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Howling's Bats

Started by Howling, July 19, 2007, 10:14:11 AM

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Hey there,

I haven't batted in ages. Never really had the PC to do it, nor the time. Time is still scarce, but hey - right now I am enjoying free vacation time. So I decided to make some buildings. W2W downtown highrise. Slim, deep, relatively tall. And I prefer them -classical- and imaginary. Here's a taster of something i'm working on (ignore the coloring):

No textures yet and still have to finish the roof + detail it.

Working title is the Frasier Building. Not very high nor complex, but i'm polishing up my gMax skills. There's also a fire escape in the back. It will be a Ploppable and Growable commercial lot. 1x3 and 1x4.

No dependencies. I hate dependencies.

I might also release a few lots in the meantime.

C&C very welcome indeed.
Lurkiest Lurking Lurker of the SimCity 4 community.
Bldng. | my BATs and research into urban density | Sebasvandenbrink.nl | Help grow Hopburg!


Excellent! Can't wait to see the textures, this looks like a great building!!
Your signature was TOO BIG and TOO BULKY ... System ADMIN


Great progress, we need more W2Ws of that size, anyway. Else id won't fit into our downtowns.
Visit Vorsfelde.


I've decided to release it. I think it's ready and well done for a first BAT. Not 100% satisfied with the textures, however I think it won't be out of place in dense urban areas. I've tested both the growable and ploppable and created custom icons + I packed both in a nice tight .dat file.

Both the growable and ploppable have 260 jobs. Plopcost 15,000. Only a 1x3 though, still no dependencies. Here's 2 screenies:

It will soon be available on the STEX.

C&C welcome however I doubt i'll modify this BAT. I did learn from finishing it though, overcoming render problems, texture issues, making it a functional landmark, creating a single .dat file. I am already looking forward to the next - even better - BAT!

Lurkiest Lurking Lurker of the SimCity 4 community.
Bldng. | my BATs and research into urban density | Sebasvandenbrink.nl | Help grow Hopburg!


Looks like a great first BAT, howling! The only thing that doesn't look quite right to me is the green AC unit on the roof, but I'm not quite sure what it is about it that doesn't look right.
Sorry I couldn't be more helpful  ::)



Here's a (minute) teaser for the Thornbush National bank. Another tall-slim W2W (TSW2W). Though with far more realism added to it. This is an example of the ray-tracing i'm performing on just the bottom floor, the floors that go on top of these will be a different texture.

And the roofjunk on this model will be much better, I promise.
Lurkiest Lurking Lurker of the SimCity 4 community.
Bldng. | my BATs and research into urban density | Sebasvandenbrink.nl | Help grow Hopburg!


Something went horribly wrong with the Thornbush National bank model so I had to start over again. Here's a new teaser for ya' - thusfar untextured obviously. Another tall-slim W2W.

Lurkiest Lurking Lurker of the SimCity 4 community.
Bldng. | my BATs and research into urban density | Sebasvandenbrink.nl | Help grow Hopburg!


I think its an OK BAT just cus of your textures you used, I think you should go back and work with the textures a little more, and consult Jasoncw's texture tutorials, they really helped me a lot.
This new one has potential, but a texture can make or break a BAT even with excellent modeling.
Keep up your great details, but remember!! Textures are almost everything.
I think the building fits in excellent with Jason's, Nofunk's and the BSP BATs, and the need for high rise w2ws are very high!!!!
Love the building!  &apls

I think the issue with your texture is you don't have a gradiant overlay on it, if you notice on the buildings next to it, the texture gets darker as it gets closer to the ground.
Your signature was TOO BIG and TOO BULKY ... System ADMIN


@JosefBrisko135; thanks! I've had a good couple of comments on the Simtropolis forums aswell! The result is the release of my second BAT;

It's now available on the STEX. New BATs will be more realistic and feature more detail (and yes, i'm paying lots of attention to textures!)
Lurkiest Lurking Lurker of the SimCity 4 community.
Bldng. | my BATs and research into urban density | Sebasvandenbrink.nl | Help grow Hopburg!


thats fantastic howling
NAM + CAM + RAM + SAM, that's how I roll....


Howling very good bats here and im liking them alot very goood  &apls &apls :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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Very nice bats Sebas!  Guess I'll have to get back to STEX again to get them....
Check my MD:               