2x capacity
New simulator installed: A-medium withOUT Park&drive

I have just looked through the Simulator Plugin again to make sure, but there is not property that deals with Monorail Pollution.  The thing that may deal with Pollution would probably be in the Automata Exemplar, silly me with the Cleantitol again.  My guess it you had the Radical Automata Plugin installed.  Anyways, it is best to re-run the NAM installer and physically delete the NetworkAddonMod_Traffic_Plugin_*.dat file that you have installed, when you re-run the NAM installer to get back your Automata Plugin if you ran my cleanitol file.
"You learn something new everyday."

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Street Addon Mod - SAM


There is a property in the Utilities Simulator Exemplar that handles the air pollution generated by traffic:

Traffic Air Pollution Factor 0x69501944 Affects how traffic density equates to air pollution.

Other than this property, I can't seem to find where the pollution by transit type is set.

You can call me Jan, if you want to.
Pagan and Proud!


Quote from: Swamper77 on February 03, 2008, 10:57:04 AM
There is a property in the Utilities Simulator Exemplar that handles the air pollution generated by traffic:

Traffic Air Pollution Factor 0x69501944 Affects how traffic density equates to air pollution.

Other than this property, I can't seem to find where the pollution by transit type is set.


Thanks Swamper.  I had never come across it and have not dealt with it before.  This is obviously not in my files nor should my files had anything to do with it.
"You learn something new everyday."

Bringing the new horizons closer to reality.

Berethor ♦ beskhu3epnm ♦ blade2k5 ♦ dmscopio jplumbley ♦ moganite ♦ M4346 ♦ Dedgren ♦ Ennedi Shadow Assassin ♦  Tarkus ♦ wouanagaine
Street Addon Mod - SAM


Quote from: jplumbley on February 03, 2008, 09:38:41 AM
This is in the Automata Exemplar, which is not included in my mod.  I made a mistake in the cleanitol file by including the Automata files on the list (everything in the NAM files looks soo much alike, lol).  I have just looked at Mott's A03 file and it does not have that Automata Exemplar which means he did not do any edits to it.  If there is a separate file that you know of that I have missed, please give me the link to it and I will extract the Automata Exemplar and get it uploaded.  I am myself working on the Automata Exemplar but it will be a little bit of time before I get through it.

Mott had his tweaks in the Realtime mod in this post. The only thing I found wrong in it was that there weren't enough cars spawned. But the lifespan and the speeds were spot on, and his tweaks to keep busses and trucks off streets were great.


Hey, I have a question. Im working on a suburb right now with a rural highway that runs basically through the middle of it. My problem is that my sims will take a side street and cause horrible congestion when they could easly drive like 5 tiles down the road and get on the highway. Will this mod help fix that so the sims will use the highway? Most of the commuters work in a larger neigboring city so they have to get on the highway anyways. They just use the side street to get to an onramp that is closer to their destination.

Also, my suburb is about 15,000 residents right now. Can anyone suggest which one I should use? Thanks.



Quote from: jplumbley on February 03, 2008, 09:38:41 AM
I have just looked through the Simulator Plugin again to make sure, but there is not property that deals with Monorail Pollution.  The thing that may deal with Pollution would probably be in the Automata Exemplar, silly me with the Cleantitol again.  My guess it you had the Radical Automata Plugin installed.  Anyways, it is best to re-run the NAM installer and physically delete the NetworkAddonMod_Traffic_Plugin_*.dat file that you have installed, when you re-run the NAM installer to get back your Automata Plugin if you ran my cleanitol file.

Not directly (labeled) there isn't, but it's there. Property 0xA92356B4 in the Traffic Exemplar actually affects this, *if memory serves*, even for pedestrian types I believe. Edit: Monorail is the last value in the list *scratches head*.

EDIT: it's one of those items that Maxis decided to tie in with more than one thing.
The problem with 0x69501944 is that it's not Network/transit specific.


Re-installing the entire NAM isn't necessary to replace the files removed by Cleanitol. These have been placed in your Docs/SimCity 4/BSC_Cleanitol/DATE_# folder, for safe keeping. So all you would have to do to restore the automata file is simply move it back to your Network Addon Mod folder.

Metropolis - If that route gets congested, this mod will help your Sims find an alternate route a lot faster. For a city that size, I would recommend either Hard or Medium (depending on how much growth you expect).


Metropolis- I encountered that problem as well, however there is a simple solution.  The pathfinder finds the shortest distance to a point, therefore they use the side street, which is horribly unrealistic.  Make your on and off ramps for your RHW shorter and make sure you have proper connectivity.  I did tis in my city, at first no one used it, simply because of my ramp design, now over 1000 commuters use it.  Hope this helps   ;D