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NAM: Development

Started by memo, April 29, 2007, 06:33:33 AM

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Quote from: Terring7 on September 09, 2020, 01:23:32 AM
Quote from: metarvo on September 08, 2020, 08:40:59 AMIt can be an advantage though.  Just think of it... a new form of RCI access without conventional road frontage.  It will also boost the underground city scene a lot, with the potential for buildings to have underground entrances.

Oh boy, functional underground cities ;D

The idea of expanding our cities downwards when land is at premium, moving huge transportation systems underground to make some room at the ground level, and even build entire subterranean cities, has been around since a long time and it's not going to leave us anytime soon, from this 1925 prediction...

...to the Alice City proposed for Tokyo in 1989...

...to the Earthscraper proposed in 2011 (I think) for Mexico.

Mix this new discovery with the underground buildings already made for the game, like these...

...and we'll have actual underground cities with actual subterranean commute. Endless possibilities  &dance

I know it's too soon, but I have some questions. Apart from cars, does this support bus and freight truck as well? Can pedestrians use the flexible underground roads too? Can we cross those roads to build underground intersections? What will happen if we cross those roads with actual subways? Will they interfere with them? Can we use this technology to build flexible underground railroads too? If yes, we could build an underground network of freight railroads right under our heavy industries!

Keep it up and never stop pushing the limits, folks  :thumbsup: :bnn:

Interesting images. I can imagine what it would look like if for instance, they would build a pedestrian deck right here:


Hello ,

I want suggest a complement, for the RHW (URHW = Underground RHW) .

At this time , this tube existes for the Flup :

With LHD and RHD , I think that is good if there are elements with green light in right and left (only an idea).

To complete this collection of elements, I propose this parts :

Tube entrance :

Underground RHW in 2x2 :

transition between tunnel and half underground.

transition with a aerial round about :

sample transition with aerial way :

undercover way in underground for a center of round about :

part of underground connection :

My skill with BAT are limited . I own Gmax , BAT and SC4PIMX. I'm don't know the system with program to transform a lot / model in TE (transit enable).

I can in first time product a lot in cosmetic or eyes candies.


I loves Sim City forever!

Paul 999

That looks great!


I am working on an overhaul of the road-based roundabouts.  Here is a teaser of one of many features being added:


Neat. Will we be seeing that with MIS as well?
Pink horse, pink horse, she rides across the nation...


Quote from: Wiimeiser on March 07, 2021, 02:53:52 PM
Neat. Will we be seeing that with MIS as well?

I am planning to attempt it.  Seems like it should be possible, but no guarantees.


Shouldn't be too hard, it's probably just drawing yellow lines on one side and modifying the other.

And after watching this video I think a rail partial Y might be a good thing to have...
Pink horse, pink horse, she rides across the nation...


Hey Tarkus! I read your post on Simtropolis about diggers and raisers. That is great! I am always raising and lowering by 7.5 and 10 in order to get to 2.5. This just might will make things much easier for me.


Spot the new flex piece...  :P

- Billy


It's where two streets are coming off opposite sides of the same avenue segment. Failing that it's one of the avenueXavenue intersections. Other than that I have no clue.
Pink horse, pink horse, she rides across the nation...


I also see a standard avenue running diagonally. Those look pretty but can suffer congestion because of the shared cells down the median where the opposite lanes of travel overlap.

For that and other reasons, I switched to using TLA-5, and I dream of the day when basic roads can intersect with their diagonals.
Modding PC games since 1993 (back when we needed hex-editors)


Hello NAM team,

If you want use 3D models GMAX of URHW , it's possible . You can download this here : https://community.simtropolis.com/files/file/34464-urhw-gmax-model/ .

It's not a lot or sc4model ;)


I give up, what's the new piece?

I don't know if that URHW piece would be NAM-relevant...
Pink horse, pink horse, she rides across the nation...


street x AVE4 x SAM, if I'm seeing it correctly...
&apls &apls &apls

"Lets be scientists and as such, remember always that the purpose of politics is not freedom, nor authority, nor is any principle of abstract character,
but it is to meet the social needs of man and the development of the society"

— Valentín Letelier, 1895



Quote from: Wiimeiser on May 18, 2021, 05:45:12 PMI give up, what's the new piece?

It's à project for URHW :)

Quote from: Wiimeiser on May 18, 2021, 05:45:12 PMI don't know if that URHW piece would be NAM-relevant...

This piece can be give a mid underground with skyview


An other idea : Truck, trafic and train generator with NAM, RHW , NWM , rail pieces  . Possible  ;D ?


Boop  :P

- Billy


Nice. Will definitely be using this. Ready for NAM 42 I assume?

And I still don't know what the previous piece was, I didn't see a single new Flex piece there...
Pink horse, pink horse, she rides across the nation...


We want more! We want more! We want more! We want more! We want more!  :thumbsup: &apls :bnn:
I loves Sim City forever!


Quote from: Wiimeiser on May 21, 2021, 06:03:32 PM
Nice. Will definitely be using this. Ready for NAM 42 I assume?

And I still don't know what the previous piece was, I didn't see a single new Flex piece there...

Oh sorry Wiimeiser! You were 100% correct initially, the piece is currently available in NAM 41 in the Avenue Roundabout menu.

This piece is... unlikely for 42 due to some complexity with how it will be FLEXible but you never know!

- Billy