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Vendome Column / Colonne Vendôme

Started by serebii666, January 05, 2011, 09:04:54 PM

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After I got a new computer (yay) and was inspired by the TWT's take on Paris, I set out to create my own version. But I couldn't find the last part of Place Vendome!! ()what()

I did however find these pictures around Toutsimcities.com. Could anyone help me in getting this iconic pillar in the french capital?  &hlp

I hope Adrianou doesn't mind I stole these pictures from his MD Lysandares
"If Kyle has 3 apples and is shorter that John who has 7 and if John is taller than Jenny who just graduated from Harvard, how old is Karen?"



Hi ,

Adrien is retired since more than 2 years now ... but , like you , I've got Lysandares still in mind .  :) That model of Vendôme Column ( erected by Napoleon ) is from his own work . And he did never upload it anywhere ... bad new for you , I'm afraid of . &mmm

Speaking about the TWProject , of course we can't work so close to Place Vendôme without consider it . A new version , better scaled , proportioned & textured ( with HD technic we could see its veneer of 425 spiraling bas-relief bronze plates on the pillar ) should be done sooner or later . Maybe from a TWT member ( or maybe Xannepan has it too on his « to do » list ... just my guess . $%#Ninj2)


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Thanks for your help. I guess I'm just going to have to substitute for something else... ()sad()

By the way Would  you use Born78's and Swi21's models or create something from the ground up?
"If Kyle has 3 apples and is shorter that John who has 7 and if John is taller than Jenny who just graduated from Harvard, how old is Karen?"



The Colonne Vendôme is, iirc, proportioned after Trajan's column in Rome. If I can get a hold of a measured drawing of either it should be a breeze to model. Someone else would have to do the texturing, though.