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There is any reader source somewhere?

Started by speeder, February 16, 2016, 05:47:30 PM

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As I find more and more about the game, the Ilive's Reader is feeling more and more inadequate.

Yet, I can't just write a new reader from scratch, there are lots of features that would take a long time to code (example: UI editor, building editor, and so on).

Any of the readers have a source that I can fork from? I don't wanna to have to write my own reader.


iLives source here https://sourceforge.net/p/ilive-reader/code/HEAD/tree/

Under the branches, you will find the v1.4 source. I was checking it out for a while, but I don't currently have time to go through it.
Everyone has something to offer, most do not possess the courage to offer it.



Although seemly it doesn't have any of Tropod improvements :(


Unfortunately no.   &sly

But it is a good start. Enjoy and share what you develop.  ;)
Everyone has something to offer, most do not possess the courage to offer it.


Latest version of iLives reader is linked to from this post, including the source code.



anyone know all the possible ways to find SC4 folders automatically on both Windows, OSX and *nix with Wine?

I am not finding that on the Ilive's reader source (confusing source that one :( )


I have searched for this method extensively writing the installer script for the CAM. Here is what I have found.

Windows - Make sure the Registry view is 32 bit. Game installation is registered under HKEY/Local Machine/Software/Maxis/SimCity 4 "install dir" key
Of course, if the registry is in 64 bit view, the Software key is Wow64node.

OSX - This is only with Steam, Apple Mac store or manual install. The install path will be Users/<username>/Applications/<program name>  the paths may or may not be listed in a .plist file. This is hit and miss. OSX rebuilds these associations automatically by the Applications folder. There is no registry.

On both, the default plugins directory /Documents/SimCity 4/Plugins. I have not been able to find any place to change this setting except the command line arguments. This tells me the external plugin path is in the executable.

Wine changes things quite a bit. Check with A Nonny Moose at Simtropolis. He runs a Linux Machine running SC4 through wine exclusively and for quite some time. He also has a lot of technical knowledge about Wine and it's method of running SC4.
Everyone has something to offer, most do not possess the courage to offer it.


Remember that Steam installs all games by default in "C:/Program Files/Steam/steamapps/common" or, on OSX, in "Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common". But many Steam users could have the Steam folder installed on another drive.