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SC4Reader Tool

Started by Tropod, February 05, 2014, 01:32:52 PM

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For PNG users I can think the ability to bulk export this way would be a boon, since right now using FSH2PNG mk2 it's necessary to do them in batches of 200, sounds OK until you get to the tedious files with many thousands of textures. A simple one click solution would be an excellent addition. Is it possible in the filtering to select say just the 0 wealth/zoom 5 textures, that would also be handy?


I do know of the slightly unwieldy way of mgb204's method but I was hoping that it could be made easier (and it can!). The number is probably closer to hundreds rather than thousands and I do know of the incremented file naming export system but obviously it doesn't work when you have IID's that don't go up by one each time. Thanks a lot for putting it in the next update because textural overrides will become easier and easier with this kind of automation.



Quote from: mgb204 on August 08, 2015, 02:53:41 PM
For PNG users I can think the ability to bulk export this way would be a boon, since right now using FSH2PNG mk2 it's necessary to do them in batches of 200, sounds OK until you get to the tedious files with many thousands of textures. A simple one click solution would be an excellent addition. Is it possible in the filtering to select say just the 0 wealth/zoom 5 textures, that would also be handy?

on main list right click -> TGI Filter -> T/G/I & filters accordingly, so you could just put 7AB50E44 for TypeID & xxxxxxx# (where #=ID) for IID.


OK So yes I know that is shameless plug for my MD lol, but I do have to say I like the region view and no the tiles are not bugged just a bad save copy from my OLD video card that didnt really like anything lol... BUT my new GT 610 kicks butt lol

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update  1.4.5;
Export TGI(s) function improvements.

Can export any file either by custom name or T/G/I etc plus options.

Accessible via main list right click -> Export TGI(s) & it will open up prompt for which you can set some options. Once you click "Apply" the usual save dialog will display & save depending on options chosen. Be extra careful using the Export TGI(s) function when exporting, particularly large number of files & particularly using 0xTGI export, as once saving starts it won't prompt for file overwriting, so best to create new folder when exporting.


double EDIT:
When save dialog comes up once you click apply;
Custom name option obviously just name whatever you want to save.
0xTGI save option; formats to use is
without quotes & as is. ie don't use 0x12345678 for IID, just input 0xI.
For either custom/0xTGI save options;
In save dialog box you can input your own custom extension if you want to with/without any of the "Include" options, for example;
and it will save any relevant files with that extension regardless of actual file format.

Include options;
-File Extension option is internal file type.
-rdr file is as per current, and is a helper extension required for importing TGI files.
-TGI info file is just txt file with TGI info.

nice screenie  :thumbsup:. Will you be updating those cities that look a bit whacky?


Thanks so so so so much for the export update - has proved immeasurably helpful so far. I do have one more idea at the moment that would help - being able to have multiple filters at a time, e.g. for selecting only the largest mipmaps (0X#######4/9/E).

That would be awesome,

Actually being able to add "_a" to the end of the 0xI string would be welcome for alphas.


update 1.4.5b
T/G/I filter; multi filtering added; have a play around with this, it's not perfect but should suffice.
Export TGI; FSH2PNG blend export option added.
Export TGI; Prefix, separator & suffix added, allows for customizing relevant start/separator/end of T/G/I. Only for 0xTGI exporting.


I wanted to have a look at it however mfc120u.dll is missing, any idea how I can get it and where to put?
The Floraler

This is the end, hold your breath and count to ten, feel the earth move, and then...

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *    *   *   *   *   *    * 


Tropod you absolute genius! Cheers man for another perfect patch.

Giraffe try downloading said .dll from a trustworthy source on the internet and copying it into the folder where the reader.exe is - thats what worked for me.

And on that note - mfc120u.dll is a debug version of that file - might want to check into that Tropod?



there's a link on first page;

Quote from: Tropod on February 05, 2014, 01:32:52 PM
You'll also need Microsoft's mfc.dll if you don't have it already, specifically need to install 32bit/x86 C++ redistributable package as this tool currently runs in 32bit;

As for mfc120u.dll..... ??? will have to check that out.


I sure am Tropod, taking a little time... getting distracted playing in them lol, with all large tiles and some odd # of them takes a bit lol

Don't forget the SC4D Podcast is back and live on Saturdays @ 12 noon CST!! -- The Podcast soon to Return Here Linkie


update 1.4.6 - see first post for link.
FSH->Animations added.
FSH->Animations->Export added. Whichever of; "Color, Alpha, Blend" tab is selected/active, will be exported.
Export TGIs->FSH->Animation->Blend added.
Auto Play animation option added.
Zoom added to images.


1.4.7 update
Batch exporting added & accessible via main menu (ie right mouse click). "a" keyboard button can also be used for batch adding of selected files.
S3D->REGP tab & editing added.
S3D->PROP tab & editing added.
Export TGI(s) ->S3D->3DS added.


I have a problem. All time I want to install the updated reader, it says it wouldn´t work under winXP32.

Thanks in advance!


The program doesn't require installation, just need to unzip & run (or double click) "SC4Reader.exe". The options will also need to be set.
If you're not getting past this you'll need to be more specific with any error messages you're getting; "it says it wouldn't work" doesn't help me :thumbsup:.


Oh sorry, I did not know, how to translate the message into proper English. So I will try again...  ;)

I simply opened the rar like you said and double clicked on the exe. Then I´ve got the message, that this would be "a not permitted win32 application"
My system is win XP, 32bit. And I have no problem to start the old Reader from the LEX.

Hope, this is more informative.  :)


The reader on the LEX may be ilives reader? This program is not quite the same.
Try re-downloading it first. You need to unzip the whole contents (ie zip folder), not just open it, and then double click exe.
If that doesn't work are you able to post screenshot of the steps you are taking & error message?

Make sure you have following;
Quote from: Tropod on February 05, 2014, 01:32:52 PM
You'll also need Microsoft's mfc.dll if you don't have it already, specifically need to install 32bit/x86 C++ redistributable package as this tool currently runs in 32bit;

Antivirus/firewall also can sometimes cause problems.


Yeah, until now I am using ilive´s reader. But I would like to have all the possibilities you implemented here. So I´ve downloaded the program from this thread.

And yes, I did unzip it. Then I got this folder:

Now I double click the exe and:

Do I maybe need some dll? Thanks again for your help, it´s much appreciated!


try this version (unzip & run): https://www.dropbox.com/s/ow6etng9qdxb4nl/SC4Reader_Release_v147xp.zip?dl=0
(EDIT: this was put together quickly, so you may notice this is bit larger in size.)

You do need to make sure you've installed the above mentioned mfc.dll in my previous post.
What version of WinXP are you running? ie SP1/SP2/SP3 etc?

Some other thoughts, if the above file doesn't work:
-do you have another OS/PC to try on? ie Win7/Win8 etc.
-Have you tried disabling firewall/antivirus?
-running from different location? You're running this from D drive, that can some times be used for CDs/DVDs drive.

Try previous version of reader, links can be found on this page higher up, see if you encounter same problem.

I'll fire up my WinXP to see if I can't troubleshoot this on my end.


A big thank you first! Sometimes I should read more watchful. I´ve downloaded the Package from your link above and well - now it starts.

EDIT: everything is fine. Thanks a lot again!

EDIT 2: Not everything is fine. Now I get this message if I start:

I´ve changed game directory, plugins, regions, and language in the options, but it seems not to find the dat files. If I click "fill the list" it does, but then, after restart it is the same problem.
I can open any file with it though.
What am I doing wrong now?  $%Grinno$%