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Keyboard Shortcuts

Started by dedgren, February 07, 2007, 07:55:45 AM

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hm... :(
that marvelous Ctrl+Shif+Alt combo doesn't seem to work for me. It doesn however take me to the God mode. But when I use it with query tool and hover over the buildings NOTHING happens. Any idea what I may be doing wrong? Could it depend on the version of the dame (SC4+RH or SC4 DeLuxe?, country version?)


Are you holding it down while you do the query.  You need to select the query tool, then hold it down and hover I believe.


did that - doesn't work for me... :'(

does it work for you?
what version is your game? OS??


After this double thread/posts between me, Simfox and Diggis, one final conclusion; this shortkey combo (CTRL+Alt+Shift+Query) only works if you have the Extra Cheats Plugin [linkie] installed.


Here are some explanations to the properties shown in the Ctrl-Alt-Shift Query:

1.  Capacity is the maximum capacity (as given in Capacity Satisfied)
2.  Power Consumed is as given in the building exemplar
3.  Water Consumed is as given in the building exemplar
4.  The Demand figures are probably the desirability of the tract(s) (4x4 tiles), which can be anything between 0 and 255
5.  Zoned should be obvious (# = low density, ## = medium density, ### = high density)
6.  Land Value is the number to the right of the colon, can be between 0 and 255.
7.  Alt is the altitude (250 m is normally sea level)
8.  Flam is the Flammability as given in the building exemplar.
9.  Pollution is not as given in the building exemplar.
     They are the actual pollution values in the tract(s) (4x4 tiles) that the building is standing on.
10. Trip Length might be interesting to check for residential buildings...
11. Jobs is the actual job capacity (§/§§/§§§) this building currently offers (depending on desirability).

I have not yet fully understood the percentages, nor the value in front of the colon for Land Value.


Glad I could be of some help, and that I actually did find something new so long after the game came out.  Usually I just lurk the NAM board, since I always thought the basic transportation options in the game were too limited.
All new animated railroad crossing props for networks of all sizes! (Phase 1 complete)--> http://sc4devotion.com/forums/index.php?topic=13209

Mostly writing pony stories on FimFiction.net, but Cities: Skylines is my new best friend.  Anything and everything I made for SimCity 4 is fair game for use and distribution.


Hey, I found the files which are resposible for the key shortcuts! Just look with the Reader in SimCity1.dat and look for the KEYCFG files.
Lurk mode: ACTIVE


Brilliant find there mrtrnln, just checking through it now

Copperminds and Cuddleswarms