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Kapete's B.A.T. Thread

Started by kapete, April 19, 2011, 08:02:03 AM

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Quote from: kapete on April 19, 2011, 08:16:34 AM
Hi everyone. My name is Carlos and i come from Spain. I'm not new on sc4devotion but well in its forums. I have been playing simcity since it was released and am still enjoying it. I'm also interested on Batting and Modding, which is in my opinion the best of SC4 and what keeps this game alive.

I love languages, I study German in Barcelona and I am also able to talk a bit of Dutch, Danish-Norwegian-Swedish, and I'm deeply interested in Icelandic. I can also Spanish, Catalan and have no problems understanding portuguese and italian. I learnt English at school but I have to say that I have gradually  forgotten it and it also has been influenced by other languages ​​I've learned. I will try to speak it as best I can!
Nice to meet you all  ;D

Hi everyone. I have been enjoying Simcity 4 since it was released and have also tried several times to introduce my self in the amazing world of BATting.
Here are a few images of creations I made in my previous "bat periods", These BATs were released on ST and are still available for download

This one was really a powerwaste!

I really felt the need of having a REPSOL gas station in my regions. I based this on this model:

Since people was able to  upload there any content without a passing "quality control" and that I didn't had the patience enough to let others criticise those projects and came released without taking the advices of others experienced batters. I think that was really a problem.

I have decide to start batting once more and I would like you all to comment it and to help me by giving your advices and constructive critics. I'm currently working on a Coca Cola fabric

There is still so much to do but I'm having problems by figuring it out what would be the best details for the roof. I'm having also problems with the down-right corners. Is there any sollution so it can be rendered?
Thankyou :)


Your BATs are looking great. May I suggest some more dirt on your models. Then it will look more realistic, even when there isn't any dirt in real.

Solution to get your BAT rendered in full building = refit LOD's


Quote from: peter007 on April 19, 2011, 08:51:55 AM
Your BATs are looking great. May I suggest some more dirt on your models. Then it will look more realistic, even when there isn't any dirt in real.

Solution to get your BAT rendered in full building = refit LOD's

Thank you so much for the suggestions and the solution to that beginer's problem. I will make textures look a bit dirtier  ;D

I installed today 3d max 2010 and also bat4max v5 and made a test box-bat. I have to say I had no problems by installing it (Thanks SimFox!) but when I placed the building on Simcity 4 I got a problem with the shadows. It's bit weird because it just happens on one view and only in the first zooms. Here are two images so that you all can see what I mean. May this be just an exceptional rendering problem or did I do something wrong?(Terrain is plain)

Thank you


An small update!

I put some extractors on the roof and also a skylight. I get always errors when applying the booleans and am a little bit afraid there's no fix without making a new shape. I didn't put still dirtier textures.

Does anyone know if there's a way to import a model from Gmax to 3d max 2010 without losing its objects properties?



Your making great progress. I like it in different ways. The solution for the shadows is a bit guessing around for me. because I didn't ate much cheese of the rendering. So you should contact the big guru's or something. Further on I would suggest that you stop using Boolean. It creates very messy terrains. Simfox made great tutorials how to use 3Ds/Gmax in other ways. I would suggest you read that.
Only things that can't be removed in different ways you should use Boolean.

Look for moddeling tutorials in the tutorial area. If you want to find them.



Thank you! I'll sure contact if it happens again, just to be sure it isn't just a one-time bug! I've been practising with 3d max 2010 and have also taken a look to those tutorials. They have really helped me. I had just never thought poly-editing could be so interesting and clean, ty! I have been working with them in 3ds max and here's the result:

I deleted a poligon by mistake and don't know how can i get them back there  :-[ Any ideas?

Thanks! I'm seriusly thinking of batting more gasstations from other companies!


ctrl-z isn't working I think. So moddeling a new polygon is the best solution I think
Your work is getting better. Keep it up like this



Ctrl-z didn't work so I decided to bat the whole poly once again. It didn't take me so much time. I thought it might be easier to make just one floor and its detailed windows and doors and then clone the whole group to make the other "etages". I made a preview render with the four views and i'm really liking it! Dankjewel Peter007!

So here it goes!

I have to say that doors on elevated floors would have balconies but I haven't still worked on that.

By the way, i'm not forgetting the Coca Cola Fabric  ;D but I'm profundly focused on 3d max

Thank you all for commenting. I really apreciate it  :)

Edit: small update! Fully 'windowed' and with its balconies. Curve-windows were also made without booleans.


niets te danken. Ziet er goed uit.

I like the balcony at the side of the building, maybe it's a idea to make a staircase at that balcony.
And did you thought about making some HVAC units?



Quote from: peter007 on April 24, 2011, 08:21:09 AM
niets te danken. Ziet er goed uit.

I like the balcony at the side of the building, maybe it's a idea to make a staircase at that balcony.
And did you thought about making some HVAC units?


Thanks, It is indeed a good idea. Of course I have thought about that and a lot of details such as plants some chairs and tables in balconies and awnings for the upper ones, a jacuzzy for the central roof-terrace (which still has not a fence!). I had also thought it would be a good idea to make small gardens for the ground apartments. I have still so much to learn but I bring today an small update ;D. I have been working on texturizing the building and have learned a bit of UVMapping  :P.

So here it goes:

Well, I think there's still much to work on but It begins to seem a building! I'm having some problems with the "smooth" modifier. I have seen tutorials about "relax", "push" and others form-smoothers  and have test all of them without getting a desired result. Plants would be placed on more windows and with a variety of colors so as it happens in the real world. I'm also having problems by seeing the interior of the building through the windows. I will create a topic on BAT problems & solutions so it can be seen by more people. I put here anyway the configuration I used on the image above:

comment are really welcome!
thanks :)


good start  ;)

use only arch&design materials

The Floraler

This is the end, hold your breath and count to ten, feel the earth move, and then...

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *    *   *   *   *   *    * 


Veyr nice project.
Like Girafe suggested you should use the arch and design tool.
Tutorials are given by the product and these are explaining everything very good.



Quote from: peter007 on April 25, 2011, 01:53:24 PM
Veyr nice project.
Like Girafe suggested you should use the arch and design tool.
Tutorials are given by the product and these are explaining everything very good.

Thank you once again  :)

Well It came at least. I have been these days a bit busy so I had not all the time to bat I'd had wanted to.
Like peter007 suggested I have place the emergency stair on the small balconies and have put also details for the roof...

There are still others to be placed that's what I have already put:
- Crystal Awnings
- Jacuzzi
- Some plants
- Wooden hammocks (more to be placed?)
- Roof fence

and still to be placed:
- more plants on windows and big balconies
- coffetables
- HVAC Units
- Your suggestions! $%Grinno$

Also a very special Thank to Girafe for helping me with the Arch. & Design Materials for Vray and advice!

Comments are really welcome


Nice progress.
If I were you I would change the roof texture and I would make the emercency staircase a bit wider.
Here back in holland they have to be 1,2 meters wide so...



Quote from: peter007 on April 30, 2011, 02:00:28 PM
Nice progress.
If I were you I would change the roof texture and I would make the emercency staircase a bit wider.
Here back in holland they have to be 1,2 meters wide so...


I guess you are right once again. I have changed the roof texture once again but I still don't like it so far /wrrd%&, I will also take a look at the emergency staircase
I have been working on more details for the upper terrace and decided to place an small a bit elevated garden, because i thought there was too much empty space up  there. I have also added some trees and hvac units: my first contact with the unwrap modifier.

here it goes:

Todavía queda mucho por hacer, pero empiezo a ver la luz al final del tunel!
Er is nog veel te doen, maar ik begin het licht aan het eind van de tunnel te zien!


looking much better

a couple of points that may help you:
  - The door is a too narrow
  - Try de-saturating your textures especially the bricks
  - As you said the roof needs some tweaking... (try to "custom make it" with photoshop or gimp)
I thing the garden is a nice touch are you using the foliage of 3ds-max for the flora?



impresionante actualización. But we have to take a look at the facade from your apartment.
It looks a bit empty. Don't you think.
If you want to make it look more realistic I would look to some real life pictures from apartements.
If you look right. You will see that they may have a HVAC unit by their window or they will have
a window sill. And try to make some more dirt on your brick texture and the bricks have to be bigger.
I hope you will use your imagination.

Aaron Graham

I love apartments, but I'm sure you know that. :P Looks nice, may be a little more on the roof texture, do you want your roof texture to be concrete or asphalt? And mybe you can do a little more on the glass, like some curtains or something, it just look a little plane. :D Keep up the great work I will keep an eye on this thread. :thumbsup:
-Simcity4fan12/Sgt Pepper -Kryptowhite -Jumpthefence -beutelschlurf -Hanson784 -Gwail -Don Miguel -Seraf -Kelistmac -Glenni -Aaron Graham -Vlasky -PBGV103 -Darknono35 -Evillions -lucky7- Parisian- Jackreid -GuerrilaWarfare -Sim Fox -un1 -Heblem -AlexandrosB13 -Anotn -SimHoTToDDy


Reminds me a lot like those SC3KU days.  :thumbsup: