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Ferndale: A Real Life Recreation

Started by Jayster, August 07, 2010, 10:51:17 PM

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Not that bad  :D

I really like it, nature's pictures are superbs

and the way you make your region as in the reality is quite good  :thumbsup:
The Floraler

This is the end, hold your breath and count to ten, feel the earth move, and then...

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *    *   *   *   *   *    * 



A very nice looking small town, and the way you have made small squares in between the houses is working very well.
I would say the large fountain is a bit out of place in that spot. It is such a grand looking feature and could do with a bit more grand looking square or park around it.

Jaysters Dad

Great work! Love all of those swimming pools.



chubby420: Thanks! That's why I put the saturation so high so it adds more life to my pictures
MattyFo: Thanks, and refer to my message  :thumbsup:
Cyclone1001: Well this one is mine  $%Grinno$% Haha thanks!
kelis: Thank you very much!
Girafe: Thank you very much for the kind words!
Battlecat: Thanks!
kwakelaar: Thanks, and yes, I thought the same thing after I took that picture.
Jaysters Dad: Thanks Dad, it's very odd having my actual father comment on something I did across the Internet!  :thumbsup: Hope you like this update too.

With that begins Update 6!

Today I will take you to the city of Sherwood Acres. It's a fairly large city of about 21,000 people. There are about 25,000 commercial jobs.

Heres an overview of the downtown.

This is the north side, a very small commercial development.

This is the end of the line for the train. There's a small station stop near downtown.

Train heading into the train station.

Suburbs, suburbs, and more suburbs.

This is the old train station. It still gets lots of use.

Some detail of the downtown.

One of the two highschools in Sherwood Acres. The two highschools are big football rivals.

During rush hour, about 10,000 cars pass through this intersection.

And now time..... for an.... EXTREMLY big mosaic.

Hope you enjoyed this quite large update!  :thumbsup:



Good update  ;)

I saw my TGV with 5 restaurant cars for 3 2nde class they surely ate a lot  :D  (you can do nothing it's the game of probabilities  ::))

greener it is, better it is  :P
The Floraler

This is the end, hold your breath and count to ten, feel the earth move, and then...

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *    *   *   *   *   *    * 


So many trees!  Your city looks fantastically green and organic!  I like the little old rail station in the suburbs on the STR line.  Where did you pick that one up?


Glad I stopped by here! You have a really nice MD   &apls
I enjoy your use of wide-radius curves, diagonal routes, and incorporation of rail networks. The high school with the large campus including football field was a great touch  :thumbsup:   And of course the abundance of trees and green spaces give it a great look. It looks like the type of place I'd like to live in and also the type of place I'd enjoy creating in SC4 ;)


Oh, I love the trees! So green and lively! I see you've already made good use of the hot, new AVE-2 mod.  :thumbsup: I'm loving it as well.

It looks to me that you use hooha's modular parking lots. For a long time, I've used his pre-constructed builds and lot sizes, but the modular design has always interested me. Am I even right; do you use them? How do you like it if you do? The shear amount of content there intimidates me.

The intersection in 6.8 is fantastic as well. Very busy! Reminds me of a few suburban intersections I've been hopelessly stuck at before :D



I love green suburbs and yours are not an exception :thumbsup: The downtown looks great as well!
Visit my MD, The region of Pirgos!
Last updated: 28 November



Girafe: I really like your TGV, thank you very much for your great work! And thanks for the comment!  :thumbsup:
Battlecat: I found it on one of the Japenese links here. I think it's the one with lots of other transportation stuff.
noahclem: Thank you very much. This is the first style of building I actually enjoy!
chubby420: Yes. I use the modular ones and I LOVE them. They are great, easy to use because before you place them, they have the arrows to show you if you're pointing the right way. I only use about 10 out of all of the modular pieces. Thank you very much!
kwakelaar: Thanks!
Thomas Neto: Thank you very much!
io_bg: Thanks!

Well I don't have time this week to get out a full update, so in the meantime, here is a preview:

This city is called Merdel Beach. It currently has about 1,500 people and I plan to keep it there. Hope you enjoy! Oh one more thing, the OWR5 up in the corner is the outline for an upcoming project of mine. You will just have to wait and see  :thumbsup:



Great man! I love the colorfulness of your region and that mosaic looks awesome!  ;D

,marsh  :thumbsup:


That's a neat looking town!  The diagonally oriented homes are a great touch! 


Visit my MD, welcome to Archipelago



Marsh: Thank you very much!
Battlecat: Thank you very much, C.P.s houses are my new favorites now!
kodlovag: Thanks, well heres an update for you!

With that begins Update 7.

Today's town that will be featured is called Tarson's Cove. It is a very small town with only 984 people. Most of the people take the ferry to the mainland for their job.

Here is an overview of the town facing north. The settlers had to cut away at the cliff to be able to begin development.

The center of the town at sunrise.

This is the islands west side. Plans to construct a light house here are under review.

The small medical center, the town church, and the post office all in one shot.

Some neighborhoods. Everything is within walking distance.

A lot of the people that live here own boats and luckily they have a place to dock them.

More houses.

On the northwest island, there is some open land used to raise cattle.

Open fields.

An overview of the entire field.

An overview of the city facing west.

And that's it for this update. Hope you enjoyed, once again, please comment!  :thumbsup:



Not the white cliffs of Dover but the brown cliffs of Tarson's Cove, it is looking like a charming little harbour town.

Tomas Neto


That is an incredible looking little town!  My compliments on a fine job of creating a very realistic town limited by the local terrain.  The marina is a great touch, glad to see you left enough room for the boats to maneuver!  :) 

The sunrise shot is particularly cool.